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Viable Gap Closure For Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


When doing Supply-runs I switch to Sword/Warhorn + GS. Nothing can keep up, I bet even a Thief would have difficulties.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Burst abilities do you use them?

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


Using a build centered around Killshot (rifle burst skill). With Berserker’s Stance and Signet of Fury I’ve got a steady supply of Adrenalin to waste.

Sword burst is decent too with it’s DoTs.

If you’re into longbow, obviously you’re aiming on using that burst skill.

I’m sure many people use Eviscerate on Axe for extra dmg.

While the passive improvements of having extra Adrenalin are useful, I’m sure there’s more than enough builds/playstyles focused on using their burst

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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How to Stop Culling

in WvW

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


They had this in Aion, it worked reasonably well.

Assign the character/race/class a higher priority than what exact armor they’re wearing or what cast/action they’re currently performing (what animation). That way you just have many unanimated bland characters standing about somewhere while the lower-priority information about these characters (custom. looks, armor/weapon, animations) is pushed to the clients which are updated on-the-fly.

Sounds simple, probably there’s more to it than that though I’m sure the devs have already thought of these or other approaches and have decided against them for good reason.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Critical vs Precision

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


I’m currently running a 20/30/0/0/30 glass cannon build.

I’m aiming for 50% Crit Chance from the build and gear. After that I’m going to upgrade equipment for more Power & Crit Damage while aiming to keep a minimum of 50% Crit Chance.

Between Signet of Rage and For Great Justice I can keep up Fury (+20% Crit Chance) a fair amount of time during my fights.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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which sigil for warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


Hi, the easiest way to see what’s popular is to go into the Auction House, enter “Sigil”, Select Rarity (e.g. Green or Orange), then sort by price Ascending. Not sure why Kraka is at the top but aside from that one the better Sigils are the more expensive ones.

In the end it’s all about playstyle and traits. If you’re runnninng a healing build, the cheap Sigil of Water (AE Heal) could be for you. I’m actually running with 30 points in the Arms tree which means I do 10% more dmg on bleeding foes, so I chose another cheapish one: Sigil of Earth (60% chance to cause Bleed on crit). I’d also have considered the Sigil of Strength (30% Chance for Might on Crit) but it was too expensive (I’m broke -.-). Blood & Fire would also be a viable options for me.

As I said, it’s mainly down to personal preference. There’s lots to chose from. You may also want to consider the “On Kill:” Sigils, as in PvE/Dungeons it’s easier to rely on those buffs than in WvW.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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(edited by Beefcake.9032)

Build; Vital Tanking Healer (Dungeon/Wv3)

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


It’s certainly a nerf, but I don’t think it takes the shouter down to “not viable.”

I guess it’s very subjective, but I feel like I’m contributing more towards my team’s efforts with heavy dmg as opose to minor dmg + mediocre healing.

For the records, I ran with something like this:|0|10|65|919|223|1890|0|0|0|0|20|1975|1846|0|0|0|0|0|30|1513|1510|1056|20|1104|1553|0|7|15|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|
(switching “Inspiring Banners” to “Stronger Bowstrings” for Siege/Defence situations)

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Guild Wars 2 real action combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


I came from TERA to GW2 and when I tried the Combat Mode it was really great and helpful. Made targeting easier and gameplay was more fun/dynamic. It’s a shame that it’s been disallowed because it really wasn’t cheating or an exploit in my eyes. It pretty much just held rightclick in the center of the screen at all times except when you use skills.

Being able to Left Click for Attack 1 and Right Click for Dodge is such an intuitive control, it’s really sad that ANet haven’t implemented this themselves.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Post Your Build Thread

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


I’m currently running a glass-cannon rifle-killshot build (sword + warhorn for mobility) for WvW.

Still working on getting my Rampager’s Exotics from AC though once I’ve completed that set I’ll consider moving to Valkyrie or Berserker’s instead and respeccing for more power (aiming for 50% crit).

Currently using Runes of Superior Strength for more Power and +Dmg on Might because I always have Might up.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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(edited by Beefcake.9032)

Build; Vital Tanking Healer (Dungeon/Wv3)

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


What you’re describing is Mouser P v P’s Shout-healer warrior

I’ve actually run this with full exotic clerics weapons/armor/jewels for a while. It’s good fun and while you do actually get alot of aggro for the healing in instances, I intended it to be used as a WvW build and ever since the big AoE nerf (you can only heal 5 targets including pets/minions/npcs. If you’re unlucky you heal 5 necro minions and no real players) it’s just not viable as a WvW healer.

Sure you can do some healing, but as soon as you’re running with 20+ players you’re more useful to the zerg as a proper DD than a minor healer.

Sad but true: With AoE limited to 5 targets the Longbow/Shout Healer isn’t viable for WvW.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


“Oh, This player has full “X” gear, no wonder he’s good at WvW”

Haha, this is exactly what all the WoW hardcore Raiders have in common:

“zomg i haz full T27 + epic Monkey pet + super-1337 hors and you haz only T26 + semi-epic Parrot pet + pony. I no invite you to me exclusive VIP Party”

Current PA Comic about WoW ^^

All the stuff you suggest is just to make yourself feel superior to the other players on your server. Nobody gives a kitty.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Why is there an AoE limit of 5 targets?

in WvW

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


Switched away from shout-heal build due to 5-traget cap. Switched away from AoE-DD build due to low dps.

Please Anet, cap both at 10 to make those builds viable again!

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Automatic Badge Drops

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beefcake.9032



Everybody I know agrees that there should be an auto-loot for the WvW drops.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


I too don’t see the point in this. Simply to prevent the enemy from gaining 6 coppers and 2 badges? People who do this really need to get a life.

“Haha! You didn’t stomp me so I didn’t lose the fight!” – Fail :x

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


All these ideas with adjusting the amount of points people get during offpeak hours can lead to strategies that revolve around abandoning a BL where you haven’t got much capped in favour of capping stuff elsewhere. If I can only field 50 people at a time and concentrate them on one BL, losing another BL in the process, why should the BL I gave up give the opponents less points? Or it can drive people away from WvW altogether, just to prevent the enemy from scoring. Is that really sensible?

It is indeed s a shame that dominance in WvW isn’t primarily determined by how you fare during your own peak hours, but by how well you do during your enemies’ offpeak hours. It hurts that as a working gamer who only plays in the evenings I cannot contribute as much to my server’s success as an unemployed (real-)lifeless zombie bot who does nothing but all day, however that’s the way of the World (vWvW) and a server’s score is determined by the sum of players that invest their time during the entire week.

It’s fair the way it is, equal chances for all servers. Changing the mechanics will only introduce new problems for people to complain about.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
Du spielst auf Kodasch? Besuche doch mal die Kodasch Community Webseite! :)

(edited by Beefcake.9032)