Showing Posts For Black Scoutsman.5830:

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

What are you guys even talking about? Pet swapping is resetting F2 skills just like it always has, for me.

i’m guessing ur using cats or birds?

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I just tested this with wolf. The cooldown is 45 seconds regardless of when you swap it back. If you howl with wolf, swap, wait 25 seconds, swap again, there’s still 20 seconds left on the timer.

The timer does not pause when swapped as OP is apparently trying to say. This isn’t a “huge nerf”. It’s a minor change to correct behavior that was unintentionally shortening a CD. Relax everyone, the world isn’t falling apart.

Chops, because it seems to be a recurring theme that people are not reading what was intended by my post i will explain it again down here in the thread.

BEFORE TODAYS UPDATE using white wolfs howl would start the 40 second CD. switching pets would then bring up your second pet. That F2 ability would be fresh and ready to go. 15 seconds later when you could switch back to the white wolf, his F2 ability would also be refreshed, rather than having the full 40 second CD.

AFTER TODAYS UPDATE switching back to the white wolf will find you with 25 seconds still remaining on the CD of his howl. You will note that I did not scream about it being a nerf, nor did I say the world is falling apart. I was simply stating that a change was made that decrease the efficiency of pets with long F2 ability CDs, and the change was for whatever reason not mentioned in the contents of todays patch notes.

No, it’s not 25 seconds remaining. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. The CD timer ticks for the proper CD time now, regardless of whether you swap or not. I know you want your broken, unintended CDs back but you’re not getting it. It was indeed fixed.

Well chops, had you actually read my post before that vein in ur forhead started throbbing out of control and you chucked your mouse across the room, you would see that what I said is exactly the same as what you said. I, like you, enjoy the ranger and think that the class is fine, but could use a few tweaks here and there to really shine. I think you need to take a breath and try some stress releasing activities. Maybe go outside and take a walk? get some fresh air?

Noone is saying this is a conspiracy, just pointing out that changes were made.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I just tested this with wolf. The cooldown is 45 seconds regardless of when you swap it back. If you howl with wolf, swap, wait 25 seconds, swap again, there’s still 20 seconds left on the timer.

The timer does not pause when swapped as OP is apparently trying to say. This isn’t a “huge nerf”. It’s a minor change to correct behavior that was unintentionally shortening a CD. Relax everyone, the world isn’t falling apart.

Chops, because it seems to be a recurring theme that people are not reading what was intended by my post i will explain it again down here in the thread.

BEFORE TODAYS UPDATE using white wolfs howl would start the 40 second CD. switching pets would then bring up your second pet. That F2 ability would be fresh and ready to go. 15 seconds later when you could switch back to the white wolf, his F2 ability would also be refreshed, rather than having the full 40 second CD.

AFTER TODAYS UPDATE switching back to the white wolf will find you with 25 seconds still remaining on the CD of his howl. You will note that I did not scream about it being a nerf, nor did I say the world is falling apart. I was simply stating that a change was made that decrease the efficiency of pets with long F2 ability CDs, and the change was for whatever reason not mentioned in the contents of todays patch notes.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

The fact is that on a 15 second pet swap cooldown, the wolf howl abilities effectiveness has now been cut in half, because i can only get one howl out of every 2 appearances of each wolf provided i switch immediately when possible. Whether or not it is an intended nerf, or if they are just trying to keep the established tooltip cool down time is debatable, but irelevant. The simple truth is that the effectiveness of long recharge f2 abilities has essentialy been cut in half, and it didnt make the patch notes.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I don’t think thats whats happening. Mind you, I can’t get into the game to check right now (download is still happening and very slowly at that) but I’m pretty sure what the OP was saying was that he used his Wolf’s F2, swapped pets, swapped back expecting the cooldown to have been reset by the swap (as would happen previously), and it wasn’t. Not that pet F2’s are actually sharing cooldowns.

this is what i was saying

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

The non f2 skills appear to be resetting. wolf did knockdown attack right out of a 15 second swap, even though the tooltip CD is 40 seconds

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Its definately true. just tested multiple times with different pets.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Just tested this with my wolves in WvW the pet f2 ability no longer resets on pet swap. when i brought my first wolf out after 15 seconds the wolf still had 15 seconds CD on the howl. not sure if this is actually a bug fix, but it is definately not on the patch notes

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

WvW warrior roamers, input requested

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Hey braxxus. As a fellow Yaks bender I will share with you a longbow build i’ve been running. you’ll have to bear with the descriptions as my gear is kinda all over the place and mixed and matched to get the stats i want.

