btw for everyone who can speak german:
(edited by Moderator)
you can scrap the “save our spawn” they closed it lol
The thing is, ANET will not change for a specific group.
That is true, but we as a community and any other players have to give anet feedback + ideas how they would like to see it. Then it is anets job to read all the feedback and get it changed in a way that it fits most ppl
SO what we have done here is giving anet feedback whats wrong + some ideas how it could get changed that it would be okey for US.
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
I can confirm that this is our statement
And i think we have some pretty good points there and i hope sth will get done so that the growing worldboss communitys like us, TxS, DV, TTS and continue with what we do
yeah was there too. pretty sad thing
Hi Guys,
since i dont know where i should put this exactly i am going to put it here. (other place would have been general discussion), but i think it fits better here.
So this is a guide created from me how we the runs the wurm. (we did run it mainly on deso main and our guild is [NíP]. Since i got a few people asking me things about this fight and how we do it and so on i thought it might be time to get this all written down.
And now i can present you the first version of this:
My Crimson guide (that also covers a lot of common things for this fight)
I still have some things on my list to add. (for example the fights for the other wurms and so on, but i didnt wanted to wait that long to get the first part published. I have exams, so cant really spend a lot of time on this atm :/ )
So i hope this guide will help some people who are interested in leading or only following as player in the Triple trouble event.
Thx for all the people who helped me with that and kept coming to fight under me so that i was able to get the experience to create that
Feedback is more then welcome! i will also try to answer any question here or ingame. So feel free to ask
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
Uhm…congrats, but are you planning to make a thread for every single wurm kill? This does start to feel a little like bragging…
its more like individual players who are happy that they got their kills. never the leaders or anything who are there all day.
in the end it does not hurt…just let them be happy that they finally got what they wanted. is running marionette each night at 1am GMT+1 (after the last wurm at midnight). After that we are doing teq and karka. Apart from wurm it is on overflow. So there is deso main doing these events and always at least one overflow
Tho the time is nothing for ppl that work i guess :/
Well i remember that we left main because of ppl actually FLAMING the amber commander.
and since you cant do anything against them, well its just right to look for a better place without them. (overflow other server)
I dont argue <3
i just felt like this needs to be corrected, because this is actually sth we talked about last night.
More then 50% of the players joining us on TS these days arent from Deso anymore.
Most of us yesterday agreed that it is better to refer at us as and not as deso.
We will still run mainly on deso for now. So yeah deso will still be the "main"server were we gather as long as ppl behave.
BazeDragon: if you say deso ts you are kind wrong, this isnt the TS from deso or the website from deso. This is a community TS and website from that started out on deso but is now way bigger then deso. Even if the events still take part in Deso(mainly) it wouldnt be corret to refer to it as Deso TS+Website. As far as i know the old desospeak still exist+ a website for deso.
well, for a lot of ppl a wurm kill is still special @Velvet.7021
so let them be happy, these threads dont hurt and they are just happy to have it finally done
even with that dev ranger that went down all the time we managed to kill cobalt so very good job everyone <3
lil vid from our mesmer raid a week ago:
here a lil vid of our mesmer raid. (i know its laaate )
That mesmer raid was awesome, had lots of fun fighting u) Cheers)
vid will come tomorrow.
I was a bit worried if enough ppl turn up to have enough for some crazy fun. But well, we had 60-80 mesmers and as far as i saw it everyone had a fun time^^
so there will be more events like this upcoming, keep an eye out on saturday evenings, there will be strange piken raids. ^^
well piken enjoys a all mesmer raid in SFR BL today…jesus they steal my FPS
sorry but this screen shows like nothing slayer… if you make such accusations then you better prove them with sth better then a screen of you dieing.
tho i think i might have spotted a AC cirlce in the back there. But it should be possible to hit there through the gap over the gate (will check that out later if i can )
Jo, lets see if we manage to relax a bit now or if we keep the hate going
gl and hf everyone
Piken community, what the puppy (heh) are we waiting for? We NEED to start a guild like theirs. I will gladly get another (10th, sigh…) character slot just to make an asura mesmer.
Just imagine us making a guild like that and fighting against you guys. 10v10, all asura mesmers.
there are events/guilds in planning. just to have some fun, but we respect the Piken players that want to play fully for points during the league, so keep an eye on our forum to see when stuff like that is going to happen after the league ended.
Why does anyone have to justify any demographic?
Seems to me if server A has more players overnight you have two options: fight them or recruit your own.
Who cares where people live or if they’re staying up crazy hours to fight?
Look at the end result.
Then get out there and fight.
I think this discussion is not about if it’s fair or not. It’s just about the endless denying of French servers that they have no oversea help at all. They should just admit it and I guess most people would be fine.
Yes, but why does it even matter if that is said? They could be up ridiculous hours and doing nutty stuff, nobody knows except those that play there — and in the end it’s the results that matter, nothing more.
