Showing Posts For pdgeorge.6839:
Personally, I’m sick of playing with latencys of 300+
Most games I have played would have you disconnected from the server when your latency is over 200 (or even 100). However here, I am currently playing with 500 right this second.
PvP is impossible against players who live near the server, PVE is difficult when your character reacts a few seconds after you tell it to do something (however you still see it bounce around because it has no clue whats going on) so it isn’t unheard of to get kicked from a dungeon because of your lag.
Several servers are already primarily populated by Australians/etc. having been unofficially claimed as servers for people in our time zone so it is pretty obvious there is a market for at least 3-5 high population servers (maybe more. One reason a lot of Australians are put off of MMO’s is because of the lag)
I don’t know how often Arena Net reads these forums but we need more people saying we need servers closer to us. I know a large number of people have been complaining about the lag in game and it is encouraging people to quit.
I still can’t figure out why this can’t be fixed.
The real benefit of being able to guest is only two small areas:
People who want to test out another server before transferring there (not that many fall under that category)
People who have friends on other servers and want to play with them.
Most other games don’t cater for either of them and it doesn’t really add much to be able to do that. If you have friends who are on other servers, either join them on that server/they join you… or just simply accept the fact you can’t play together.
I know that sounds harsh, but for every 1 person who is in that catagory, there is over 50 who are using guesting simply to get more loot from dragons.
Oh what a great suggestion!
“My suggestion… I’m seeing a lot of people making a similar suggestion… rather than doing anything about it, why don’t you just continue to ignore it?”
Guesting screws with far too many people on their native servers. I don’t want to have to play around server hopping trying to be able to do things, I just want to be able to play the game.
I’m not entirely sure why this isn’t a thing…
But when you’re in the middle of a fight in WvW you shouldn’t have to stop paying attention to the fight etc. to keep an eye out for loot (that also quickly becomes harder to find the more a battle drags on) so you either have to risk becoming dead weight in a battle by regularly looking to pick up stuff or risk losing out on drops.
The loot is already dropped near your feet when you die, so it isn’t a think to stop people camping. I don’t understand at all why it can’t be just auto-picked up (unless it’s a limitation of the actual game)
The problem with that though is while I may get the kill still, the overflow might not have enough people.
Say the map has a cap of 50 people (random number) and 55 people join the map. 30 of them are there for the dragon, 5 of them are thrown to the overflow so there is only 5 people hunting the dragon in the overflow map.
Also there is the issue of not being able to kill the dragon with my fellow guild members who are already there, simply because of all the people guesting and I was forced into overflow when they weren’t/the other way around. (Yes you can get around that by partying up, but organizing that ends up being an extra hassle that just shouldn’t exist)
First off: How many people actually use server guesting for what it is ‘meant’ for?
Going to another server to play with a friend who is over there/play on that server to see if you want to swap servers over there.
Seriously, the VAST majority of server guesting is people hopping from server to server killing dragons/world events for the chests. I don’t have a problem with that so much but it has gotten to a ridiculous level!
If I’m playing on my server and a guildie tells me “Hey, Jormag is up!” I head straight there… and put in an overflow server because of all the guesting redacted insults who are there.
We all know it happens, we know it’s talked about etc. so either get rid of server guesting, or make it that you can’t get a chest when you are guesting on another server.
More things missing:
How much a person has contributed
MotD should pop up in chat or something visible because most people don’t open guild window to read it every day.
What about if you have a speed buff you don’t get slowed by combat?
This is specifically for just how many skills are about giving you speed and running away (such as Retreat… How are you meant to retreat when you are talking a mild walk at best?)
Agree with Lures, no reason for everyone to get booted from the dungeon when the original person leaves.
I’m guessing the reason is because the person who started it is the one used in cut scenes… So why not just make second person to join (or random player) the new ‘leader’?
It really makes no sense to me to only allow people to be rewarded for world events once per day. It discourages a lot of people from doing them so they don’t bother showing up and all it does in practice is remove content from players.
Why not reward players like they are rewarded for dungeons?
First run of the day, you get the best reward. Every other run, you get a smaller reward (maybe 75% as good as the original rewards were) so you still get something from doing it, but it discourages people from farming all the time (which I’m sure was the original intent)
Basically there is two parts to this:
1) Most importantly, it would be REALLY good to make it so that people’s contribution to a guild’s influence was kept track of.
It really is unfair to keep it so that you can’t tell who is an active guild member and who isn’t unless you regularly see on the chat/etc. as some people provide a lot of influence but are never noticed.
2) Give some sort of reward (like the WvW rewards) to people who contribute a lot of influence to their guild.
Obviously it only counts towards the guild you are repping etc. so if you rep and gain 2,000 influence you gain a 0.5% magic find bonus, 5,000 a different bonus, 20,000 etc. you get the idea.
This would encourage people to put more effort into helping their guild grow and reward people who do so.
Minor thing
Orichalcum gauntlet plates are spelled “gaunlet” without the t.
Ok, we already have the guild message of the day obviously, but you only see it if you open up the guild tab purposely and read it. So obviously if it needs to be updated regularly (like… maybe updated each day) the vast majority of people do not do it. Especially because they don’t know if the MotD has changed.
So the suggestion:
When you log in, on the chat window, whatever the guild’s MotD is should be shown there first.
Potentially give people the chance to turn it off in the guild tab, or make it so that it doesn’t show up if you aren’t representing the guild (the latter would be the best I think)