There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089
It is still very casual friendly, just not friendly to bad players who are unwilling to improve. Casual does not equal bad player. Even players with a low amount of time can play very well if they desire.
And that in a nutshell is the problem with the direction ANet has taken. When it was first introduced it was advertised as the game for those that don’t like the traditional MMO. Friendly atmosphere, no grind, no “I swing a sword again”.
But the current iteration is EXACTLY what many of us were running away from!
The entire “get gud” attitude was something I never wanted to see in this game, now it seems that GW2 is no better than any other WOW clone out there.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089
Before HoT, I always had a legitimate chance of acquiring a festival or event skin. The requirements were sensible.
Since HoT, I present Nightfury and Winter’s Presence….. The requirements for these skins are just nauseating.
When people talk about the grind in HoT, this is exactly the kind of thing they are talking about. You either have to grind for those drinks during the festival OR spend a ton of gold on drinks( cynical gold sinks also a trend since HoT)
On a side note Jumping puzzle requirement is crap. Prior to HoT jp’s were just a sideshow attraction. HoT is trying to turn my rpg into a platformer and that sucks.
Case in point, the Halloween back piece from 2012:
Was received after doing a quest involving going places, defeating evil and generally just playing with other players. Everyone that tried to get one had one. There was no elitism involved and the gold sink/grind was non-existent.
Fast forward 3 years and we have nightfury
Does nobody at ANet see the difference here? I know I sure do!
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Yep, it’s all about the money. I withhold mine until they revert to their original philosophy. Platforming and gated content isn’t a direction for the game that excites me.
There is absolutely NO doubt that this game was advertised as casual oriented. Play your way, no grind, no gear treadmill.
What are all those diehard hardcores doing here in the first place?
Oh thats right: Vocal hardcores NEED wins – Winning, in this case, being every game catering to their specific needs.
Well it’s ok, you lot can have this game too. No sarcasm: I’ve had some good times here and probably will again once the ship starts zagging back where it zigged off.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Before HoT, I always had a legitimate chance of acquiring a festival or event skin. The requirements were sensible.
Since HoT, I present Nightfury and Winter’s Presence….. The requirements for these skins are just nauseating.
When people talk about the grind in HoT, this is exactly the kind of thing they are talking about. You either have to grind for those drinks during the festival OR spend a ton of gold on drinks( cynical gold sinks also a trend since HoT)
On a side note Jumping puzzle requirement is crap. Prior to HoT jp’s were just a sideshow attraction. HoT is trying to turn my rpg into a platformer and that sucks.
They gave a big middle finger to their mission statement, to what this game was that drew so many here, and to many well-paying customers like me.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925
A long time ago, there was an MMO that advertised itself out there to be “the” casual player mmo. This mmo promised it would create content that would be designed for relaxing and open social gameplay, the ability to play with friends without having to, the ability to do dungeon runs that werent frustrating or tedious, a massive world vs world vs world pvp mode that encouraged thousands to play. Huge map wide raids were also a big deal in these casual event systems designed to help casual gamers play with other casual gamers.
It also introduced a level based pvp system entirley seperate from its main game with an entirely class-balance based focus on that pvp system.
That game also had a decent roleplaying community on at least 2 major servers prior to the introduction of mega-servers and a number of other new additions to the game.
It also promised that absoleutley no content in the game would be a tedious chore.
It lied.
GW2, What ever you promised to be, you need to keep it, screw this “1%” minority that are into e-sports, and raiding 24/7 this isnt WoW just abbandon that entirley and focus on the people that “do” care about the game, and “do” care about it surviving longer than 3 months.
GW2 was the first MMO SINCE World of Warcraft I could activly play for more than just a month, I felt a certain satisfaction in exploring the world, doing random questsa t my own pace and leisure, having the options to see Tyria at my own adventuring pace.
Now, I feel like the game wants me to rush into content, get my ascended mats, aquire legendaries, 5000 acheivement points minimum and alot more content thats just locked behind farming for content so that an kitten group of stowaways from other MMO’s can have their moment to shine.
Can we please, PLEASE go back to what MADE GW2 special in the first place.
Going forward, GW2 needs to abbandon this “challenging group content” kitten and “e-sport pvp ladder” system and just focus on what MADE GW2 special.
Its a game, people can play at their own leisure for fun, with nothing overly complicated about that at all.
Season 2 did this ALOT better than HoT did.
