Showing Posts For rutilus.2643:

Crash -> Instance Full -> Network error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643



Just killed mordemoth for second time, midway through the fight got a crash, on logging back game informed me that the map was full. Luckily managed to get back in and got the chest.

Changed character to my ranger so i could finally get that kittening wyvern, but couldnt join in the map got “Network error, kitten you”-messages over and over again.

and yes, was in a squad. it is a suicidal to not to be, because this game kittens everything up.

Finally got back in, magically somehow, the network-error repaired itself, just in time to see the dragons domain close. no pet.

Why is it so hard?

9/10 times the game decides to kitten everything up for me when we are winning. Like rushing the chests in Auric basin, kitten you game says, lets crash instead. hours of gaming down the toilet.

Why is anet so kittening incompetent? You get my money and you just laugh all the way to the bank. kitten you.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643


I just got my third bugged reward chest, this time from Auric Basin. From the event where we failed (big surprise) to kill those 4 leeching thingys who are sucking the doors in the Tarir City. whenever i try to open them, game crashes.

Since this is the third, i cannot open any more rewards until this is fixed.

From reading this thread, i’m not the only one who is suffering from this bug, I received the first bugged chest yesterday evening, when the map failed the event chain. I think the second chest was from a failure in the next map Tangled Depths.

Also druids suck salty seaman balls. I could not invent a more boring and useless spec even if i had all the money and to hire an army of tired middle aged bureaucrats who only live for the coffee breaks to be able to checkout that one hot blonde in the accountancy department, and all time in the universe – They say given enough time, a bunch of monkeys with typewriters could produce shakesperian prose, but this is not the case for the druid. it is broken and puny, trash it and start again.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643


The chest i get whenever the map meta-events proceed to a different stage, i crash while trying to open that said chest.

i have 2 different chests, one from Auric Basin i got few hours ago and just now i got one from Tangled Dephts which both gives me 100% crash change whenever i try to click the chest icon away.

Now they just dangle there at the side of the screen and taunt me.

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Honestly, the whole druid healbotting just invoked a mild bleh from me. Other games has done healbotting better and more interestingly, also this game does not need no stupid healbotting, it will just ruin it and turn it even more into just some other wowclone . Same can be said with our new weapon, the staff; #5 is absolutely idiotic, does really kittenty damage even when on full berserk. only like #3 for fast travelling, but that has been ruined also: if you dont travel to max distance, you end up rooting yourself for the time it would have taken you to travel to max distance.

As a person not interested in stupid healbotting, i feel like i just wasted 100€ for one mildly interesting new pet (smokescale).

Also, our new awesome celestial form feels boring and generic. only 1 usefull skill out of the 5 we get (aoe daze), Glyphs suck balls are too weak, both in celestial form and out.

overall 1/10, try better anet.

Venom cd buff nerfed our master level trait.

in Thief

Posted by: rutilus.2643


This master level -20% cd reduction for venoms is actually nerfed by 1 second now after the base cd reduction ‘buff’ we got.


Weird rooting bug in www

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643


/sit and portal. thanks for the tips.

sure gonna enjoy starting to type /sit in the middle of a fight tho, hehe :P

Weird rooting bug in www

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Hello, dunno if this is old news, but i certainly havent met this bug before.

Sometimes i just get rooted to the ground, dont have any debuffs on, but can only move with teleport skills (shadowstep and sb#5). Sometimes it only lasts for 1 teleport, but today i was stuck for a good while, and could only move with teleporting. luckily some random enemy knocked me to my kitten , and the bug went away.

Been playing for 2 years or so now, and never have this happened to me before, been rooted many times building stuff, but this one is a new effect for me.

so, anyways? hlep.

help me out fellow thieves

in Thief

Posted by: rutilus.2643


But before the patch, only lich necros gave me any trouble…the condis i could just dodge all the marks, steal into their fear and kill them, but now they just blow me up.

i dunno what to do with them. same goes to all condi people. i just simply wither away.

*just did another soloq, no condi enemies ; did just fine against them.

**just did yet another soloq, this time there was a terrormancer…holy kitten!

(edited by rutilus.2643)

help me out fellow thieves

in Thief

Posted by: rutilus.2643



just did some soloq after a long break, did some adjustements to my build to better deal with the condispam. using 10/30/0/0/30 build atm.

Boy was i wrong, got absolutely murdered by all the condispamming skillmancers and engineers and everybody else who just got a hint of condi in their build.

what in the flying kitten has happened? i just melt.
enemy approaches, i hit 3, got close, few autoattacks, few dodges then 5 and if enemy moves, hit 2 to stealth to get a nice opener. Then notice i got 10000000 different conditions on me and i’m just melting. manage to get few more hits in, enemy barely at 50% and then i get downed.

Few more fights, power based people still pretty easy to down, but when i go against condipeople, i just die. no help. tried lyssa, didnt help.

what do?

Why doesnt ESC close open windows anymore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Seriously, where is that toggle? it driving me nuts having to close all these inventories, loot bags, etc manually by clicking. why in the flying kitten the escape key doesnt work? it was working perfectly yesterday.

Go to the options menu its right in the middle. It says disable closing windows with ESC. Under the user interface section.

Thank you, found out that i had a X on it, instead of just blank. No idea what i did to leave it like that, tho its weekend.

Cannot create a trial account anymore

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Also i can’t use / correctly.

Cannot create a trial account anymore

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rutilus.2643


they’re probably aware of the issue and working on it and will most likely offer more free trials in the future.[/quote]

For the past 2 trials so far, they were not very interested, and when i finally talked them to try this game, this happens.

