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A Pugs Life

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I have seen many comments in recent threads about people being pugs and I find myself getting irritated. Been playing for about 2 1/2 years-mainly in WVW. I have joined guilds but have quit for different reasons i.e. Too much time on Deserted BL ( which puts me to sleep), GVG-I like open field fights but GVG IMHO doesn’t help the status of the server, & forced pve which isn’t really my thing. Some guilds I might join are different time zones which my being a member would not really aid the guild. I do use TS when running with a tag and I don’t squirrel. Being displaced when my original server fell apart has led me to wander to various servers, and there is nothing new under the sun except numbers. Many lower servers have very good players-just not enough of them.
PUGS or militia, as I prefer to call them, do jobs that others do not for the most part-refreshing siege, placing siege, scouting, repairing, etc. I love a good open field fight, but when one is looked upon as a PUG, people tend to overlook your contribution. Not that I am that great a player, but have outlasted others in fights despite the fact that my main is a light armor class. I hear comments like-don’t repair-the PUGS will do it. Yes, it is GUILD WARS, but if I am not comfortable in a guild, I will run alone. I am not afraid to die-been there; done that a lot. Methinks all PUGS feel the same. Downside is that PUGS can’t claim structures.
My summary: Don’t underestimate anyone on your server. Everybody contributes-maybe in different ways, but it all counts. Everyone doesn’t play by your rules, but are there for the same purpose-to help the server. PUGS tend to run more than guilds from what I have experienced. Don’t downplay their value. Agree or not-I am stating my opinion from a PUG’s point of view. Rant over now. People can post whatever-it’s not going to change my opinion. And even PUGS are allowed opinions

Another player bites the dust

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I grew up on IOJ. After 4 months of being completely overwhelmed with numbers from 4 T2 servers, guilds transferring, politics, and the rest of it-I reluctantly left the server. Came to the realization that if it wasn’t fun anymore then it was time to move on. Yes, it cost gold-several times- as I was looking for a new home. My first home-IOJ will always be in my heart. But, if I wanted to keep playing GW2 the move was necessary. Left a community with whom I had grown very attached. Not saying this is the correct scenario for everyone-but, I keep reading these threads saying to myself “Been There; Done That”. So instead of quitting or not enjoying the game, it was the move for me. Take this post for what it is worth. Just a bit of rambling brought on by some threads on the forum lately. Maybe the state of the game will improve-maybe not. But, as long as I am logging in-it’s for fun not for frustration.

Server Switch Up

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Not a frequent flyer on the forum, but I have to say: “Be Careful What You Wish For” I was on IOJ. I saw how demoralizing playing vs higher servers for months can be. It accomplished one thing: Guilds transferred only adding to the population imbalances of servers.
An occasional match-up of different tier servers is within the realm. My present server (T5) was matched a few weeks ago vs T3 & T4. My reaction at reset: Uh-oh. But, we actually did well.
Lower servers have many good players-just not as many & therefore not as many heavies as higher tiers. This, IMO, plays into the outcome.
We, as players, created the present state-of-affairs in match-ups. Having lower tiers go against higher tiers on a regular basis would end in creating less servers & even more stale match-ups. Ppl get tired of being stomped & as Yuffi stated-go to greener pastures. And, in reverse, higher tiers get bored. Fewer servers would be welcomed by some, according to the posts I have read on this forum. But, a decrease in servers would result in even staler match-ups IMO. And some players don’t want the environment of higher tier servers that this scenario would create. It’s all a matter of preference. As someone who has transferred around since my experience on IOJ-just a IMO. Trying to look at the bigger picture. Agree or not-it is not going to alter my view of the WVW world. I, already am having a tough time accepting the Desert BL, although I am trying. I don’t want an IOJ Revisited…

World vs World Holiday Sneak Peek

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


PPK is a good thing for many especially zerg busting groups and those servers that manipulate the system in order to remain in present match-ups. The flaw I see? Recently, match-ups for some servers have been made up of 3 servers from 3 different tiers on NA. Not complaining-it is a challenge & a bit entertaining when your server is the lowest tier (gotta love the emotes & whispers). I watch the Death /kill ratio on a regular basis. It is not a surprise that the stat declines for the bottom server. The main reason that tiers exist is due to population-WVW is a game of numbers for the most part. PPK, from what I have witnessed would be detrimental to servers who have the outnumbered buff 75-85% of the time. It’s a conundrum. Stale match-ups or fluctuation of tier match-ups ? The latter taking a toll on the lower server’s PPK and Glicko. <<shrugs>> In the end it is not my decision. I imagine this will occur also in set tiers when one server dominates in population. But, is the population as distinct as in different tiers? Just my 2 cents

Happy Holidays to all!

