Was there an warning or anything in terms of changes to the the great collaspe were going to be made?
There were.
A lot of neat stuff goes by un-noticed by the players. There have been scaffolding and structures slowly growing in the collapse area for a while now. A definite indicator that something was progressively being built.
Yes there was scaffolding and construction around the great collapse, but there was never any indication the area with Balthazar’s shrine was getting a remodel. It was untouched and had constant NPC sparring sessions going like normal up till this update.
ok, what if anise did research on us then?
Rytlock with Logan was callous, but also pointed. And Rytlock is fine, so its not that much of a deal. It’d make her pretty evil to force us to fight our dead mentor.
Unless she’s scarlet, I suppose. But reallllllly doubt that.
The actual shrine to Balthazar is near the Balthazar waypoint. Yes his statue used to be down there but I’m fairly certain the human god of warfare doesn’t mind having a secondary shrine replaced by an arena.
It wasn’t an oversight. There wasn’t any need for the second, smaller shrine down there.
Was there an warning or anything in terms of changes to the the great collaspe were going to be made? I would of liked to explore that spot before it was drastically changed and I am not very far in the game like others are so I did not get to check that area out which seemed really neat from the SS I have seen. I will never get to do that Vista either QQ
You can still do the vista. It was lowered vertically a bit, but its still accessible. You just have to climb a topiary now. lol
Then why do all other shrines have smaller secondary shrines left or right of the main streets? If nothing else, this destroys the pattern.
This is a very good point. I’d honestly never noticed that pattern before, but you’re right.
tbh, they should have a statue of him at the HEAD of the Arena. it’s the only arena in the city, & no Balth?
Also this.
The actual shrine to Balthazar is near the Balthazar waypoint. Yes his statue used to be down there but I’m fairly certain the human god of warfare doesn’t mind having a secondary shrine replaced by an arena.
It wasn’t an oversight. There wasn’t any need for the second, smaller shrine down there.
Except that it was cool and an rp hotspot (at least for Tarnished Coast and, apparently, Drakkar Lake).
Is there a chance we’ll get it back and the Royal Terrace moved to some other spot? Or, if it absolutely has to be, the shrine moved to another spot?
(EDIT: Forgot to say, thanks for the response. I know this isn’t a huge issue like the fight over the Gauntlet being permanent or not so I appreciate it.)
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
Its not a temple. Its more of a statue with a training circle in front of it and then ramps leading up to a platform with more training area behind the statue.
Not quite.
It was a shrine, which makes it a clerical place that is being looked after by priests. It’s not as huge a temple as the shrine of the Six in the centre of the city, but a shrine nevertheless.
There was an NPC priestess of Balthazar watching over the practising just as in the old times of the Zaishen, and there were Seraph coming to pay their respect und salutes to the glowing statue und the priests, just as they do in the big temple at the side of the palace.
And there’s just no logic in tearing such a thing down and not even replacing it – the new arena has barely got any connection to Balthazar’s mentality.
I wasn’t arguing it wasn’t a shrine, just that it wasn’t a temple. A temple requires a building or a canopy, something with a roof. A shrine just requires a statue, which is what this area was.
And yeah, more war god in the ceremonial combat district, please. Or at least the old amount of war god that used to be there…
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Wait. They did what now?
I am so sad I did not get to see all of DR before the changes. I was afraid of physical changes to the city, I just hoped it wasn’t going to be too bad but it was. x.x
Never got to see this temple or the hole. :[
Its not a temple. Its more of a statue with a training circle in front of it and then ramps leading up to a platform with more training area behind the statue.
The great collapse was cool to see, but we had to expect it’d be gone eventually. It was a giant hole in the ground. It’d have to be fixed. But the removal of that shrine? The heck?
And its doubly silly to remove BALTHAZAR’s shrine from next to an arena.
Devs, is this working as intended? Was this an oversight? Please fix it, if it was.
Not temporary. This is recurring content.
You can try again next year.
Source pls?
Thank you very much.
Not temporary. This is recurring content.
You can try again next year.
Source pls?
Youre not at work, youre on the forums.
I’m on my lunch break so ha. :P
Sure, but it’s not worth it. It costs 200 sprockets plus 7-10 gold depending on the item, and these same skins can be gotten for karma in each racial city – and since you seem to be under the impression that the weapons are race-specific, they aren’t. Any “cultural” weapons can be used by any race. Only armors are race-bound.
I was under that impression. Thanks for the clarification.
So, just to make sure I understand this correctly:
Earn Watchwork Sprockets, a new trophy from the Watchknights, to purchase rewards from the emissaries. Purchasable rewards include:
• New Sovereign weapon sets
• New crafting recipes for runes and sigils
• Cultural weapon sets
If I’m a human, I can trade for the asura or charr cultural weapons with the right amount of sprockets? (And possibly the “champion of insert cultural city here” thing going? I can’t check as I am at work.)
