Showing Posts For Amanda Whitemoon.6173:
you can try the site, it has a list of all temples on each server and wich one is curretnly open, just guest to the server that has it open.
I agree that the world bosses are a bit limited in play, but there are ways to make it better.
Shatterer: let his spikes he summons be aoe and hit a group hard. atm the zerg just stands at his right side and his attacks can be ignored mostly, he somtimes summons a veteran but thats it. if that spike would big aoe hit players, it would make you run around more.
shadow behemoth: should use a new attack like diablo2 Andariel’s poison spray. moving his hand in a curved motion from right to left spitting out black stuff. and let him summon a wave of black stuff like claw of jormag’s ice wave, to knockback everyone back in front of him (for if they go all stand behind him)
stuff like that, to make the need to move around more. and have its timer set to every 6 hours with an event chain from all over the zone lead up to it, but that would also need to make the meta event be visible from whole map, not only the small region the event is in.
i agree, world bosses should be more active events around the zone, and i dont mean it summons more adds.
we need a timeline for after 1326 (start of gw2) about how what we all did fits in the timeline. i think mordremoth is still asleep and will wake up around 1370. (the 50 years theory that the waking up seems to have)
i think jormag will be next too, but i hope kralkatorrik, as long as it is not bubbles, tentacle creatures freak me out.
Do we actually know when Queen jennah got onto the throne?
the next update will be about her being on the throne for 10 years.
maybe we can use it to establish what year we are in now.
GW2 started in 1326 AE, after that we defeated an elder dragon, we had 2 yearly holidays, playtime on Southsun paradise, and a bit of a dredge/flame legion/pirate problem. How much ingame time did passed now since we started our journey into the world in 1326 AE?
about the norn, in the storyline [SPOILER=dont know exactly wich part, but the norn battles a son of svanir and talks about using his helm as a chamberpot], so seems thats what norn use, but dont know what they do with it afterward.