Showing Posts For Bashido.8694:
So I keep on reading all this crap about SoS abusing “culling” and the server lag – and would like to know where this is happening? The same issue is happening for every server not just SoS. It seems like you need to make up an excuse for getting stomped or something, because I can assure you that the guilds assigned to holding down EB simply don’t need to use any cheap tactics to win.
Also the SAME thing happens to us with you and other servers. You make it sound like we are intentionally doing it and that’s just bull. The only thing I can think of is our use of portal bombs and a massive group showing up at your feet at a blink of an eye. We use portal strats sometimes and (as does everyone) so if your QQing about that then hey.. whatever helps you sleep at night.
The bottom line is our organization and practice allow us to execute and overwhelm. We have server meetings, set up specific guilds in specific BL’s and try to cover all timezones. We practice new strat’s twice a week as a group standing around in random fields and just practice execution. We put in alot of time and effort and we are still learning every day.
That being said there are lots of other guilds out there from SoR/IOJ that im sure do the same thing. Don’t try and brush off getting crushed to “lag” and “rendering” as we are ALL dealing with that crap.
We have been having a blast this week fighting back and forth and busting kitten to stay ahead. There are lots of skilled teams all around and I hope it continues. We need these challenges in prep for T1 and when we get kicked in the teeth – we get back up – learn from it – and try to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Maybe try that on for once instead of all your QQ about lag or whatever your saying the problem is that day.
To those guilds fighting on EB – its been a blast. You guys have showed us several strats that we will hopefully learn from and become better from. IMO and lots of others agree – EB is the hardest BL to hold down – that’s why we took it on. To all the other guilds fighting against us out here, great job so far – you have been pushing us hard and we appreciate the fun. TSym/Sexy/Foe/(and all the others i cant remember due to lack of coffee) salute the other guilds out here fighting us and making it more then interesting.
As always – this is just my opinion – what do I know.
See yah on the battle field!
I think it’s funny that people think we are teaming up to put IOJ down, it’s simply not the case. Last time I checked war is war and anything goes. We are not intentionally DT’ing anyone. Live in your little bubble though. We have had lots of good fights with IOJ so I’m assuming the QQ is from 1 or 2 people and not the whole server as the rest of IOJ has been fighting hard.
Also if your noticing huge presences from specific guilds in specific BL’s its because we sit down ahead of time as a server and delegate where everyone will be fighting so there are no gaps. Every BL will have different guilds covering them.
Anyways we are having blast playing with you all and hope the rest of the week is as exciting as its been thus far.
have a 140 SSD + 1T HD – game is on the SSD
It seems like since the Halloween patch I have been having some serious performance issues. My Frame-rate is amazing but I get this kind of “pause” that happens and then when the game catches back up it moves in super speed and I catch back up to where everything should be. Does anyone know whats going on – or have any idea why this is happening?
I have tried everything I could think of, including restoring my computer to a week or 2 ago, and nothing helps. I’m assuming that there was some issue with the patch that is effecting me, however I’m not knowledgeable enough to figure out what exactly.
Again its not really a frame rate thing per-say and more of a… im fighting…starts to pause…super speeds back up and catches back to where i should be.
I run:
geforce 560TI
16 gigs of ram and liquid cooled – im fairly certain its an issue with the game and not a hardware thing. I have also updated drivers and so on.
Anyways I would appreciate any help in the matter and have had better luck asking the community then the arena-net tech’s whom actually gave me bad information the one time i attempted to fix it with them.
Thanks much!
Ever since the update I have also been having issues. Its not really a Frame rate thing its more of a slight pause – then like super speed to catch up – studder – catch up.
This has only started happening after the update and its made it nearly impossible to play. As i said my frame rates are typically 70+ capping at 120.
I’m running:
geforce 560TI
16gigs of ram and I’m liquid cooled. I could use any help available – this is beyond frustrating.
Again – Xcom I really appreciate your help. I’m sure it would have been days at least before they got back to me with more BS info.
(edited by Bashido.8694)
So after having Xcom help me fix my problem, which took him all of 10 min i’m sure I got an email back from GW2 Tech support. They are obviously terrible because after I provided EVERYTHING they asked for (which was more then enough obviously since Xcom figured it out right away) they wrote me with the following…
There is a free trial program called PingPlotter Standard which may be of some use to us in determining the health of your active Internet connection. We ask that if you are using a router, hub, or switch, to first disconnect this device and connect directly to your modem before running this utility. You may have to reboot your modem and/or computer to reestablish your Internet connection.
This program is not supported by NCsoft. You can find the program and information on how to use it at
1. Please download and install the Standard version of PingPlotter.
2. Run the program and in the upper left corner you will see an “Address to Trace:” section.
3. Type in the server IP you find in game by typing in the command /IP while playing on your server.
4. Click the “Trace” button. Please allow the tool to run for at least 30 minutes even if you are unable to play, or you get disconnected during this time.
5. Click on the “Stop” button. Then, click on File -> “Save Sample Set” and save the file to your computer in a location that will be easy to find, such as your Desktop.
Please update your incident at the provided link and attach the report. If you encounter a problem such as excessive lag or Code=007, please tell us what time the problem occurred so that we can investigate that section of the report.
NCsoft Technical Support "
I am seriously disappointed with everything, honestly. They OBVIOUSLY didn’t take the time to read through the info they requested and figure out the problem. Instead they go down their B.S. list of crap to say, stringing us along as long as possible.
Everyone dealing with Tech support, I’m sorry. You might want to pay-pal X-com 5 bucks and get his advice, because its obviously much better then these people.
(edited by Bashido.8694)
Ok so I rewrote the whole like like you specified, and success!
Going to hop on and see if I have any of my normal disconnect issues and post back later.
They need to hire XcomCaveRat and pay him lots of money to help people fix their stuff because what took him all of prolly 20 min, has taken the game 5 days or so with no response yet.
Again thanks XCom =)
I appreciate the help. When i try to edit the target line, I get an error like you say. I’m not sure how to go about making it fit correctly, I have tried every way I know how.
Any advice?
Thanks again Xcom
There we go, these is the full log. If anyone who knows more about this stuff wants to take a look – any tips would be great.
UPDATE Via Tech support – They are having me download 2 programs that test/log my system and TCP/IP settings. I then email it back to them, and sometime int he next 3-4 years they get back to me with the issue, which is on their side. I’ll jump through hooks for awhile and post updates here with what they end up telling me the “issue” is.
No, not for me… also..
UPDATE Via Tech support – They are having me download 2 programs that test/log my system and TCP/IP settings. I then email it back to them, and sometime int he next 3-4 years they get back to me with the issue, which is on their side. I’ll jump through hooks for awhile and post updates here with what they end up telling me the “issue” is.
Its not just you – plenty of people with a wide verity of error codes having the same problem.
Seems alot of people have been having these issues regarding not being able to connect and error messages. I have been unable to connect since they patched besides for spurts here and there. Its honestly stupid.
The most frustrating part is they wont acknowledge the problem or give us any updates. Its understandable since they already have our money right? I bet they are LOLing hard about not having a phone-line to call like any reputable company should.
If I find any info i’ll post here, but thusfar i have found zero fix’s that work. TSW is looking pretty good right neeeeaow
Yup – No idea what they did to cause it to let us in sometimes, and not other times. Just shows it has nothing to do with something on our side.
Having the same issue we have all been having since the 25th. They really dropped the ball with this patch, honestly the devs own every bit of it. They patch crap without testing how it will work.
At this point I’m getting the 42:0:9001:3928 error when attempting to log in. Its something THEY did on their side. When I opened a ticket I got a short-bus response (the people they hire to “help” are pitiful) Saying its my router or firewall which it isn’t. I turned my firewall off and everything else including set allowances blah blah blah – nothing they suggested helped. It felt like they googled the problem and just repeated what they found, lol.
I hope they throw us a bone in the next few days or I’ll be moving onto boarderlands, or back to TSW
Got in for about 30 min today randomly. After that I was kicked again and unable to log into the game. Thanks for patching without testing!
Guess I should reactivate my TSW account… sadly…
Got home from work today, was able to log in for about 30 min – then same problem suddenly. Looks like it might be time to go back to the Secret world.
Hopefully one day they get around to letting us know what the issue is.
Simply put – yes invest in an SSD. Get something like a 128gb SSD. Put your games and OS on the SSD and everything else on your normal HD. I run a 128GB SSD and a 1TB HD.
Anything more then that is just overkill really. (If your into overkill i’m right there with yah =D )
I’m using GTX 580 for vid card and the thing purs , my i7 is OC to 4.5 – i’m very happy with performance.
BTW – I have done every single “fix” they have put out there to try and fix this issue and none work. disabled firewall, reset router, disabled all security and virus software and nothing.
I also have a post made regarding the issue so hopefully one of us gets a response eventually.
Finding more and more posts with people having the same problem, none of us have been able to log in for days. Several of us have had tickets in for days without any response.
I hope they give us a heads up soon or I think its time to move to a different game, maybe one that has viable tech support and not this weak online garbage. Invest in a phone helpline maybe… like every other serious company.
I’m having the same exact issue. It appears we all started having the issue at around the same time. I have been unable to play for days and am starting to get frustrated. Looks like it might be time to pick up another game since obviously we cant play this one without them testing changes before putting them in to catch these issues before they happen.
But hey! They have our money already right, so screw us!
I cant log in either since patch really. Same problem but different error code. I’m getting 42:0:9001:3928.
Another day – Same error. Will try again later.
i like how the ranger synergizes with the pet. makes for some really cool dynamics.
From this all I get is you don’t know what synergy means. Our ability’s are clunky and do very little to compliment each other.
Also Dynamics with pet? Are you just saying words to see your name on a forum post? Pets die way to easy even being fully controlled. Ranged pets survive but are touch and go.
Going to keep it short. I recommend not making a ranger right now as they are lackluster and boring. While all classes have issues, rangers are at a fundamental lvl. You cant press a situation, you more or less react to it. Unless you have a mouth-breather running away from you, or a nub not paying attention and letting you pound them from the side or rear the DPS is crap. Its alot of setup with QZ which is gimmicky as hell.
Play a Thief or something – that’s the direction I went since they borked rangers and I’m enjoying the change. Currently rangers are lackluster and just boring IMO. and I love the ranger class, and my ranger in general. Its sad really. I wish they were more fun to play and viable in general.
Sadly I also have pretty much shelved my fully exotic ranger for a Thief I’m lvling. They have much more control over fights, have a ton of “oh ish” ability’s huge mobility and a viable ranged spec.
Rangers got the big FU from devs and they refuse to let us know whats going on. Time to devote everything to my thief and hope one day they actually look at and fix our issues. It really feels like they threw the ranger abilitys together last min a day before launch. How could they possibly have tested and not known at all that all of these problems existed.
Who ever the dev was that made ranger ability’s is a boring individual.
While I won’t harp about the movement speed (never really bothered me too much and also, if you play tall classes like Norn or Charr, the animation seems to be slower, because they make bigger steps), but what really bothers me is the general straightforwardness of the the skills.
You don’t really notice it until you have played a few other classes for a few hours, but ranger skills are really….boring.Take the shortbow for example. There is exactly 1 skill that benefits you, Quick Shot, giving you Swiftness ONLY if you actually hit your target with the spell. Every other skill is only affecting the enemy (and in some cases your pet).
The 1H-sword: if you actually chain three attacks of the first skill, you gain some might. Apart from that: evading and things that affect enemies.
The longbow: there’s not a single spell on there that affects you, the only thing that does not purely affect the enemy is Hunter’s Shot, giving Swiftness to your pet.
This goes on and on. Other classes have a lot of spells that incorporate a dual nature in their spells, affecting enemies while also granting benefits to you. Guardians block, get protection, build some kind of defensive abilities around them, while damaging foes. Mesmers almost constantly buff themselves in some kind of way while dealing damage and quite a few of their spells change throughout combat (Chaos Storm, Illusionary Leap, Blurred Frenzy etc. Necros depend on the clever use of spells that affect both them and the enemy.
But us rangers we…shoot things. Or we hit them in some kind of way. Most of our abilites only change, when we flank or shoot guys in the back, which doesn’t really happen all that often in a 1on1 and isn’t all that interesting in general (“Guys, look, I just put 2 stacks of Bleeding on that dude over there because for a short time, I could actually shoot him in the backs for two arrows!”). During fights, enemy players don’t really need to learn too much about us. Just don’t step into the red circles on the ground, mind the pet and don’t show the ranger your back and you are fine most of the time. If we start to glow red, we hit a little harder, but it’s pretty much a fire and forget thing. As are the roots. And the spirit just gets pummeled to death when ever you dare to put him up.
Utilities are also quite lame. Most of the pet shouts are either buggy or just not worth it, because pets still act to unreliable. And die too quickly. Why the frakk would I want to use one of my utility slots to tell my pet to defend a specific location? Or to send him to revive an ally for 200 HP per tick? Signets are freaking lame, even the good ones are more than boring. One third of our utilies are thus either absolutly useless or boring passive stuff.
To rant even further:
- all minor traits in the marksmanship tree are absolutly useless, horrible and barely noticed. Who ever came up with the idea of these opening strikes needs to…well…just…do something, seriously.
- Too many traits are too good, while others are too mediocre to actually allow for a variety of builds. Whoever uses a bow and does NOT pick up Piercing Arrows for example must really have a good explanation as to why he would choose so.
