The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Personally, I think all the dagger really needs to be a true and powerful hybrid weapon is to up the dmg about 50% on both strikes of skill 2. that way you can get quickness and fire off a small but effective spike on a foe knocked down from axe 4 or wolf leap sbeast skill or any other kd/immob we have. make it’s final dmg similar to a level 2 eviscerate. Auto attack could be slightly faster but with the access to quickness sbeast has i think its ok as is.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
it really just needs to go altogether. its hideous
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Whats hilarious is that we at yaks bend get a daily dose of this stuff from someone who actually thinks hes being serious and has a hard on for Race Cars and Healing people Ahem
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
It can be used well, I would recommend using offensive stats like sinister or viper. Cus then you can match the loss of conditions with some raw damage. It’s not as efficient as axe though.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I love shortbow builds, but they are challenging to pull off. Usually the shortbow is great for small fights in close quarters. Unfortunately it doesn’t do enough power dmg or spike condition dmg for a glass cannon (condi or power) build. That’s why most often shortbow builds need a certain degree of survivability via stats (toughness, vitality or healing power) or utility (traits, pet choice, cc). But if you are confident in your skills and you want a build that can blow people up in 1v1’s then I would set up with skirmishing, wilderness survival and either druid or beast mastery traitlines. Pick the offensive traits in skirmishing, the survival reduction and fury and confi removal in WS and whatever suits you in the third. Use either sinister or viper stats. Catching someone off guard you can get up to 25 stacks of bleeding on them in very short order. Give it a whirl.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I really like this build and the video. Literally the only problem I have is after playing so long with the extra initiative and using steal tactically, I have such a hard time with initiative management with only the base. Especially with CND taking so much initiative, one miss is deadly. How difficult of a transition was that for you?
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I’m not saying the warrior isnt strong, but what exactly changed from the last 2-3 seasons on warrior that made them this way? Warrior was 100% untouched from last season even and I dont think I saw a single warrior complaint thread before a week or so ago. I do play a warrior in pvp so maybe I am biased, but I would like to know what everyone else discovered this season that I have been missing? Is it the changes/ shaving down of other professions that made warriors stand out more?? I dont think it’s the amulets or runes they added. What is it?
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Guy plays a necro. If I had to pick three classes to absoultely blow up a necro i would say……. Oh! see thread title.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I actually really like this. I do wish they would actually add a weapon type to the game like great axes/scythes/ Pole arms. But I realize that hope is a lost cause. Although I still think they could make spears land usable. In which case those would be good for this. Well thought out though. Thumbs up
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I could go with dagger mh as long as it’s melee, has a repiable FORWARD leap, and is dedicated to either power or condi. None of this middle ground “eh it can kinda apply Condi’s and kinda do some raw dmg but doesn’t do either exceptionally” crap our other weapons have.
Offhand sword could be decent, but I still feel like mainhand sword is either a love it or hate it weapon with a fair bit of mobility and axe has no mobility, so they either make something over the top, or don’t add anything really significant other than maybe a short block. I just think the class needs a mainhand so much more, but then again that plays minimal role in the thought process of elite spec design.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
This is my warrior build. Suitable for roaming, small group or zerg fighting. It has multiple means of dealing with all threats faced in wvw and i have found to be one of the best all around builds for warrior. I realize some people will roll their eyes at a power based sword build, but I have killed many a glass cannon with a well timed shield bash and final thrust. It has surprising capabilities.
Against condis you have two sources of resistance (zerker stance and last ditch heal sig), A full condi clear in the signet, and losing a condi on swap and crits with the sword as well as 2 condis when activating berzerk.
Against Physical dmg you have ample stuns, shield block, healing and regen from the runes, healing from adrenal health assuming you can land a burst, heal sig passive, and rousing resilience for health and toughness.
I dont use Berzerk mode for the bursts, I use it for the utility of a small condi clear, the extra 5k health if i would go down, and a stunbreaker/source of stability. Hope this helps and if you have any questions please ask.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
The shortbow needs three things to be a competitive weapon.
