Showing Posts Upvoted By BilboBaggins.5620:

Aetherblade story dungeon vs jumping puzzles

in Living World

Posted by: TottWriter.8591


Come on guys, the OP isn’t asking for a lot, just some more variety in the ways to complete this meta. If it was for an exotic bit of armour, or something that is super valuable and game-changing I could almost agree, but this is for a mini. A memento of the event, that’s all.

I think, sure, have harder achievements that not everyone can get. Go ahead and tie gear drops into it if you like, whatever. But everyone should be able to get something. He’s not asking for it for free. He’s already got 11 achievements, that’s three more than the last meta was, and these achievements were all harder to get, where the last ones were just “go here and press F”. It’s not a free ride for anyone.

I’m all for hard stuff that not everyone can get, but this content patch was crazy for all but a small proportion of the playerbase, one way or another. And every time people get demoralised and quit, that’s fewer players to fund the cash shop running of the game.

If the Living Story is being touted as the future of the game, it’s no good saying “Well you don’t have to play it”, because you are basically saying “Well don’t play the game”. And if that’s the answer to everything, the game starts to fall apart.

People are entitled to make criticisms if they think there is a problem. Will it change anything? I don’t know. But there’s no call to go around saying that people’s opinions are invalid because they’re not up to some arbitrary standard that other people are setting.

To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Generally I hate those stupid JP’s with a passion and
this sanctum BS is one of the JP’s I have always refused to do at all !

Now it is tied to new content I absolutely want to do and it requires me to do a stinking JP !!!!!!

Come on NOT everyone wants to kitteng play Mario Bros. again I grew up with that kitten game I’ve had enough Mario to last me 2 life times !

Please stop placing achievements in these kitten JP’s will yah !

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It isn’t but it is catered towards the WvW players since its in a familiar territory for them and just unlike the other 99% achievements in the open world.

It caters to the WvW players, all right, but not the way you say. It’s there to give WvW players free targets.

And here i thought that Anet actually learned something after aetherblade obsidian cache…

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


I somehow can’t shake the feeling that the devs are trolling us now.

They were trolling us even before the game was released. Remember the “manifesto”?

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I somehow can’t shake the feeling that the devs are trolling us now.

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


Really boggles the mind that they’re doing this again.

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: kishter.9578


trying to achieve something and get ganked by undesired player that KNOW you only have a fixed time to do the contest before end, remember me so much Korean MMORPG.

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: rodadams.5963


So if I’m to believe [url=[/url]Dulfy’s guide[/url] on the topic, the getting to the end of Obsidian Sanctum is once again an achievement.

So, basically, there’s 20pts I won’t be getting. (5pt for getting there, 15pt for the “Learning to Kite” meta).

I say I won’t be getting it, because every time I attempted to get to the Aetherblade cache, I encountered multiple groups from other servers that would just camp out at select chokepoints, and gank anyone trying to complete it.

I do not find subjecting myself to the torment of others enjoyable.

No living story deserves to be this hard

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Gyl.1238


I rarely post but want to add my comments in support of several who have posted here. I like this dungeon. I like that it is more challenging. It is hard and in my opinion that is good. But as someone who also likes to try and get all the achievements – and especially so now that achievements will give you rewards – I am not happy about the time-limited nature of this content. I have completed the dungeon twice but would like to try and get all of achievements. Work this week has meant that I have not had as much time to play. Each group I have done this dungeon with has been different. To get all of the achievements requires practice and therefore requires time. This content should either be around longer or permanent.

Whilst getting new content every two weeks sounds great, if it is content like this with this degree of difficulty but only available for a short time, then for me – as a completionist – playing will become more stressful and less enjoyable.

No living story deserves to be this hard

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: binidj.5734


Not everything in the game can be a faceroll.

Nor would I want it to be, however making challenging content temporary basically silos it off from the casual player. If you’re a skilled player then you can complete the Aetherblade Retreat and get the Obsidian Sanctum cache with ease; however if you’re a casual player who takes time to practice in an effort to overcome challenges then content that doesn’t give you time to practice puts it out of your reach.