Is it really a big problem?
Since the entire point of the living story is, ostensibly, the story? Yes.
That said, I started the game in the beginning of Dragon Bash so Rox and Braham don’t know me from a hole in the ground. -_-’
He’s not only fighting himself, he seems to be losing.
This does not fill my human commoner with confidence…
This is why you shouldn’t leave things until the very last second.
We also got information yesterday about todays downtime and it was quite logical to assume that the patch might be live after said downtime.
If you’re someone who doesn’t read the forums every single day you were pretty much taken by surprise. And guess what, there ARE people like that. If you want to be that kid who says “I got my assignment done early”, when everybody else stays up late the night before completing it, remember how things worked out for that kid. The teacher loved him, but the other students felt otherwise.
Um… Ok. You’re being a real idiot with this paragraph here. Just sayin’…
Exactly what it says on the tin.
With the Bazaar of the Four Winds winding down and the Labyrinthine Cliffs soon to become inaccessible, I thought it’d be a good time to post our best screenshots of the area. This area has a real beauty to it and I know I can’t be the only person who’s taken a few pictures to remember it by.
So, fellow players, time to post your favorite screenshots from the Bazaar of the Four Winds! To start us off, a few of mine:
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Again, you can get first persion views in this game by sleeping and angeling your camra right
I already know about that method. It’s a work around, but it’s not first person mode. In some places you can’t angle your character out of the shot. And, even when you can, it forces you to take all screenshots at an upwards angle from the height of a short asura. (No offense.)
Actual first person view would allow me to take an unobstructed screenshot angled downward or at eye level, which is, IMO, the best angle for a lot of this scenery.
the camera will spin like hell when you dodge roll
thinking about it makes my head go round
That’d be really funny to experience. And possibly motion sickness inducing. I’d be fine with it like that, but they could also implement it like Skyrim where you dodge roll and you hear the effect but the camera stays mostly steady and just moves in that direction, character remaining transparent. (Not asking to be able to see my hands like in Skyrim. Would defeat the purpose of an unobstructed view.)
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The official site should be a hub, while the social media daughter sites act like spokes, projecting what is found on the official site out in to the rest of the internet. They can even announce things first on the social media sites. But the official site should have all of the information on it when all is said and done. Or, in the case of interviews and such, a links section either as a side bar or its own page, to the information that really has to stay exclusive to other, non A-net sources.
(And when I say official site, I mean the rest of this guildwars2.com site, as well, not just the forums.)
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
Why not just gate a (mostly?) “cleansed” version of the Orrian maps behind completion of the PS? Those who’ve completed Zhaitan’s defeat, when zoning in to the orrian zones, are given the option which they want to enter. The zones are already gated behind loading screens anyway, not persistent with the rest of the world. Maybe they could make it a choice to be in Orr pre- or post-cleansing every time you zone in or allow you to check or uncheck it as an option in some UI somewhere. That way the playerbase wouldn’t have to fracture like Colin was concerned about b/c the ppl who’ve progressed past Zhaitan would still be able to go to the older version of the zones.
And I’m sure 99% of the people involved would be more than able to ignore the slight immersion break being able to chose their version of Orr would provide.
Either way, it really would feel like a much more living, breathing world if there could be an actual change in Orr.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
Yeah. I mean, glad Ms. Bayer gets to have a job and all, but emphasizing social media when you don’t even put all the information on the main site first seems like a confusion in priorities.
And what’s with “This is where we talk to you – and more importantly, where you to talk to us –about what the Guild Wars 2 community is doing both in and out of game.” about the Facebook pg? You already have an entire set of forums for user feedback. Shouldn’t that be emphasized first?
Use social media: trend on twitter, get 5 million likes on facebook. Fine. But just give the official site all of that information you’ll be sharing thru the other media too, please.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
Is a triple monitor set up, where all three monitors are displaying the game world, even officially supported?
There’s even a gambit system wherein you can increase the difficulty for a better reward.
It’s not quite like anything we’ve ever done before. I think some of you are really going to have fun with it.
erm.. fractals? :s
Shhhh anet is in denial that Fractals still exists.
Haven’t fractals been half the point of the cutthroat politics storyline?
that… is not a good representation of a Charr… like.. at all.
Its very pretty art on its own merit, though. But yeah, doesn’t look like a charr.
Don’t know if it’s a random trigger, but some situations require a specific race or profession to occur. What kind of character where you on at the time?
Running a female, human, elementalist, lvl 34. For whatever its worth.
