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still no change on TPVP daily 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


“Nobody is forcing you to do XXXXXXXXX so whatever you do it’s your own decision.”

can solve every conplaint on this forum.

(edited by pupupuly.8792)

still no change on TPVP daily 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


I can relate to this.

I take drugs every day, but lately I’ve found that I need more and more drugs to have the same effect. It’s totaly outrage.

I think I’ll just stop being addicted to drugs.

That’ll teach those drugs.


the daily of this game has become a drug
stop this game and take your life back

still no change on TPVP daily 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


As 50% win rate
2 hours 30 minutes for soloq, plus 2 hours for teamq as your calculate
Inclub que time, it’s not surprise daily 8 win still can take more then 5 hours right?

I didn’t see any wrong on OP said, couse it’s happend on me some times
some times I can done all 8 wins on 3 hours, some time it’s takes me 5 hours.

And again, have a organised team doesn’t mean you have 100% win rate on 3 TPVP wins
It’s still fifty-fifty on the field no matter how much prepare you are.

still no change on TPVP daily 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


Nobody is forcing you to do XXXXXXXXX so whatever you do it’s your own decision.

Every treads have this.
How useful.

still no change on TPVP daily 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


Yeah, if you’re regularly taking more than three hours to get your soloq daily, you’re either:

- playing at a very low-population time
- getting a well-below-50% winrate

If it’s the former, and you’re still getting all the other dailies, you should get your PvP dailies at another time – presumably you’re online all day already?

If it’s the latter… your skill is probably the problem, so you’re not [i
earning[/i] those points. Matchmaking should give a close-to-50% winrate for everyone – there’ll be the occasional individual terrible day when you get several 4v5s in a row, but then there’ll be other days where you end up as a team of 5 against 4 several times.

Buddy, 50% win is high enough .
it’s not a 1V1 game.
no one can guarantee they can win this match in the beginning of it.
no matter how good they are.

(edited by pupupuly.8792)

still no change on TPVP daily 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


at least you get your life back

Solo arena Daily

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


Anet loves to manipulate their metrics with adding dailies. Noone doing story dungeons anymore? Add a daily. Noone doing events or veterans in unpopular areas? Add a daily. Noone doing JP because rewards are abysmal? Add JP daily and monthly. The list goes on and on.
Ultimately their metrics improve, but people go there for the wrong reasons. Not because they want to do the content or enjoy the content, but because it gives an AP.

I thought this game call “daily wars” .

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792



How about change the daily into monthly?

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


not sure about you’re serious or just trolling here

If a player lucky to have 50% chance of win, He need to play 480 rounds in a month

If a player take 20min per round inclub que, That will take him about 160 hours for 480 games

160 hours per month for a monthly , are you serious?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


People saying so are intolerant towards other playstyles / playing habbits.

Except that it’s the players complaining themselves that are intolerant towards their own playstyles.

All people like me are saying is: if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. Stop trying to remove options for people who like them because you lack the self-control to pace yourself and decide what to do and what to skip.

If you are doing something in this game for hours every day not because you like it but because you feel you have to, then you aren’t playing the game, the game is playing you and you need to get some help.

HA, another PLAY-FOR-FUN player come in and try to make them self looks smart.

Of course you can said every thing easy, CURSE YOU DONT EVEN PLAY THIS PART IN GAME

Next time just add a screen shoot to show how much AP befor you say anything ,will you?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


What most of you aren’t understanding, it’s that we simply want an answer from the dev, from this “situation”, and after 10 days we want to know if we can spend time to be achivement hunters anymore. A single word from any dev to clarify their point of view would be enough for everyone, i guess.

PvP popolutation isn’t good beacuse people are enjoying the game mode, but for the dailies and the rewards they get with the new glory+gold system.

And, if we really want to be polite, you can complete almost every PvE daily (and with complete i obviously mean doing all the points, not the 5 required) in about 1 hour, but you can’t complete the PvP daily in LESS THAN 2 hours (considering every match played as won, almost impossibile in join-solo). Is that normal for you? Is that equal? I don’t think so.

And, I won’t be tired to say it once more: what we need, and what everyone need right now, it’s a dev reply about this situation, to let us choose if continue playing in this way, playing randomly or simply choose another game.

maybe they just no dare to answer that.

Just need an answer, it's not so hard right?

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


peoples complained 393 times in another thread, still never answer in these 12 days.

How you think they will answer you here??

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


which one will take more times?
daily PVP or monthly PVP?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


save your breath guys
they already ignore you for a week.

Well, they already said they aren’t going to do any patches til sometime in January. So even if they cared at all about their playerbase it’s going to be like this for another month or so.

thanks for the info, but your info freak me out totaly.

OH MY FXXXXKING GOD this nightmare still have a LOOOOOOONG time to go.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792



hey, I wonder what will you do if the developer who add these daily right infront of you?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


Not fun at all if u are forced to win 8 games every day.

No one forces you. you want those ap? well then you have to play. this is a game, not your life. deal with it correctly and stop kitten about how you are forced by arenanet

every one knows that.

So don’t say ‘’if u are forced to win 8 games’’

Are you really understand what “daily achivment point” mean to the AP hunter??

you know that a world achiv leaderboard aren’t you??

There are two guys both got all the PVE, PVP, WVW, and GW1 achivments
They are world no.1 and no.2
Why? they shold have the same score right?
They both get all achivments , what different between them?

Here’s the answer:
If a guy only done 364 days daily quests, he can NEVER match the guy who completed 365 days, the 14 point will between them" F-O-R-E-V-E-R "

That why daily are the key of the AP hunter, everyone can get all the achivment some day

That what we call " Force"

I guess you not even care about that right?
You just play for fun LOL

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: pupupuly.8792


all the voice like
“I think these 4 new daily are good, stop QQ”
“no one force you to get those 4 point, you QQ AP hunters.”
are all gone.

1. They finally realize how wrong of these things after wasted 5 or 6 hours per day on these 4 daily again and again then again by them self.

2. They don’t really care about these PVP or Achivment things. They just play for FUN

A.NET you better realize, only the one who really love SPVP or Achivment system will conplain this.

Yes, the people you are totally againsting right now .

(edited by pupupuly.8792)