Showing Posts For pyxell.4907:

Confessor's End Disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I’m so sorry this happened to you, but I’m so glad I’m not the only one.
The same exact thing happened to me in Crack in the Ice…..finished the boss and get to where I should collect the reward and get dc’d.
This time Just as Caudecus is entering the portal in the cut scene I got disconnected and when I reconnected ended up back at the instance to enter the final battle. I’m devastated! =(

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Confessor's End bugged instance?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pyxell.4907


Mine was bugged also. Same bug I had at the final boss in LS3. I get to the end after killing everything and get kicked to the login screen before I can get the reward and the achievement. For Crack in the Ice, the support team tried everything to find out what caused the problem. I just gave up. I did it 3 times (all that work for nothing) and just couldn’t do it again. Now here we are in LS4 and the same issue again! I’m sooo upset right now, its not even funny!

Thanks to GM Zippy the Wonder Squirrel the issue is resolved for me. He advised me to create a new shortcut for GW2 and name it Port Test….at the end of the string on properties he advised putting /clientport 80 (where -stream used to go) worked like a charm!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

(edited by pyxell.4907)

Queen Jenna Bugged

in Living World

Posted by: pyxell.4907


Same problem for me. I couldn’t finish the last season due to bugs either!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Black Screen with Cursor and sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pyxell.4907


Hi there,

During gameplay my screen will go black and i cannot see anything but the cursor. the sound still plays but nothing else. i have to re-log and then just hope it doesn’t happen again.. Please advise if Anet is doing something about this soon. Thanks

Same issue here. I have to log out of windows through the task manager and then log back into windows and the game. By the time I get back to the event its over, I’ve missed the rewards and the zone is empty. Its heartbreaking. Sometimes it happens a couple of times a day.

If thisis a game issue…please fix it ….its making me crazy. Thanks

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Game/Net crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pyxell.4907


So lately I’ve been crashing from the game where it’ll pop up a disconnection message over a black screen where I can hear game music. Every time this happens I’ve noticed that my connection to net goes down for a split second. My skype and Teamspeak will disconnect/reconnect immediately afterwards. Does anyone know how to fix this? I’ve only had this problem while Guild Wars and not on any other game. Gets really frustrating when it happens during the new map meta events.

I have the same issue. I thought it might be the modem so I harassed my ISP and they sent a tech out to confirm there was no problem with the equipment or network setup on my end. I did the same thing with Norton, and there was no issue with the program.
Please fix this issue before I lose my mind. Thanks.

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

no underwatter skills or wepons for rev

in Revenant

Posted by: pyxell.4907


well revnants can only swim now so ya lol

I hear that. I was in Queensdale, and the Veteran Fish came up and I wanted to see how my revenant did against that. Imagine my surprise when I had no skills or weapons to take that on!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

thank you Anet !!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I concur with ham.8209 …soon as I logged in and arranged my traits and saw was like I was playing a brand new game. Can’t wait for HoT! Thanks Anet….I love it!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


My level 80 Necromancer.


Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Long map load times after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pyxell.4907


This is good news and bad news. First of all, I’m glad I’m not the only one..that’s the good news. The bad news is….This is so slow now, and I’m running i7 quad core computer. WTH? What’s wrong with this patch? Please fix it quickly, Anet….its heartbreaking!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

massive fps drop after update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


My fps is down to 25 from 55. This has to be fixed. Also the guildchat is still not fixed even after the latest patch a few minutes ago. That box is not checked in my options and I am still getting all the chatter. I can’t play with it, its too distracting. The only way to get rid of it is to rep a dead guild.

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


Like many people, I’m here to grouse about today’s PvE daily options. I don’t like doing fractals. I don’t find them fun, and I don’t want to do them.

And before anyone says anything about anything, I have played the kitten out of fractals. I have every fractal achievement, got every fractal achievement during the fractured update, and my fractal frequenter is sitting at 446/500. So yes, I have played fractals, given them a chance, and decided that they aren’t fun for me.

And that’s my problem with the new system. Before I could get dailies doing
whatever content I felt like at the time: some days I hung out in Dry Top, other days I got them done in dungeons— half the time without even trying! But it was always possible to do them in a playstyle/area that I felt like enjoying on that particular day.

But the new system (and by extension Anet) doesn’t give a flying kitten about what I enjoy. It doesn’t care wether or not I’ve tried that content before, how many hours I gave it to make an impression on me, or what individual decision I came to as a grown kitten adult about wether or not I enjoyed that content (and that includes WvW and PvP too, not just fractals). It just doesn’t care.

Let’s all just be completely honest here: yeah, the PvPers and WvWers were well serviced by the change (and I’m genuinely glad for them), but that was just blind luck. Anet still doesn’t give a kitten. This isn’t about fun or innovative gameplay. This whole bloody boondogle is about those god kitten ed metrics that Anet keeps obsessing over. I mean holy hell, the fact that the bulk of the rewards are given just for logging in is proof of that. Since when the kitten is typing in my username and password “innovative gameplay”?

