(edited by Balzamon.1396)
VII still on kodash?
We had planned to return to Piken tonight. Then we had 3 GvG challenges accepted in the space of an hour. We stay on Kodash for now.
piken is fine without you for a bit longer i was visiting it today
and i kinda believe the queues were terrible today
had great fun in deso BL this reset….
hihi any kodash guy wondered what we did for 1 h in hills?
i think i never destroyed so many gates without siege then in this raid
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
VII still on kodash?
thx Scnd for the fun o/
hf everyone
this post is just to tag the thread
have a nice week everyone
tho i missed my second reset in a row…oh well greatings from cologne from the Gamescom its awesome here ^^
well i hate to miss resets …hope everyone had fun? ^^
wow well now it has two gvg showdown threads
i will believe that will not be the last one.
like your work ogre gj, keep it up.
well lets see how it is to fight viz
well lets see how strong [Mya] and [FURY] are. the two new piken guilds
i believe pikens primetime is covered again now ^^
wow so much drama here again.
normally i would never say sth against ppl from my server but doda…stop lieing.
SPRT runs as often with a tag like it runs without.
Seriously what is the plan with everyone here QQing and blameing and so on?
is the kitten so important for everyone here?
show it on the battlefield, post a vid and laugh about everyone complaining here is way funnier…believe me
anyways had fun to kill my friends this week
i hate it already :P i dont have time this week >.<
one thing for any guild that looks to transfer:
Piken is only medium population so the transfer costs are way less then to a already high pop server.
for ex joining desolation has a cost of 1800 gems (~60g atm) to piken it would be 500 gems (~15g )
This is a kittened matchup, just blob-guilds.
Can’t INVI fight without GoD?
Can’t fight Piken-Blob without DSun, FG and other guilds??
Do you really need this much people, though this guilds aren’t really small?
I mean DSun should be like 20, FG are even more, and you really need to blob together?Same for GoD, they’re just a whole guild blob!
Seems like pressing 1 is the new “playerskill” for guilds since Red Guard disbanded.And wth VII now with 40 ppl on Desolation Border??
Seems like something goes wrong these days.
hmm…we were trying to run without tag and solo at the beginning but when you get wiped 5 times from a 3-4times bigger blob you think about getting the small groups together to have a chance. Btw we are still running with 3 commanders in PS BL.
also Dsun has no raid today there are ~10 of them around ^^
It makes me laugh how we are accused of blobing because we don’t all carry the same guild tag. A lot on Desolation are more concerned with the server doing well than how their guild is perceived by the enemy. I’ll follow a commander regardless of what Desolation guild he comes from, we all share a teamspeak server and I talk to people from other guilds as much as my own. For the record, most of our ‘pugs’ are also on the teamspeak server listening to the commander.
I was not here for the IRON days but I’m glad I wasn’t, the idea of one dominant guild does not appeal to me in the slightest. I much prefer the way it seems to be on Desolation now with the priority being on the server doing well.
When it comes to capping stuff at night, a lot of our players just play at this time (I’m a uni student with nothing to do over summer), it’s not our fault there is not much resistance, it’s not like you would stop ramming a gate because you don’t receive any arrow cart fire. Also, we do better then Vizu at night, it’s the reason we don’t finish 100k points behind anymore, they have more numbers but we are more tactical in our approach. Also viz leaves a scout at every tower and keep 24/7 and so there is always resistance so this is what we are used to. Also, to the guy who suggested arranging a 5v5 for a keep, are we supposed to just tell the other 20 players on ts that they’re not allowed to join in? Besides, it’s war, not spvp.
The aim of my guild and what I hope is the aim of all Desolation is to win, and I mean real winning, not the moral victory we cling to against viz because we don’t use quite as many arrow carts and use about half the number of golems. Besides, viz are the most organised server there is, as previously mentioned they have scouts everywhere and snipping teams on every map. Yet everyone calls them ‘pugs’ (a term I am beginning to despise due to it’s negative implications from elitists) or a blob because they have a lot of numbers and they don’t all carry the same guild tag.
There are no rules in world vs world and it’s like that for a reason, it’s supposed to be the equivalent of a war, the aim is to win, we all have the same instruments we all just use them differently. If you’re going to complain about unequal numbers or expect the enemy to not capture a tower because there is no resistance then wvw is not really for you, there’s nothing wrong in hating us for it because we’re doing well, but complaining that we’re playing the game is a bit pathetic.
just look who complained most about the nightcapping
if I´m not completely wrong its a lot of Deso players and not players from piken (or kodash) QQing about that.
we are used to it and we know thakittens part of the game.
and if there is a piken player who is mad about this: remember the matchups against drakkar or FSP or Fort ranik and then tell me we dont do it if we can :P
yo you guys know that you cant improve fighting when you always run away
i think from the servers i fought only rivercart tops it with running away from a fight with so much ppl ^^
anyways i believe lots of my guildmates enjoy this matchup and will play wvw whenever they can
dont worry Deso guys, just play your game ^^ we on piken are used to getting rolled over at night so its nothing special
and maybe one day we can field a nightshift that can give you some fights and resistance
well looks like everyone had some fun this reset. keep it up.
and pls kodash: dont try to copy Rivercart. we just took hills in PS BL and i counted 8 ACs on the main inner. Tho lucky us that there were no defenders ^^
well i guess my guildmates will have a busy week with not much sleep xD
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
Thx for this week.
sure we will meet again soon xD
Thumbs up for everyone who made it possible to close the gap to the 2nd place
Nice Blob on Piken bl
well we dont want to come third :P so just gtfo out and let us catch up to JS
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
oh sorry if we are a community and that we allow our guildmembers to come to wvw raids when they want. lol.
and yes i agree our 40 man raid today counts as a 80 man blob<3
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
Piken Square new server Blober??? gh +70 in your map…..
yes sir! we only blob because your five man groups (look at the screen below) are to skilled for us to take on with less then 70 ppl.
maybe if you guys run without armor we have a chance but dont know…your 5 man groups are kinda hard to kill (look again at the screen)
\o/ welcome Dsun as new piken guild.
Well if you don’t like blobs you can always come to the Obsidian Sanctum. Very nice small skirmishes there, with the added benefit of interesting battlegrounds and no siege.
if you think that 10 ppl ganking one is nice then you might be right.^^
:P last weeks thread was nice with SFR/ER
any explanations why?
BB guild [MB] must be rly good, killing lonly ppl in the JP …
well I´m a bit proud that you guys need:
1. ~10 ppl
2. neutral mobs
3. high ground
for a single guardian.
I almost want to be part of that guild!
Well, i’m sorry Bogey but what you state ain’t true. As a JS Player, I’m used to play against Viz, SFR, Kodash, desolation or Elona (2nd week against BB) and I’d say, actually, your worst than them when it come to blob.
Last week, for exemple, against BB and Kodash we hadn’t this much lags… Well whatever, each server play the way they wanna play that none of our concern. BTW, I wonder if PS tactic this week is “Seize the south” on BB borderland cause your kitten annoying! Didn’t you saw that we got the outmanned buff from 16h00 to 20h30? And despite this we manage to keep Bay against the two of you.
Oh! And your fight on shaddaran seemed to be “Epic”. I hope one of you recorded it, I’d really like to know what happened here.
well…your rly not into wvw…someone who play WvW rly should know that since 2 patches the now “outnumbered” buff is not visible for enemies.
I will take revenge BB!
you come in my lil home with 30+ players and just take it away from me
i only guarded it for the whole reset, built 12 ACs, 2trebs, 1 sup ballista, 1 cata….
and then losing it to a night blob
kitten you guys are so lucky that i have exams in 2 weeks and cant play like i want, but i will surely remember this day and then you better get a lot of sup ACs up!
let the fun beginn
thx CoN and Opt for that lecture
first GvGs i ever were at and it was fun.
Hope to see you soon again for a revenge
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
sooo…I´m back from my lil trip.
Tonight i will hunt
the warmup yesterday night was pretty boring…
i hope thats not what NoE is doing every night…running as soon as they see us.
there was a small SFR guild ~12 ppl maybe they engaged us every time. sry but i cant remember the name :S
respect for you guys, we were around 3 times more then you but you stayed and fought. thx for that!
Thx for not giveing up FR and DL.
The matchup ended for me last night and i have to say it was more fun then expected. I´m sure with that matchup sytem we will meet again…
Sooo ^^ time to pack my stuff for my lil trip.
Wish everyone a nice reset and some nice days
it feels wrong to post into your matchup thread guys and i hope you forgive me but i just saw this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWCTlxEp6Ds epic vid and feel like giveing a huge thumbs up to the guys from kodash who made it.
Its rly great
Absolutely agree! It’s not fun, unfair, and they are not more just punchbags (lootbags), I feel it’s far from epic fights even against zergs…
Come EB from 10pm-2am and watch our zergs regularly wiping yours.
well sorry ^^ i was in EB tonight from around 11pm until 1am…i did not see you (your server) wipeing anything but okey go on with dreaming if that keeps your moral up.
also the only reason for replying to this is because its just not right
lol Bamby lol…are you bored?
@ 4:06 am GMT Today
thats nothing to be proud of rly… post it on the server website, but posting it here is only to say “hey guys look how much you suck and how good we are”
Hello again Drakkar bags a.k.a Blob Behind The Walls
you rly need to taunt a server 8 ranks under your server? lol
this cant be much fun…sry but slowly this matchup sytem gets tooo rediculus… range around 1 tier up/down is okey but 2 is just not fair.lol
sry DL and ranik hope you will still have some fun
looks like [INC] picked a great time to change a server(just for 2 weeks)
You both, FG + BLAK are pathetic – nothing else to add. Next time grab 50 guildmates + commander tag + jump to other zones if there is no queue and ask for help! Make a massssssssive lagfest, maybe SM lordroom is a place you’re looking for! Invite the 3rd server and let’s have some “fun”.
Greetings to WAR, VoTF from AR. Hope we’ll be there next time to face you in open field.i dont play on a toaster like you
so i were able to hit all my spells and stuff. Maybe we should start collect some money for you to buy a new PC so that you dont have to cry always
I see you keep the level of your replies on the same level as your raids ingame – low as hell. Every single WvW player knows that there is a measure when even NASA PC’s wouldn’t work correctly. Or rather PC works correctly but servers get too many requests and can’t answer them all.
Hope you understood what I wrote.
maybe you should learn to read a bit between lines :P
I had no lags, were able to move correct and use my spells all the time. That shows that we were not to many ppl fighting.
anyways, i have better things to do then haveing useless disucssions with a stranger.
edit: maybe I´m also only a vip and gw2 is answering my request first ^^ so i dont got skilllag but everyone else
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
looks like [INC] picked a great time to change a server(just for 2 weeks)
You both, FG + BLAK are pathetic – nothing else to add. Next time grab 50 guildmates + commander tag + jump to other zones if there is no queue and ask for help! Make a massssssssive lagfest, maybe SM lordroom is a place you’re looking for! Invite the 3rd server and let’s have some “fun”.
Greetings to WAR, VoTF from AR. Hope we’ll be there next time to face you in open field.
i dont play on a toaster like you so i were able to hit all my spells and stuff. Maybe we should start collect some money for you to buy a new PC so that you dont have to cry always
Just for your eyes : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11bc6i_blak-roll-on-fg-piken-square_videogames#.Ucwf2vkURQC
As you can see, BLAKs weren’t a lot
not worth to call it a vid…if you make videos then pls in a qualitiy that dont hurt the eyes when you try to watch it…
Guys, i m talking about the first fair fight, where u were just a little bit more than us
i m not talking about the fight where we were 20guildies and 15 PUs against the Piken 100-men endless ultimate blob mixing a 60-men guild and another 20-men guild +PUs.
Anyway, most of our guildies didn t die during this fight and we got lot of loot bagsThank you for the fun, we laughed a lot.
See u on the battleground
videos are uploading dont worry :P
So many FG loot bags :O Hopefully we got the AoE looting. All my bags are full of your items :/ That’s disappointing that u die so fast :O. Hope u ll have some money to repair.
lets see how this week will work out after one week of slacking.
hopefully a bit more fun.
But we still play for the fun and i can understand why some people are feeling let down by the current system because like where Piken are now we have never been in the power position of the 3 servers yet and some people would like to be in PS position, personally i wouldn’t because we will have all the PvE players coming out of the woodwork like PS have this week and make it a boring match up for us and when times get tough they will all leave again.
I hope that you will get into the same position at least once. Sure, in this moment you will have a lot of PvEer, but that is the time where you have time to show them everything, where you dont have to take stuff to serious and so on.
In the end most of them will leave again as soon as things get hard, but a few will stay and will start to do WvW seriously…pretty sure and that cant be a bad thing ^^
Is KISS transfering to Piken? Or is it just a couple guys
Also, you talk about solo people running away, but what ive seen from PS is guild grps running and only fighting back when another guild backs them up and start outnumbering 2:1…
Rly boring way of fightingI seriously doubt a Piken guild would run from a fight, even when heavily outnumbered, I think you are chatting kitten to be fair.
I want what you had… must be really good stuff… but anyways it was quite hard finding fights with piken tonight, it was either twice the numbers or run away with fewer, sure at end in FSP borderland atleast WiC push out of bay several times when outnumanned…
and FG… I either see the back of you or a second guild group next to you or 30FG + pugs.
Also wanna thank VII for GvG, it was very awesome even tho you kicked our kitten =)
I guess thats a lot about yesterday in PS BL ?
so let me tell you something…
FG had a day off yesterday, we saw that things went “bad” in PS BL so i tried to get some FG into WvW under my command to help defending. The first 10-15-20 min we were like 5 FG and around 10 ppl max following me. We died like 5 times or more trying to hit you and your trebs (and 2 guild groups with sth between 20-30 !? ppl each). Tell me is that running away?
After a while i had maybe 10 FG behind me and more friendlies started to follow. In this night we never had more then 20 ppl in TS (so it were maybe 17 FG + 3 friendlies)
Also i was most of the time the only badge on the map so its just normal that the friendlies start to follow me (also alot of them know my name in a hopefully not tooo negative way, so they follow me even better.)
Sry that I could not let you take our BL…but i would not cry if I´m you. If i cap sth then i want to cap it in the knowledge that the enemy gave his best to defend it and did not told half of his ppl to go PvE or whatever.
I had no skilllag at any point yesterday…a blob size starts (for me) when the game starts to lag and you are unable to use skills and so on. ^^
come on FSP…I run alone towards 2 of you and their reaction is to WP? …I´m only a guardian with group fight build… >.<
We were just returning from taken Speldan, and our attempt on Anza had failed, so there was no point in staying, and we were not affraid of you; more the 15+ group behind you :-)
I must have missed that :P we were 2 ppl killing your commander and that other guy at the ram on anza ^^ as i ran towards you i saw 3 green dots (so PS Players) in anza. They did not attempt to follow me ^^