Showing Posts For pizzamurai.8326:

New builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Please start doing them at or around 6 am (accounting for server region) instead of right smack dab in one of the top active times of the day.

Pretty please.

GW2: how my suggestions make you lots of $

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Cloaks of several different varieties, able to be dyed in several different patterns depending on the cloak. Is somebody working on this?

In conclusion… Roleplayers are a larger base than you think (and everyone has a little role player in them) and we buy things, sometimes we buy stupid things that other people look at and go “Why?”. Not only that, but we’re even more loyal and eager to throw money at you than we already are when you give us these trivial things like animations (Specially the interactive ones, I can’t stress enough how much money you could be making by selling ), town clothes variety, cloaks, little objects and things we can do to put a stamp on the world even if it’s just temporary (the time, not the object), reducing collision on chairs and other objects in the world which when combined with the new sitting animations will change the game entirely and satisfy thousands of people roleplayers and other players alike WILL buy.

So why not cater to us? The people actually throwing money at you out here, and not those people lording it over your heads that they powered through your PVE content and now are bored with everything they do, or those people who form guilds to zerg everything in sight in WvW and then get bored when they control everything and have nobody to challenge them so they demand you do something to ease their pain? Did I mention neither of those groups really buys anything from you? But you know this, I don’t mean to patronize. Help me, help you. Help me give you my money, so I can help you to make a better game for all of us.

(edited by pizzamurai.8326)

GW2: how my suggestions make you lots of $

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Don’t get me wrong, I love this game… but it has such massive potential and more of it needs to be fulfilled in my opinion. Therefore, I will now present some questions and other things which have come from my personal discrepancies and desires with the game (as well as other things I have seen constantly suggested by others than myself but that I would also pay money for)and where I see it going if the group that is being catered to continues to get all the attention, rather than making you money on the things people actually want aside from this mysterious “end game”.

There are no guild halls or player housing being worked on at this time as stated by a dev recently (confirmed). Why not? If it’s something you wanted in the game truly, would you not have at least one guy in a darkly lit room working on this somewhere until you’re confident enough to add more? And to stem from that, Guild hall battles were up there with, and in my opinion the best, pvp GW1 had in my opinion… so why is this not a higher priority? Consider this when you make your first expansion (preferably sooner than later).

Town clothes feature is a joke, quite literally. There has been no mention of “real” town clothes being in the works that I know of. Are we going to see any variety at all, or is this just going to be settled in as a novelty toy feature? If you want to make money, strip the NPCs in all the cities of their clothes (Not literally mind you) and put them into town clothes packs in the gem stores. I guarantee you this will make you lots of money.

Sitting on anything but the ground? Good luck. If we can’t have sit enabled chairs or such in the world, can you at least tone down the massive and wonky amount of collision on these items so we can try to do it ourselves? And add in a couple new sitting animations (Stool, bench, ground, ledge, etc A-la City of Heroes, rest in peace). If you -really- want to make money off of it… sell these new animations in the gem store for a reasonable price (I’m talking 2-5 dollars depending on just how many you include). I guarantee you would make money on this, as well as make more loyal customers

Why can we not make our own chat channels yet?

Interact-able objects in the world Can we have more of them? Opening and closing doors. Tavern fires that need to be rekindled because nobody stoked them or added more wood. More items we can place in the world for short amounts of time like ale mugs, letters, and any number of little trinkets with no other purpose than to be purchased from the gem store for roleplay. These things should be permanent items with a limited duration and a cooldown to match the duration to prevent endless spamming in most cases though obviously it would be up to your discretion. (yes, you can profit on this, and you would profit well. Mark my words)

Interactive emotes (with the option to auto decline in options therefore entirely negating any chance of people abusing it). Propose a hug to another player, they can either accept or decline, which will then result in a pre-canned emote of both players being sucked into a hug, or nothing if declined. Propose a dance to another player, if accepted you can vote on a couple different pre-canned dance animations and they’ll start doing the tango or.. whatever you decide to put in. I think this would go a very very long way to revolutionizing the way roleplay happens in MMOs, and you’d garner a very massive and very loyal roleplayer base for doing it. The possibilities for these interactive emotes are -literally- endless… and best of all *if you -really- want to make money off of it you can do what city of heroes did and sell these emotes as unlocks in packs in the gemstore much like city of heroes did (and made a pretty penny off all of them I might add) Again, I can put my stamp on this suggestion and say you -will- make money off of this, in more ways than one. *

More armor variety. I mean a lot more. Just to clarify, when I say variety, I don’t mean ascended gear, and MORE things we have to grind for… just armors with good old normal stats. Skimpy and not skimpy…. dresses and sleek suits… AND PANTS…. PLEASE GOD MORE PANTS… JUST PANTS. I apologize for the outburst, I’m just suffering from a severe lack of pants and too many trench coats, kilts, and skirts. Some shorts would be nice as well, you know, the thing between pants and speedos? Not kilts or skirts? Once again, you can make money on this if you truly want to, adding more skins to the gem store… though honestly this one should be a freebie since we’re confined by armor classes (AKA light, medium, and heavy).

