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PvP blog post?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


They troll us as much as they can … seriously !
Blog post takes 14 days to be finished and pushed out.

I mean what the hell is going on with arena net ? Did they think there is enough time to do something at ones leisure ?

Carefully arena net, i have a suprise for you:
Mists of Pandaria is coming, and World of Warcraft-PvP is still more competitive and E-Sports than your unpolished and unfinished game.

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


arenanet is trolling us as hard as they can … im bored with gw2 … wtf is going on with this guys ?

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


Yeah nice to hear something from a Dev ! Lets hope we are see our wishes in the blogpost very soon ! Im bored of waiting :-/.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


Arenanet is focused on PvE in an PvP e-sports announced game … im going to get bored

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.

GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.

Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !

But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.

Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.

Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !

Just my thoughts …

i def hear u on this – one really disheartening thing i came across today was all the GW1 PVP Modes. I barely played PVP in Gw1 – but was excited about the multiple modes, hoping those are coming ASAP to gw2.

I dont think we need other PvP Modes “now”. If there are rankings and rentable servers to pick your opponent by yourself the “domination-mode” will be enough for a time. Because if there are rankings, many teams/players are going to think about tactics/their play style to get a higher ranking. Leagues like ESL or Dragon-Arena can start their tourneys and so on.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.

GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.

Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !

But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.

Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.

Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !

Just my thoughts …

(edited by predi.4803)

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


I wonder why there is no feedback from arenanet about esports things … didnt they say “we want to be big in esports” ? So why is there nothing new about that ?

We need answers arenanet !