Showing Posts Upvoted By Raeysa Penrose.8450:

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyStein



Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead

(Sorry for double post, this is unrelated to above)

There’s still a story issue that hasn’t been addressed yet: Personal Story and Dungeon Story Mode relations.

Currently, you’ll get a “introduction” by the Herald at level 25. At level 30, you get a letter about Ascalonian Catacombs story. However, at level 40 you have the Destiny’s Edge meeting in which Eir talks about going to Ascalon Catacombs indirectly. And at level 50, you get a letter from your iconic talking about events at AC, TA (level 40 dungeon), and CM (level 50 dungeon).

IMO, the “easiest solution” if the changes to levels of the Personal Story remains unchanged (something I personally don’t mind, though I’m unsure about the “locked until level” part) would be to raise the dungeon levels. Make AC story level 45, TA level 50, and CM level 55 – leave the rest as is, and raise explorable to an appropriate story level+5.

My “preferred solution” would having all explorables at level 80 (makes cross-dungeon balancing easier), have AC story at 50 and each subsequent story dungeon 5 levels higher (TA=55; CM=60; SE=65; rest as is)

Whatever the solution, just figured I’d bring this up on the topic of Personal Story fixes.

I’ll add this to the list of things to investigate. It might just be an issue of changing when we’re triggering the sending of those mails (or how they’re worded).

Could you clarify, for absolute certainly: will the story steps that were re-ordered be returned to their original order (in addition to the restoration of the Greatest Fear arc)? And will the story instance entrances be returned to their original locations, rather than the current airship ‘airdrop’ thing that currently occurs at Fort Trinity?

Yes, the story steps will be restored to their original order. We’re looking into removing the airdrop step as part of the fixes as well.

(edited by BobbyStein.2315)

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyStein



Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead


(Sorry for double post, this is unrelated to above)

There’s still a story issue that hasn’t been addressed yet: Personal Story and Dungeon Story Mode relations.

Currently, you’ll get a “introduction” by the Herald at level 25. At level 30, you get a letter about Ascalonian Catacombs story. However, at level 40 you have the Destiny’s Edge meeting in which Eir talks about going to Ascalon Catacombs indirectly. And at level 50, you get a letter from your iconic talking about events at AC, TA (level 40 dungeon), and CM (level 50 dungeon).

IMO, the “easiest solution” if the changes to levels of the Personal Story remains unchanged (something I personally don’t mind, though I’m unsure about the “locked until level” part) would be to raise the dungeon levels. Make AC story level 45, TA level 50, and CM level 55 – leave the rest as is, and raise explorable to an appropriate story level+5.

My “preferred solution” would having all explorables at level 80 (makes cross-dungeon balancing easier), have AC story at 50 and each subsequent story dungeon 5 levels higher (TA=55; CM=60; SE=65; rest as is)

Whatever the solution, just figured I’d bring this up on the topic of Personal Story fixes.

I’ll add this to the list of things to investigate. It might just be an issue of changing when we’re triggering the sending of those mails (or how they’re worded).

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyStein


Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead


I just wanted to provide an update since it’s been a while.

  • We are currently working to restore the Greatest Fear storyline to the live game. I can’t provide a release date at this point.
  • In addition to restoring the Personal Story steps to their original order we’re making some minor improvements where possible (e.g. recording new VO or updating certain conversations, etc.).

We’ll provide additional details closer to release. Thanks much for your patience.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Straylight.7529


The removal of the “fear” storyline and the unnecessary mixing up of chapter 7 & 8 of the personal story with all its inconsistencies just makes me want to shake my head.

What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

Probably is because that content wasnt good for the China version. Just take in consideration that the Great Fear story line involve dead people you are directly responsable and probably atached, remember the fate of some norn.

And yeah, they shipped us the Chinesse version…

The great fear storyline involved dead people? yeah, it did….so does the whole continent of orr which is literally crawling with dead people. But they didn’t cut out that part did they? If they can keep orr in the china-version with all its zombies and dead people, I’m sure there is no reason to cut out the “fear”-part.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I was fortunate enough to play through the set of quests alongside Apatia even after post-patch. The fact that I could no longer replay that with a brand new character does make me feel angry as I have yet to experience everything involving the Personal Story. The fact that certain bits have been removed despite them seeming to be complete features just doesn’t feel right at all and I hope that you will get this remedied, Arenanet.


My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


Seems like nothing but an absolute waste of assets.

Waste of voice acting.
Waste of animators.
Waste of programming.
Waste of storytelling.

Waste of time.