As it stands, I won’t make it through the boss fights in Aetherblade Retreat unless I’m carried; give me a couple of months on it though and I might be looking at getting some of the achievements (eg. Faster Than Light). As for the Obsidian Sanctum cache, well some groups appear to be using that as an excuse to farm PvE players, and because it’s a short window of opportunity there’s more PvEers than normal passing through the puzzle.

In short, if your content is temporary then actually yes, it does need to be “faceroll easy” or, as we casuals like to call it “normal difficulty.” If content is permanent then make it as challenging as you like, we’ll have all the time in the world to go back and practice if we want to.

Glad to be [Grey] –
Piken Square

No living story deserves to be this hard

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Keira Wildflower.7304

Keira Wildflower.7304

I love GW2.. I really do.. but being a completionest this isn’t fair in the slightest.. You said "let’s make it for the casual player.. then you go back on that phrase and stomp it into the ground.. Why turn away from the majority players when the ones who complain that the game is too easy don’t make handicaps for themselves? They can fight with a stick if they are that awesome.. anything that difficult should be permanent so us casual players can get better and take it down. Please fix this!! I’m prolly not gonna get my achievements now.. I did Dragon Bash in 3 days and worked hard to get them before time ran out cuz I didn’t have any internet for 2 months so I missed flame and frost.. I just want achievements….

Aetherblade Retreat: an alarming trend

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: dreadicon.5840


I had thought GW2’s whole philosophy with abolishing the holy trinity was to make it so any class combo could do all the main content, and while some classes could have a stronger ability to perform a role, it should not be ‘required’ to have a given class.

Aetherblade Retreat: an alarming trend

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: dreadicon.5840


So, this dungeon has been rather divisive, and I think saying ’it’s too hard’ or ‘this dungeon is hard in a good way’ gloss over the real problem of the dungeon: context.

(NOTE: I apologize, I know this post is long, but I try to convey my position as clearly as possible.)

GW2 needs more dungeons like this; hard AND rewarding. Fractals is hard AND rewarding. Other dungeons are hard OR rewarding(i.e. CoF = rewarding, CM = Hard). Open world megga bosses are rewarding, but not often hard.

So yes, dungeons that punish mistakes and force players to get better are a good, needed thing. The problem is this: Living story dungeons which are hard will block casuals from finishing the storyline, not because a casual can’t learn the mechanics, but because a casual only plays a few hours out of the week. The biggest problem with this dungeon is that it is story-related, temporary, AND very difficult. Remove any of those three elements and it becomes casual friendly. Temporary and difficult but not story-related? Casuals can just ignore; they won’t be missing anything that special by not playing. Difficult and story related but not temporary? also fine, as the casual has plenty of time to master it.

Anet seems to be starting to follow an alarming trend of making punishing dungeons as temporary content; dungeons with unique mechanics that must be mastered outside of the rest of the game. Secret of Southsun would party-wipe if the unique mechanics of the fight were not followed AND the party was coordinated; something you just can’t expect from a PUG. The Aetherblade instance gets even worse by making the mechanic VERY exacting and punishing.

I have heard it said that the laser fight is hard in a good way because you must know how to dodge and be good at GW2 in general. Well, I will put it this way; I run fractals 26 reliably being the last one up, always on top of things, and generally really pulling my weight, which is more skilled than the majority of GW2 players. I can dodge, stat out my characters well, and know when/where/how to use my abilities. I also run explorable dungeons in much the same way. I’m no expert, but I’m above the average casual player. I spent 2 hours puzzling out the remaining mechanics of the laser fight which weren’t even listed in strat guides. For example, did you know the golems only pull when they are supercharged? Anyhow, it took me a considerable amount of time and repair bills, and ultimately me and my group of voice-chat coordinated friends were unable to get past the laser mid-boss. I could tell that if all members of my party were stated for it and up to my skill level, we would have been able to do it. But that’s just it: the dungeon’s mechanics specifically hinder you from using your normal GW2 skills: dodging is a very minor part of the fight, because the laser walls are un-dodgable. Stability works on them, but it’s really a hard buff to come by, and they will still do a lot of damage. Stages 1 and 2 are laughably easy. Group up and kite the golems, keeping them out of the lasers. No pulls, no invulnerability, no heals. Easy. Stage 3 becomes stupidly hard in contrast. no matter what, you cannot prevent all pulls, one slip up can mean insta-death, and any amount of lacking coordination will wipe the party.