- There’s no trait in all of the trees that actually grants any !USEFUL! benefit on a dodge roll, something almost every other class has available to them. Don’t you dare say “Companion’s Defense”, because honestly, if you dodge, why would you need to be protected for 2(!) seconds after that? It’s just measly. You would need to spend !30! points in the Nature Magic tree to get a horrible “Dodging removes blind and poison from you (10s cooldown)”. You would also have to deny yourself the still at least decent “Spirits unbound” for that. How bad is that? Just some examples of what other classes can get on dodge: Guardian – Heal nearby allies, Mesmer – create a clone.This post has gotten longer than I thought, but to return back to the topic and for all those tl;dr:
- Most of our skills are bland and way too straightforward
- A lot of traits are too *ç%+£, therefore not allowing for a great variety in builds
I agree. I have played other classes and we feel flat. Like little to no effort went into making our synergy. Our ability’s are lackluster at best and feel like they were quickly put together at the last min. Don’t get me wrong, I love my ranger – its just very underwhelming and honestly boring. We don’t have much control and our arrows are easy to juke and avoid if your not short-bus. Axe is fun but common… really?
I really hope they fix some of these issue’s. Its sad really.
They are just strong against us currently since most ranger ability’s and skills are underpowered and lackluster. They nerfed rangers back in the day without actually testing what they did so there are a few issue’s still lingering. Kiting them is your best bet, but any non scrub thief will stick to you pretty well.
Juke and try and outlast them. blow your CDs at the appropriate time and cross fingers ;P
I actually made a thief to figure out how to beat them, and they are just designed much better and have nice synergy. I have come to the realization that they just have a clear advantage against us currently unless your a pro ranger – and even then they give us trouble. I’m hoping eventually they will get us tuned more inline with everyone else – but I’m not expecting them to.
So I have been getting this error(42:0:9001:3928) for days and cant log into the game at all anymore. I did research on the error and many others are having the exact same error message come up. I did what they recommended and changed allowances and whatnot and nothing has worked. I have turned the firewall off, disabled all virus security and have run as admin. I have also gone into the allowances through the gw2.exe and so on to make sure everything was the way it should be.
I’m out of idea’s and options and am at a loss currently. There are tons who cant even log into the game anymore and there is no real help being given and there are no help lines to call. What exactly should we be doing to figure out how to address this problem? I obviously have a ticket open – had one response from a GM linking to info I had already found myself trying to figure out the issue.
I and many others could use some help fixing the issue and we appreciate any advice/info you can give on the matter.
(edited by Bashido.8694)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bashido.8694
For the last week or so I have been having issues logging in. I did everything in my power to look up ways to solve the issue to no avail. There was sections of people having the same issue I am having and they have either not been able to fix the problem, or the fix worked right away.
The problem is I cant log-in . I get Error Code: 42:0:9001:3928 . The issue according to the online sources say it has something to do with allowances dealing with virus software, or directly with the firewall. I have set allowances, turned off virus software and also killed the firewall and nothing is solving the problem. I think it might have something to do with a windows update but I don’t know much about this so I have no idea.
I would appreciate any help I can get as I have been unable thusfar to address the problem and have already submitted 1 ticket that was closed without actually saying anything aside from linking me to the area I found myself that tells how to fix the issue… I have now opened another ticket and hope someone actually takes the time to read it and respond accordingly – and not just blow me off with some BS links to stuff that I already know isn’t helping me.
This will be my last attempt to solve the problem, If something doesn’t give I’ll be moving onto another game that might care enough to have help services that actually help. I have been posting my experience day by day on a website for friends/others to see so they can decide for if its worth going through all this non-sense. I hope this time someone actually takes the time to read the ticket.
Thanks again,
(Edited to add ticket number: 120926-005208)
(edited by Moderator)
If they did it purposely its pretty silly. Why make shoulder armor that you cant see? I’d like to have the option to see them, and honestly dont care if it overlaps the chest grafx because the chest itself is lackluster.
If they follow through this will be wonderful.
They are over tuned for average players is the problem. People who run with guild groups or are just above average they are nothing to difficult.
They saw a few good groups getting through CM in 10 min and making a killing with EXP/money or whatever – and freaked out – instead of addressing the problem they said screw it and buffed everything. They also crushed the EXP/money. If anything they should have left the rewards exactly the same if they wanted to do what they did. That or make actual loot drop – god forbid.
Anyways that’s just my opinion.
Yea I hope they fix it soon – we all worked hard for our sets and want to fully enjoy them!
Has anyone read/seen any mention of this by any gw2 people?
Not sure if it has been posted here, and sorry if it has but I put in a petition 4 weeks ago when I finished my set and got it returned saying make posts and what not.
Anyways here is a link that directly shows the problem. The shoulders look badkitten and dont show. We want them to show!
make a ticket if your having the same problem, and hopefully they will fix it!…eventually…hopefully…