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What is the focus of the living story?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: ohnoitslubu.4387


Is it designed so that an individual can feel like they are a critical part of something in the world? How does that work if it is integrated into something like a WvW environment? Why choose a new system of story(which is typically based around pve)and integrate it into a system where people can lose, hard, to other players playing from the same side of a story? How do you intend to continue to integrate a story that progresses regardless of if a person succeeds at a prior event or not? The primary story in GW2 does not allow a person to continue until they complete their story events personally, so if they living story is focused on them, how do you intend to hook them from a legitimate story/immersion angle if the story progresses whether they win or lose? For me, the story stops mattering, for any reason at all, the minute it progresses despite me losing. I don’t care to do other events, because I can get equal gear doing non-story events. How are you going to lure people into these events that your game designers say are set up to improve over-all player skill, when the rewards are so paltry?

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: ohnoitslubu.4387


One more thing, because I want to make sure I cover my bases if ANET is checking this thread. No matter what happened in the living story, no matter how vested I was in it up until this point, all of it is moot when I never finish the marionette event. I haven’t beaten Scarlet. I didn’t win. If next week a cutscene shows the forces beating her, I’ve lost my connection to it. I don’t care because I was incapable of gaining a single victory. So my desire to carry on with living story becomes phenomenally diminished. If I failed to beat a boss in another RPG, the game doesn’t just fake it like I beat it and force me to keep going, and if it did, I’d stop playing, because the immersion is gone. If living story is the story for Guild Wars 2, and I cannot beat a boss within the story, then for me, the immersion is gone. I’m not a part of the winning team or the fighting team or any team anymore. I’m a bystander watching other people be heroes, and that’s not a fun place to be.

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: ohnoitslubu.4387


I appreciate at least one ANET employee finally getting on the forums and openly addressing people that didn’t have a good time with the events. It was starting to feel like we were being ignored since threads that were praising it had multiple employees posting in them. The best I can hope for is even if the event doesn’t change, at least someone is listening for next time. Please don’t make the success of my work hinge on 124 other people’s ability to effectively do a job they’ve no experience doing.

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: ohnoitslubu.4387


My primary complaint is that I’ve been in the event like 10 times and never had a winning group, and before any balancing or changing ever occurs to THIS event, I imagine it’ll be gone. So I’ll have zero victories over marionette, despite playing to the best of my ability when I had time, and nothing to really show for it. So I’m not thrilled about that. I’m not happy that I will probably never complete an event that feels like everyone should have an equal shot but is ultimately up to the rando gods of pug groups to complete. I’m one guy, I work 6 nights a week, my options are limited and I feel like there’s zero ways for me to get anything out of this event. :[

(edited by ohnoitslubu.4387)

ANET Employees are looking into the problems

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ohnoitslubu.4387


from Lost Shores, but has a single one come out and apologized for this fustercluck yet? Phase 1’s complete unworkability and massive bugs. The poor scheduling of the event. The handling of the lag/dcs/everything else that went wrong? I don’t care if you’re looking into why it failed if you’re not going to apologize for the fact that it was a kittentorm to begin with.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ohnoitslubu.4387


I’m not going to re-type out the massive wall ‘o text I had in the last thread, so I’ll just summaraize:

Day 1 – Marred with bugs that have been present in other Dynamic Events since day 1, lag that Anet should have prepared for, poor communication between GMs and Players when they tried to come in and “Fix” the broken bits.

Day 2 – A total fiasco that ended with many not seeing the starting events that lead to Southsun Cove. There is also a painfully large lack of content to do on Southsun Shore now that the event is over, and the mob balancing there is ridiculously bad. I doubt many are going to spend much time here when they can have a much easier time farming mats for their Ascended and Legendary gear in Orr or the FoM.

Day 3 – Terrible pacing and overly-long segments of the Dynamic Event to simply “pad” for time made for one of the most un-enjoyable experiences I, and many, have had in this game. Couple that with the DC issues, the horrible lag, and the lack of fun from the event and you have one of the most unforgettably awful events to “Grace” an MMO in a very long time.

The short of it is: Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Test Server so players can test this content and give feed back and report bugs before it goes live. There is no reason this mess should have reached the live servers in the state it was at launch.

One Time Events like this also need to stop if this is what the future of them is going to be. The events would be fine occasionally to mark the launch of a new expansion or what not, as long as these events lasted for a week or two with repeating Dynamic Events so those that are unable to attend (for whatever reason) on one day can still participate on another without missing out on anything.

Blade Syphon hit the nail on the head. In every regard. The event was poorly executed and the information was bleak at best. I don’t want to use a walkthrough to experience an event in GW2. I shouldn’t need a point by point breakdown of the location of every exact npc or I won’t get the story, item, whatever, nevermind the fact that half those NPCs were bugged. It was just bad. Really, really bad. And I don’t feel like anyone on your team gives a kitten about people that work on the weekends, suffice to say that nobody that works for ANET acknowledged that we play GW2 and get juiced on the content because of that, that the scheduling was a poor choice, that the time-line was badly iterated. My feelings for this are the polar opposite of the Mad King event. Mad King was awesome. This is tripe.