1. A trait for 1200 range or even baseline
2. Skill two needs to be poison arrow. Explodes a poison cloud on hitting enemy.
3. Either skill 3 or skill 4 needs an immobilize for 1-1.5 seconds.
I like your swiftness on skill 4 so put the immobilize on skill three. Then skill three is your run away skill. And skill four is your chaser. Gg shortbow fixed.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
i’m having this too on my ele
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
…the ranger pets are getting a fix right after they were broken…
Whoa, wait, when did this happen? Oh, wait, they are broken as ever.
So, once and for all, let’s establish…this is intended, right?
Of course it is. It’s not a bug, its just physics.
…Projectiles don’t just disappear at the end of their range. Just as in real life…
Exactly! Did Equinox expect the arrow to disappear mid-air?
Try firing the shortbow at an angle above parrallel to the ground. I think you might be surprised.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
oh please.
the elitism in here is strong.
I’m average at best and I play against other average players and I manage just fine and so do a lot of other rangers.
And all that 10 seconds or less talk is bullkitten.
Most powerrangers use signet of stone and that lasts for 6 seconds.
After that you go invis or use the GS block for another 3 seconds or something.
And you can probably dodge twice for another 3 seconds.
Oh and did I mention lightning reflexes?
You have that too.
Thats like 15 to 16 seconds of being untouchable as a powerranger.
Be careful. This kinid of logical speaking and mention of the power ranger build being strong is not well recieved around these parts.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I have been having it off and on since patch.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
You sir play to much PvE, playing berzerker build in sPvP is very hard already, (it works only if you are totally ignored). WvW it works only if you stand in backline and fire. Power ranger is strong for roaming, but then again condi is 100x better and beats the hell out of power ranger & other classes. And with your suggestions ranger would be outclassed with staff ele auto attacks.. literally. From bottom of my heart, please stop making such posts, because you would only ruin the game play of ranger that is already lacking diversity of builds and IF every ranger would shift to condition builds, god forbidde you to come here again, and tell me how broken that is. So please, stop the rent posts with nerf cuts, I’m ready for full ranger rework, but what you suggest is nerf to the ground. "
You know what you’re right. It’s so hard to play power ranger in SPvP that every game has 3-4/10 players at a minimum on days that ARENT Ranger win daily. You know what else? You are also right that I play too much pve. I’ve played so much PvE that I havent even managed to complete the last two living stories, I havent done a dungeon in months, I dont even remember how to get into fractals, and My world completion is a staggering 75%. You’re also so right in that a 1/4 second longer animation with a maybe 2 second increased CD to rapid fire, a BUG FIX, and a duration reduction with accompanying CD reduction of SoS is totally nerfing ranger into the ground and i feel so silly for even considering the ideas.
Could you please exagerate and knee jerk a little more??
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
To add to my previous point. The DPs of the auto is insanely higher now that read the wind is present because a significantly higher percentage of shots actually land on the target. Even if they are moving. So the DPs of a 1500 range longbow aa full zerker with air and fire sigils (couldn’t have two sigils like that before either) is still higher than rf because most people with a brain stem will mitigate at least some of rf
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I find it humerous that people using a new toy that a net gave them with the recent longbow buffs all of a sudden want everyone else to l2p and adapt their playstyles to counter it when before the buffs were the same people who cried that longbow just wasn’t good enough for them instead of learning how to use it and position yourself and use your pet to position your opponent etc. You say that the skill ceiling is so low??? You asked a net to lower it. And they did. And now you want everyone else to l2p. I say lol.
Again you can check my post history I’ve been playing power longbow since shortly after release. I am not crying for nerfs. I am calling out hypocrisy.
I also find it humorous that you do not know the old rapid fire’s dps is LOWER THAN AUTO ATTACK at 1000+ range, so basically there’s 0 reason to click that slow-hitting skill that hit less than AA, and forces you to channel for 5 seconds and unable to do anything. (Old RF doesn’t even have vulnerability, and hunter shot does not grant stealth either.)
