Showing Posts For Bashido.8694:
I agree that people who spent alot of time and money for dual skins should be compensated. People saying otherwise saying you can switch stats on the fly have no real argument because we don’t have to play the game for the same reasons. If someone did it just for the skins that’s on them.
This isnt kitten Germany where your viewpoint is the only one ;P
To the Not So {CALM} warrior in JQ – fun times tonight. 8 ragequits and like 30 deaths. Can you actually do anything besides run (unsuccessfully) and fear people off ledge (unsuccessfully)? Most fun I have had in awhile, thanks for entertaining me.
Props though for running back relentlessly. Most would have quit after the first 10 deaths.
Also – great fights all around tonight. We were map hopping all around until we ran out of people. We took SM a few times and have some great fights. We had to set up 20 warrior banner rotations for Indo, but besides that was good times.
EB was fun all night, thanks for coming out and bringing some good fights bg/jq – GG
kitten it, every time I see TW I have never been able to get it out of my head for months now. Once upon a time in a drunken stooper on a Friday night reset, I believe one of my guildies goes, OMFG IT’S TWILIGHT WOLVES AGAIN! Since then, I have never been able to read TW tag as Tempest Wolves. R.I.P. Tempest Wolves (2013) name in Jed’s mind. This also lead to something like team Jacob or team Edward…I can’t remember how the whole conversation went..
This conversation then of course lead to many variations that are insulting to our own tag, and some have been pretty creative with troll tags marked as SF! Even from our own guildies…
I like twilight wolves, guild vote on namechange inc!
After taking BG’s WP @ SoR BL, we started a 70vs70vs70 fight. Sounds like both BG and SoR enjoyed it. We are thinking about making it into a daily event.
To the ANet dev who follows BG around, we hope you enjoy WvW and come hangout with JQ sometime. I think gem prices is still quite cheap :-p
SoR had 70 in that fight?!?! News to us. We didn’t even have a queue the whole night on SoR BL. The TW group had 30-35 including the pugs.
They had 70 people as usual, and they cant be saying it was their 70 vs 35 so it becomes 70 v 70… duh burl, geez…
Q: Live Score Updates:
Live Map Updates:
Grats BG and JQ on first and second!
Good luck have fun this week.
I would like to thank TW for supporting us so much.
We aim to please, hopefully the run back x3-5 wasn’t to bad. Fun stuff indeed =)
Great fights for TW on SoR BL tonight – fun times JQ/BG – thanks for the fun
Here comes the pain(fun). My anus is ready
I don’t think this week will be to tough on you ;P
love the 2v1
please make our pvers quit wvw. lol
last week was the first for BG to be match against 2 lower tier server since RNG match up started. missed JQ and SOR <3
It’ll be a fun week whatever happens, grats to the victors!
Dat DDOS , makes me smile at this point ;D
Q: Live Score Updates:
Live Map Updates:
Good luck and have fun!
Good fights on SoRBL this evening [TW]…..
We had fun defending Garrison, way to keep the pressure up. I don’t think we had more then a min or 2 break all night running from one fight to the next.
All those complaining about a 2v1 are kraakraaaa – TW looks forward to more fights like tonight =) good job JQ/TC with keeping us busy.
Q: Live Score Updates:
Live Map Updates:
Good Luck! Have Fun!
Live Score Updates:
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GL have fun
Regardless of the trash talk about DIE, I have been around when they stomped BG guilds, JQ guilds exct. They are a very solid guild and more importantly they have a crazy amount of fun when they play. We(SoR) have been fighting BG and JQ so long that every guild at some point whooped everyone else’s kitten . All the babble about who beat who and why they left is BS.
DIE decided they wanted to move on for fights/less Q’s and that’s their choice. At the end of the day its a game (granted one alot of us take seriously) and if your not having fun doing what your doing, then why bother.
SoR is as weak as its been but the bottom line is we will always fight, you play your time slot – you go to bed and you don’t worry about things that happen when you aren’t running. We will never “pay” guilds to come over to fill slots though we have donated to help get members over when guilds do decide to come but thats about it.
IMO the matchups have been fun for the NA timeslot, which is all I care about… both BG and Mag have been bringing the fights which is all you can really ask.
Guess I play at different times then all the good Maguma roamers ;P Lots of perplex Maguma roamers that are terrible, I have noticed that. Back pedal more!