WvW Posting entertains more than Playing It?

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I don’t post much, but find myself reading the forums much more than before. Just an average wvw’er, but I do/did love it. Now, I find myself checking the forum & intel map regularly. The guild upgrades & elites have pulled so many ppl to PVE, it sometimes feels like it is not worth logging in. I spent 98% of my time in wvw before the expansion & never felt like it was enough. Now, it’s like meh-whatever. I don’t care whether my mastery says 2 or 200 next to my name. Eventually, I will cap my elites with the Heroic Scrolls. Everyone has their priorities, though. Mine are different from others I imagine.

WvW - new map, how did it go?

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Happy to hear that you & your server mates had a good time. Unfortunately, lower tier servers just don’t have the population to cover all maps especially 24/7.
One flaw in your post: You are not privy to other servers’ TS. AR didn’t leave out of boredom. We got a call to help out on another map. So, take it for what it is worth. Your defense was valid but the outcome of that situation remains in the area of “Unknown”. Again, another result of too much area being covered by smaller populations-something that the new maps make even worse IMO.

Forgotten voices - non prime players

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


+1 to OP
The server that I call home (AR) has a small off-peak population. We all respect them for their valiant efforts and the fact that they don’t give up-EVER. They are “ROCKS” and very talented players despite the fact that they are usually outnumbered especially when playing against certain servers. They are very precious to us, and a large part of keeping us in the fight.
I have been around-as high as T2 on my main account which I don’t play now. But, I chose a lower server for my second account. Communities are much closer and one’s contributions actually seem to matter.
As for the solution to the off-hours capping& PVD’ing gates? I will leave that to those that are much more informed than I. Maybe there is no real solution with a 24/7 global game.

Staff or D/S for WVW?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Sound advice, Katrina. I’ve been leveling with S/F now. I like D/F but miss the Dragontooth using that combo.

Staff or D/S for WVW?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


So many choices. Guess I am fortunate that I am only level 31 atm. Gives me time to experiment. Thank you for your responses. Wish eles could just switch out weapons like other classes. I main a necro so this is a whole new world to me

Staff or D/S for WVW?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I made an ele who is only level 31 atm. I love running D/S while I am leveling. But, since I normally spend most of my time in WVW-I need some input from those that know. Is running staff more helpful in WVW? The healing appears more effective to aid team members. Maybe staff for zerging & D/S for roaming? Don’t have many traits yet, so maybe this is a factor. Any advice is appreciated. ( I could have posted this in Professions but because of the WVW element I posted here.) Thanks for any advice-I am still trying to get a handle on this class.

We need PPK back

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Something needs to be done. It’s exasperating to log on to find the entire map green this week with the green team exhibiting a PPT of over 500. Just luck of the draw when it comes to match-ups. Some servers are fortunate to have a large SEA/OCX presence. It’s a game of numbers & coverage which has been stated many times on this forum. Difficult-no impossible to overcome when your server is not the biggest and your population is centered in NA.

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Cannons are the worst. I can count on one hand the times that this siege actually aided in saving a keep or lasted long enough to actually help defend. Last night, our garri was attacked by a blob that outnumbered us maybe 8vs1. They even brought 5 golems-just in case . The AOE on our wall was so intense. The cannon that I attempted to use was reduced to ash in about .000001seconds along with my necro. No one could get near me for a rez. I have no problem with dying in game. It happens. But, what is the sense in upgrading with cannons in a scenario like this especially when your server is outnumbered most of the time? Something needs to be done to provide some protection for cannons & their users. Yea, there is other siege to man. But cannons are in the forefront for a reason. And it should not be to provide bags for the enemy , especially an enemy with overwhelming odds.

Anvil Rock LF WvW guild/pug commanders

in Looking for...