Is that a bad thing in a dungeon? No. It’s good; GW2 needs more content that is both highly challenging and rewarding. Is it a bad thing in a temporary story dungeon? Yes. Very yes. I have been rather put off by Anet’s focus on temporary content in general; where are the new fractals? more dungeons? or even raids? Right now we have only one piece of content which is both challenging AND rewarding: fractals of the mists.

So yeah, that’s the REAL problem with it. A challenging temp dungeon which isn’t story-related is fine. It would be like a new PvP map: ‘Oh, I don’t care about that, I’m a casual PvE person.’ Instead the casual PvE player wants to see the story, but may not have the time to learn a new difficult dungeon in such a short amount of time. And before someone says ‘who cares about casuals’, I remind you that casuals aren’t necessarily people who don’t care as much about GW2; they are often people who have lots of irl obligations (friends, family, work, etc), or people who simply enjoy the game for other reasons (roleplay, lore, WvW, or just not focusing too much on the technical aspects).

I really hope Anet does not continue this trend of difficult and punishing temporary story dungeons, and instead either gives users a ‘hardcore’ and ‘softcore’ more for the temp dungeons, or simply puts hardcore content into permanent or non-story-centric implementations.

No living story deserves to be this hard

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: ppaladin.4608


They sent mixed messages: it is a limited time dungeon that levels everyone up to 80 upon entering. That suggests they want everyone to experience it and that it will be similar to the winterfest instance. Then they stacked it full of stun-locking, lethal AoE-generating mobs and bosses that require coordination and practice.

This dungeon would be excellent permanent end-game content to run with your guild and practice dozens of times (if it had rewards worth striving for).

As a temporary dungeon meant to be accessible to anyone regardless of level, it is a failure.

Can we have a break between living stories?

in Living World

Posted by: Alkurhah.9376


I’ve actually found this much content to be a deterrent to playing.
From a players perspective;
Imagine having a favorite TV show and no way to watch episodes you missed.

If you keep content moving this fast, can you give us ingame TVO?

I’m sure someone on the Dev team watches The Walking Dead and would find it rather disappointing if they had no way to watch the last season finale because they were working on this game. =)

Aetherblade catche - Goemms lab fall bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pixi Nix.9184

Pixi Nix.9184

This bug really frustrates me. To get my jumping puzzle achievement eventually a friendly mesmer portalled me across all the jumps as I couldn’t fall without being kicked all the way out and having to restart.
3 months later I tried it again for the cache achievement…and same thing! I can’t face asking the mesmer to take me again.
If it is a known issue, why put a cache there?

Aetherblade catche - Goemms lab fall bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: revx.4378


We are all over this bug!

Hi Gaile, Glad to hear that the team is looking in to this.

But I have to add and emphasize that this bug has been around for a very long time, and till today, has yet to be fixed. Admittedly, I am really bad at JPs and I do fall often, and this bug of falling to my death miles away from where I was supposed to be ported is honestly really ANNOYING (for emphasis) and wasting me alot of gold (well about 2s for porting everytime I fall).

I just spent about 20 silver, porting back to the WP just coz I kept falling, and I keep being bugged and glitched to my death. I still have not gotten my cache yet.

As much as I enjoy the luxury of being ported, nothing beats the satisfaction of beating a jumping puzzle, esp when one sucks at it as much as I do.

(edited.. my grammar has fallen off the roof)

PMS|H2O Guild Wars 2 Division Co-Leader

(edited by revx.4378)

Aetherblade catche - Goemms lab fall bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Agreed, old bug.