I bet you 5v1ed them like most ive seen tonight
I run around solo 80% of the time – I saw 1 Mag thief by him/herself and that’s it. Had a few good 1v2’s but always had more enemy’s come or unwanted help from my own server. Had a few good/long fights was some roaming warrior – He was skilled and would stop if someone tried to help him or, and me vise versa which is pretty cool of him ;P Don’t see that much.
I did notice Mag don’t run many more then 5 if they are havoc/roaming to BG’s 10-15, so that was nice ;P
Look forward to the week when things calm down and more people are solo roaming exct. Hopefully they aren’t all perplex ;P
Guess I play at different times then all the good Maguma roamers ;P Lots of perplex Maguma roamers that are terrible, I have noticed that. Back pedal more!
Live Score Updates:
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GL have fun! Welcome Maguma!
(edited by Moderator)
Wow DIE sure is kitten over what cuddle posted
I doubt DIE really cares at all ;P
Cant we all just get along! What names?
What are we supposed to see in this picture? There aren’t any names in the chat.
It’s just two random people whispering pretense convos.
I have no idea what your talking about, I was posting a pic of a fun siege… but now that you mention it that is an interesting conversation going on in the background. Seem’s like one guy looking to transfer to another server while the other guy is asking him to talk to other guilds first as not to over stack. That and some unnamed server paying 15kgold for them to come to their server.
Good catch sir!! I didn’t even notice…
Yes, some un-named guy talking with another random un-named guy is 100% authentic real proof, guise.
I’m glad we see eye to eye! Since we all know who’s talking, we can assume exactly that! I should have you make all my posts for me. Need a job?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
All i see is two nameless people trolling about. Let us know when you have some actual proof.
I agree, if we had a screenshot that showed exactly what was said we would have something. If only we could fill in the names of the people having the convo… Oh well! I guess we will never know which server paid 15k for a guild… to over-stack a time-slot no one plays. ohhhh well!
Cant we all just get along! What names?
What are we supposed to see in this picture? There aren’t any names in the chat.
It’s just two random people whispering pretense convos.
I have no idea what your talking about, I was posting a pic of a fun siege… but now that you mention it that is an interesting conversation going on in the background. Seem’s like one guy looking to transfer to another server while the other guy is asking him to talk to other guilds first as not to over stack. That and some unnamed server paying 15kgold for them to come to their server.
Good catch sir!! I didn’t even notice…
Yes, some un-named guy talking with another random un-named guy is 100% authentic real proof, guise.
I’m glad we see eye to eye! Since we all know who’s talking, we can assume exactly that! I should have you make all my posts for me. Need a job?
Cant we all just get along! What names?
What are we supposed to see in this picture? There aren’t any names in the chat.
It’s just two random people whispering pretense convos.
I have no idea what your talking about, I was posting a pic of a fun siege… but now that you mention it that is an interesting conversation going on in the background. Seem’s like one guy looking to transfer to another server while the other guy is asking him to talk to other guilds first as not to over stack. That and some unnamed server paying 15kgold for them to come to their server.
Good catch sir!! I didn’t even notice…
I think BG is upset.
Super duper upset! grrrr!
Who is the GM of SG anyhow? I’ve found no emails in my forum inbox…
Sorry you lost your garrison [FEAR] but the plant was legit. The constant tell spamming throughout the day of one of my members by SoR after posting an account name on official forums, without contacting any SG officers, was however completely childish.
The chat logs from some members of SoR, and the video taken a month ago have all been submitted to a-net for their review. If you have any complaints about SG in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This.. this is not the right answer. The evidence is now overwhelming, the only response is “It was legit”.
The video and screenshot of the same mesmer in walls at various locations, the same mesmer avoiding massive sweeps 3 times in the last two days. Unless this guy is the reincarnation of Anne Frank, Osama Bin Laden and Jimmy Hoffa I’m pretty sure hiding skills aren’t something you can hone much more than anyone else outside the obvious.
The damage is done. Any time people see SG all they will think is “they hacked” even when it’s legit. It’s not baseless, there are pictures, video and more, none of which have any explanation given.
Edit: I believe you think it was legit, but honestly it’s not hard to just say “Hey, I’m still hiding in here” when in reality hiding means in a wall somewhere where you can’t be seen or targeted. You may see him “plant” somewhere legit, but the screenshots and videos show planted spots to be places normal people can’t go to (in walls).
Edit2: Sorry if someone is harassing you btw, it’s not anyone condoned by SoR. Probably someone just upset over the results voicing it inappropriately. Submitting it to Anet is the right thing to do.