Going into Season 3 and future expansions, I would seriously hope A-net goes BACK to what made the games CORE gameplay special.
I want a game that isnt just another WoW clone, dont become another wow clone, A-net.
Yeah, good old “cost-efficiency”…
Nobody takes pride in their work anymore, and those that do, end up getting laid off due to “cost-efficiency” as well…
That’s alright, when a product shows signs of scrimping by, I usually use my own form of “cost-efficiency” by spending my money elsewhere. Sadly, that doesn’t actually teach the lesson it should to companies. Instead of making better products, they just churn out new things in hopes of snagging some money before the hype dies, then churn out the next thing. Rinse, repeat.
There is something that stands out to me as a customer and I’ve had this feeling for a while now… I really see a “slim” game here with some great elements, but it’s still “slim” and under developed in many areas. Now I won’t go into specific details of profession development, combat aspects, content, reward structures, bltc/store stuff… but I will say this…
I could see what’s happening with the game and this is a clear confirmation…
“Of note is that the third quarter report stretches only to the end of September, thus predating both WildStar‘s shift in business model and Guild Wars 2‘s first expansion release. During the conference call, NCsoft said it has been focused on cost-efficiency and expects fourth quarter revenues to improve, referencing Guild Wars 2 specifically. Fans of the aforementioned games should keep their eyes peeled for next quarter’s results.”
“cost-efficiency” means reinvesting the bare minimum to turn some profit in this case.
Sadly, this can be seen in many aspect of the game and why EVERYTHING is bltc (gem sales) centric… Don’t worry, I understand that this is a play for free game and they need to earn a profit somehow…, but that’s not the point here or the issues I’m talking about…
“Cost-efficiency” is the reason why we only have a single new map now for wvw and nothing else…
“Cost-efficiency” is the reason why the raid is so tiny and boring, thus needing to be gated by these boss mechanics… and why we don’t even have a preview of legendary armors that were touted as the ultimate rewards…
“Cost-efficiency” is the reason why events like winter festival are so underwhelming… and the focus is more on material and karma “sinks” (for very very very poor rewards) and taking away, as opposed to meaningful rewards in return for these “sinks” and “giving” back to the loyal fan base that has been here supporting this game…
“Cost-efficiency” is why MEANINGFUL profession development and combat system improvements have been neglected despite these areas being the ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANT AND VITAL ASPECTS of this game…
“Cost-efficiency” is why we are very “meta” content “light” and why everything it turning into mastery and reward tracks…. So instead of simply amazing content, with amazing professions to play, that is highly repayable on mere fun factor alone… we have an artificial life extender as THE “retention” tool. Now I don’t mind the reward and mastery track stuff, I believe they are good, but here it is used to mask gaping holes and flaws instead of being a ++enhancement.
I hope the mentality and over arching goal to “just save money” through “cost-efficiency” doesn’t command gw2 2016… because that is not doing this game or the players any justice… Plus it doesn’t look good either to those paying attention.
I would like to suggest that after the wvw update is put in that this year become the year of very very very serious profession improvements and development. Also, better reward structures and better bltc items and services…
Edit- I would like to add one thing. I fully understand that fantasy is the most popular genera for mmos, but there was a gem of a game that was shut down by ncsoft. That game was city of heroes… To date, there is not one, not a single one game, to ever capture the “heroic feeling” for players individually and as a team. That game made characters central to the entire experience, and still is hands down the absolute best “profession” and “powers” design of any game period. There is no game on the market, to this day, that can match all things “profession” and roles and combat… Those design structures and frame works are what to use to rebuild professions and combat here if you (Anet) want to have THE most kick kitten video game out in the mmo universe…
Edit- thanks mzt.3270 for posting this link…
So as of October we have 3.1 million concurrent monthly users…
Anet wants to push esports which I support, but you can’t have esports with these profession/class designs and certain poor combat designs and major imbalances and limited build viability and subpar role designs and very few meta worthy builds and lots of other not so good stuff…
3.1 million is even more reason and incentive to have ncsoft dump more cash into Anet to improve profession and make some great things happen with the game…. Major profession and combat development will allow esports to grow… It will improve the experience for players in all aspects of the game… Better $ reinvestment will help to finish up projects and make it easier to build some awesome new things and systems and qol features…
GW2 can get there, but it can’t get there on budget tires…
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
Starting, this is an opinion through experience running hundred of hours of content.