I could say I wear a pink tutu while playing WvW because I believe it gives me superpowers. Doesn’t mean it’s true. Nor should it affect your gameplay. There’s far more interesting things to debate, frankly.
Stick with the facts: There is a strong night crew. Either find ways to counter or recruit your own. Everything else shouldn’t concern you.
back in spring i did nightshifts (almost) everyday, mostly starting with guildraid at 8pm GMT and afterwards leading or helping other commanders, for months.
and i will mostlikely do it again when i have holidays and time for that (i dont rly like the crowded daytimes, better sleep there and play with the relaxed ppl at night + piken can use the hands more at nighttimes then at daytimes )
I want to be counted as canadian whenever i play at nights, i already have an sanctuary agreement with one of our canadian players. That should make me at least 25% canadian. Being german all the time is way to mainstream.^^
Piken players say its ok to double team because its strategy bla bla bla and they dont care SFR is double teaming them now.. so what was your strategy when you doubled teamed with Viz on 1st round? to give victory for them already?
Wouldnt it be wiser to team up agaisnt Viz instead, knowing they would come strong for league?
But what i feel its like, if they (piken) cant be nº 1 international EU server so let just Vizuna be than.
There was no strategy on the 1st round, just pure envy and hatred against SFR acomplishments
well…befor league you SFR was the server to beat (you guys were no 1 on the leaderboard not viz) so why should we not “focus” a bit more on you guys in the first week? nobody was able to tell what viz will bring onto the field.
I was playing a bit during that first week (not too much queues you know) but when i was in EB it was more or less SFR → hits anza/mendons
Viz → SM
and we mostly went to cap SM back all the time (because so many players just wanted the wxp/AP´s).
Tell me, if you get attacked from one guy and that one guy gets attacked from another guy, would you rather sit back and enjoy them fighting + maybe hit the guy that attacked you too or would you go and stab the guy that actually fights your enemy in the back?
Also from what i saw viz had always tones of siege and scouts so its just normal to go for easier targets.
humans are opportunistic ^^
teaching our new mesmer army! yes yes, be afraid
had actually quite some fun this week in wvw tho, that almost non stop 16 h wvw on thusday were hard and it rly was all just about points, but well sometimes you have to do this stuff.
The leading yesterday on JS BL was okey, tho i would have prefered some more fights.
but most of the time JS prefered to use the WP tactic….srsly why not trying to win a fight 30vs30 !? (as far as i was able to see we there would have been some nice even numbers fight + also both sides just random zergs, no guildgroup)
aso kudos to kodash using the opportunity to cap our upgraded hills while we were pushing for garri…sadly we had no scouts at that point >.<
1 Question
Is that a Russian Army at the Morning on Piken?
its a mix, but i guess yeah piken has quite a few russians. I think SFR and PS are the two servers with the most russian players, but i could be wrong.
Coffee! Get to it. I have insomnia myself, only four hours sleep! Guess I’ll log in. You better be there :p
will be there in a sec :P
:P i thought so xD would have been surprised
I´m kind of tired right now…trying to sleep at 8pm yesterday so that i can be on in the morning to get some points was maybe not the best idea for my sleeping pattern >.<
This week has turned into a challenging one. I hope we make through in the end.
When you mean with challenge.that you must mobilize more people to play in the morning,than that is correct ^^
well just playing the same game
french had superior numbers on monday, now its our turn.
Dont know on which server you are JS or Kodash but yeah it does mean average coverage during the day. Did you understand anything else? Or do you believe Kodash and JS took lead over us due to some other reason?
This match up has been fun a lot due to so much guild groups roaming. Jade Sea has less though but on average not a number that can not be handled. So yeah it had been fun. And the challenge now is to win in terms of PPT. :-)
…look at my signature :P
or was the plan to quote maluk and ask him that? ^^
This week has turned into a challenging one. I hope we make through in the end.
When you mean with challenge.that you must mobilize more people to play in the morning,than that is correct ^^
well just playing the same game french had superior numbers on monday, now its our turn.
What’s up with Piken, for the number 2 in Gold League a very bad start. Do your guilds boycott reset or is the only way you can make points night capping?:)
This might actually be the only time I have seen Piken get first place before Monday. We are usually second (or even third) for the whole weekend, even on “easy” (lacking a better word) matchups.
Some of our best open raid commanders are usually not playing during the weekends at all, probably because they want to spend time with their families.
^^ well Jin and me did some heavy nightshift…he went to bed at ~5 me at 10am xD
did not plan to go on for so long but there was always more to do, to defend, to cap and to many nice ppl on TS. ^^
I had fun tonight.
after more or less 15h wvw i gonna call it. you now face our daytime weekend crew. gl and hf
always fun to read SFR posts
I guess he is here to cheer for you guys ER/BB because if SFR wants to get 2nd place they need PS to at least not win one of the next matchups ^^
well sometimes like now i miss he forum warriors…they let me smile whenever i was sitting bored at university waiting for the next lecture without anything else to do.
