Showing Posts For ryndaris.2975:

Which race has been your favorite to roll?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


The Norn are something of a conundrum for me – I love playing them, but I really dislike their storylines (tried out all 3). So i just skip the PS and play the awesome Norn, yay!

And the human Noble storyline is pretty good (tip: don’t pick the circus) mostly due to funny characters like Faren… Anise and Logan also work really well together.

Crafting Eternity- Need Staff Help (T_T)

in Crafting

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


Oh wow, I hope you get a favorable resolution to this. That is one kittenty situation

Logan Thackeray Joke Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


This thread is great, many laughs were had. Now I need to think hard and come up with a Logan joke.

GW2 is so much better...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


GW2 has it’s problems, but I can 100% relate. At this point I can’t at all imagine going back to either of the two MMO’s I played before.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


Strictly looking at the $60 and the hours played, the answer is yes. Would I buy it today? Nope. I generally want the games I buy to entertain me longer than 14 days (and this number is very generous in this case).

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


I believed the hype. For several years I was sure that GW2 was going to change everything, that it’s going to be what WoW was (for me, as a personal experience) when it was released. So I pre-purchased in April. Played the BWE’s, kept telling myself the issues I was having with the game were because I only had a couple of days to play and because I knew the characters I was playing were going to be deleted.

Release came around. I enjoyed the game for a total of less than two weeks, then the mind-numbing grind killed all interest. I somehow got my Elementalist to 80, thinking reaching the level-cap was going to change something. After that turned out to be wishful thinking, I thought that maybe the class I had chosen was to blame (only having 1 viable weapon set for the entire game does seem a bit boring, doesn’t it?) and I made a Warrior. Somewhat enjoyed it up to level 40, then the novelty wore off and I realized I was doing the same awful, rewardless grind that is the core of this game.

I sincerely hope I’ll be able to come back to GW2 some day and enjoy it, be it because something in the game changes, or the way I play games changes. I was a fool to believe the hype and if I knew then what I know now, I would have been spared a lot of disappointment.

I desperately need help...can't stop dying

in Warrior

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


Listen to Kujo The healing signet is hands down the best 3 skill points you’re going to spend on your warrior. I’ve run sword/warhorn + hammer most of the time, but I’ve experimented with all the weapons at one point or another and they all worked great in their respective styles.

Our Time is Now Trailer. My thoughts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


The trailer did nothing for me personally… I knew exactly what the message was watching it and I hope that it had the desired effect on it’s target audience, because if I was only just deciding about buying the game this trailer would be a considerable factor in the “con” collumn.

I absolutely love the idea in the OP though – got chills just from imagining the Charr example.

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: ryndaris.2975


You know how Zojja, still bitter because of Snaff’s death, despises Eir and tells her: “It’s all your fault, it’s you that should have died that day?” Yeah, Trahearne should have died on Claw Island. Exchanging Sieran for this guy was like throwing away chocolate icecream in favor of mud. Depressing.

I highly doubt I’ll play my Charr’s PS beyond level 50. And even if I do, it’ll be skip time, every time.