Yeah, there was a thread on guru about it a long while back. Has some pictures of the NPC – http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/69796-strange-occurrence-in-divinitys-reach-graveyard/
I have yet to see her again, but that was definitely the NPC. Interesting. So she’s been out and about since at least October of last year.
I got a look at it myself. She isn’t coughing, she’s crying. Then she staggers like she’s stunned, while the cloud rises around her feet, and then they both vanish.
I had a good look at her face from my angle and she had her hand balled up and in front of her mouth, coughing as the dust swirled around her. I dunno if she was crying before that. I didn’t hear anything as I came up the steps, before I saw her. (I had music turned off, but all other sounds to 100%)
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I was honestly surprised when I entered this game and found out I couldn’t zoom to first person. Seems a very basic feature for new MMOs. Does anyone know the reason why this wasn’t done? Is there one???
Those weapons are part of the new champion loot drops which include a bunch of new skins like the one in the picture. Also the rapier.
The Sovereign set is completely different, and available from the vendors inside the Crown Pavilion.
I’m actually really sad about hearing this because I had hoped these swords would be part of a new weapon set. I’m a big fan of the old Tormented weapons from Guild Wars 1 and when I saw these fellblades with magenta swirls I just knew I had to get a scepter/dagger set like that. :’(
I know there’s the nightmare set but I’m not fond of their twiggy appearance.
He said they were part of a “bunch of new skins” so there might be a scepter or dagger version in there somewhere. We’ll have to wait and see.
I wonder what they’ll do next year? Jennah can’t have a 10 year anniversary every year, afterall. Maybe the GW2 anniversary party is gonna change theme and rotate btwn capitals?
Hey, some women have their 39th birthday for years on end, so why not?
Knowing ANet they’ll have something in mind.
29th. :P
And, yes, I am sure they will. I was just musing.
I wonder what they’ll do next year? Jennah can’t have a 10 year anniversary every year, afterall. Maybe the GW2 anniversary party is gonna change theme and rotate btwn capitals?
To clarify we had both QA and our internal core tests go through the content a whole bunch. The QA team focused on making sure that every profession could complete every boss (there are 12) with a reasonable level of skill and gear. The core testers mostly did what they do best and beat the pants off of the stuff we throw at them and tell us whether or not it was hard enough. I feel its worth mentioning that we would schedule tests for an hour or so and some of them would stay all day trying to beat it. But they were having fun, and that’s whats most important to me.
Queen’s Gauntlet is definitely the more challenging side of the Jubilee. That’s why it has its own achievement category and rewards. There’s even a gambit system wherein you can increase the difficulty for a better reward.
It’s not quite like anything we’ve ever done before. I think some of you are really going to have fun with it.
You have a QA department?
Bear in mind that Zhaitan rose over 100 years ago in-game, and Primordus rose over 200 years ago. These guys have been around for quite some time, so devouring the world obviously takes a while.
And…the world still held parties during this time.
Always found this confusing. Primordus taking so long is something I can understand. He’s being fought by the dwarves 24/7. But Zhaitan’s invasion of Tyria seems to have made remarkably little progress in 100 years.
this sounds like a bad idea and a bad trend. potential to trivialize content for those who bust out the credit card.
I don’t see anything mentioning its available thru the gem store???
“Look to the skies” was our hint from the developers, fyi…
A second moon/planet in the sky getting larger/closer each day that slowly fills the majority of the sky.
I see what you did there and Eorzea says “Hi.”
I bet they’re there as honored guests for their work in F&F.
Maybe Scarlet got them invites so that she can take out her major opponents in one event, them and us. They did thwart Scarlet’s Molten Alliance, afterall.
we need a timeline for after 1326 (start of gw2) about how what we all did fits in the timeline. i think mordremoth is still asleep and will wake up around 1370. (the 50 years theory that the waking up seems to have)
i think jormag will be next too, but i hope kralkatorrik, as long as it is not bubbles, tentacle creatures freak me out.
Pretty sure Mordremoth will be waking earlier than that. Seems like a year outside of the game is a year in game, and they aren’t gonna wait another 44 years to wake it up.
Don’t norn have a wolf form? I think it looks kinda like a werewolf?
No idea on the status of vampires.
Nope. She was a brunette lady in regular DR NPC clothing. I don’t remember the exact colors, but it didn’t stand out against the dark/dust cloud like white would. Also, she didn’t attack me and there weren’t any other PCs around that I saw to have triggered it. And no, it wasn’t foggy. Was clear as a bell.
And, yes, I am talking about the graveyard off of Grenth’s Low Road in Divinity’s Reach. Its to the right of the road on the map.
