Showing Posts For omgonoes.5368:

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


Score update brought to you by my alt, Hulked On You!


Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


If you mean the thief in Jerrifer’s I was in there twice today. Once I had a fight with two members of [Choo] (good fight, by the way) that lasted a few minutes. The build I uses focuses on stealth so I can maintain it almost perma status. I use Ambush and traps to maintain it when I choose to hide. Which is why when I was in Jerrifers the second time with roughly 16 Stormbluff you guys couldn’t find me. No hacks, just a traited build that I use to its fullest.

Haha, that would have been myself(Necromancer) and the Guardian, right? We were trying to chase you down in Jerrifer’s for sooo long it seemed like. We weren’t about to let you revive your mesmer buddy laying there on the plateau, although you were able to once. That was pretty fun, even if you were aggravating the kitten out of us :P

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

(edited by omgonoes.5368)

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


Had some cheaters from Memento Mori guild screwing with SBI earlier from TC server

We were attempting to figure out if they were just jumping into the keep some how, but I got to watch them speed hack away while under the thats how they were doing it.

Funny, when we took SBI keep in EB, the same guys were in there. I was wondering how they were self reviving with no noticeable thief around(I know how thief works, I play one). I figured it was multiple thieves, guess it wasn’t.

I remember some of our guys in TS earlier saying that they thought they saw a TC guy under the ground. I wasn’t around them at the time, so I wasn’t able to snap a screenie.

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


What this thread needs now is a score update!

Here you go, good sir.

Ty, good sir!

I note you are a necro, I note you have 3 wells on your bar, and I note you use R for your heals. We are practically brothers.

Brother.. is that you?!

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


What this thread needs now is a score update!

Here you go, good sir.


Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


Looking forward to derailing [Choo] some more.

Well, we’ve taken over nearly all of EB. Still there, as well. Come get us.

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


Fun in SBI BL.

I think it would have been more fun if Choo stuck to one map, CDS another and Fear the last. When you guys combined it gave the appearance of Choo calling for help after a number of wipes. Not much 100v30 needed out there lol.

Most of us got off, so we would have done no good holding a BL ourselves, with only a little number of us. Therefore our forces needed to be consolidated.

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


This is the first time that I’ve been privileged to participate in this match-up, and wow; it’s been competitive, tight, and fun. Attempting to hold Garrison in SoR BL tonight from both SBI and TC from all sides was the most fun that I’ve had in WvW in a great while, even thought we lost it. Kudos to all servers, as this week has been one for the books thus far already. I think I can speak for all of us here at SoR and [Choo], there is nothing but respect for both servers. I believe that is one reason why this matchup has been so interesting; mutual respect between us all. See you on the field, everyone!

Score Update:


Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Show important forum posts on the launcher

in Suggestions

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


ArenaNet, I suppose, haha. I was just thinking something like a window with a scroll bar, that strictly shows AreanNet posts or something along those lines.

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

Show important forum posts on the launcher

in Suggestions

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


Hi there,

First of I’d like to say that I know a lot of players, myself included, do not frequent these forums for various reasons. Though, I do know that important, informational posts occur from ArenaNet that I would otherwise not know of if not for r/GuildWars2. What I was thinking, was just having a window in the launcher that previews multiple posts from ArenaNet on the forums, so that maybe these players can really know what is going on, whether it’s patch notes or whatever. I feel that it would just be pretty handy and players are already logged in at this point, so they could just go directly to the forums from there if they so desire.

I don’t know, it could be something too big to ask for or it could be so minuscule that it’s pointless. I just figured I’d give my two cents as it’s something that had just occurred to me, and so I shared!


Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer


in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


I haven’t been able to be on much this week, but from the battles today I’ve had quite the blast. Watch out though, i’m a jerk with my Necro

Can’t wait to see some variation in the match ups though!

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


It’s been a really great night tonight in the Blackgate BL, I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been there. We’ve been working hard all day here over at SoR, and I applaud everyone for their determination and fighting spirit. Big props to the Commanders that lead us day in and day out, winning or losing. This week has been a fantastic match up thus far, and has provided a load of learning experience and fun. “Beastgate” is one tough server and has not let up yet, nor do I see them doing so. You guys REALLY want your Garrison back Although they are behind, I admire IoJ’s spirit as they have really managed to hold their own, you guys have a tough crowd as well. I’m looking forward for what all is to come, and I’ll see you on the battlefield; where i’m not as friendly.

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer