Showing Posts For BlazingBeast.3104:
After a while you get DR on events, meaning you get 100 times less experience for it. You have to complete events outside of LA to counteract this. The best time to do it is in the 15 minutes of down-time when the LA event isn’t running.
Can you confirm this from somewhere?Because i dont think 100 less is true!
How grouping up gets u easier kill gredit?
I talked to a guy the other day,he was lvling a toon and he said he went from 40 to 76 in 3 days zerging the quests!
My mesmer went only from 3 to 16 in 2-3 days(counting the 6 xp scrolls),meaning i got only 7 lvl ups by normal xp!And i am asking y now..what did i do wrong?I was running like a madman from one fight to another dealing as much dmg as i could to multiple mobs…
Hi,i recently created my mesmer and i would like to know what kind of build this class has for pve and wvw!Also,power or condi?Some tips and tricks for the class is greatly appreciated!(combos,e.t.c) much time did it take?From previous week?
I would be harsh i know,but how is the xp there?I went once with a toon and not only i got obliderated but i didnt get the assist for the quest as i somehow dealt 0 or pretty minor dmg to the boss!(the molten boss)!So,is LA a way for lvling easier(?) than train for toons?(I hate the train and i only do lvling the normal way,but KA cycle is kinda fan)
Wow..completly different even with the same hairstyle!Although i thought your engi was someone between the 2 on the previous attachment pics! :p
Anyways..i think if i was to make another sylvari,it would be definately a ranger..i am leaving the engineering to asuras!:p
thnx for the replies guys!I went with ashen color before i see the replies though and i love it!I didnt want her to be green or blue so i was between a dark or white skin(coming from lineage i think sylvaris more like elves for some reason)!So i ended up going with white and white glow with wine hair!(i really dont want to make my mesmer pink or purple but i might add some for the sake of her proffesion!)
@Lorelei @Donari ty for the help!:)Natural and light green seems a viable choice also but i wanted my sylvari to be a bit more….apart of the green concept!As i said above,they remind me more of elves so i didnt want to make her too planty!:)
@Morrigan Your skin tone and the color scheme you picked looks quite what i have imagined for my sylvari,especially the second pic!I was thinking about the moon too,make her like an ethereal beuaty walking in the woods or something!
So without saying more i ended up like this(i stripped her because armor is ugly early game)
Anyone knows what is this skin tone(in-game alternative) and how to achieve a similar look in game?
Also,what would be a cool skin tone for a mesmer sylvari!Dark or light?(greens and blues i dont like much!)
Hi..i am currently lvling my necro and i would like to know what builds are viable for this class!Is condition strong enough for the meta?Is power better for the job?Is hybridmancer any good in terms of dmg?
@I am actually thinking of making an ele or a warrior!!
So what best between armor and weap?I for armor,i have seen that you either make it or buy it from tp(and tp will never have the top armors as everyone keep them for themselves)!What about the jewelry option?
Ok,so i got my first character(thief) lvl 80 and i have already cooking proficiency to 400!What should i learn to him next?What will be more efficient for my character to learn?
…we need to enter our billing info when we pay with paysafe?I think it is uneeded!
@Oghier @Clupsy
What would you say about that build here?(Mind you it is wvw)—→
I feel like it is a lot similar to your guide Oghier,but with the exception of more high dps/crit and less vitality!
Actually i dont want the same build for WvW and PvE!
The trait options are looking pretty intresting and i most likely check them out!
Thanks for the tips!I would like to know though what should i pay more attention gear wise too!I mean,when i go power/ precision/ crit thief do what stats should i aim expcept power?Should i mix some vitality there too?
For WvW, is P/D better than D/D or even D/P?
s/p is viable in pve.
What about wvw?What build should i look for also?
*Hi!I started playing GW2 after some months(due to my pc’s low factionality) and i am wondering what build should i follow for my thief who is 73 right now!Thing is though,when i played back then,i didnt really went deep on how to build classes or armor or anything because i was trying to complete the story,along with discovering maps and doing hearts!So,i pretty much grow lvl so fast but in reality i am still a noob for the in-game mechanisms!I was using a condition d/d build which although i worked at start,now i find it pretty useless as most of the lvl 60+ monsters can easily pawn me!(i am not fully condition equipped though)
*My question is,what build would be viable in WvW and PvE?Now that i am back in the game,i would like to learn few things and start building my character properly!!(build,itemization,skills)
Get 4GB ram and a radeon HD 7750. It will make u run the game with eye candy turned on untill u get enough money to buy a whole new system.
Thanx for reply,just one question,what is eye candy?
Make sure catalyst is running 3d graphics and such as application controlled.
Also, you’ll want to make sure that your CPU and/or GPU aren’t overheating. You’ll need a temp monitoring software for this, there are a couple free ones you could download. Please test your temps (both components) after your pc has been idle for about 10-15 minutes, then post your temps after running gw2 for 10-15 minutes.
You can try to delete the local.dat file under my documents/guild wars 2 and see if it helps.
You’re fairly limited by your processor and ram, considering they are near bare minimum. More ram and/or a 64 bit operating system couldn’t hurt.
Just a couple thoughts, I’m sure others could think of much better suggestions or possible solutions for you.
P.s. you should consider renaming your topic to something a little more descriptive of your problem.
Ok i will post ny temps after testing!Thanks for help!
Hello!I am making this post because i am tired of playing Gw2 in low graphics(subsample)!I am in need of your help to make my pfs raise from the current 8-15 fps in PVE (yes,even in low)!
My specs are:
Cpu:Intel Core 2Duo E7500 2.93GHz
Motherboard Model:G31M-ES2C by Gigabyte
Ram:DDR2 2G 666MHz by Kingston
Graphiqs Card:Radeon HD 4350 (1024MBs)
Current Drivers:Catalyst 13.1
Windows 7 32 bit
So,with the specs said, i need some advice of what i should change(dont have enough money for new pc) like Ram and Graphiqs Card change,or like some advice to make the game more enjoyable(like native graphiqs in normal fps at least would be enough i guess)
Plz help:/
(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)
I started in GW2 for 2 days, I’m 8 lvl Thief class, i am using dual daggers primal and dual pistols (secondary) and i would like a little advice regarding the treatment of thief.According to a build that I have read, I tend to critical-sustain build with traits in deadly arts (25), acrobatics (15) and critical strike (30) .. from you and I advice about
? what armour should i take (eg agility stats or something else),
explain to me what weapon sigils to get in the gear
? what runes or insignias (I’ve seen bersekers carion and Knight that are good but I would like and your opinion) and where do i find them,
?what utilitys will be best to use in future!
If you could tell me how to channel combo skills of thief too i would be more than greatfull!
p.s:how i can adjust the camera to move better…i have a hard time clicking right click and turn her around at fights
Hello…I have recently purchased Guild Wars 2 and i cant play in even native graphics!I am currently running it in Subsample and it doesnt seem so good…I have a max 30 fps on subsample and 8 fps to native settings..
Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit
ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series
AMD High Definition Audio Device
Help would be more than appreciated!