I at least had sth to read and laugh about then
gl everyone
gonna stay in the background as long as piken wins (busy rl)
<3 AR come on you can do it! fight you still have a chance in this matchup or if not at least dont give up and have fun.
kitten i remember the days when i was sick to fight you guys again
like 17 weeks in a row at the beginning of this year? xD
and btw i’m rly surprised that Piken copied vizunahs “place-ac-everywhere-we-go”-Tactic … where is the old Spirit like “we are only playing for good fights” ?
Taken by the Que warriors?
taken by skill lag ?
srsly i liked roaming around alone with my guardian and fighting small scale, but now…i cant rly get bothered with it anymore if 80% of the time the only key that works is 1 ^^
so i just chill in a tower or run with a zerg ^^
We got queue in EB and 5 people in TS.
welcome to PS standard
maybe, well i guess it will because anet wants to make some transfer money
but you will have most of them for the next 7 weeks
I’m just hoping the VZ’s taking top gets some of the bandwagoners off our server now so we can actually PLAY the friggen game not have it reduced to a vertical slice of my screen behind my IRC window while I play something else waiting for queue to pop.
well they actually would waste gold then
they are bound to SFR or any server for the season, so why should they leave? so that sfr (in their view) loses ppl → coverage usw. → even worse placement in the league → even worse reward^^
i dont think there will be tooo much movement for the next weeks regarding wvw population (apart from guilds who dont care about the rewards)
well, just from my commander prespective:
I would almost never attack viz when they reset a SFR strukture why should i? they do some nice work for us so that we can later take it easier cause its paper.
I dislike the SFR attitude over the last month(s) so I´m happy when they end up not first, so ofc i gonna focus a bit more on SFR. Just to make you guys mad <3
But i would never do a organized double teaming. If it happens and is good for my fun and for Piken yeah why not, but it will always be situational.
Also i see it that way: SFR attacks us already more then viz so if we start focus on viz we will mostlikely end up getting attacked by viz and SFR…i dont know why we should be so stupid and bring ourself in a pos where we get attacked by both if we can avoide it
well, if there is any double teaming then its your own fault SFR…srsly you have the most forum warriors. You represent a bit of the SFR community if you want or not with every post you do.
So yeah i can understand when ppl come to the forum read the matchups and always see so much drama with SFR so that they decide “no we dont want SFR winning the league” → situations like double teaming will come up.
but hey have fun everyone, enjoy the queues
well then he should maybe say primetime and not “all night” night is for me after primetime
hmm zoneblob all night!? srsly let me tell you sth just because I was leading tonight i know exactly what was going on :P
until like 3-4am (GMT+2) we had to face a ~30man RNV guildraid with a group of players mostly not on ts and so on. we maybe had the same numbers to face them. tho this is not rly working ofc
but well let me tell you what we had last night :P
2.30am: me starts leading in PS BL, getting back everything apart from hills cause the BB raid comes to defend.
3.00am: EB commander calls it, I´m the only active commander. deciding to move to EB to catch some players so that they dont go to bed and that we are maybe able to have some good fights against that BB raid.
3.30am: we lured the BB raid into EB, had some fights with them we sadly lost, but during that time we had 2 commanders in PSBL taking back everything there.
4.15am: the PSBL ppl moved to BB BL → we presure BB on 2 maps, because the guild group can only be on one and it was slightly annoying to get wiped all night so we decided to annoy them a bit too
dont rly know when they called their raid
sth btw 4.30am-5am i think.
after that we still had 2 groups out, my EB group with like 30 ppl and the other group with enough ppl to get things done too (cant give numbers because i only chatted with some of them about tactics and did not see/ask how many he has )
i called it around 6.30-645 am and have no idea what happened then, but i think that 7am is a time when the night is almost over also at that time AR had at least a raid that had enough numbers to defend their EB keep in the lordsroom.
was fun tonight (sadly i cant command that often at night anymore…rl >.<)
thx to BB who saved me some money with not taking down the siege for anza so that we could use them again
ah memories …. half a year ago we werent able to kick BB´s butt and AR…now its payback time i think <3
meeeh i wanna play this matchup…but well i think if i rly have to decide scotland holidays or playing gw2 this week well
i still would be in scotland
keep calm, have fun ^^
FG kill some PS for me
PS kill some FG for me
= me happy
was fun leading for piken in EB tonight for a bit again…tho i did poorly after ages of not commanding and a long travel day >.<
Just saying…i know that there will be lots of hate and drama for you DVG guys who went to Piken.
and if you make VII rly changing servers…well good luck than. VII is one of the most resepcted guilds from PS and a big part of piken. I think you will have a hard time make them forget that your the one who made them not come back.
finally finally we got that stupid north camp thx kodash for a rly awesome night xD