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Dec.7: DB v NSP v DH

in WvW

Posted by: Kelvingts.2035


Previous post is a good indication that this threeway match-up has run its course and it’s just fomenting bad blood.

Thanks for that, A-net.

It’s when they lie about winning and stuff that pisses me off, they scream out with glory after a won battle when they lost 15 times minutes before that. When they lose they complain about something new every time, nsp actually were suppose to be the more respectful ones. But apparently the constant ownage dish out on a few of these rag dolls when they actually have more or equal to us drives them insane.

Kelvingts – Human Warrior
Adventurethyme [BMO] , Dragonbrand

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.9532


As a reminder to all – please keep the discussion on topic, respectful and friendly. Thank you.

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


The trash-talking really needs to stop. It makes our whole bracket look bad, even though our servers are very keen on having more players join up for WvW.

Friendly competition is great, but let’s try to keep a positive tone. That applies to all future threads as well.


Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


Rethesis found something very suspicious in our public ventrillo, we took care of it though. Was kind of weird when 50ish DB respond as fast as a ninja mesmer portal into inner garrison takes lol, and a level 1 guild less following around RE Commanders nonstop lol.

Whatever it takes I guess, but just know DB will get its kittens handed to them in T4, and once you get bumped down here we will be better prepared for that next time. Grovel and beg for any other server jumpers yall want, were still going to push your face in during NA Primteime, while yall PVD when were asleep.

…Rofl. Did any of us grovel or beg? Ever? The answer is no, just in case you were wondering.

Get off your high horse. You have higher numbers during NA prime time. No one disputed that. We agreed to that fact. We struggle against it every day. We never claimed to be stronger than anyone else. We’ve been fighting bigger numbers for a LONG time.

Obviously, you’re one of those people with something against us having an Oceanic population. Obviously you think it’s “wrong” or “bad”.

You know what word I would use for your childish outburst in this post? “Butthurt”. Well guess what? This matchup is proposed to be the same next week as well. We got transfers. So what? Our NA fighters keep fighting no matter what, even when you “push our faces in” during your populous hours. We have been since the guild exodus, and we will keep on doing so.

Once again, get off your high horse and go somewhere else where no one can see you pat yourself on the back for having a bigger population at a specific time of day than another server. No one needs your opinions, ideas, or thoughts in this thread. Nor, I’m willing to bet, anywhere else either.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Kelvingts.2035


[Db] Don’t look down on the night and day time team. We fought as hard as we can through so much resistance to keep our borderland. It isn’t that we’re not strong at that time ….its just that the offensive from both servers [nsp and dh] are overwhelming during those times.

A few commanders such as myself were actually on 8-14 hours that day fighting against overwhelming odds. Only to be rewarded with failed battles not because we’re incapable but we chose to fight even through we are outnumbered.

Kelvingts – Human Warrior
Adventurethyme [BMO] , Dragonbrand

Repair bills are not encouraging WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Astyages.7863


Whenever I enter the WvWvW is the same. I play in some low population server and for that we are always losing. And why to get in WvWvW just to get killed and pay a lot of silver after you get ganked?
Seriously… PvP should never damage your gear.

When will the reserved names be released?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Srsly, vulture. Just come up with a different name. You don’t know that person’s story. They might have a sentimental attachment to that character. Maybe it was a teen with a social disorder or learning disability that used GW as tool to over-come their limitations. Maybe that account is seven years old and the owner is off fighting in a war, waiting for the days he can come back and appreciate the simple things he might have taken for granted, and finally get to play a game he has been waiting for for years with the descendant of one of his oldest virtual friends.

Perhaps a tragic and unfortunate event befell someone before their time and their friends have name added to their friends list in memorial. Could you imagine if it was shown as “online” one day? You would cause people to freak out.

Stop circling the carcasses of GW accounts and start your own legacy :p

The Kismet

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Vytality.3195


I love this game, and intend on being here for quite a while, but WvWvW is the endgame content for me and a lot of other folks. Currently, it is broken. Here are my suggested fixes:

1. Allow server transfers, but when a player xfers, they are ineligible to wvw for the current match and the next if it is within 3 days.

2. If a server owns no points on a map, they are allowed to build siege in their spawn area.

3. Owning orbs gives defensive bonuses (or the current outmanned buff) while not owning the orb in your borderland gives you offensive bonuses.

4. Point accumulation scales inversely with relative population.

Anyway, SOMETHING needs to be done soon!

Vytality, HOPE, Fort Aspenwood

Vytality- Guardian
Vyt Mindbender- Mesmer
Fort Aspenwood since BWE 3. Spirit of Faith (HOPE)

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: EnoLive.2367


Just face facts.
The Dev’s are not going to stop night capping or day capping for that matter because they want you to use your money up be that in game money or real money, their stance of “We want everyone to enjoy the experience of WvWvW” is just another way of saying meh we CBA to deal with it.
We can all rant and rave for and against here but honestly nothing is going to change other than you’ll end up with the server just chasing each other around the maps Zerging from one spot to another.
Players will stop upgrading places, or even bother to use tactics, hell they may as well leave all their gear in the bank and run around naked to save on repairs as well.
Its sad to say but ArenaNet have got this really really wrong and it will be the death of GW2 if they don’t act soon.

Co Leader & Founder “Privateers Uk” [PUK]
Eno Live (Ele)

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Dax.3815


Still not a solution? I guess its time to start migrating guilds to other servers. Such a kittening shame that dev’s dont give a rats kitten about this issue. Oh well. Thank god for to free server transferes.

I guess the next stage in wvw is flavor of the week server. -_-

So incredably sad that the only thing that REALLLY makes gw2 stand out WvW is totally screwed over by Anet…

Reasons why Repair costs in WvW are bad for gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: Minos.5168


Oh, yes. I obviously want everything “gift wrapped” for me. :P

You’re making a straw-man argument, which just shows your inadequacy at intelligent conversation.

No, I’m saying it’s ridiculous that when your server is behind, there’s actually a DISINCENTIVE to play.

It’s likely why people transfer servers. If you’re on the losing server, you can’t really play without expecting to lose gold.

I think more people would stay interested in a battle that their server is losing if they weren’t FINANCIALLY penalized for participating.