And before all the build criticizers jump in here and tell me what all is wrong with my set up and how much better it could be, keep in mind that i really dont care, this works in my hands and i’m gonna share it.

Mostly use this in small groups and a little bit of roaming.

Weapons: Longbow/Sword and shield

Traits: 0/30/20/0/20
Arms traits are III, V, and XI
Defense traits are V and IX
Discipline traits are VI and either X or VII

Utilities: Healing surge, Shake it off, Endure pain, signet of stamina and signet of rage

Gear: Knights chest and legs, Valkyrie shoulders helm hands and boots all with superior runes of the pack. Beryl amulet, and Coral earrings and rings. Rampagers longbow with Superior sigil of corruption, Rampagers sword with superior earth sigil and apothecary shield with Superior Air sigil.

Now before everyone gets their jimmies all riled up about me not having the stronger bowstrings trait in the vitality line, I never really found the need for it. However, Braxxus if u want to put it in there feel free to take away one of the other traits (I havent found one that I can do without to be honest).

Usage: pretty simple. build adrenaline with the auto attack and skill 3 on the bow, lay down fire field for ur party, switch to sword and jump into it for fire aura, and by this time u should have enough adrenaline to do F1 on the sword.

Its by no means a perfect build but I find it fairly solid with decent damage output, particularly when running with a group. Adrenaline builds up real fast with the bow auto attack hitting twice, and if they both crit the arms trait can really pile on the adrenaline. Try it out let me know what u think. Open to legitimate constructive feedback.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Ah sorry i didnt do a whole lot of looking through the threads, so didnt mean to jack ur idea.

As to the rewards i just kinda threw somethin out there to make a point, 5g might be a little much but then again, if it takes a couple of days for people to find it, a significant amount of time invested should be rewarded with a pretty good reward. I just hope something like this gets implemented, because the whole dynamic real world environment that we are supposed to have isnt really blowing anyone’s skirt up when you have the same 6 or 7 events on a rotation in a zone for all of eternity. you can only capture all the centaur camps so many times before it feels significantly less epic.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I had an idea the other day that might throw a little bit of variety into the game. I was thinking once a week, say on mondays, a champion boss would show up in some obscure corner of a random map (maybe even in a jump puzzle?). This champion would not have a group event associated with it, and would be fairly difficult to find. Upon killing the beast a guaranteed token would drop, for example, “giant troll head” that could be turned in for a bounty reward. There could then be an NPC or a “wanted” board similar to the war in kryta bounties that would offer a reward for killing this creature. The reward could scale based on difficulty to find or kill etc. The bounty could be up all week, collectible only once a week, and would be account based, but the rewards for this bounty could be impressive, such as say, 5 gold, or a random rare/exotic. I feel that this could add more of a dynamic real life feel to pve rather than going out to a zone and farming events that have been rotating their for 5 months now. It could allow players to feel like they accomplished something difficult in finding and killing a powerful and hard to find creature, and be rewarded appropriately for doing so. It could also give small groups something to pursue for a couple hours, or challenge particularly skilled players who feel like they can track and kill the beast on their own (which could also open up another door to increased rewards?)

Just an idea that I feel could spice up the pve environment a little, I’m open to criticism or additions to the idea.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[Trait] Intimidation training rework request

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I still think they should completely abolish the pet family requirements for those traits, and just make it so if you take intimidation training ALL pets F2s cripple, or if you take the vigor one whenever ANY pet is pulled out it grants vigor, or whenever ANY pet crits it bleeds etc.

That would make those traits a hell of a lot more useful than they currently are.

Yes, this is a better suggestion than mine above, so +1 indeed.

I would take that too. Just something that at least makes sense to use and actually makes the pet better/more effective.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

This thread is honestly exhausting all these guilds claiming they can beat us, yet they never step up and take the challenge. When we try to 1v1 or 5v5 LARP they say we don’t do organized fights which is why no one respects you. Anyone can mesmer portal into a group of people you outnumber and spam skills.

thats funny, because anyone can pick the next attunement and spam whatever skills are recharged too!

This is the thought process of most FOTM elementalist which I why I beat them so easily…if only you knew there was a greater meaning.

your videos have clearly shown otherwise lol

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

This thread is honestly exhausting all these guilds claiming they can beat us, yet they never step up and take the challenge. When we try to 1v1 or 5v5 LARP they say we don’t do organized fights which is why no one respects you. Anyone can mesmer portal into a group of people you outnumber and spam skills.

thats funny, because anyone can pick the next attunement and spam whatever skills are recharged too!

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Would have posted a video of that Bunzy, but noone wants to watch us portal camp you lolololol.