Also, you probably didn’t notice i wrote about this 9 hours ago already. still broken, still no word from anyone. It is already Saturday evening in my country, turning into night, so this weekend was ruined for me, and my friends still don’t know why i like this game so much.

Why doesnt ESC close open windows anymore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Seriously, where is that toggle? it driving me nuts having to close all these inventories, loot bags, etc manually by clicking. why in the flying kitten the escape key doesnt work? it was working perfectly yesterday.

Cannot create a trial account anymore

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rutilus.2643



Was just about to finally introduce this game to a couple of friends, and when they tried making their trial accounts today, it wouldn’t work anymore.

When i visited the page, all im getting is the message : “Sorry! The Guild Wars 2
Free Trial period has ended”. What the hell is this kitten?

Why doesnt ESC close open windows anymore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rutilus.2643



just logged in and noticed this. Why was this change deemed necessary?
Is there a workaround? I cannot find a keybind to fix this situation. I am confused.

punishing people who afk

in PvP

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Hello all,

Recently i have been playing some soloqueues, and been matched with a lot of 4v5’s.
and even in some of these games some people of the team with fever players have been afk, to expedite the loss.

now, what prompted me to write here was the moment i figured out that this was happening, when someone in my team just plainly said that ‘since someone is out, im afk too’.

i admit that i havent play that many soloq-tourneys, but these few 4v5 or essentially 3v5 prompted to me to write you to that this has to be fixed somehow.

Now in that one kittengame you all know, and you all have played, it took them years to start punishing the afkers and the leavers. One you think that the devs of this game would have learned something from that game, and not to repeat the same stupid mistakes over and over again.

In essence, if you are afk on a tournament queue -> bam 10h freeze. If you akittenside a match -> bam 3 strikes and you’re out for 10 hours or something similar.

Its not hard devs! just copy what the kitten mahamout of the industry did finally to fix this kitten after years of complaining and finally understooding that their system was kitten and not working because people want to cheat and …… ………..

Bring back ZKeys.

in PvP

Posted by: rutilus.2643


I still dont get it why people are whining about poor rewards in pvp in this game. I mean the top people are getting monetary rewards finally for their efforts. But as a mid level scrub, why whine about bad rewards?

Is it not enough to enjoy the game? Why do you people keep whining about stupid rewards? Why should the game reward you for being average? Just because you pour countless of hours of your pitifull life into this game? that is just plain stupid, and no reason to reward anything.

Finally a modern mmorpg has arrived that does not involve endless gear grinding to be competetive, like in wow arenas for example, and all people can think to do is to whine and whine and whine.

Well guess what? You are a pitifull scrub, and will allways remain as one, as long as you keep on whining about ‘rewards’ for simply just playing the game.

The best reward simply is just to learn more and beating yourself. No stupid timegrind crap should reward anyone anything.

fast cast ground targeting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rutilus.2643


As a thief i like having that feature turned on, and most of the time it works wonderful. but sometimes when my mouse cursor happens to wander to the top right corner of the screen, where there’s daily quests listed, it flat out stops to work.

why? It also wont work properly if i try to use my bottom right screen, where my map is.

If my mouse cursor is on those 2 positions it just casts the spell on the middle of my screen, under my character.

it just feels plain stupid that these kind of things are in the game. i mean what were the beta testers doing? (yes, im angry that i did not get selected, once again).


custom filters work with the 'play now'

in Suggestions

Posted by: rutilus.2643


Hi all,

the subject line says all i think, i wish the play now button would match me with the selected boundaries i have currently set in my custom filters in tpvp? spvp? dunno what the correct term is, in gw1 they were called the random arenas, or something.

the reason for this suggestion is that the 8v8 is terrible, yet i want to be matched with people with similar levels, and if i click the button, 9 out of 10 times its 8v8. and regardless of peoples skill levels, its quite terrible every time.

i know that the soloq’s for tourneys are coming, so this can go in a backburner for all a while, but still, for the dailys, i wish it was not so.


ps. had to change the first word on topic from ‘making’ to ‘make’ to make it fit.

pps. had to erase the whole ‘make’ word to make it fit.

ppps. had to erase the ‘-button’ from the end to maybe finally make it fit?

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: rutilus.2643


p/d thieves always reminds me of :

it just takes ages to kill anyone :P
(not hating, maining a thief myself)

2 hours to win a random spvp match

in PvP

Posted by: rutilus.2643



i talk to that hairy norn, click ‘play now’ and then join a random team when in match. I play in Eu, and just dinged rank 25 moments ago. The people’s rank seem to vary wildly, from 1 to as high as 44.

every time i play during the prime time (from 6pm server time onwards, i guess?) my win-rate drops to near 0%. The only time i can consistently win more than loose is during early (talking about 6:00-12:00) timeslot.

Today was my longest loosing streak so far. took me 12 losses to get 1 win. i want to believe i’m not so kitten that i alone can bring the whole team down consistently everyday and -time.

So im asking, is it me, or something else?

Teabag report clarification

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rutilus.2643


If a group of people sits on my corpse for 5 minutes, that means there’s 5 minutes where they’re not fighting. They get satisfaction out of their actions, and I get satisfaction knowing they’re not defending their own side or attacking my side. I see it as a win-win situation!

This. Its pretty much win for you if they decide to waste their time doing something like that.
Just give yourself a hug/demand your guildies to give you one, since you’ve succesfully made the enemy so mad that they want to waste their time on your corpse.

for an added effect, invite them to your group and let them spew out how hard their childhood was. then pretend to understand and ress to stab their faces in.

In other words, its all game.