Old LB doesn’t has RtW, and the default projectile speed is even slower than the untraited LB (now if LB is untraited, it’s still slow as hell), that you can just side straf and dodge all arrow.s
The improvement is warranted because the weapon was just BROKEN back then. Now people want to break it again because they’re so used to ranger being useless, just like you. Now go L2P and get better before you ask for nerf because this magic LB doesn’t carry ranger to the meta unlike what those QQers fantasized.
I don’t understand what you are getting at? I said nothing about rapid fires damage? And I do know the old AND new rapid fires DMG is less at over 1000 range, it just comes faster now. Before you used it after your enemy used their gap closer. And I don’t want longbow to be useless??? I would like it to require a little bit of skill. I do t see why so many people are opposed to that.
You do not know how dps works at all…
I can say I do 200k damage, but it takes 60 secs for all the 200k damage to get by, that is NOT a high damage. But if I do that 200k damage in 1 second, then the damage is insanely high, and I have 59 additional seconds to dish out more damage.
The current dps of RF is higher than Auto for sure. The old LS takes 5 seconds to finish, so you not only dish out less damage over 5 seconds, you wasted your potential 2.5 second on the channeling, while the new version of RS finishes in 2.5 seconds, so you not only finish the RF in 2.5 seconds, but also you have 2.5 additional seconds to do other stuffs such as more AA.
Is there someone else talking in our dialogue that I’m not seeing?? Your first post quotes me and then you started talking about rf’s damage which I have yet to mention. Your second post you quote me again and give me a lecture about dpa (I’m fully aware the new rapid fire does the same amt of DMG in a shorter time thus more dps. In fact I even said that in the quote). You are disagreeing or “correcting mynfalse knowledge” of things I never even said..
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I find it humerous that people using a new toy that a net gave them with the recent longbow buffs all of a sudden want everyone else to l2p and adapt their playstyles to counter it when before the buffs were the same people who cried that longbow just wasn’t good enough for them instead of learning how to use it and position yourself and use your pet to position your opponent etc. You say that the skill ceiling is so low??? You asked a net to lower it. And they did. And now you want everyone else to l2p. I say lol.
Again you can check my post history I’ve been playing power longbow since shortly after release. I am not crying for nerfs. I am calling out hypocrisy.
Well the developers didn’t agree with you and made improvements. Are you done stroking your ego and kitten. Tell me this did you enjoyed the time when players could strafe dance to avoid the projectiles from the longbow?
I enjoyed the time that it took some coordination with a cc pet, positioning and some skill to use the longbow. I know you play a lot of ranger cus I’ve seen you post on these forums a lot. Can you honestly tell me that when you play power ranger you don’t win most of your encounters?
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I find it humerous that people using a new toy that a net gave them with the recent longbow buffs all of a sudden want everyone else to l2p and adapt their playstyles to counter it when before the buffs were the same people who cried that longbow just wasn’t good enough for them instead of learning how to use it and position yourself and use your pet to position your opponent etc. You say that the skill ceiling is so low??? You asked a net to lower it. And they did. And now you want everyone else to l2p. I say lol.
Again you can check my post history I’ve been playing power longbow since shortly after release. I am not crying for nerfs. I am calling out hypocrisy.
I also find it humorous that you do not know the old rapid fire’s dps is LOWER THAN AUTO ATTACK at 1000+ range, so basically there’s 0 reason to click that slow-hitting skill that hit less than AA, and forces you to channel for 5 seconds and unable to do anything. (Old RF doesn’t even have vulnerability, and hunter shot does not grant stealth either.)
Old LB doesn’t has RtW, and the default projectile speed is even slower than the untraited LB (now if LB is untraited, it’s still slow as hell), that you can just side straf and dodge all arrow.s
The improvement is warranted because the weapon was just BROKEN back then. Now people want to break it again because they’re so used to ranger being useless, just like you. Now go L2P and get better before you ask for nerf because this magic LB doesn’t carry ranger to the meta unlike what those QQers fantasized.
I don’t understand what you are getting at? I said nothing about rapid fires damage? And I do know the old AND new rapid fires DMG is less at over 1000 range, it just comes faster now. Before you used it after your enemy used their gap closer. And I don’t want longbow to be useless??? I would like it to require a little bit of skill. I do t see why so many people are opposed to that.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I find it humerous that people using a new toy that a net gave them with the recent longbow buffs all of a sudden want everyone else to l2p and adapt their playstyles to counter it when before the buffs were the same people who cried that longbow just wasn’t good enough for them instead of learning how to use it and position yourself and use your pet to position your opponent etc. You say that the skill ceiling is so low??? You asked a net to lower it. And they did. And now you want everyone else to l2p. I say lol.
Again you can check my post history I’ve been playing power longbow since shortly after release. I am not crying for nerfs. I am calling out hypocrisy.
The skill ceiling is only low on low skill levels. You can do relatively good with it relatively easy.
Versus actually good player the skill ceiling is really high and using certain skills wrong or missing will be extremely punishing. It is so hard to be efficient that people indeed hardly ever include a power ranger in their premades.
This is why the buffs were completely justified and actually still didn’t put the spec on the same level as other classes. Also I don’t get how it is hypocricy if you want people to adapt to a justified buff.
This thread is aimed at the rather vocal part of PvP players that want Power Ranger to be nerfed while it is actually not considered viable at top level by most. This discrepancy must be discussed and explained to new people.
I understand where you are coming from. But I also disagree with the thought process that just because something isn’t used by high end players means that it can’t be too strong. High end players are always going to be able to adapt on the fly and find ways to counter a seemingly uncounterable build. That’s what makes them high end. But just like you can’t balance a game around the desires of the worst players in the game, you also can’t balance it around the highest skilled players in the game. And as someone who has spent many hours killing people in the middle ground, I can say with a high level of confidence that the majority of players simply cannot handle a semi skilled zerker longbow ranger
Case in point. How many players out there are capable of bringing a short CD stunbreak (for pb shot, wolf leap and wolf fear). A short CD reflect, a gap closer, and some form of condi clear (to get out of entangle) and some form of dmg mitigation during the six seconds that SoS is up?? Yeah you could probably make a build for this with most classes, but then every other spec in the game besides ranger will wreck your face.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I find it humerous that people using a new toy that a net gave them with the recent longbow buffs all of a sudden want everyone else to l2p and adapt their playstyles to counter it when before the buffs were the same people who cried that longbow just wasn’t good enough for them instead of learning how to use it and position yourself and use your pet to position your opponent etc. You say that the skill ceiling is so low??? You asked a net to lower it. And they did. And now you want everyone else to l2p. I say lol.
Again you can check my post history I’ve been playing power longbow since shortly after release. I am not crying for nerfs. I am calling out hypocrisy.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I suppose the inevitable l2p post had to come eventually even though I clearly stated I know how to play it and counter it..
Why make an entire thread about things so easily countered? I don’t have any problems with the things you brought up, and apparently you don’t either, so this discussion is a waste of time.
Because I find that when I play it, many people have trouble countering it. Just because you and I can counter it doesn’t mean its not too strong for the majority of the playerbase
And those weaklings who cant even counter ranger has no chance to fight D/D ele, shoutbow, zerk mediation guardian, thief, condition engi, celestial engi, and even burst mesmer.
I can seriously tell you my condition engi is much stronger than my ranger in 1 on 1.
That may be true in your hands, but I can tell you I’ve beaten many condition engineers on my ranger. All I know is that when I play zerker ranger after the recent balance changes I feel way too strong. To the point that I want to play a bm build or condi build for a challenge. It just seems waaay to easy to bait out a dodge or two and then press 4, 2 lmaoezmode endgaged. And if it doesn’t work try again in a short CD.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I suppose the inevitable l2p post had to come eventually even though I clearly stated I know how to play it and counter it..
Why make an entire thread about things so easily countered? I don’t have any problems with the things you brought up, and apparently you don’t either, so this discussion is a waste of time.
Because I find that when I play it, many people have trouble countering it. Just because you and I can counter it doesn’t mean its not too strong for the majority of the playerbase
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
The only thing i can accept, is the 2nd point. Slightly increasing the rapidfire duration seems fair to me.
But before you will fix the “range-bug” we should fix the “not shooting up or down from walls”-bug (I’ve heard will be fixed with HoT). Or the “stones and trees block projectiles”-bug or the “arrows have only penetration with trait”-bug
I agree a slight range increase from elevation is warranted and the obstruction bugs need to go
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
1) SoS doesn’t last as long as you stated, and doesn’t protect against CC OR condis, the two biggest weakenesses of zerker rangers. I’m going for champion genius right now and SoS is completely ignorable, laughable even. (This is further compounded by the meta LB build not running any condi removal…..)
2) RF isn’t that great of a skill, isn’t the bulk of the threat of a good ranger, and is complete garbage compared to the damage skills of other professions.
3) Not even about rangers.
This is another L2P thread. Most people on the ranger forum and in the PvP world in general don’t even feel power ranger is in a good enough state to really warrant on a spot on a team over other professions, including the LB ranger that plays on a top tier team.
I suppose the inevitable l2p post had to come eventually even though I clearly stated I know how to play it and counter it..
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
You are right, my mistake, I havent used SoS in a while and i must have remembered incorrectly. I still feel like its a little strong in its current state. I would favor a length reduction with an added slight CD reduction.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I’ve played power ranger for a long time. Since before the recent ranger buffs. If we are being honest with ourselves, the current state of pew pew is really really strong (pvp and WvW. I have little to no experience with it in pve. I have a few suggestions that I think are fair adjustments to be made that could bring the class back to an appropriate place.
1. Signet of stone: I feel like 8 seconds of no dmg is a little excessive. 5 seconds is more than fair, and allows some counterplay. a dps class having to sit on its heels for 8 seconds is more than enough time for a zerker ranger to do serious damage.
2. Rapid fire: I think the cast time should be SLIGHTLY increased, as well as adding 2-3 seconds to the recharge. As it stands now this skill is too spammable and most of the time just ends up being an I win button. Yes, I know reflect can be the best counter, but lets be honest, there are a Lot of specs out there that simply dont have reflect. and any decently aware person can cancel the cast, and turn around and use it again in 8 seconds, long before any reflect is off CD. There needs to be more counterplay.
3. Longbow Range bug: Everyone who has equipped a longbow and walked into the mists knows that the 1500 range tooltip is a lie. Actual range of the longbow varies from 1800 to around almost 1900 depending on terrain and other things. This needs to be fixed asap. Yes yes i know that projectiles carry on at an arc. The shortbow arrow arc was fixed to only allow about 900-950 range, I dont see why longbow should enjoy an extra 400 range.
Again I would like to reiterate that I am not coming here as another profession screaming nerf. I am, as a ranger with some integrity stating that I think the spec is too strong atm, and is too easy to play. Before you scream “Reflects!!! Dodge!!!! L2P NUB SOOOO MANY COUNTERS” at me, understand that I can and have countered the pew pew spec many times both as a ranger and as other classes. I just feel like its time to take the easy mode button away from the fairweathers and bandwagoners out there so that some of the other ranger specs can get the attention they need.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I can confirm this is happening to me as well.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I have been having some pretty wicked skill lag. where some skills just refuse to fire.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I am having this issue as well, and cannot seem to get it fixed. Any help?
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
You both do realize that every projectile has similar properties and that complain would have to be applied across the board.
I actually dont find this to be true. Ranger shortbow arrows essentially disappear at like 950 range even if you shoot them at an upward angle.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I have a feeling that touting your “skills” as a power lb/gs ranger is going to land you in a world of flame and troll my friend. Its not a very warmly recieved build choice atm
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
+1 for seperate queue. There isnt a single post in this thread yet that thinks having combined queue is a good idea. lets get this done anet.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Guardian has been one of the most solid, balanced classes since the game was released. Theres very little chance of major nerfs or buffs coming counting out the idea of incoming specializations. Means that once you learn the class well, you dont have to worry about giant playstyle shifts in the form of nerfs/ buffs
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
this is getting good
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
All of those methods to circumvent a problem that shouldn’t exist results in a DPS loss. At what point do we acknowledge that we shouldn’t have to work around a problem?
ps. I’ve done all PvE content this game has to offer except the new fractals with a Ranger on a 1h sword. I know how to use it. So please don’t persist with the whole ‘l2p’ argument.
