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Also make sure you read .
Short story: things that stack in duration, like poison, always apply in order from most to least intense. If something is poisoned, then it gets hit with another, higher DPS poison, the current poison is put “on hold”, essentially, and the new poison gets bumped to the head of the list.
I recently discovered the sell-anywhere feature of the BLTC and I’m confused by the market.
I kill some random centaur and loot a white (not even Fine) pair of boots with an NPC sale price of 33c. I check the BLTC and see A) about fifty instant-buy offers of 60c, and B) some sale offers starting at around 1s40c.
1. Why do other players want this item?
2. If I do instant-sell my random not-junk-but-not-wortwhile items via TC, is this considered griefing (because I’m enabling flippers, or maybe undercutting crafting characters who can’t sell that low because construction costs are too high)?