Duty is heavier than death.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yenrah.8532


Oh dear, seriously? What was the reason this time? 10 year old payers couldn’t live with such failure? Was Anet afraid they would be forced to pay for their counselling?
I don’t want my characters to be almighty heroes. I want them to be human.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AirimirOfGondor.9081


Hear me, Hoelbrak. I sing of Apatia, and the legend she forged. She was many things: a Lionguard, a soldier, a hero, a friend.

She joined the Pact because fighting one dragon was not enough. She was determined to fight them all: Jormag, Zhaitan, and any that follow.

She repeatedly proved her valor and worth at Claw Island, killing scores of undead and saving hundreds of innocent lives.

Moreover, she helped recover an artifact that now shields Fort Trinity from Zhaitan’s influence. She gave us the footing we need to strike down the dragon.

Apatia’s life ended on that mission, but her glorious legend lives on.

Let the bards sing and the skaalds proclaim her glorious name forever. Join me now, until the Shiverpeaks themselves ring with the sound: Apatia!

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMenace.7516


I have a Norn Warrior sitting there to reserve the end sequence (I should probably just go and record that). My mother’s side of my family is of Norse decent; due to that, I had found Apatia’s small story to be the most tragic (and touching) of everything you had done around the Norn lore.

…the outpouring regarding Apatia’s RL ‘loss’ shows how well you did this particular story.

Thank you for sharing. And please do record it. It might be the last opportunity for people to see what I also thought was a sequence done right and that made you feel for a character. I know some have said here that they didn’t feel the loss of Apatia, but I know I did. :/

This is so sad Apatia’s storyline was one of the most touching to me during my playthrough of the personal story, and certainly one of most memorable. She’ll never be forgotten </3

I will remember her too. It is still baffling for me why they would remove this (on top of the reasons, which I have trouble understanding, also for the fact that the section is already completely paid for, produced, and finished).

I rather ANet say, “Its a bug. We’ll fix it.”

I guess it’s not too late, even if it was a conscious decision. At this point I would rather they tell me this even if it wasn’t how it was at the start and re-add the story. I feel like there is becoming a trend that “subtracting things is adding to the game,” but for people like me who thought this game (in the state it was in when it was launched) was a masterpiece worthy of those “Over 1000 Awards & Accolades” the front page of the GW2 site still advertises, it just feels like they’re taking away the Mona Lisa’s smile and other important artistic elements bit by bit. It just breaks my heart.

…I’m really sorry, everyone, I’m trying to keep a level head about this, I really am. But I just don’t understand what’s happening to GW2 anymore. I’m sorry.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Straylight.7529


Shouldn’t there be a warning in the patch notes: if you are doing this arc your progress will be wiped out

If you were on the storyline pre-patch, you’ll still be on it post-patch. (Thought it might not be visible until you reach L70, since it’s in Chapter 7.)

Could we also get an offical statement concerning

a) the removal of the “fear” storyline, and

b) the Tarantino-style rearrangement of chapters 7 & 8 of the personal story?

or are you not allowed to address these points? Will they get addressed eventually? I think I’m not the only one who’d be happy to get at least a glimpse into the thought process behind these baffling changes.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMenace.7516


Thank you all for sharing your experiences and for the info about the rest of Orr getting confusingly mixed up in a not-so-good way.

I think it’s worth remembering that a good novel, or really in any storytelling setting, a character faces challenges and overcomes them, and that challenge results in the character growing. Losing Apatia (in-game as part of the plot) really hit home for me and felt like something my character had to deal with to move forward. It was, I think, the biggest “character growth” moment in the storyline. I’m very confused why such an excellent part of the storytelling that made my character feel more believable has seemingly been wiped from their past entirely. If my character is now an infallible demi-god who never makes mistakes and who just punches everything down with fists of ultimate power, that’s great and all, but how am I supposed to care about that character? I really loved the “Greatest Fear” part of the story for the reasons already listed, and I find it incredibly confusing that no character gets that now…

…plus, you know, like I said in my OP, they already hired the voice actors and everything, so it’s extra confusing because they’re throwing their investment down the drain too… I guess I just don’t understand their direction anymore. Must be too far above my head because I really don’t “get it.” :/ What do you all think?

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lasur Arkinshade.4107

Lasur Arkinshade.4107

I cried when I heard they had cut this. I refuse to log in until the PS is fixed, and I will continue to talk about it on the forums until I get an answer from the devs. I mean, what even possessed them to get rid of it?

They also rearranged the core plot steps towards the end. Now you do the Source of Orr and kill the Sovereign Eye early on, then you go to the Temple of Abaddon and discover that Eyes of Zhaitan exist…

They screwed up the personal story in Orr in yet more ways, sadly not just removing the greatest fear storylines.