Please keep this thread focused on the topic at hand, being changes that can be made
The Direction for PvE
The current path that ANET has chosen over the years has been rather depressing both in the eyes of hardcore/elite players and in the eyes of casuals, although the views are probably around half and half for good and bad.
Examples would be they have been catering to every single player qq’ing about content being way to “difficult” or “broken” or throwing down pointless updates that make little to no sense leaving us completely in the dark, nerfing dungeons to practically (force) people to do buy and play HoT content, because their dungeon team split up long ago? (Makes sense)
Tangled Depths still fails regularly albeit doesn’t fail as much as it used to fail, but majority of players that really enjoyed TD for the challenge we are still quite upset with the nerf. We as a community lead a lot of TD post nerf, it was exciting to teach people and to help people gain their collections, it was a community effort not just guilds running guilds.
Sure the scaling was horrible at first I will admit it, but NOT for the gerents, just side events (spores) the pre-events bugging and people not receiving their rewards, Rata novus killing on phase 1 bug, Nuhoch being 100% poisoned with 10 stacks, etc.
The only reason why people fail and or failed current and post nerf TD is because they do not know how to play. Straight forward and to the point, people do not know how to burst fury ele, they do not know how to rotate, they do not know how to combo field, they just press skills this is not just my opinion this is a fact from personal experience running with people that just spam 1-0 because “I like this build better”
The same could be said for past content, be it Triple Trouble the Evolved Jungle Wurms or even Tequatl the Sunless.
So far with HoT it’s been rather disappointing Dragon Stand was a huge letdown the actual content itself is boring, repetitive and just lacking any real challenge now that they have nerfed everything aside from RAIDS.
Rewards for the time spent doing these events are not even worth doing.
Anet also had high hopes for raids, being their most “challenging” content due to difficulty we have experienced raids as a community for ourselves and it honestly has yet to be difficult it’s just a time sink and a DPS race. The mechanics take some time to learn and after that it’s just having people know their rotations to actually win in the time limit provided.
You then have people who are elites, selling runs to the public who are incapable of doing the content themselves paying them for hundreds and hundreds of gold.
I don’t see how making a timer on something as trivial as learning mechanics is so important to you but that’s how GW2 has also been, timer this, timer that.
I would say though that for the future raids actually put some effort into it, I would argue that a better way to improve raiding to be more challenging would be to add in a system like instabilities where if you kitten up you gain a perma instability or just run the entire raid with every single fractal instability added onto you, that would be a challenge.
The Balance
We still find it completely absurd that they put out an Expansion, Leagues for PvP and all this other stuff practically forcing players again to stop literally stop what they are doing specifically in PvP or WvW an jump on the bandwagon to have any form of a chance against Heralds, Chronomancers, Bunker Tempests, Trap DH and every other class that got buffed leaving the poor thieves and warriors to fend for themselves completely changing the META, and all while still having not done a single thing to BALANCE everything, except for changing the Mesmer precog well, everything aside from this currently is in the same state be it PvE/PvP or WvW.
ANET asks all the time in their own posts “How can we make this content better?”
My answer would be to stop making the decisions for yourselves and actually listen to your community, get into a lot more of the community runs, if it is a world event if you were to bring more content like the Twisted Marionette (please yes god) then actually participate in a large portion of the community runs and ask us for our individual opinions, possible give us polls to vote on while giving our own comments directly to you, for you to look over and then make the right decisions.
I get it you’re a company you want money to support yourselves and make more content, but listen to your community fully don’t just hear a few words left and right saying “make it easier” and then make that decision to do so.
We understand it Anet you need money and this is a sure as hell good way to scheme people into having no other choice to either BUY or QUIT.
But honestly I am not too upset because this is reality, you can’t have GW2 without payments and you can’t have payments without content being sold.
Sure we can’t tell you how to do your jobs, but we as a community can help lead you towards a more exciting future for guild wars 2, stop leaving us in the dark, actually communicate with us, let us know what you’re doing to the extent that we can actually give our opinions before you throw content/patches/nerfs out at us.
I try to res people, but the new HoT zones are deadly it’s easy to get yourself killed if you aren’t careful. If I don’t res it’s often because I don’t think the situation is safe enough to try. I may hang around kill a few mobs and then pet people, but people don’t always wait and way point.
