Showing Posts For shocking.3269:

Disgusting double team against blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Stop complaining about it. It isn’t going to stop because it has worked all Season 2.

Just get onto the Blackgatewvw forums, watch Sellers “Bloodied but not unbroken” video then just get out there and fight.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Dear JQ guys

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


The cries of the vocal minority do tend to drown out everyone else.

The majority of BG weren’t crying, they were too busy fighting. Sadly you couldn’t hear their calls to rally, instead you could only hear the few who were bleating.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Dear JQ guys

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


My goal for S2 has been accomplished. I managed to stay with this game long enough to make it to the next game releasing. I had fun out in WvW. Season went a little too long. If it had been shorter, I could have spent more time in beta. That would have been amazing!


That’s funny because I feel that BG is the winner. Why?

Because, despite the TCJQ pairing BG still turned up in numbers and still had a chance of winning season 2 until Thursday next week. I defy any other server to try and even come close to matching that spirit, determination and coordination. It took 2 Tier 1 servers to stop us winning Season 2 and despite that we are still as strong as ever.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Why start new content before WvW season ENDS?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


WvWers don’t WvW for rewards, they do it for the fight.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Why start new content before WvW season ENDS?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


As said most pve’rs aren’t even in WvW. Won’t bother me, I’m in WvW for the fights and can always do this new PvE content after Season 2 ends.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Downloading Twice?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shocking.3269


So its happened again.

My shortcut pinned to my taskbar decides that it can no longer be used and so I have to search for the exe file again. (For some reason its not sitting in my Programs folder.) The only exe that I have is in my Temp User file.

I action the exe and my dat file is all of a sudden 0kb and I’m starting again for a 2 day download which will mean 75Gb in a week and a half.

Sod that. I’m not going through that again.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Downloading Twice?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shocking.3269


I see the dat file, the GW2 Client and GW2.exe file but nothing else. Its weird.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Downloading Twice?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shocking.3269


On PC. Even when I execute the GW2.exe file its the same.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Downloading Twice?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shocking.3269


So I downloaded the game this week. (Took me 2 days due to my wonderful Aussie 500kbps). I was in game earlier today and now when I activate the client I am back to downloading the whole 20Gb of the game again. WTH!?

I’ve search the harddrive and cant find any trace of the game, just the GW2 Client.exe file.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Stop defending in EoTM

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Lol its AV all over again.

“Don’t engage the opposing faction, go straight for Lord! "

“This match-up has lasted more than 10mins! You guys suck!” /ragequit

EOTM is a WvW/PvP area. Let people fight. If you want Karma, go PvE.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Discuss The State Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Exactly. Te way to solve it is to work on population balance on other servers. Not going to happen though.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


As in every forum, its the vocal minority that are holding everyone hostage. ;p

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Discuss The State Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Is like to see a ban on server transfers now (no real need from a PvE point of view now with Webserver). In addition to that, block any new players from joining BG, TC & JQ. Spread that new population over the other servers.

However, seeing as there is revenue stream involved in server transfers I doubt that will happen.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Hey, BG ain’t suffering. We may not be winning Season 2 but we aren’t sufffering. We astill fighting & we are still doing what we love and are good at.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Reminder: Personal Story is horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shocking.3269


I still have 3 character slots left and on each one I can only see me doing the personal story missions through to Claw Island. The whole Traherne storyline and dialogue just makes me squirm. Not fun at all.

I would much rather have seen a storyline linked specifically to the Order I picked, not disregard it completely.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


I am and most of us are, just a vocal minority who aren’t.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


L2R Loosmaster.
If you have a look at my posts you won’t see any complaints about the 2vs1 from TC & JQ. It is how WvW was designed. My only problem is with the Swiss tournament method and how it has been implemented

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

(edited by shocking.3269)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Nah Wads. The majority of BG is just happy for a decent fight. Finally we’ve gotten one. Season 3 will see us come back stronger and it may take a 3vs1 to beat us next time. ;p

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Outnumbered and Mercenaries

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Lol. Powerful when used properly? Yes. OP? No, as they were very kiteable if you knew what you were doing.

And I’m talking about Vanilla WoW where you had real fights not the avoid everyone and go straight for Lord fights that we have now.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

World Verses World.. What is it to you??

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


What does WvW mean for me? Despite its limitations, its large scale pvp and I’m just there to fight.