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Honestly, saying an MMO has no hope because it prioritizes fixing bugs over implementing even more buggy content is extremely short-sighted.

Everything I was going to say has already been said well by others. But please do me a wonderful favor and point out to me where I ever said this game has no hope? Pretty please with sugar on top?


in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Is it so bothersome to not kick people who are obviously actively typing?

I type a lot during guild meetings and have too many things to think about and address to remember moving just because the system has a design flaw.


in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Dear anet. Stop logging me out for not actively playing when I’ve obviously been typing away to the guild. STOP IT.

Thank you <3

Human cultural tier 3, assassin's armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326



Human cultural tier 3, assassin's armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Okay, I bought into your silly gold sink. Now the ball is in your court.

1. Fix this absolutely horrible clipping of the sash into your leg. Honestly, I have yet to see the front of this thing because it’s clipped 100% of the time no mater how I try to move around, jump etc... it’s even clipping into the leg when standing perfectly still. Double you tee eff, mate?

2. What is happening from the inside of these leggings to the outside? The inside with abyss dye is a smooth black leather just like the top... but the outer thighs on down looks like some horrible metal scale looking crap that apparently can’t be dyed worth a kitten regardless of what color you want to use and looks utterly horrible with the rest of the tier 3 armor because it -never- fits in due to this.

This is not worthy of being called human cultural armor if you’re going to leave it half-arsed.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Ah yes, the priority argument. If you honestly want to use that argument, you might as well just kill your hopes for any MMO now and in the future.

You realize these games aren’t designed by one guy sitting in an office binge drinking red bull, correct?

And to Aza, for roleplay mostly

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


I apologize for sounding agitated but these are not difficult things to do.

1. Preview option in the trading post. I mean, honestly, how much work can it -possibly- be to add this?

2. More town clothes options. There are at -LEAST- 50 different clothing options that NPCs use that you could simply stick in a vendor or even the gem store (Unless they are part of the npc model themselves, but regardless).

3. A /roll command that rolls a random number with the option to put your own number in there… like if you want to roll out of 5 /roll 5. This is an extremely basic feature, please add it.

4. ‘Last logged in’ section for the guild window. As in, tracking when your guild members last logged into the game.

5. Officer chat for guilds, or just plain the ability to create new chat channels. I don’t know why this hasn’t been done yet but that seems to be the recurring theme here.

6. Dye application section in the equipment preview section. This is always a guessing game for me. Sometimes my gear appears red. Sometimes brown. Sometimes black. Sometimes gold. Please add the option for us to use our characters acquired dyes in the preview window so we can see what our item will look like in the dye we want to use on it.

Game disconnects every minute or two

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


If you guys are using the authenticator, disable it. I disabled mine and haven’t DCed since.

Game disconnects every minute or two

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Getting this as well. Are you guys using the mobile authenticator?

The new build is up!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


How did I know -somebody- was going to come here and kitten after less than 5 minutes of a restart.

Oh internets.

Sheathing - toggle

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Do want. I suggested this awhile back (A long while) and I still want it.

Minor dungeon change that overhauls the feel.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


So, we all know eve— a majority of people are not happy with the situation farming tokens doing the same kitten dungeon over and over and over and over and over and over deep breath and over and over and over (specially with some of those wings being needlessly retardedly more difficult in comparison to the others yet offering the same reward).

So here’s what I propose, if someone completes all three wings of a dungeon for the day, they get an extra 40 or so tokens at the end of that third run ontop of the 60 they’d already be getting for their first run, as if it were -gasp- a real daily.

This would also include a window in the achievement tab called, you guessed it, Dungeon. Here, you could track which wing of explore mode you’ve completed that day for every dungeon available, and whether it’s been reset or not so you can go back in and start getting your full amount of tokens (as opposed to beating your face against a wing you absolutely hate for three hours only to find you only get 20 tokens. Hee, surprise! )

Several suggestions for immersion and roleplaying

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


I’ll just do it the simple way.

1. A biography box like City of Heroes had. Nothing too massive, just something we can put little unique snippets about our characters in so others can see them (or links, for those who want to really write a novel on their characters and share it

2. More open houses in the world. I see so many houses and buildings… but only like 5% of them I can go inside. I know player/guild housing is on the way, but I’d like to see more open houses so we can RP in the world itself rather than in small groups by ourselves.

3. Chairs are in the world, but we can’t sit in them. I know this would be difficult for races like the Charr, but I think we should be able to at the very least be able to attempt sitting in chairs that would be appropriate for us to fit in. (and if chairs are too small for us to sit in within our races own towns… why are they there in the first place?)

4. Interactive emotes/dances. Emotes like hugs, kisses, high fives that one initiates and the other can accept or deny it. And dances like… the waltz.. the tango… salsa… same premise as before. One person offers, the other can accept or deny the request.

That’s it for now.
Though pretty please make something special with player/guild housing… not something you just buy and then upgrade, the upgrades of which just get placed for you and such. Allow us creativity in building our dream homes/bases!