And honestly I don’t think the community changed any. No matter what anyone says, I always feel that GW2 had the worst community I’ve experienced since LoL. And I have tried a lot of MMOs. The difference only being it’s “easy” to be nice in GW2. It’s easy to stop and res someone or help them kill a mob, and you get rewarded for doing so. If wasn’t rewarding, you wouldn’t often see people willing to help. And with HoT zones difficult to traverse, it’s not worth it to most players to come help you unless they also need the trait point.
1000 times this.
We are not friends.
The main problem with the economy is the economy.
Somewhere down the road leading to Guild Wars 2 Anet forgot to make a game. Mining is boring. Wood chopping is boring. Harvesting plants is a little less boring.
Dungeons are boring and 0 rewards now unless going for Empyreal Shards for Ascended. It’s actually more productive now to just go do chest farming.
Farming is boring. Farming is boring because farming doesn’t exist unless you are converting what you farm into gold.
The problem is gold.
Everything leads to gold.
Gold leads to everything.
It’s not a game if the only thing the game leads to is gold.
This is a mechanical issue and it’s gotten to the point with the gold nerf that there’s terribly nothing to do.
Economy Fail: price to high, gold too rare
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GangNamTwo.9780
It’s the same rhetoric the Paiz’s were bandying about when lotro was criticised for over monetisation, that ‘players would complain but otherwise would keep playing and paying.’ That, rather than -oh I don’t know- feeling cheated, duped, taken for granted and quitting, and so in turn with what ever spending they’d done in the store.
The history is there, of eroding promises, of systems such as organised raiding, dungeoning, and pvp(the ettenmoors, lotro’s wvw/pvp) being left to wither on the vine in favour of experimental gambles(war steeds, mounted combat, Big Battles as well as fiddling with the fundamentals of how player characters are crafted trait trees etc.)and of the resultant eroding of the player base and following server consolidation. Lotro is only just trying and hoping to climb out of that hole but now has the added obstacle of being an outdated game built on an outdated engine. Is any of this sounding familiar? It should.
Omg thanks for pointing out the Lotro case. Yes, “experimental gambles” is what we have in HoT. Lotro’s gambling a whole expansion on “mounted combat” immediately gave the scent of “one huge grind” and that was when I left Lotro. Tried to check it out the other day but the graphics and engine are indeed out of date, so .. nay.
Atm goofing in WoW with a bud who never played it before so we are having fun starting new toons playing casually there. I intend to skip WoW’s failed experimental gambles too. :p Hopefully one day GW2 will go back to the vanilla game. That is when I will return. If not, at least it was a fun ride. Glad I did it.
P.S. Never bought Lotro’s failure expansion, did not buy HoT either. So atm I’m not bitter at all. Just in shock, like watching another Titanic show. There must be many reasons why the devs went that route… but not my place to figure out. I’m just a customer. I’m guessing they studied a lot of data to decide.
(edited by GangNamTwo.9780)
ANET did this intentionally.
They needed to do it from their business model perspective.
Too much gold was being held by players on the sidelines and those amounts where growing based on what the dungeons, Fractals, and Bosses where dishing out.
This also impacted negatively the amount of Jewels bought by gold rather than using actual cash currency.
Remember that ANET makes 90% of their money off the TP. Recirculating gold earned in the game into jewels by players gives them Zero Income.
I agree with most that this strategy has failed and has only driven more players AWAY from the game.
However, as with most companies, trying to convince them that their decision was wrong and that they should institute a correction is a pipe dream.
These types of companies would rather sink with the ship than admit failure.
Which is why they never should have listened to John Smith. Potential losses of revenues to the gem store due to gold accretion were only that – potentials, a fantasy cooked up in a sterile theory crafting environment.
And never mind that the folks who were capable of spending enough time per day to earn fifty gold each day via dungeoning were as small a percentage of the populace as those who’re able to dedicate themselves to hardcore raiding(just as an example).
Most others split time(or did) between dungeoning, fractals, pvp, wvw, world bosses or exploring with friends for world completion. Dungeoning might consist of two or three paths a day- assuming they played every day(not all do.) That gold might add up over time and be converted to gems yet it would still be dwarfed by the moneys spent via game cards or credit cards to make impulse purchases on ‘limited time only items.’
Yet Smith or someone over him spun a tale of how all of that fantasy lucre would be magically converted to actual credit card sales, after a short term of upheaval, if they just made a shortfall of gold earned in game.