Hopefully ANet will make improvements but I’m not counting on it and my fun in WvW isn’t dependent on it. Neither is Blackgate winning every match. As I said, I’m just there to fight alongside my Server-mates.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

[POLL] What is your wvw rank?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Only Rank15 here at the moment. Only gotten serious in WvW over the past month (casual play) as I was levelling my Thief and Guardian up to 80 first.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Outnumbered and Mercenaries

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Yes, balancing it out would take work. However handling like you said might work.

Also these NPCs would stay up as long as they are “alive” and in fairness should probably only be spawnable/triggerable on a 2-3hrs timer. (Perhaps you would need to be outmanned on that specific map for a solid 2hr period before the event is triggered.)

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Outnumbered and Mercenaries

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


There have been a couple of threads about being outnumbered and any possible buffs that could be added to assist in the situation and there have been equally valid posts showing how this wouldn’t work.

However, what if, when outnumbered you were able to “hire” mercenaries to assist you? These would “hired and directed” by commanders, perhaps being targetted to attack certain objectives etc.

I know we have the Hylek etc in EB and as such it could be that these mercenaries would only be available in the Server BL’s only.

Warning WoW reference being made Warning

Back in the days of Vanilla WoW, Alterac Valley was the only taste of raid size PvP we had. For those that remember that far back those were the days of awesome 24hr+ AV’s. In those fights resources could be gathered that would allow for the summoning of cavalry or the Ice/Tree Gods. These, when used correctly could have a large impact in breaking the lines of an attacking force or hammering the defenders into submission.

It would be interesting if Outmanned servers had access to something similar that could help turn the tide in pushing abjectives, perhaps being used as a feint while your zerg taps a second objective, or allowing a large zerg to push one objective while a second smaller group tags along with the Mercs to cap a second (allowing a double flip) or, in the case of 2vs1’s and in EB, allow a server to siege SM with there zerg and the Mercs balancing out against the 2 server defence force.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Laela Blackbird P/D & D/D Roaming [WvW]

in Thief

Posted by: shocking.3269


Excellent vid. Been looking for some current DD vids to help me in my gameplay for my DD thief while roaming.

Thanks. Keep ém coming

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Very true Reverence. For the WvWers, like me and you, the current situation is an annoyance but not a big drama.

We can still do what we like to do. Fight in open field, capture objectives, and if we have the numbers try and hold an objective as long as we can against a large serf. It’s fun in itself even if we are behind in PPT due to a 2v1. EvAdes fight for the sake of the fight no matter what server we are on.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Gold League NA Analysis: Better to lose?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


I’ve said for a long time that Swiss method doesn’t work as a way to determine a winner. Better to have it determine a group of servers qualifying for a playoff match. (perhaps top 6, with 1,3 & 5 playing off etc, then the winners of each playoff and the 2nd team with highest points qualifying for the final. During finals fortnight non-qualifying servers can enjoy random matchups as seen in non-tournament weeks.)

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Lets have a REAL wvw tournament 1 vs 1

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Not closer. Manufactured.

To be honest to do it properly you either have to have a league system where all servers play (no gold silver or bronze league, just one league.)
Or have seeded pools where depending on your rank at the end of the pool matches puts you in a series of 1 or 2 play off matches to determine the winner etc. (such as Soccer World Cup or NFL divisonals and playoffs to superbowl.)

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

(edited by shocking.3269)

Lets have a REAL wvw tournament 1 vs 1

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Before I start, let me say that I’m from Blackgate. I don’t mind 2vs1, its the way AgAvE was designed.

The problem isn’t 2v1, its the tournament style that creates a BGvTCvJQ matchup that allows for a fixed result before we are even a quarter of the way through the season.

A seeded matchup seystem that allowed each server to play each other once or twice in the season would change that.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Only a WvW player will read all of these and will approve all of them while shaking his head up and down.

this..about sums me up! Hahaha!

Ditto brah.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

WvW SPvP Thief Build and Gearing

in Thief

Posted by: shocking.3269


I’m looking for some advice.

I recently hit 80 and bought a set of berserker gear and have enough gold for another set of gear. Nothing too expensive, but certainly of exotic level.

Now I want to share my time between SPvP and WvW and am looking for some recommendations on viable gear additions and build to work in this. I’m not feeling the bow so I’m looking for at running DD / DP or something similar.