What are you talking about

I’ll just let you rage for the rest of the night after that….premier gank guild, haha. And after those cleaner fights we finally got tonight, I can tell you that any of the small mans from when we were in tier 8 would manhandle you, it’s not even a comparison.

Do you want an even fight or keep running with your zerg?

But you’re “skilled enough to take on ten people by youself”. should have been no problem right??

If you have decent players every number advantage counts majorly. This is why WaR and LARP/NoQQ had to zerg us in order to win. Both were running with around 10 people to take on our 5 man.

no no no you are more than skilled enough to handle the zerg remember? 10/1 odds are your specialty! so the other 4 ppl in your group could surely handle the other group of 10 right

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Would have posted a video of that Bunzy, but noone wants to watch us portal camp you lolololol.

What are you talking about

I’ll just let you rage for the rest of the night after that….premier gank guild, haha. And after those cleaner fights we finally got tonight, I can tell you that any of the small mans from when we were in tier 8 would manhandle you, it’s not even a comparison.

Do you want an even fight or keep running with your zerg?

But you’re “skilled enough to take on ten people by youself”. should have been no problem right??

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Do you want a skilled game?

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Why is Bunzy playing WvW and not tPvP if he wants skillful gameplay or is his definition of skill playing against people underlevelled, undergeared, casual PvPers and Pvers who got lost on the way to the jump puzzle?

Because bunzy needs to feel like she is good at something, other than making 10 minute videos of lackluster team fights with uber cool techno background music, and then posting them on as many diferent threads as she can, even if it’s not relevant to the thread.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Do you want a skilled game?

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I’m curious why no one has called out a D/D ele for talking about skills in WvW…

Ironic, ain’t it.

I have tried before. Its about as effective as kittening into the wind.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

@Black Scoutsman.5830 Hey mate I’m that ranger you can watch my roaming solo in WvW at

Just so you know, I run a build that no one runs…… So no FOTM, btw I run 0 Power Traits… Figure that one out…

I’d be happy to fight you in SPvP to put my skill level to rest..

Looks very similar to mine. i use the torch or dagger offhand and I only run one power trait and only sometimes. And I have no need to test your skill level because i frankly dont care how good you are and i dont need to inflate my digital ego.

in all seriousness though props on figuring out a solid build on your own. also, try the greatsword as a second weapon i’ve found it quite useful even though it lacks a little in conditions, it can be great for escaping a zerg rush.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Can we see your “drill” build?

I would love to see the build. I bet he’s running around using the same ‘fotm’ builds as everyone else. then again, he’s trolling someone when he didn’t even watch the video. it’s pretty pathetic

way to take a concept point and make it literal. as I admitted earlier I tried the D/D ele build. as well as D/D thief build. Theres just no fun in exploiting the most powerful setups in the game to run around feeling invincible. I use exploiting not in the literal meaning of a game exploit just to head off that process of thought. And I am not trying to troll. I am simply asking people to step away from main page guru builds that everyone plays, because if and when they get nerfed due to the QQ’ers (note I havent complained about them once) you will be left sobbing over your lost godmode, while everyone else in the game who spent time learning their class rather than a 5 minute internet search will be in a much better position. Even Drez’s post in the ele forum shows that I am not alone in this point of view, as people are abandoning the D/D ele because any brainless scrub can run it! it’s not that hard, to quote the OP in another thread “I just switch to water and heal up full”.

I’m just asking you to think outside the box. and if you dont want to do that, dont try to impress everyone with videos of you running a cookie cutter build, because it’s nothing to be proud of.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

So much clueless hate here. I doubt any of you have any idea what build the people in OG are actually running. There’s a lot more to a build than your weapons. Also, if you would actually watch the video before complaining, you would notice group comps such as ele, thief, ranger, ranger, engi. Is that an overpowered fotm group?

I play a D/D ele, and I have since it was considered an underpowered novelty. I am not going to stop playing the way I enjoy more than anything else in this game just because popular opinion has shifted and now it’s considered strong. If you think it’s so easy to succeed on a D/D ele, give it a try some time. I guarantee I’ll destroy you like every other person who figured ele was an easy to play win machine. Oh, and you have no idea what my build is, either.

It was an enjoyable video. You need to get better at picking up your bags tho Bunzy. :p

I have tried it. and it was fun for a day or two. But you can only push that brainless I win button so many times before it becomes old. Now if you need that validation for yourself then go right ahead, I’m not asking you to stop. I’m just saying forgive me if i’m not impressed by your lack of ingenuity and your compelling need to “destroy” me and other gamers who like to think outside the meta box. I can almost guarantee I get more enjoyment every time I beat one of the OP meta builds than you do from “pwning 100 scrubs” or “fearlessly diving into a zerg”.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

All i’m saying is post me a video of you running around owning with, say a staff

Um, have you ever heard of the phrase “use the right tool for the right job?”