It’s the same rhetoric the Paiz’s were bandying about when lotro was criticised for over monetisation, that ‘players would complain but otherwise would keep playing and paying.’ That, rather than -oh I don’t know- feeling cheated, duped, taken for granted and quitting, and so in turn with what ever spending they’d done in the store.
The history is there, of eroding promises, of systems such as organised raiding, dungeoning, and pvp(the ettenmoors, lotro’s wvw/pvp) being left to wither on the vine in favour of experimental gambles(war steeds, mounted combat, Big Battles as well as fiddling with the fundamentals of how player characters are crafted trait trees etc.)and of the resultant eroding of the player base and following server consolidation. Lotro is only just trying and hoping to climb out of that hole but now has the added obstacle of being an outdated game built on an outdated engine. Is any of this sounding familiar? It should.
And yet somehow, in spite of so many examples only a click away, Smith and co have sold Anet this line, guaranteed success on little more it seems than instructing them to stick their fingers in their ears and chant incessantly, ‘That was them but it won’t be us.’ Even more improbably, Anet seems to have bought into it.
Revenue for any product is bound to taper off over time as the novelty wears off, the goal is to draw that out somehow rather than hasten it.
But the sudden changes to traits, the gating, the grinding and the ‘disincentivising’ – a slimy word if ever there was one- smack of cutting the roots in hopes of saving the tree. That they’d even entertain such a notion says enough to me about what’s changed and what hasn’t and where Anet is heading. Nowhere good.
Economy Fail: price to high, gold too rare
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galandil.9641
It’s not a fail, it’s EXACTLY what they wanted.
Economy Fail: price to high, gold too rare
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Prime Greek.1092
ANET did this intentionally.
They needed to do it from their business model perspective.
Too much gold was being held by players on the sidelines and those amounts where growing based on what the dungeons, Fractals, and Bosses where dishing out.
This also impacted negatively the amount of Jewels bought by gold rather than using actual cash currency.
Remember that ANET makes 90% of their money off the TP. Recirculating gold earned in the game into jewels by players gives them Zero Income.
I agree with most that this strategy has failed and has only driven more players AWAY from the game.
However, as with most companies, trying to convince them that their decision was wrong and that they should institute a correction is a pipe dream.
These types of companies would rather sink with the ship than admit failure.
GW2 is No Longer a Refuge :(
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MaximillianVonSchatten.6278
So before HoT you had no guild hall and you were happy…… now you have a chance of having a guild hall, but can’t get it …. so having no guild hall now makes you unhappy?
why do you suddenly feel the need for a GH if you don’t like people… just find a cool area to meet and call it a hideout!
Well to be fair he did pay a large amount of money for HoT, and I can see how the guild hall is all but impossible to upgrade for all but the largest guilds.
I am a huge GW2 fan – I’ve brought many people to the game and have been playing since beta, but the reasons I’ve had to come back to this game between every other MMO are pretty much gone.
I’ve played every major MMO from it’s launch through it’s content at launch. Some games (SWTOR, for instance) I get done with all available content before they’ve even finished the intended starting content, so I leave… and I don’t come back. Ever. Other games take a while longer (like WoW expansions, which I stopped buying after Cataclysm or Rift), but when I left, I left. It was done. Finished. Over. GW2 has been my mainstay since it’s launch and, sadly, it won’t be for much longer due to the fact that I can no longer experience all it’s content without being in a guild. A big guild, at that.
The primary reason I kept coming back to GW2 was that I could see all of it’s content without having to deal with people (I’m always a guild/raid leader in other games and that just wears me down) and still be as relevant as I was when I started a break – sometimes a couple of weeks, sometimes a couple of months; I knew the same great game would be waiting for me when I came back. And I put a lot of hard-earned cash into this game because I loved it so much and it earned it.
That has changed and this is why:
I made a little spreadsheet of the required materials just for Resotration 1-affiliated builds in the Guild Hall. This isn’t nearly a quarter of the materials needed to get to the actual content like Weaponsmith 2’s, which require completion of nearly all builds in restoration 2 and a guild level of 40.
So, basically, not only can my small guild not even claim it’s own Guild Hall with it’s 2 or 3 people (family – pretty much the only people I can stand any more), but we have to get to guild level 40 and get an insane amount of materials – like completely impossible within the expected lifetime of this game (my kids will be through college before I was able to grind out all materials)- in order to fully experience the game.