They obviously know its going on and ignore it. You cant be that stupid, I mean you could be… but then you wouldn’t be here typing or thinking on your own exct. SG has a rep for being shady scrubs who need to hack now, in my books that’s enough. Let their leadership deny and sweep it under the rug requiring more “evidence”. Obviously a smoking gun, and a dead body – being caught in SS’s and on video isn’t enough for their crack team of forensic analysts.
I don’t associate them with their server anyways, 90% of the time the guilds we face are classy and just want good fights. Every server has the red headed step child guild, and its clear who that is ;P
PS: that red headed step child comment is not directed at the SG asura guardian who we stream snipe and make rage. I can’t tell is he’s kitten ed or constipated half the time, but it’s been fun! Pro Tip: stream delay is your friend.
(edited by Bashido.8694)
lol, that same mesmer … again?
This was recorded around 1 month ago after JQ ported into inner after we did a thorough sweep, so I decided to turn FRAPS on for the second sweep once we took it back. This lasted for a good 10+ minutes
Notice the guild – GG
I’m sorry, but after seeing this video I felt the need to teach anyone who reads and see’s this video what a REAL “very good video” of thieves looks like…
This comes from my old stompin grounds of NSP
Pro at killing under lvl’s… 70% of your fights are you killing under lvls. Yish was the last very good thief to make video’s, this is preschool stuff compared.
[BÆST] Is having an amazingly fun time in SBI BL this week!
Quite an amazing turnout from SOR. You have our bay and hills completely locked down. That being said though, we have been able to defend our garrison very well. I reckon each door at garry has been downed at least twice tonight.
We don’t care about PPT, heck we don’t care if we wipe. We are having a blast fighting you guys, and we will take the rest of this matchup as one of the best learning experiences we have had.
Looking forward to fighting TW soon.
See you on the battlefield fellas.
Glad to see you guys having fun. Alot of the time we worry if we go to overboard that people wont come back or that they will log off but you guys have kept coming which says alot about you guys as a server if this is a regular thing. Don’t get discouraged and if you just want open field fights we will kindly oblige. [TW] will be all over this week like we always are, but we will post what Bls we are on for some fun so keep an eye on the boards and or whisper one of us in game and we will relay said information.
Good show so far SBI, keep up the numbers and it will be a fun week. SoS i’m sorry you got stuck with us ;P best bet is to double team us with SBI whenever you can, in fact we welcome it.
Surprisingly fun reset night, keep up the pressure!
It’s strange, the only week our TS constantly crashes are the weeks against SoR. I smell fishy play here.
Why would we want to ddos SOS?? Selling tinfoil hats 95c each
Don’t respond to Le Rooster, he is a troll and feeding him will only accelerate his growth.
Hey, it beats the generic tripe we’re used to reading!
But srsly, it’s BG doing the jamming. Why? Because they’re darkspawn. They hate the excellence, sportsmanship and all-around goodness that radiates from SoR so much that they take any opportunity to lash out at us they get. SoS is just encountering sattelite hatred.No it’s not, don’t blame BG for your unsportsmanslike behaviour. Ever since the good ol t1 days SoR were always jelly of SoS’s epicness.
I agree, Bashido was far more fun killing than listening to
how did i get sucked into this… no love
Please let’s stop w/ the focusing on a dead game mode. We WvWers will never cross the line to become sPvPers so your game can become an Esport. It’s not happening so please realize that WvW >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sPvP because the majority of your player base plays in WvW and not in some lame conquest game mode.
These Orb buffs are just going to be beneficial for the server w/ the most ppl…..please HOLD off on these and introduce the land masses only. You have a successful game in WvW.
Not in sPvP.
Please give us the dev time and let sPvP get life support dev focus for once…..I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
They don’t care that’s the problem. They add pretty things to the AH all the time though, obviously their priority’s are clear. All they care about is money and they don’t care how crappy, or unbearable the game is to play in WvW at top tiers.
If they cared… these problems that have been around since DAY 1 would be addressed. Unfortunately that doesn’t flow with their bottom line so we are screwed until a better game comes out.
Or they can fix there crappy game. Honestly these problem’s have been around forever and they don’t do anything to fix it. They do add new stuff to the AH all the time though, thank god they spend their time on the important things.
If they fixed the real issues in the game instead of trying to distract people from the problem with flashy crap, the game might have a chance. To bad ;P
You guys are really grasping at straws if your saying TW runs in any force past midnight west coast. Our ops tend to slow down at midnight EST unless its the weekend. Friday+Sat sure we run late if we have numbers, but that’s about it.
We appreciate the fact the residual rhape still hasn’t washed off by EU, but don’t get it twisted, TW runs EST and PST the latest. We have some late night people who havoc, but that’s it.
Great video of RE and TW trying to wipe us at the same time. We utilized the bridge as a choke with the numbers they had on us. The fun part was positioning RE and TW between each other during the fights. Was a hot of a time.
is there a reason why the video was cut short?
Have to cut their video short as they got farmed on every single engagement they attempted. I found it surprising that they were willing to put up footage in the first place!
Hope you’re having fun talking among your own guild members on the forums. I know you’re trying to put on a little show for everyone, but really, you’re not making any progress. Zerg the forums more. Always have something to defend, huh? As for the video, do those not count as engagements? gg
You keep saying you only had 15, but your other members who weren’t in the 15 for the GvG (they were standing by) joined you in the fight. All someone has to do is open the video to see how many numbers you had on the bridge. Numbers that BT so nicely dealt with.
I’m not in TW and was there watching the fight, the bottom line is aside from the 3 min video BT got ran off or rolled out every single fight. Literally every single fight they either ran into a tower, or were crushed so bad the rest had to run.
Good on them though, that 3 min video is probably the biggest accomplishment in their existence, so here’s to BT!!!
Now if they were only as good at fighting as they are at talking and running they might have something… unfortunately though…
Has TW and BT ever gvg against each other?
I sense a gvg in the in the near coming future. :P
BT won’t fight with equal numbers, there is a reason that they always deny GvG’s
Has to be a Full BL or they won’t leave PK.
TW is a hardcore guild and the vast majority of the other guilds in this game are relatively casual. Seems pretty silly picking on BT (or any other guild for that matter) because they don’t care about the game as much as TW does. Try fighting guilds that do actually care… oh wait, we all know what happens then. 11-0.
Yes. We lost 11-0? It was a good learning experience for us as well. We have no shame in admitting we lost to a skilled guild such as RG. Try again troll, until then go back to your hole.
That’s all well and good, but my post was aimed at Hoots’ jabs about casual guilds not wanting to GvG.
This is off topic, but I remember you now. You were in SoS. Used to be part be part of TSym. Always wondered why you were so neutral to TSym but SOOOOO hostile towards all the other SoR guilds.
What..? I’ve never been on SoS and I’ve never been in TSym (nor would I want to be).
TSYM wouldn’t take a random scrub – get your facts straight ~_^
Keep it classy folks,
This is the last old format match up. No need to slag each other off. SoR are bringing the pain this week. More power to them. Let’s have some good fights this week. Would be nice if I saw a few less magic arrow carts, just saying.
TW folks on SoR, you will have to PM me about the INDO tag and share the in joke.. I thought it must be Indo’s way of standing out
Only saw it briefly and it was buried in a sea of other tags so could not get a “select” on it.
The [INDO] guild was made in attempt to stop the Glory thief Indo Xx. He swoops in at the last min and steals all glory – drastic measures had to be made. [INDO] guild now claims all glory otherwise previously claimed by Indo Xx and his subsidiaries.
Also… “Don’t Steal My Glory”[INDO] Is recruiting all those who’s glory has been stolen by Indo Xx. PST Opy for further information, thank you.
From what I hear they have 25-40 people here and are getting the rest over as gold comes in from donations/whatever. I think the total they said would be up to 70. Not positive though.
Haha the usual JQ spawn camping in EB while SoR attempts to take our keep. Thanks for all the lootbags JQ & SoR
Man it must be tough fighting against doors. Now if you did something during NA prime that would be worth mentioning. Sadly your really only skilled VS door =(
This thread needs to die already. Getting tired of SoS tooting their own horn. “Hey, look at us, we’re awesome because we have a huge winning streak, but we’ll make excuses when we lose ONCE.” Most of you act like its a huge, big deal that you lost ONCE. Get over yourselves. I feel like I’m looking at WoW forums, seriously. I quit WoW back in 2011, didn’t think I’d see forums as bad, but here I am. Did some of you people come from WoW or something? You sure act like it. Did most of you even play GW1? I ask because this community is FAR WORSE than GW1’s core community ever was.
This feels like a You-Mad-Bro moment…
SoS lost last week – they didn’t have field presence as they were outnumbered on every map. Did JQ win? Yes. The issue isn’t if SoS won or lost, its the fact JQ didn’t beat them when it mattered. You beat SoS on a holiday when no one was playing. If you want to take that as the end all be all, and suddenly SoS cant fight and you magically win by like 100k – do you. The fact of the matter regardless of what you think is SoS’s presence was halved, and that’s what JQ beat.