I find it comical how people read this and completely blazed right over the end there and persisted to tell you to l2p. As if anyone who has spent a decent amount of time in the game and ranger forums doesnt know you’ve been here a while, and likely know HOW to use the sword, and are just trying to make the point that an auto attack requires 10 times the work of any other class to use lol.
I’m with you btw. I know how to use it, but I would love it if they would just smooth out the animations and make it not a full time job.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
its a decent setup. I play zerker ranger alot too (since before the god patch for the lb i might add) and I have found that empathic bond is simply not enough for dealing with any fight against multiple opponents. Condis get stacked too quickly and without at least one cleanse (signet) it makes it almost impossible to survive the 10 seconds after that first 3 condis drop. personally, I cannot survive in WvW without Lightning reflexes and Signet of renewal on my bar. and because, like you, i like ranger runes, I use the movement speed signet too. Otherwise, traits look decent as you have no stunbreaker on your bar, but again, I need my lightning reflexes. has saved me 1000000000 more times than signet of stone
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Just for everyone who’s falling for this, the OP is one of The two acclaimed “godlike characters” second accounts. He likes to play pretend a lot and has a slight problem with exaggerating numbers and self inflating ego. I know this, because I am from his server, and trust me when I say that they are not that good, nor is the game capable of doing what they claim. They think the number that you see beside regen on tooltips is the regen per second…..
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
The GS is a mobility weapon and no dmg weapon. If you need dmg than use an axe
And this is an ignorant / misinformed post.
OP you’re right; I posted a thread here that addresses the problem as well. Take a look at it and see if you like my proposed solution:
I would just like to point out that that post that you say is ignorant and misinformed is in fact a direct quote of a dev. Pretty sure.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
AI is faulty, I agreed with this already, but it is faulty for everyone. No what I am asking is what could be done differently to increase the efficiency of a class who has to have a pet out at all times. In my experience, mostly in WvW and roaming, this pet is more a buff than a hindrance.
I will level with you so as to help more productive talk. You did well in the videos, in some situations you could have used a different pet, could have send it to attack more, etc, but in general you didn’t play poorly.
The fact remains though that you took a more conservative approach in your play and, although it reduces the chances of you losing your pet, it also reduces the effectiveness of the pet – but you generally have little other option.
End result is: Ranger class, by design, has its DPS split 70%-75% on Ranger and 25%-30% on Pet – and, as a result of this, by design, in the situations you played, except for one in which your pet contributed heavily to the fight, your potential in those videos were lower than if you played any other class in the game – thus they were a loss to you and your team – something no other class mechanic causes to its players.
I feel like you have an unhealthy obsession with this 25-30% you put in every one of your posts. My zerker ranger is built in a way that my damage from my pet is only meant to be maybe 10% of my total output. So keeping my pet by my side for utility purposes in zerg fights is not costing me 25% damage. If it is, then my god would my ranger be overpowered if I were doing 25% more damage than 3.5k autos. Yeah I’m glassy as kitten, and I know it. But you keep saying 25-30% like every single ranger build has 30 points in BM, and that is not the case. A BM build loses 30% of its damage by having the pet on passive. But your standard meta sword forst spirit spotter dungeon crawler build does not.
That’s not possible. The reason a Ranger’s weapon coefficients are lower than that of its competitors is because of the pet mechanic. It’s not something you can build around or avoid.