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thia.4891


I cried when I heard they had cut this. I refuse to log in until the PS is fixed, and I will continue to talk about it on the forums until I get an answer from the devs. I mean, what even possessed them to get rid of it?

(Sigurdas MoonEyes and Ronja) (Myrin Crowneguarde) (Yarza Steelfang) (Luqq) (Nevnia)

My Greatest Fear Plotline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMenace.7516


You travel into a land that has had all hope stripped from it. There, a new “vision” is manifest. It is a land of fear, and with that weapon, darkness will strike at your heart. What do you fear?

Answer 1: I have always been afraid that already-finished content would be removed. That characters I cared about would disappear, and that I couldn’t save them.

Response 1: You are a good person. That you seek to protect these characters shows your gentle heart. Hold fast to that earnestness; it will also be your strength.

Answer 2: My greatest fear is that all of the story that shows that my character is fallible would be removed; a failure so grievous that it would cause the loss of the respect of my comrades. That it would disappoint my companions and become a source of dishonor.

Response 2: It is good to hold oneself in high regard, but better to remember that a hero who is always perfect is shallow and two-dimensional. Keep this in mind, or you will find yourself alone.

Answer 3: I worry that my duties will cause me to continue to watch something I truly care about be condemned to agony. Knowing that I’d been unable to voice my concern sooner because I did not know what was coming would be more than I could bear.

Response 3: Your heart is courageous but also kind. Hold fast to that, and remember that mistakes can be repaired, if you are strong enough to face them.

I need some time to consider my answer, Mother Tree. Give me a moment to reflect.

Thank you, Pale Tree. I will remember your wisdom.

RIP Lionguard Apatia: We knew we would lose you, but never thought it would be like this.

Please bring back the Personal Story plot points that have been removed. They are an already-finished product (an already-invested production cost) and I felt like these were the most important moments in my character’s life. Seeing them gone from my character’s Story Journal in the Hero Panel makes me feel like a part of their history is gone. And when I read that the Feature Pack would make story “more compelling” I waited to continue story on alts who had not yet finished it. Now I feel like I should have rushed them through before the update, as now they will never get to meet the characters who I thought were most important to my story.

-A Devout GW2 Fan

(edited by AlienMenace.7516)

Kicking should stay anonymous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I think it is a good thing that you see who kicks who.

Now I didn’t understand how this bully was able to annoy you? I mean you blocked him right? That’s what you do to people who annoys you and also if they harras you in anyway you also sent a report on this guy/girl.

So I am sorry I do not get your situation… I would rather be able to report someone who abuses the kick mechanic.

Atleast my opinion.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Upcoming Dye- Shadow Abyss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bekkr.6192


Bad point is that the old “Abyss” color has been lighten in this patch.

So “Abyss” is now just another “deep gray” and “Shadow Abyss” is exactly like the previous Abyss color was previously.

Wait a minute….for real?

Protip: don’t believe everything you read on a forum.

The problem with the youth of today is that one is no longer part of it.
-Salvador Dali

[Suggestion] Putting a CAP on Currencies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


So there was a discussion in another thread, but I think this one deserves its own thread.
We’ve all been there: getting enough of a specific currency to get what we want, then trying figure out what to do with any left-overs.

Arenanet has it even rougher. They can’t use overfarmed, overused old currencies, instead they need to make new ones all the time. Why can’t we use Geodes outside Dry Top? Bandit Crests outside Silverwastes? I doubt we will use those in Heart of Thorns, HoT will use their own new Currencies. Why?

The answer is fairly simple. Aside from Gold, no other currency in the game has a regular updated sink. This means that players accumulate enough of it to last for a lifetime, therefore making it impossible for the devs to add more items to buy with that currency. They would either need to make new things VERY EXPENSIVE to account for older players (but make it hard for new players), or keep things relatively cheap so new players can’t compete, but make it super easy for older players to get them.

So how do we fix this? Let’s take a look at the BEST DESIGNED currency in the game, Guild Merits. Before anyone mentions how it is bad for small guilds, I’m not talking about acquisition here, I’m talking about hoarding and spending it (acquisition could use some work for small guilds, that’s NOT my point)

If Guild Halls require an amount of Guild Merits to be fully upgraded, guilds won’t be able to get everything on day one, because there is a 250 cap on Guild Merits. So, Arenanet can keep costs of anything Guild Hall – related LOW, so new and old guilds, small and large guilds can start at an almost equal footing. It’s their INTAKE of Guild Merits that will play a role how fast they unlock everything and not how much they’ve HOARDED. However, imagine if Guild Merits worked like Karma, the largest guilds would unlock everything on day one, AND Arenanet would have to make certain things insanely expensive, to allow those large guilds to have something to strive for.