Any ideas/recommendations?

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

WvW ALL Thief Guild on BG

in Thief

Posted by: shocking.3269


the guild is not a 100% represent guild. Its more of a community of thieves that join or added to do these havoc squads, share builds, tips, etc.

It is not required to have Teamspeak but it is nice to be able to use it at times when you really want to organize ganks.

The way we do it right now is you just whisper any of the members that are online in the roster if they want to join you in a roam or havoc squad. Your very easily going to make a 5 man squad quickly :P

I’d happily be a part of this then.

It would just be nice to roll with a group when I join WvW. Now that I’ve got to 80 with my Thief WvW and SPvP is going to be my main thrust. My laptop is such that zergs aren’t great and as such a roaming/havoc squad would be best for me.

Plus the nerdrage whispers and map chat that could be created in the Megaserver due to mass thief stealth pop and gank would just be awesome.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

WvW ALL Thief Guild on BG

in Thief

Posted by: shocking.3269


on Blackgate you can join DTG (Downtown Tyria Gangsters) which is an all thief roaming/havoc guild which soul goal is to make the enemy team lose all camps, back lines, and bloodlust.

You can contact Cronicle.5691 for invite

So, do you guys require Mumble or Teamspeak? Bit difficult for that here with the kids.

What time do you guys create havoc? Might just tag along and create havoc with you without necessarily being part of the guild if thats okay.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Stealthy Burst/Condi Build Critique

in Thief

Posted by: shocking.3269


Okay. Then why are my dagger traits in the "condition"line and not my "Crit"trait line?

Personally I prefer physical burst, so I’ll probably plum for that.

How then can I adapt the above build to do that?

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Stealthy Burst/Condi Build Critique

in Thief

Posted by: shocking.3269


So I’m level 70 on my Thief at the moment and I’m looking for some help on my prospective 80 Build.

I’m looking at primarily WvW roaming and I want to try and have a Stealthy Burst/Condi Build. I have put the following build together and was wondering if you guys here could give me some contructive critiquing on it, please.|8.1g.hg.8.1g.hg.0.0.0|5.1g.hg.0.0.0|1p.b14.1p.b14.1p.b14.1p.b14.1p.9l.1p.9l.|1p.9b.1p.9b.1p.9b.1p.9b.1p.9b.cq.9b|k39.u13c.k18.0.0|3n.d|57.5a.5h.5b.5v|e

Looking forward to your advice.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Multiple Legendaries for on Character?

in Crafting

Posted by: shocking.3269


So Ive just recently hit 80 on my Guardian who is an armoursmith and weaponsmith and I currently levelling my thief which going to become my main.

I want to craft legendary daggers for him but Im not sure if that is possible with gifts etc.

Will I need to get 100% map completion on both toons to make 2 legendaries? If so, is it even possible to fully deck all your toons out with legendaries?

Also, is it worth going for legendaries, or am I just better off crafting Ascended?

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Oceanic Server?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Hi guys I recently started GW2 and I am from New Zealand which is a huge disadvantage when your currently on a Western European server (no one on wvw).
So here’s the deal if I was to delete my level 5 character could I move servers for free?
And more importantly what are some big Oceanic or Oceanicish servers which have players that would be on during my time (6:58pm Thursday at the moment)?

Thanks in advance I’ve really been looking forward to wvw in this game but haven’t got any yet.

Yes you can move for free to another server if you delete your toon. However just make sure you only trash your soulbound gear. Put all your Account Bound gear etc into your bank and it will transfer with you to your new server.

As for which server to join. I had the same problem living in Queensland and initially rolling on a server with a poor Oceanic coverage.

I re-rolled Blackgate and didnt look back. Although I’m sure if you rolled SoS or JQ you wouldn’t have a problem finding Oceanics to level and WvW with.

Good luck.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

How much to powerlevel crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: shocking.3269


So, I tried levelling my Armoursmithing and Weaponsmithing and it didnt work. I’m sitting at level 57, have spent most of my time in the starter areas to try and quest while gathering resources. However I have only been able to gather enough to get both to around 35 in each.

So I’m thinking of powerlevelling when I get to level 70. I’ve checked out the GW2 Crafting site and now have a strategy for what resources I need to buy.