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


When the server that I grew up on imploded, I started another account. My main account sat stagnant for months. I joined AR with my new account. I didn’t believe that I could find another server that felt like home, but I did. Anvil Rock just feels right. I really enjoy the people and the community. I began using my main again & have done nothing but transfer around to various servers searching for one that fits. But, my account on AR is there to stay. It’s not the biggest, but the community never gives up. There are many vet players who have been around and are very skilled. While, my main remains somewhat of a gypsy account, AR is home for my alt. Too bad it isn’t the opposite. P2L , I guess. Just adding my 2 cents.

Signed: Annah

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I correlate so many things to songs. After reading these posts I have come up with a theme song for the various tiers. Remember, it’s all in fun and, hopefully, a break from all the seriousness in this thread:

tier 1: Bad Boys, Bad Boys-whatcha gonna do when they come for you? (referring to YB)
tier 2: Oh It’s crying time again-you’re gonna leave me (referring to guilds moving off to other destinations)
tier 3: Run for the Hills; Run for your Life (referring to FA/SOS dropping)
tier 4 & below: You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes-you get what you need (Not a higher tier but enjoying your communities )

I am certain there are better songs for each, but these came to mind & were instigated by the posts in this thread.
Now, please continue :P I realize this is a serious situation as far as a MMO game goes, but a brief intermission so everyone involved can breathe…

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Looks like many have not learned anything from history in WVW. I truly hope that some have tranfered to balance out servers in need instead of bandwaggoning, but, alas, doesn’t appear to be happening. Just go to the next server in line and stack those. Deja Vu…

Is anybody currently happy with wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Nothing new under the sun. Was it fair when there were 4 T2 servers all stacked? The 2 T3 servers that took the brunt of that mess had the same choice-stick it out or transfer. Blobbing, spawn camping, etc, etc, were a daily occurrence for almost 4 months. The only difference was that they could transfer up or down. Now that all but 2 of the higher tiers are closed, most will transfer down. It’s the same animal-just players shuffled around. IMO, the change is a good idea even though, it came late for the server that I called home. Some would blame ANET. I think it is all the fault of the player base & ANET is trying to remedy the situation. Doesn’t matter if anyone agrees with me or not-I’m allowed to post my feeling like everyone else.

World Population Changes Are Coming

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I don’t pretend to be as informed as many wvw’ers. But, IMO, this change is a good thing. The 4 Tier 2 mess caused my original server to go into a downward spiral from which it has not recovered. My account sat inactive for months. I believed in server loyalty and my server friends. Friends left for greener pastures. Being a wvw addict, I started another account to fill the void. I tried 3 servers b4 I came to one in Tier 5/6. And to my surprise, I am enjoying wvw again. We don’t win every week, but usually come in second at the least. I have made new friends & joined a guild in which I am comfortable. We have fun. It wasn’t the end of the world although at the time, it felt that way. Maybe, the lock would have prevented all this. People transferred to higher tiers-their prerogative. Doesn’t matter-it’s all history now.
My point: Either you go with the flow or you quit playing. I chose the former. Tiers that are now considered “Medium” are not a form of the plague. I also use my original account again-it is Tier 2. Totally different from the play style of my second account. But, that doesn’t suggest either style is wrong.
Just speaking my mind after reading 10 pages of this thread. Some might agree-some probably will not-whatever…

(edited by rhejeckt.5791)

Can i play in lower tier wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I was in Silver for many moons until the 4 T2 debacle which pretty much destroyed a server that I called home. I started a new account in Bronze. I am not a pve fan so wvw is why I play GW2. I believe that I have become a better player due to this transfer. I am not afraid to roam even though I am a glass canon in my profession. There are very solid guilds. I am actually enjoying WVW again. GVG guilds are great but they raid for a few hours here & there then go wherever and do whatever GVG guilds do. I tried another Silver server and it was deju-vu for me. Spent a week there b4 I transferred again. Bronze may not have 24/7 coverage, but the match-ups are more even. We might get stomped on some off hours, but usually come back during our “On” hours. I imagine that it is all a matter of preference deciding what server to play. But, to state that lower servers are not as good is a misconception. They might not have the people of higher tiers, but they also don’t have the ques. So, to each his own.

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Hahah that has got to be the most kittened up matchup ever.

Realize nsp and ioj have had months of no relief from totally unbalanced matches – not just a week or two. After months, I am sure many have moved or are taking a break. Respect to those that did remain and still try to have fun.