This cache should never have been placed near the end of a buggy JP. Should have placed it closer to the beginning, or fixed the JP. This is NOT a new bug.

Rewards for Zhaitasty

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


For me I don’t like the look of the dragon wings players get for Zhaitasty. And I don’t see myself buying 100,000 Zhaitasty off the TP. The foods you get for Zhaitasty is not that great. That leaves only fireworks as the only good reward for Zhaitasty.

There could more better rewards for Zhaitasty. Like a Endless Holographic Tonic for example.

"Been There. Done That" & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: ezhcim.3075


I think there should be a system by which players are allowed to reach the vistas and POI’s in these maps without having to be forced into playing WvW or switching servers.

I feel it is unfair that many people that are mainly PvE players are forced to go and compete in WvW where many times if your world isnt good at WvW you dont even stand a chance at changing anything or taking over places.

Titles shouldn’t be something that depend on my luck when choosing servers but actually something that show my personal skills and dedication.

I dont understand why a title that is 95% centered in PvE exclusively suddenly forces you to go to WvW.

I think it would be better if the POI’s and vistas in WvW were openly accessible to everyone. This would still require some skill from you to be able to get to them probably fighting your way against other invaders but it wouldn’t be as bad as it is nowadays.

Maybe they could even introduce some sort of system by which when you go into WvW you have a 10 minute frame window in which you are World Neutral. You can press a button and leave this “Neutral State” as soon as u get into the WvW map, or you could use that time frame to hunt down the POI’s and vistas you need.

In any case it would be nice to see a fix to this, at least that is my personal opinion.


Stop adding TEMPORARY content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roman Legionary.6715

Roman Legionary.6715

This game was built for the casual player and it was claimed by Anet that players could walk away without being punished. TEMPORARY CONTENT means if a player is not on when it happens, they are being punished for not playing. Also, adding content that is temorary takes away from BUG FIXES/ adding content of quality THAT CAN BE ENJOYED. Add a new dungeon only to take it away in 12 days. Good job wasting employee’s time and the company’s money. Make the dungeon stay around forever or on a special event timer like the underworld was in gw1 (need the favor of the gods). Why take one step forward and two steps back? LEARN FROM GW1. Is this really a difficult concept to grasp? And adding said content to a RNG for fractals is NOT a special event timer.

An alternative worth mentioning (Today’s temporary content revisted tomorrow) is here :

(edited by Roman Legionary.6715)

Repeating content. Replaying living stories.

in Living World

Posted by: Fox Mulder.6907

Fox Mulder.6907

I hope Living Story will be replayed. Several of us in my guild didn’t get “A rallying flame”. That’s a complete waste of, what, 3 months!

As new content gets added it will become impossible to find groups of 5 for older content.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mik Hell.8206

Mik Hell.8206

Colin Johanson wrote:
“The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than
other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items
have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of
accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to
make mandatory gear treadmills
, we make all of it optional, so those
who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who
don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.”

Less than 3 months after launch :“In November we’ll unveil the first Ascended items. This new rarity type
falls between Exotic and Legendary on the spectrum of rarity and has
slightly higher stats than Exotics.”

I guess anet just proved they’re just like every other company out there, tend to the whiners follow the money ^^

Oh and Ascended items are not just “slightly better” than exotics. From the picture of the rings they posted you can see an extra +10 stat and a +3% magic find wich is 67 stat points on exotics right now if you put some other stat there.
Pretty sure they posted the item with the magic find % on purpose so the difference doesn’t show that much wich is probably +77 stat points from just a ring.
Imagine a full set when or if they implement it…

Agree, this has nothing to do with whining or complainig that they took away my precious casualgamer jewel.

My problem with this patch is ANet is breaking promises, I don’t care if it’s +1 or +100 stats per item.

I bought GW2 specifically because of the absence of gear treadmills as stated by more than one developer, they gave their word and this is what happens after only 3 months.

I had my fair share tier grinds, now I am sick of it, it’s not like I can’t spare 2/3 hours 4 times per week, I just don’t want to.