However Im not sure how much gold I’ll need for this. Has anyone levelled their crafting this way and if so how much did you spend in doing so?

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Crafting while levelling or once 80

in Crafting

Posted by: shocking.3269


yakO so Ive gotten to level 23 in my first toon and am enjoying it so far. I had thought I would level my crafting from all the resources I harvested on the way. However, despite harvesting everything I see I have only reached 14/500 on both weaponsmithing and armoursmithing.

Is it possible to level crafting as I go or am I better off selling my harvested mats as I go and just powerlevelling once I have gold to pay for it?

Im a bit stuck and wouldn’t mind some helo.


Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Wrong Server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shocking.3269


Thanks guys. Tried what you said and it worked. Now on Blackgate and have only lost my soulbound quest rewards.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Oceanic WvW Server

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


I finally downloaded GW2 this week and and looking for a decent Oceanic WvW server as intend on WvWing 70-80% of the time through levelling and endgame.

I’ve tried searching on these forums for an answer but can’t find one. Which is a good server with consistent Oceanic coverage? I’ve just started on Tarnished Coast, but there coverage I’ve found is pretty minimal, so I’m looking for a different berth.

I’ve heard that Sea of Sorrows and Blackgate are good interms of Oceanic coverage. Is that right?


Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Wrong Server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shocking.3269


Okay, so I bought the Heroic download version this week and started playing on Thursday.

I’m Oceanic based and want to spend 70%+ in WvW while levelling and in endgame. However, I have since discovered the the Oceanic coverage on this server is minimal at best.

Now I’m quite prepared to delete my 1 toon that I have created but was wondering if my ingame items would still be useable on any new toon I create on a new, more appropriate server? (To be honest, I’m mostly concerned about the Mithril Box than the Legendary Armour or anything)


Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Which server - Ehmry Bay or Tarnished Coast?

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


Okay, so I’m currently downloading and will be finally ingame later today. I’m just debating which server to plum for.

I’m a bit of a closet RPer and heard that the WvW action on TC is quite good. However, not sure of the queue time for WvW on a Gold Leagure Server.

I’ve also been watching of late the vids put up by CharrCat and Drak regarding the Ehmry Bay Resets and Zerg of Zergs. Man, I like the way those guys WvW. Very good.

Anyway, anyone here able to give me any pointers on which server to choose for an Oceanic Newbie who plans on spending 80% of his levelling time and 95% of his Max-Level time in WvW?


Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Guess the nasty secret of the stealthy salad

in Lore

Posted by: shocking.3269


I reckon Caithe was actually the first to enter the nightmare and recruited Faolain and the others only to reject it condemning the others to it.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

If you could bring a lore element...?

in Lore

Posted by: shocking.3269


2 things both from WoW:

1: Id bring back dwarves into GW2 as a playable race. Perhaps a lost colony not yet attacked by destroyers.

2: Remember the (can’t remember the name of the 2 black dragons in WoW) who masqueraded as lords in the Stormwind Court trying to take it over & manipulate the boy king? What if something similar was the xase with Jenna? She is actually an elder dragon manipulating heroes to adore her (such as Logan) so she can take over Tyria?

Just my 2 cents.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: shocking.3269


Just downloading the game now and will be rolling a Female Charr Thief. Not sure if Im rolling on Tarnished Coast or Ehmry Bay yet. But have been watching Charrcat from Ehmry Bays WvW vids on youtube & it was that that convinced me to roll Female Charr.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

New player looking for a server to WvW in

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shocking.3269


Okay so Im just downloading GW2. At Aussie download speeds Ill be in game in approx 9hrs (lol grr).

Anyway, Im wondering which would be a good server to go for. If I plan on doing 80% WvW from level 20 up, which would be a good server to join?

Would it be better for me to join a Gold League server like Tarnished Coast or a Silver League server like Ehmry Bay? Which servers have good coordinated WvW during Oceanic times?

Thanks for any help.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)

WvW 101: basic TIPS

in WvW

Posted by: shocking.3269


For PvErs that have just jumped into WvW, it is definitely a useful guide.

For newbie players like me who plan on WvW Levelling and playing WvW for 90% of gametime, it is definitely a useful guide.

Savajj Blayde Lvl 80 Thief
Hrafn Skaarsgard Lvl 80 Healadin Guard
Beastgate – 2vs1? Who cares! We are just here for the fight! ;)