Imagine if ALL Currencies had caps. Now they could add new usage for Bandit Crests in the HoT areas, they could add new rewards for Geodes, they could fill the Dungeon vendors with new gear obtainable with Dungeon tokens, they could make Karma useful AGAIN. And NEVER add a new currency again.

tl;dr make all currencies work like guild merits (give them an upper cap), then the game won’t need any new currencies at all


(edited by maddoctor.2738)

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morsheira.6102


Might I also note on the point that RPers are here and are neglected. If you even look at these forums subsection names there are places for everything BUT RP.
Us Roleplayers are here but we are not even awknowledged. We pay money just the same as everyone else but we don’t even get something as simple as our own forum thread? Much less any consideration in game changes. Apologies if that sounds harsh but it is the truth of the matter. I know A large number of RPers who dump hundreds of dollars into the gemstore for items for appearance and what not and yet existence is forgotten. I know we make up a small population, but to those saying we need to get out there more and do things if we want to be recognized and be considered in changes…. well…..

Yes these are sore spots, but really though this was not the intention of the update as things were broken. In the end by restricting further what we have found for ourselves, it is only rubbing the salt in the existing wound that RPers and the relatively simple things that keep many of us happy, really isn’t considered in any of the changes made in GW2.

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dissonant.9357


It’s lazy game makers …

You clearly have no idea what is entailed in software development at all.

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shivan.9438


I can’t say that in any of the the MMOs I’ve played that any of them have really cared about, or tried to engage the RP side of the community.

We get a few common use areas like taverns or clubs and are expected to make do for everything else. I wouldn’t expect anything different with this.

That’s one of the problems. Role players are here, we exist, we have been for a long time. We have been before raiding, before dungeons, before video games. We’ve been here since Gary Gygax. And yet, we’re still looked upon as red headed step children, or black sheep and always spoken about in hushed tones in video games. Our money is as green as the next person, why not offer up something to us?

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shivan.9438


I’m betting 10 Charrs that we don’t even get clickable interactable chairs during the expansion. Guild halls should have been around from day one of this sequel and then player housing added later for the expansion. That might have kept players around or even attract role player from other games.

For the record, we do have a pretty decent RP community in GW2, and the game hasn’t been terribly unfriendly to us. It’s just not been especially supportive either.

I know, but instead of fixing the map when it comes to getting into the aquarium and other places they imply that it’s a pathing error by “fixing” tele/shadowstep and the like. They did the same thing by “fixing” farmable events. Instead of putting a cast on a broken arm, they just amputate it.

Why should they constantly spend resources to patch the maps when the only reason they were needing to was because of a skill(s) that was not behaving as they intended? I’d say that they made a great call as this now frees up time that they would have spent patching the map from exploits that could only be taken advantage of by using blink.

Exactly. There’s potentially hundreds of spots where the skills in question could be exploited, some for an unfair advantage, some for harmless fun. Do you spend the time locating, identifying, and fixing each individual spot throughout the expansive world, or fix the couple of skills being exploited?

It’s not a skill that’s being exploited. It’s lazy game makers that don’t ensure wall glitching is fixed from the start. This kind of “fix” could have been applied from day one and there would be no complaints. If it was so easily done in a patch why wasn’t it done in the developmental stages?

Now that role players have been using it to get into building for RP purposes or exploiters and cheaters using it in PvP or WvW it’s now suddenly something that needs to be “fixed.” Maybe if this game had guild housing like most MMOs have now a days or have guild halls from the start, because GUILD wars this kind of thing wouldn’t stir up any kind of stink.

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I really like the idea of adding opening doors to sealed away furnished areas. That way ANet can control access to things that really might break the map but let people see all the cool spots that are just fine other than having an inoperable door.

At the very least, we should be told why these areas are blocked off. I don’t usually ask ANet to tell things they aren’t ready to yet, but this particular issue makes ANet look mean-spirited and dedicated to stopping roleplay. An explanation would let us brainstorm fixes, as we’ve done since ANet took the time to say why sittable chairs won’t work so we could then suggest Toys and the like and stop demanding implementation of interactable furniture as it’s just not technically feasible on this engine.

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morsheira.6102


Oh I know they are. But if people never speak up on the matter of buildings and such things being taken away as a side result of fixing other things, how will they really be aware that people are -wanting- those things? Yes, complaining may not get anywhere, but it has a better chance of making the idea known than just sitting around being quiet because it was only a side result.