I want to enjoy the game as it was advertised: horizontal progression.

There’s no end to vertical progression, look at WoW, look at how many tiers Blizzard pumped into that game. The power creep’s hunger will never be satiated.

I bought what ANet said to be an orange, only to find out it’s a reskinned apple.

Nothing wrong with apples, but I paid for an orange.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krookie.6378


LF2M Fractal, link all Ascension gear or NO INVITE

LF2M AC, link all Exotic gear or NO INVITE.

See what I did there?

So long as ArenaNet doesn’t make the dungeons impossible to do without Ascended gear, but can be done in your Greens and Blues, there is no problem.

To be speculative of the blog post, sine people are choosing to take the OMG TREADMILL path, I’m going to speculate on the Deeper through the Fractals path. What I read into this was its infinitely scaling difficulty, not the first “tier” of the dungeon. I could be wrong, but the lot whining and wailing about a gear treadmill (that already exists in the form of fine, masterwork, rare, and exotic) could be wrong as well.

The doom and gloomers in this thread are not the majority, this design choice clearly makes it out you’re not. I doubt your leaving this game will have a dramatic effect on my, or anyone who decides to stay, gameplay experience.

Didn’t you read the blog post? Ascended gear with agony defense infusion is going to be required to complete the new dungeon.

Here’s the quote:

Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must.

You can only get agony defense infusions on ascended armor, therefore you will not be able to complete the whole of the new dungeon with exotics, blues, greens, whites whatever.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

I find it funny how some people say the whiners are mistaken as the majority, but you believe your opinion against ascended gear is somehow a majority.

I’m personally happy with the change.

Somes people like you like gear grinding, its another way to play… I dont understand where the fun in doing 5343504time the same thing for just a poor item but why not after all, its your problem.

But, GW1 was one of the last barrier against all thoses none sense brainless grindfest game to really focus the gameplay on the SKILL ( and skill i mean the various possible build, various way to play your class, and smartness to play it ) not just "yeah i have a +50weapons and armor, you only have a +5, i beat you easy.

There is enough mmo like that everywhere, no one here wanted that for GW2.

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrCereal.1765


My thoughts on this.

Earlier I did the maths to show that ascended gear is, roughly, 26% more powerful than exotic gear. That is huge. Now, the problem is not that they are introducing a new tier of gear; as others have pointed out we already have blue, green, yellow, orange tiers.

So, what’s the problem with a new tier? Here’s the problems:

1) First and foremost, it’s only available through this new dungeon system. Before, you could get the highest tier of gear, exotic, through whatever means you found more appealing: dynamic events karma farming, dungeons, WvWvW, auction house, crafting, etc. Whatever way you enjoyed playing the game was a valid way to do so: Arenanet stayed true to their “manifesto”. Now, whatever you ultimately want to do in the game, if you want to be the most effective at it (barring sPvP of course), you have to do this dungeon.

2) It’s a gating mechanic. Others have stated why this is bad, I won’t beat on a dead horse.

3) It’s all of these things being introduced 2 months after release; not, say, two years.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.1473


maybe if you people complaining would have bought some gems, this wouldn’t have happened.

People have obviously been buying gems and a lot of them if you read the financial reports that they gave for NCSoft investors.

No, this isn’t because of the core audience not paying up. This is because P.O.S no-lifers spent 1000 hours in the game since launch and are now complaining because they’ve done everything in the game faster than any development team can hope to keep up with. Now those whiny MMO addicts have twisted the one game that didn’t pander to them.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabberwok.5730


Anet broke my heart.
I have no more words to add.

Avatar of Deity[AoD] – StormBluff Isles

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toggles.1783


This is because P.O.S no-lifers spent 1000 hours in the game since launch and are now complaining because they’ve done everything in the game faster than any development team can hope to keep up with. Now those whiny MMO addicts have twisted the one game that didn’t pander to them.

Quoted For Truth.

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gadenp.7586


GW2, I believe, Core audience are more mature, with less time.

Older people, do not forgive so easily. Longer life = Longer memory.