^^THIS!!! It wasn’t a joke to IOJ & NSP during the months that they had to endure bad, horrible match-ups that went on & on & on. Best of luck in future match-ups in hopes that you get servers that are the caliber that you desire or actually servers that haven’t been beat to death because of the bad match-ups.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


As someone who has been pretty involved with NSP for a while, I’ll just tell you a few things. We were rank 15 at the end of the last tournament, and may have temporarily dropped a few ranks when burnout hit and we had some bronze matchups. Since then, I’d say our rise to 8th place is 50% higher tier servers weakening, 25% regulars coming back to the game, and 25% transfers from SoR. We also saw the development of a strong fight-oriented WvW guild other than [Os].

Currently, I’d say NSP and IoJ are almost neck and neck with the tier 4 servers such as DH, SBI, and HoD. However, the gap between us and those above us is IMMENSE. We do realize that SoS is the weakest of the 4 tier 2 servers, however that only means the difference between them having 80% of the score or 75% of the score. It’s really not fun when the enemy can field 3 times the people on one map that you can field on all 4 maps. We’ve got our strong NA primetime where we can usually queue a map, but beyond that, WvW is a deadzone. I really do see SoS starting to weaken a lot, and I hope that continues to the point where we can have some good competition.

Until then, I encourage anyone stuck in this matchup, whether NSP, IoJ, or SBI to stay strong and support your server. These matchups are not indicative of your strength as a server or a community. I know that a lot of us have worked very hard to create a strong community on NSP, and I hope that keeps people around for the long haul. Transferring servers for short-term benefit often leads to long-term disappointment.

No intentions of transferring from IOJ, but I have to admit that I am not logging in-game as much. It took 11 weeks for that result. I am just an average wvw’er, so I tend to get stomped quicker than the experienced players. The staunch players that do log everyday and keep fighting against ridiculous odds need to be commended. It would be awesome to have a week or so to catch our breath.

Server Loyalty

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


I guess us ppl from T3 owe an apology to the rest of the population for being loyal. o_O Bandwagon guilds & those that transferred for gold have no bearing on the state of affairs.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


T3 is a no win situation. Too many guilds have band wagoned to T2 (their perogative). This has just increased the abyss between T3 & T2. No one desires to take on the situation of a T3 server. So, even if IOJ & NSP tanked-the situation would not change. Other servers would inherit the fiasco. Just an average WVW’er here, but I am not blind to the facts. Unless, there is a mass influx of guilds and ppl from lower servers (highly unlikely), this will be a neverending story. T3 peeps transfer to other servers-either up or down & the “Song Remins the Same” for whoever is unfortunate enough to fall in to the gap.

Completely Unbalanced WvW matchups.

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


T3 here-Enuff said? Excuse me while I lick my wounds before reset. What’s the number for 911? :P

Help current NA Gold situation by:

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


TY, neptunechild for acknowledging my comment. They say “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over & expecting a different result”. I don’t think anyone on T3 is expecting a different result. They are just trying to keep their heads above water. The sad part of this 10 week+ fiasco is that this is falling on the few guilds that are left. Great guilds, but how long can they continue under these circumstances? I don’t really know a lot about the politics of WVW-and from threads & comments-I really don’t want to know. But, I have friends and acquaintances on IOJ that I feel a connections to and really don’t want to leave. I bought another account on the discount week-end, rapidly leveled a toon and went to a lower server to WVW. (I am not a fan of PVE). But, it’s just not the same for me. I imagine I will leave my main account on my home server until the situation changes or my home server implodes.

Help current NA Gold situation by:

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


“T3 has been gangbanged for so long that the casual players that did not get whisked up into T2 don’t come out to play for extended periods of time like they used to.”

I don’t post on forum because I consider myself under experienced compared to most. But, I have been wvw’ing for months & have to agree with Hamster. I gave up about a week ago for the most part. Why enter wvw when you are getting continuously stomped. Thinking about changing my avatar name to “Road Kill” I want to help my server, but it feels as though all my efforts are for naught atm. Why get disillusioned in a game-I can get that in real life. I have invested a lot of time in wvw. Nothing, I imagine compared to most of you, but I have almost reached Pug Rank 900 (I don’t mind being a pug). Hopefully, this state of affairs will straighten out in the near future-my hopes are for sooner rather than later. And loyalty is a big factor for me.