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Im more concerned about the effects this will have to PvP, Thief, mesmers, and guardians all need to be able to teleport to targets out of range to be useful. Thieves already have it pretty hard in PvP and this just hurts them even more.

That being said i didnt even realize this consequence of the patch and its really interesting to see how the RP community, and people who just enjoy messing around in maps and finding cool things feel about this. I have a friend in game who basically just spends their whole time finding cool glitches in maps to reach amazing spots, and ofc they do it on mesmer xD. Im not an RPer and I dont see many in game anymore, but i think theyre a pretty fun community and i fully support not implementing this patch for their sake and mine!

also in regards to dungeon exploits, sure they exist but I’ve seen relatively few people use them, besides sellers. The main reason being most people are smart enough to know that it takes longer to explain an exploit than to just do it the normal way. Also if they went to fix the exploits instead of fixing teleporting maybe dungeons would actually get looked at by Anet for the first time in like the last 2 yeras.

edit: Didn’t know the patch was today and i wasnt able to test out teleports seems like its a major buff for pvp so only pve has gotten a nerf.

(edited by Nyx.7342)

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morsheira.6102


With the Megaservers it is hard to have it open as it has to be pre-arranged with bringing people from shard to shard. But I can tell you there is often some people in at least one shard of Kessex. LA if you get the right shard has some open RP. I have seen it in many of the outposts around Celadon. Part of the problem is the Megaservers and part is where we can plant our characters for long periods of time without having to stop every few minutes to kill mob respawns. There is much outcry -for- open world RP, but there are barriers against it.

You claim you have not seen it, but it is there. It is just a pain to find at times because of the hoops that we have been forced to jump through. AkA if you don’t know someone doing it at the time, you’re like SOL

Shadowstep/Blink "fixes"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pokmaster.9703


“What if they just removed those sorts of exploits from dungeons, but left the open world content intact?” That would be all fine by me, whihc shouldn’t be that hard after al to do.
I’m just glad there is finally a fix for exploiting dungeons

please put auto balance into EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


In EU I am surprised when I do NOT have outmanned buf (but it never last longer than a few minutes). The team with SFR has nearly always 3:1 superiority over both other teams since months.

Balance is more important than a new map and it’s broken since nearly a year:
Do something useful, ANet none cares about the JP boxes.

When will you recognize the current WvW/EotM-imbalance as that what it is:
A game-breaking bug that disables gameplay.

Comparing it to PvP: If all PvP-matches would be setup by the system to be 5 vs 2, how long would you need to recognize, search and fix the bug? A week? A month or as in WVW/EotM over a year?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I see it like this; EOTM’s score counts towards nothing, therefore playing it competitively is pointless. Since the vast majority of people go to EOTM to level alts, bag farming in EOTM is cheesy. Yes, all colours will have uplevels in their blobs, but the blobs that are actively bag farming often have the advantage via element of surprise and greater map awareness. If you want to bag farm, you should do it in actual WvW where your bags will put up a fight rather than melt within 3seconds of engaging them.

It makes sense to farm bags in EOTM because it’s easy but it also seems cheesy and mildly rude to me. Again, just how I see it, but everyone knows that EOTM is generally an alt leveling k-train map. All you’re really doing is upsetting people who want to relax, get loot and level alts by trolling their zergs. Yes, EOTM is WvW which means you know the risks you take when you enter it so you can’t say “don’t farm us” because that’s just a part of WvW.

Still, I think it’s best to have a balance of the two rather than focusing strictly on one or the other. When I command, I always do what I can to get the best of both worlds. I don’t hunt for other zergs but I won’t avoid them either. If I see an opportunity to wipe an offending zerg, I will, but I won’t chase them around the map. It just seems like the best way to do it to me as it keeps morale high given you wipe the other colours a few times and it gets people their karma/loot.

tldr; Farming strictly bags is kind of jerk-y because you know that most people are there to level or do casual farming and farming strictly karma gets boring, fast, and kind of kills the spirit of WvW. It’s best to do a bit of both rather than one or the other that way everyone is happy, not just your own colour but the others as well because they’re not being harassed.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

please put auto balance into EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Zackie.8923


WvW is already a blow out with unbalance population coverage already, please put in auto balance so that we have even numbers to play with in EOTM, which is probably the most important thing in a pvp setting…

THank you

*come on man, when is the auto balance gonna come in?

nobody can play , green has nothing to take, red and blue has nobody because we are totally outnumbered… whats the point of this pvp mode if there’s no balance?


(edited by Zackie.8923)

Sexiest/best looking armour for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I like the grenth hood paired with the duelist coat plus magitech shoulders. Im using abyss dyes cus im a pimp