Can JQ beat SoS when SoS is here? No – at least not currently. This week obviously shows last weeks JQ win was due to lack of numbers, and not JQ suddenly learning how to WvW.
That being said JQ does have several guilds that are very skilled, and we look forward to seeing those guys on the battlefield every week – they keep it fun/interesting.
SoS: 43,055 330
JQ: 36,254 145
SBI: 24,705 220
Looks like people are back from vacation on SoS!
Its been bugged for days on SoS server and I’m wondering if there is any way around the problem. Its all I need for Legendary. Thanks!
It was only close because we knew we could win with 100 and no one plays Fridays when we have such a huge lead. We had a 16k lead until yesterday.
That being said JQ did great this week! Most pressure we felt since hitting number one for sure. Guess we didn’t need PRX eh? =D
It’s really not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. We will do just as good without PRX here as with. No one team is going to make or break SoS, and the only people who thought of PRX in such a high manner were PRX and other servers we fought because they were in the original HoD or whatever alliance.
They are the same as every other organized guild on SoS. The loss of bodys sucks, but the other guilds here are just as skilled. We all hold our respective BL’s and together will do what we have been doing day after day.
I wish PRX luck, but lets not get shhht twisted, SoS is successful because of our organization and because we (generally) have an amazing Commander circle that with guild leaders stays in touch on a daily basis and change the game-plan depending on whats going on in the field. The other week, for example we started the week getting stomped and conceded a 20k+ lead. The leadership met midweek, changed our gameplan – rallied the troops – got people fired up – and got back out there.
That’s no small feat given that you guys have some amazing teams and organization.
The bottom line, at least in my opinion – is we are the same SoS we have always been, we just need to move some guilds around until we get a feel for who should be going where to fill the spot left by a guild who could field enough presence to fill a BL.
PRX is a great guild, but was only one of the many pieces of the puzzle that is SoS. We will continue to fight tooth and nail for every last camp =D
Good luck and see yah on the battlefield ~_^
Good start so far, some intense fighting on SoS BL. Wiping the huge zergs over and over at foghaven was the most fun I’ve had in awhile! Thank you {FIRE} for keeping it fun!
SoS 16200 – 350
SBI 11419 – 215
JQ 9364 – 135
5 AM Est
This week SoS won’t have a 1 time only event to skip in full force and jump 30,000 points instantly with. The larger portion of their lead last round was acquired during the 5 hour period when everyone was fighting that stupid giant crab for 20 slot chests.
Lol You must be your servers Daish!
SoS – 10,207 325
SBI – 8,117 275
JQ – 7,290 90
As of 2;00AM EST
This is the very thing I hate – people (like myself) have worked exceptionally hard to get to where we’re at with our Legendary crafting. One of the hugest hurdles was actually obtaining a precursor. Many of us devoted hundreds of gold to the Mystic Forge to get lucky – some of us did, some of us didn’t.
To have the precursors, many of which sell for hundreds of gold, just handed out to a select few randoms is… wrong. It’s absolutely categorically wrong. It makes all the hard work and effort I’ve put in feel worthless. It makes me feel like a complete idiot for investing so much time and effort in to something that others have for free.
I’m sure all of those people who have their precursor (or multiple precursors) are laughing all the way to the bank right now, but for the 80% of the population who DIDN’T get anything worthwhile from the one time only event, we feel alienated and completely disenfranchised with the entire game.
Where’s Arena Net’s response? Nowhere. What to they have to say for themselves? Nothing. Why should any of us continue to play and participate in your game when you’ve betrayed your manifesto and your community?
Answer us.
You sound like a big baby stomping his feet because other people have a chance to get a legendary. No one cares how much time you spent doing it. Get over yourself scrub. I’m guessing you lost money because you were being a stingy money grubber and had several precursors or something. Now you lost out because they gave some away… I’m glad. I hope you end up quitting over it – lol. You sound like such a little girl crying its funny.
They should not be tied to the ranger IMO. There are to many things for Anet to screw up ( as they obviously have ) in regards to how rangers do damage. They should have rated the ranger separately then tuned both until it made sense. Since pets are such worthless sacks of you know what, they hold us back as they are calculated into our output on a target that doesn’t move and has no armor I’m sure. Rangers in general are lackluster and rather boring to play.
Anyways IMO they dropped the ball big time with rangers and I feel bad for the people still dealing with it. I love my ranger but I made alts I enjoy playing more these days.
Oh well, eventually when everyone quits this game it wont matter, and A-net sure seems to be expediting that.