Do you use a hammer on screws or a screwdriver?

Perhaps you missed the part where i said I just threw out random weapons.

And no, I do not use a hammer on screws. But somewhere along the line, while everyone else was using a screw driver, someone else sat down and thought up a drill.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

A small group isn’t going to intentionally run around with bad builds just to make a point. Except for those rangers, wth? ;p

And, warriors? Wut? The strongest WvW classes/builds at the moment are d/d elem, thief, and mesmer.[/quote]

I’m not advocating running around with bad builds. I’m advocating running builds that are effective, somewhat unique, and require more than a google search to put together, something like a little bit of thought and testing. Just tired of seeing the same old crap post after post video after of video of people who run standard god mode builds that anyone and/or their dog can and do run rather than actually trying to learn a class. Bunzy you may have been playing an Ele from the beginning, and thats fine. All i’m saying is post me a video of you running around owning with, say a staff, or dagger/ focus or something and i’ll be impressed (limited experience with an ele so i just threw out random weapons).

By warriors i was referring to throw bola/100b glass cannon build.

And as far as rangers go there is potential for very strong builds there, I know this because I am running a fairly well polished one myself right now.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

Being so anti fotm that you’d use terrible weapon sets isn’t well thought out. You do what is best for the situation even if that means being fotm. If it doesn’t fit your playstyle that’s one thing, but switching just to say “i’m not fotm” is idiotic.

Yes learning to play something other than the very best, something that requires some brain power to run is idiotic. What were we thinking. Brb equipping out my god mode ele.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

you want recognition or props learn to actually put together a build for a difficult class like ranger or necro. Then we’ll be impressed.

Yeah, you tell them!

On a side note, how did they get those animal pets to follow around their thieves like that. Thieves can have pets now?

Just because they have rangers in their party 1. does not mean they are good 2. does not mean that they know how to play a ranger. and 3. if you have ANY experience fighting against [OG] you will know what i’m talking about when I say that they PRIMARILY run standard meta builds you can find simply by googling “GW2 Ele/thief/warrior build”.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

forgive me if i’m not impressed by a guild made up of kids who run the FOTM gimmick builds and run around thinking they’re the gods of the game. So you can run a D/D ele that a 5 year old can learn in about 15 minutes?? congrats?? you want recognition or props learn to actually put together a build for a difficult class like ranger or necro. Then we’ll be impressed.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

New BM ranger Vid

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

but the cripple tactic is worthless seeings as how f2 skills give chill and fear, cripple doesnt help either one of those except for a cover condition. And we were more discussing 10 points in marks or skirmishing not which 10 point skirmishing trait. althoug the 50% duration on pet cond is worth looking at too…

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

New BM ranger Vid

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

yeah it seems to be about 50/50 to me seeings as how you lose 10% cond. duration by removing the 10 points in marksmanship :/ but you gain an extra 10% crit dmg and 30% pet crit dmg…. so i dunno. Kind of a toss up

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

New BM ranger Vid

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I’ve been giving this set up a pretty good look for a while and I was wondering what you thought about swapping the 10 points in marksmanship for 10 in skirmishing to get the 30% extra crit damage from pets. Seems to be a good idea seeings as how much is invested in pet dmg for the build. Just a thought.

I really like the setup though so far and with consumables and corruption sigils you can add another 25-30 damage to the bleeds which makes targets melt away a lot faster.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

[Trait] Intimidation training rework request

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

I just wanted to request that the balance team take a look at the beastmastery trait titled intimidation training. The trait causes Canine an Spider F2 attacks to cause cripple.

I run mostly canines (wolves), and I dont see why the canines have this as their trait. The wolf causes fear with his F2 skill (cripple doesnt make that any better, and arguably makes it worse), the white wolf causes chill (Cripple not any help), the hound causes immobilization (cripple not any help) and the fern hound causes regen so the cripple could be beneficial there, but that’s 1 out of the 4 canines. I believe similar set of circumstances apply to the spiders as at least 2 of their F2 attacks cause immobilize.

I would like to see this trait reworked to apply something like a few seconds of weakness or vulnerability to enemies, with weakness being preferred. If not that, then i suggest a slight buff to the ranger along the lines of a few seconds of might, fury, or something defensive like protection or regeneration.

Any consideration to this would be greatly appreciated as I really enjoy using the wolves as my pet and would like to get a more reliable bonus for using them on an almost exclusive basis.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]