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is this normal in WvWvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


I guess it depends on the actual population of your server, what kind of server it might be (diff timezone, RP-oriented, etc) and where the action was (i.e. the big zerg was in another battleground). although I believe there’s a player cap for the WvW zones because sometimes when you join it will say it’s full and queue you like in LA overflow, however I don’t know what the cap actually is.

personally I’m terrible at counting just by looking but I would estimate that I’ve seen bigger then 20 per side in a WvW battle

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: pugo.8039


IMO most of the thief’s ‘arsenal’ comes from the utilities. poisons with different effects, traps, and gadgets like shadowstepping, caltrops and scorpion wire. this is opposed to other classes where utilities are just spells or shouts (going from wvw experience and one alt here, don’t get mad if i’m totally wrong about this). while this isn’t the greatest design for the gameplay, it makes thieves shine in particular situations that are not always straight up combat

magic find or no magic find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


I have an MF set and a “regular” set with full stats that I like for my build. typically I just use the MF set for when I’m doing something easy and boring like Orr farming or world events with lots of adds for looting since survivability is hardly an issue there. Honestly when I’m in a dungeon I’d rather finish it in a decent amount of time and be able to contribute to my group then die 4 times on a boss so I can possibly get a yellow and some blues.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


WvW since you are scaled up and get xp for doing everything, crafting if you have money from mains (i’m guessing not), finding good event chains to farm. If you put in a lot of time each day you can probably get to 80 in about a week just following story mission WPs to level-appropriate zones and doing the hearts and events there but it does get kinda dull when they are empty for 40 levels

Defiant and Unshakable. How do they work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


When all stacks are removed, the next CC will affect the boss, and the Defiant stacks will come back.

Ah, they come BACK. So basically, in a group of 5 people, every 6th CC attempt will work. The first 5 remove his defiant stacks, the 6th one lands, 5 stacks come back, rinse and repeat. Can someone confirm this?

Yes this is basically true, very easy to see in any dungeon run when fighting a boss who has Unshakable and very few people in your group have or use CC. First CC will affect it, it will gain 5 stacks of Defiant, each cc will deplete one, then when they are depleted, it will be vulnerable to one CC and then gain 5 more stacks of defiant

Scorpion Wire

in Thief

Posted by: pugo.8039


has anyone else noticed another result of wiring someone: it pulls them but not the entire way (i.e. not all the way to you), more like halfway? This only happens if I’m wiring someone that is on the same level as me.

i personally love this skill, basically the only thing i can contribute in wvw but its loads of fun wiring people off walls when they are dumb enough to stand at the very edge.

Laziest (non-crafting) way to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


I enjoyed levelling to 80 on my main but i struggled seriously hard just to get an alt to 26 to join another order. just like farming at Orr, what i tried to do is find an event chain that happens either often or goes for very long to farm exp from mobs and chained events. A good example of this is is the Centaur camp assaults in Hirathi highlands (sp?) at around 35-45. there are like 5 camps to assault and each one comes with a separate defense event afterwards so you get tons of loot and a decent amount of xp. I did that from 35-60 on my main, haven’t quite reached it with my alt but hoping it will be just as effective.

also what he’s saying is that he doesn’t like the pre-80 PVE content and that’s just his opinion. personally I agree, it was fun the first time for me but now its just a drag. I don’t know where everyone is coming out with this “wow that way etc etc” comments.

Condition damage equipment

in Thief

Posted by: pugo.8039


thanks for the replies, good to know there isn’t diminishing returns for cond damage. my build at the moment is 20 deadly arts, 30 acrobatics, 20 trickery. mostly relying on dodging via V and DB spam to not die as opposed to stealthing. I was also considering dropping 10 points from acrobatics to another field but i didn’t really like the look of anything else, and i figured 100 extra vitality was okay. I didn’t know there was a toughness/condition damage/healing set, at the moment i’m leaning towards that since it won’t detract from my damage output.

Condition damage equipment

in Thief

Posted by: pugo.8039


I haven’t tried sPVP yet, so mostly PvE but I do run around with zergs in WvW when things are slow. my SB at the moment is just an MF bow, probably won’t change it for a while.

Condition damage equipment

in Thief

Posted by: pugo.8039


so I recently got to 80 on my thief, i decided to play him primarily as condition damage: I spam DB and whatever poison i can lay down using utility and other skills, wield d/d as my primary weapons and shortbow swap. I started upgrading my equipment to exotic and got to wondering how much condition damage I actually need to stack. I figure that diminishing returns is a factor but I don’t know what the “cap” is for a condition damage before it becomes pointless to add more.

At the moment my condition damage is 1,181. my armour and d/d set are all Carrion prefixed since I figured vitality would be useful as i hardly stealth except for Vanish in shadows. my armour has Afflicted rune set and my daggers are Agony (bleed duration) and sup. Corruption (not as useful in PVP but whatever)

I’m now getting around to replacing my trinkets and i’d like to know if it’s a good idea to continue with the Carrion prefix or if I should get another set i.e. survivability.

High res weapon galleries

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


hoping to see daggers and pistols soon!