All this, and I mean all this, is just so that Anet can go into meetings with investers and CEOs and journalists and whatever and kitten over artificially inflated numbers. “See! See! Look at how many concurrent users we have! See! See! Look at how many more players are entering World versus World! See! See! Look at how succesful we are!”

Look, wether you like the new system or you hate it, wether it’s quicker and more convenient for you or a tediuos waste of your time, wether it gave you more options or took them away from you, we should all be disappointed. Disappointed and disgusted that Anet would rather sink time and resources into this gimmick of a system rather than create and/or refine content that’s genuinely compelling in its own right.

I say we all Boycott the Dailies in a show of protest. That will show TRUE STATS for their board of directors!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I’m in agreement with this thread. I don’t understand why you are punishing PVE players. I have no desire to do WvW or PvP or Fractals, and yet you seem to think that adding fractals to pve options would be a good idea….. Do you want people to stop playing? Is that your objective? Give us more pve options to do dailies please.

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

The Good the Bad & the Ugly - BLTP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I hate to nitpick but I went into the TP today to research a box or satchel of amor, and that option is missing altogether.
This is disturbing as I have two boxes of armor for sale in there now with no hopes of ever selling it, simply because and nobody can find it. Please fix this.


Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Incorrect Monthly Tally

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


My hero page says 2/2 and my login page says 2/4 ..i did not receive a chest …this is a technical glitch and I would like it fixed. I am enclosing the screen.


Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Incorrect Monthly Tally

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I actually thought I did! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Moderator moved my post here from tech!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Incorrect Monthly Tally

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I’m sorry. Perhaps I don’t understand. If I don’t play pvp, how is this beneficial for me? Why would i do a monthly if it doesn’t count for anything because I don’t do pvp?
“Because the feature pack comes halfway through the month, April’s monthly achievements will be a special case. Until April 15, the PvE and PvP monthly categories will be separate and require only two achievements for completion. After April 15, there will be a single unified set of monthlies and dailies, and monthly completion will again require four total achievements.”
So AGAIN…does this mean we won’t get any chest this month for the monthly? I completed the 2/2 but received NO CHEST..which is what i said in the first place! CAn someone please clarify this for me?

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Incorrect Monthly Tally

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I completed all 4 achievements and have not received any reward. My panel says its only 2/2 instead of 4/4. I have searched the forums to see if this is an issue and had no results to the search, so if I’ve used incorrect search criteria, pls forgive me. I would be grateful if someone would respond to the post and even more grateful if it could be resolved quickly and give me my reward.
Thanking you in advance for your timely response!


Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I wonder if you would consider creating a new boost / service item that can be purchased from the Trading Post (such as merchant, bank, trading post agent,but for armor repair and usable for everyone in the area?

When exiting “Evacuate Lion’s Arch,” its inconvenient to use the airship as it drops you back at vigil keep, and its also a bit of a run to get to town to repair the armor as well. I think it could be a hot item!

Also, a variety tool SET with unlimited axe, scythe and pick. Get all three at once!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

L.A's Downfall. Feelings? (Survey)

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I feel so at home in L.A. and I will miss it! Divinity Ridge for banking and crafting needs is so inconvenient!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Take out overflow from events

in Living World

Posted by: pyxell.4907


Not trying to be devil’s advocate, but how did GW manage these issues in the first game? We knew nothing of overflow!

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Forced into even more WvW that I despise

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I am so tired of being forced to PAY for WvW and PvP. I bought this game because it was MMORPG …RPG!!!!!!!!!!!!! without PVE this content would not be available for PVP and WvW…there wouldn’t be enough money. ANET..please please stop the madness. People are leaving the game in droves.

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Cannot access guild bank [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I am unable to access my guild bank in Lion’s Arch. I belong to two other guilds and am able to access those banks in LA but not my own. I can only access it in Divinity’s Reach. I have sent a bug report and three days later filed a tech support issue for which there has been no response again…and today filed another report after ANOTHER three days. I am getting very frustrated with this whole support process which is BROKEN in my opinion. Please help.

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Achievements not counting for TDBE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I completed the required 20 games fact I completed 21, but they are not counting in my achievements. This is a bug according to tech support but they can’t fix it.

I really need this to be fixed before the end of the event or i won’t get my wings.

Can anyone help please?

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!

Achievements not counting for TDBE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pyxell.4907


I have finished the 20 game requirement to have this achievement count and it has not changed. It is not counting towards the total achievements.

I created a bug report from the game and followed up by creating a ticket for tech support. Nobody can fix this issue…and I NEED IT TO COMPLETE THE ACHIEVEMENTS. Can anyone fix this please?

Vile Nightshade 80 Necromancer
Scarlet Fairwood 80 Ranger
I intend to live forever! So far, so good!