As to the 30% amount, that’s up for debate
It is possible though. When I play wvw, I only count on getting a minimal amount of damage from my pet which i why I use pets that help me in ways other than damage. Spiders, Canines, etc. And dont tell me about damage coefficients being too low when I can three shot AA any zerker character less than heavy armor. If my damage coefficients are offset 25% to account for my pet then Zerker ranger is in fact, OP.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
AI is faulty, I agreed with this already, but it is faulty for everyone. No what I am asking is what could be done differently to increase the efficiency of a class who has to have a pet out at all times. In my experience, mostly in WvW and roaming, this pet is more a buff than a hindrance.
I will level with you so as to help more productive talk. You did well in the videos, in some situations you could have used a different pet, could have send it to attack more, etc, but in general you didn’t play poorly.
The fact remains though that you took a more conservative approach in your play and, although it reduces the chances of you losing your pet, it also reduces the effectiveness of the pet – but you generally have little other option.
End result is: Ranger class, by design, has its DPS split 70%-75% on Ranger and 25%-30% on Pet – and, as a result of this, by design, in the situations you played, except for one in which your pet contributed heavily to the fight, your potential in those videos were lower than if you played any other class in the game – thus they were a loss to you and your team – something no other class mechanic causes to its players.
I feel like you have an unhealthy obsession with this 25-30% you put in every one of your posts. My zerker ranger is built in a way that my damage from my pet is only meant to be maybe 10% of my total output. So keeping my pet by my side for utility purposes in zerg fights is not costing me 25% damage. If it is, then my god would my ranger be overpowered if I were doing 25% more damage than 3.5k autos. Yeah I’m glassy as kitten, and I know it. But you keep saying 25-30% like every single ranger build has 30 points in BM, and that is not the case. A BM build loses 30% of its damage by having the pet on passive. But your standard meta sword forst spirit spotter dungeon crawler build does not.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
I am pretty sure that every person in this thread just got trolled hook line and sinker.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
To much damage and to rewarding for simply pressing 2 from 1500 range. There auto attack also hurt quite alot.
This isnt’ a new developement, just took a stupid amount of buffs for people to grow some balls and actually try glass cannon longbow. some of us have been doing this for quite some time.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
currently there are more people who play necro, or, eles than warrior class in top100 of leaderboard. with regards to this fact, I wonder why they so much are nerfing warrior since april patch though. Warrior got nerfed 2 times continuously, firstly healing sig then now adrenaline and torment and etx.. rifle become just complete kitten cuz it will mostly miss. current top1 who is “jorse” is also ele.
Because the nubs got together and campaigned to nerf the big bad OP warrior. It was much easier than adapting their build and L2P.
Well then clearly you are not a nub and should have no problem adapting your build and l2p
I got 4k hour on my warrior, been playing him since launch. I will improvise, adapt, and overcome. I’m all for the changes they made in regards to losing adrenaline on burst. What got tragically over nerfed is the loss of adrenaline when out of combat. There should have been a grace period of 10 seconds before decays begins. As it is now, leveling warriors will never really get to use a full burst since most mobs die before getting a full bar and you don’t have time to make it to the next before decay. All a thief has to do is disengage for a few seconds and we can’t use our class mechanic.
I’m sure you are whole heartedly concerned for the pve leveling warriors out there. Your selfless concern for the “nubs” of this game is truly touching.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
currently there are more people who play necro, or, eles than warrior class in top100 of leaderboard. with regards to this fact, I wonder why they so much are nerfing warrior since april patch though. Warrior got nerfed 2 times continuously, firstly healing sig then now adrenaline and torment and etx.. rifle become just complete kitten cuz it will mostly miss. current top1 who is “jorse” is also ele.
Because the nubs got together and campaigned to nerf the big bad OP warrior. It was much easier than adapting their build and L2P.
Well then clearly you are not a nub and should have no problem adapting your build and l2p
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
If you lost once you lost all your Adrenaline and the fight got reset, how’d you manage to not get rekt while building it up in the first place?
EDIT: And don’t Thieves kinda hardcounter Warriors? Isn’t that like, their job?
No. If you get one pushed your bad. Yah all you have to do now is reset the fight and GG you beat a warrior.
Welcome to the game we’ve all been playing the last year???
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
It could be good with confusion on interrupt trait. The problem is the lack of viable interrupts.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]