I’m done.
I’ll play until I leave (again) for another game, but this time, I’ll have a WHOLE LOT LESS reason to come back. Right now, the MMO field is pretty sparse and dry, so I’m good for a while…. But I’m extremely disappointed that my refuge game is now just another game in a pile of grindy games that require I pretend to like other people. I just won’t do it. Unlike some people, I’m not a pretender… I really am incapable of feigning interest any more.
(edited by Dejavu.2349)
If you liked the core game, HoT is not for you. They go a completely different direction with the xpac. Previous maps were easy to explore where as these are a chore. The masteries requires a lot of time and grind, and there aren’t any new dungeons. Raids are entertaining, but that’s about the only thing in HoT that I personally enjoyed.
Again, it’s just not anything like the core game.
Should wait for price to go down. My opinion not worth cost now. I regret I pay so much for it. I hate HoT map giant jump puzzle with endless trash mob can not enjoy explore. Revenant is fun to play but not worth cost of expansion for new profession.
To be honest, I feel like too many things are account/soulbound… So many times when I look at ascended materials (or semi-amusing-looking unique items) I got from events or drops and wonder whether I should delete them to make room in my inventory. Not to mention collectible pieces. I’m not upsizing my bank for 600 a pop just to complete collections…
Ehmry Bay Guardian
completely agree. feels like a ripoff. more like f2p dlc with gem store-problem is we paid for the expansion!
notes-the core game actually has 50+ sets for each weight class. expansion which is 10 bucks less than core game has 2 sets.
Heres what really puzzles me, we had something like 10+ armor sets for all 3 armor weights and a ton more weapons for each type for the base game at $60 if you bought it a while back. Then you take HoT which already has a lot less content than the base game and then we only get what, 3 or 4 sets and 2 or 3 weapon types? Then in the 2 weeks following HoT’s launch they have added an armor set, weapon set, a glider skin and back pieces. Instead of putting some of these things cough exalted glider*cough* into the masteries or as collections when we are arguably already fairly light on content for the $50 price tag, they have decided to nickel and dime us for things that should have been in the expansion.
Eladan of Greenwood: 80 Ranger
Elemir Swiftblade: 80 Thief
Am I missing something here? Are you making real-world money off of loot? Cause if not, why does it kittening matter? You play games to kill time. You play games to have fun. Loot and exp are just bits on a server. What’s the big kittening deal? Why are you turning this into an optimization problem?
Wow same post on a different thread. At least your consistent… in missing the point.
From what I have seen, the events where enemies don’t give XP is on purpose to prevent endless farming. Just look at what happened with the mushroom farm and then the skelk farm.
If Anet makes an event that spawns unlimited enemies until x objective is reached, they should make mobs stop giving xp and loot after a certain point is reached instead of not giving it at all. My biggest problem with giving no loot or xp for event mobs is that half the people just stand around and do nothing inside the blue circle while the other half kills mobs. Also, getting xp in the new zones is not easy. In SW, you had opportunities to help out at multiple towers and escort dolyaks for xp. In the new zones you are pretty much stuck in one meta event train and too bad for you if the game crashes when you are almost finished.
Don’t offer charges of ‘on kill’ sigils.
This one bothers me.
Content that artificially renders purchased gear ineffective is poor design.
Agree wiith OP – protected the Exalted to 5 mirrors, fought all the creatures, and got 5 Aurulium and xp from completing, but no rewards from the mobs at all.
The next event was protecting him look through ruins, then a massive fight with a Modrem Legendary, and got nothing but a completion with 10?15? Aurilium – and this may have come randomly mid way through due to participation.
Hours spent in an area building up the reputaion and tiers for little xp and little reward will not entice people to do the wonderful events littered around.
Am I missing something here? Are you making real-world money off of loot? Cause if not, why does it kittening matter? You play games to kill time. You play games to have fun. Loot and exp are just bits on a server. What’s the big kittening deal? Why are you turning this into an optimization problem?
Psychology 101 If you dont have a reason to do something you wont do it, loot and XP are 2 big reasons to do events . Sure an event can be fun the first few times you do it but past that if there’s no incentive why do it ? That’s why a lot of games use Skinner boxes because it keeps the player engaged long past the point at which the fun has been sucked out of it.
oh wow now people are acting like loot doesn’t matter in a rpg…