Ok, so I was cutting through the graveyard near Grenth’s waypoint in Divinity’s Reach earlier. It was dark, maybe a bit past midnight I’d think. I decided to go explore the gravestones and see what their inscriptions said. So I turn a corner to go up some steps and I freeze. There, in front of one of the barrow doors, is a young woman with brown hair. She’s surrounded by a cloud of dust and she’s coughing, choking on it. I go to move forward, but, by the time that I do, she’s suddenly just gone. Disappeared right in front of me.
The NPCs designation was simply “Servant”. She didn’t look like a ghost. Attached is a picture I took of the spot this happened in. She was standing sideways in front of the barrow right in the middle of the picture, the right most one of the left set of three.
Is this new? Has anyone else seen this happen? Is there lore behind it? I don’t think it was a glitch or the result of culling b/c of the cloud of dust and the coughing involved. Is this possibly related to the “mysterious disappearances” stuff that is mentioned in Marjory’s short story? Any insight would be appreciated.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
Leads me to believe the personal portal will also not be permanent, but have limited use charges.
I think you’re right about the imagery used for the pavilion/stadium, though. Its hawk looks like the kind used around Ebonhawke and is probably a diplomatic nod to them on the Queen’s part.
WvW isn’t being ignored. They added a specialization to it. O.o
I hope that was sarcasm. These abilities take 1 person about 10 mins to implement and are nowhere near enough what WvW needs (larger maps, variety, less blobbing, balance, orbs, bugfixes, performance improvements, better rewards, something to actually spend badges on, …)
It wasn’t sarcasm. WvW has gotten something every update. Just because they haven’t all been the things you in particular wanted doesn’t mean it is getting ignored. Its getting polished slowly, just like the rest of the game.
And, personally, I am happy with the new addition as I like to primarily supply, repair, and build defenses whenever I play WvW.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
I do not have a strong opinion about Kiel, for many of the reasons you said above.
I like her, because she is good and a positive character. However, because she has no (or very little) flaws and not much of a personality, I don’t find her character that interesting.
Sounds incredibly boring, tbh…
A whole bunch of “ride x ballons”, “ignite y beacons”, very low random chances at new armor/weapons, WvW still ignored (it WAS praised as one of the game’s core features after all).
The only thing that seems somehow worth it is the account wallet. But i wasn’t expecting anything so they exceeded my expectations…yay.
WvW isn’t being ignored. They added a specialization to it. O.o
Now that we know it is Rox, I have to bring this up again: THOSE HORNS!! That looks VERY wrong.
Where in that text is it confirmed its Rox? Still think it looks like a centaur. Maybe this storyline will have some progression on the Human/Centaur war front.
Nevermind me. Just took a look at the actual banner image, no the wallpaper. Much easier to see both her features and Braham in the background.
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Would also be nice for screen shots and just general admiring of the world. I can do it now, but I often miss great views as I’m running thru my surroundings b/c my character’s head and shoulders are in the way.
i’ve since given up hope on roleplayers ever being treated as anything other than second class citizens by the makers of MMOGs.
You’ve obviously never played LOTRO, then. They have a huge selection of animated emotes and a healthy selection of sittable chairs. (Not ALL chairs, mind you, but definitely the majority in the Prancing Pony inn, for example.) Plus the music and cosmetic systems.
Not promoting one over the other here. GW2 is awesome. But I do miss my emotes when I play. And housing. And pipeweed. And outfit slots. And being able to sit in chairs. lol
Here’s hoping Anet fixes this, alongside other (IMO) needed additions, like first person view.
as long as this won’t happen^^
Haha! XD Too bad they fixed that glitch. Those were hilarious.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
It said he’s ash legion in his story. My hope he’s Mr. E has gone up quite a bit.
Still don’t think Kiel is evil, though. Someone else is Scarlet.
So I have a question: To those who want to argue the elder dragons aren’t evil, do you at least agree that the act of corrupting people/nature, bringing death and undeath where there was once life, and enslaving people is evil? Just trying to get some common ground here.
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I see your point and what you are saying would make sense since Aspect Arena would be the equivalent event for Kiel. But I’m no dev so I have no idea if her promise is accurate or not.
The Waypoints might work, but I feel those can’t move anything especially large or large numbers of people at a time. Otherwise the Gates would have no purpose at all.
Waypoints wouldn’t work, either, actually. You can only use a waypoint you’ve previously visited on foot and been attuned to. Even if the attunement to something you were in, like a battle golem, this would still mean every pilot, driver, golemancer, and soldier of the asuran army that wanted to invade a spot via waypoint would have had to have already visited that spot at some point previously. Kinda infeasible.
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(by the way, its a thunder of dragons and a rainbow of unicorns)
A glory of unicorns sounds better. Going with that. :P (#covillefan)
Swarm sounds accurate for karka.
Or a faceroll. You know, cus of the rolling?
^Also, that.