Showing Posts For BlazingBeast.3104:

Please Share Your GW2 Creations!

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Heart of Thorns guild banner,how I visualised it before playing the game.


Heart of Thorns

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


How I visualised it before playing the game.It is also a banner for a Guild.


Fake GM mail of account suspension.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


they even re-sent me a message (different GM this time) that they havent got much information and need me to verify.

Fake GM mail of account suspension.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Seems like I too got today one of the fake e-mails from false GMs,I thankfully checked out in google search first so I didnt confirmed much info on their site.Only thing I gave them was e-mail and serial before I realised.(dont remember if I gave my phone)

I changed my e-mail password but is there a chance I will have problems giving out my serial code/?

Help with my Ele look!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


is it possible to make black widow? are you in EU? I’ve got iron man, I know the hulk, loki and captain america, am trying to gather the avengers…

xD really?Dont hink so..too hard to make one!(chest piece not found)
I actually based on the comments on here and reddit ended up with the second one..i dyed the clippin gpart that way that looks good!

Open for few art requests -list full*

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Wow..the asura one you made for the first guy is mindblowing dude!
Is it too late to request a similar style?
Reference pics:
If you could add like an ellement around the hands it would be great!(water/lightning or something)
Reference pic if you want to add her white flamy eyes(

Help with my Ele look!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I personally like the second look..but the clipping issues of the chest with the shoulders doesnt do it right(which is just shame)
Any ideas about armor pieces to change in the looks is welcome btw!

Help with my Ele look!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I thought about it by i didnt feel the idea much!

Help with my Ele look!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


So,reached 80 and i am not quite sure how i want to make her.Below i got some choices that of course can change parts and stuff!All armors are in celestial dye so there wont be any confusion with colors!

Serane D/D Ele ~ WvW/GvG/Dueling Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I actually like this build quite a lot!It has a good burst and sustain capabilities!If we change lightning flash for sigil of fire we make up for crit chance if needed!(plus a small change in food and utility food)!Gonna do some tweaks dependin gthe situation!
All in all,a pretty well made build!
As for the Archage chat above,i think it is pretty dull..i didnt see anything that stands out much in the game!On the other hand,blade and soul seems kinda unique!Any news if it is released in EU?Gw2 raised the bar for combat mechanics for me!BnS is the only on i found to be close!

Rate my Elementalist!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


So..i have trouble choosing her “end”-gear appearance and i need some help..
How does she looks best?
1.battle mode
2.-3. Summer time kittenes!
4.Current lvl 56 look.


Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Oh,too bad:/Wanted to play with you!

About the request,everything except the necromancer’s face is great!I wanted them a tad bit more like phantom’s human thief you got in the preview in front page but none the less it is a good piece of art

About Stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


You don’t pick your stats, the level up shows your base stats increase so you have that feeling of getting something. Also it appears you get minor armor/weapon upgrade components for leveling up. Nothing special

So, as far as stats go, it just makes a big show out of giving you what you’re getting right now?

Its just placebo. A band-aid to avoid actually rewarding the player.

Oh…yea that explains it..well..i was expecting they get the atributte system they got in beta when i saw the pic but i might placed my expectations too high.

About Stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Now that a new character can choose his stats every time he lvls up,how will this effect our already maxed out default characters?Is choosing your own stats gonna have a huge difference in power with the previous defaults or the outcome will be balanced even if the players will choose their stats!I will this play out?

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Sure,sending you the mail right now!I will add you in game tooAre you from Eu>?

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hey shilane Back from holidays!How is my request going?

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I can definately support you with in-game gold!(well i got 10 right now but yea)
Also,if you find my request to be a bit stressfull or anything,you can do it slower if you like.I am in vacations right now so it is cool ,dont rush it or anything.Make it perfect :p
I will be back around september so yea..
Gonna make some more gold to give you(if you want more than the ammount i got now) later on when i will be back:)

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Yea ok!I was expecting the month!Dont rush things are made when you take your time to work on them…and have fun while you do that:)

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hmm. cool then:)
Any info about when you will finish just so i know when to look?(gonna be out for vacations)

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104

BlazingBeast.3104 necromancer had a bit of a hair change..if you havent start on her then you could implement the change in the portraits or something if oyu like


Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Sweet, I should be able to draw both of them. If you don’t mind sending me side views of both of them, that’d help a lot!

Sure! Here!
P.s.Her eyes are light purple and his gold-green light tint…you can put a more matching eye color though in any of them!


(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

Request Wednesdays! Commissions closed

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Nice stream:)Cool stuff!
Thats my 2 Characters,you can do both or whoever brings you more inspiration:)
P.s.if you want more angles just remind me to get some more for you


(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

In need of some cool Character portraits!:)

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hi,I need 2 character portraits for the characters below..!Can someone do it?
Her eyes are light purple and his a yellow-orange(sun) color!


(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


…..or you can easily beat her in phase 1..IF you have learned the rotation of nightfall and got the “right” build and class for that!

Bright Lights in Liandri fight!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Some times when she does the dark pillar attack i see this for a couple of seconds until i move a little elsewhere in the screen!


The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Well..from my own experience in necromancer pvp i can tell you that vs 3 people with zerker(i run powermancer/wellomancer) i can stand max(if they all focus me) 10 seconds(thats it if in advance i have blinded them for a bit).
Thing is i agree with everyone else,necromancer lacks mobility and sustain!Hope Anet sees that and rework(i am looking at you axe) or fix some issues(maybe buff too).
Lich OP(if not for vs experienced player that is :p)
P.s. of p.s.
I vote for Lich 3 fear instead of chill…sh1!t got serious!:p

(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

Engi or Ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Personaly QERT

Having QERT for the F skills where the utilities should go?( i don thave a gamin gmouse to put my weap skills in there and utilities 1-5 so..)

Having played both classes already, i can easily tell you that both classes are worth your time. I speak from PvE aspect myself, as WvW is something my PC can’t handle.

The Ranger is more straightforward with his gameplay, as he has the classic “weapon switching” feature, and amazing skills/traits to follow. He’s fun, deadly, quick, and of course you have a controllable pet you can name with you, and can gather a whole bunch of them. Including moas! If you like carrying bows, swords and having a pet that “steals” debuffs from you (with the right trait), this is definitely a choice for you.

The engineer is trickier to play, as you can’t switch your main weapon, and the choices you have there are somewhat limited. However! You can carry weapon kits with you, that provide a unique experience, and replace your main weapon skils. Including flamethrowers, bombs, grenades, tool kits, poison rifles and many more. Kits you can change freely without cooldowns, if you keep them among your skills. Plus, you can lay turrets. So if carrying guns, rifles and weird weaponry is your thing, i would recommend going for the engineer.

Well..thing is..i love the way Ranger class is in this game but the inability of the class(so i ’ve heard) to aoe and be weak compaired to other classes is a bit of a turn off!As of engi,i really like the idea and the weapons he provides(going for asura on this one) but its not really my sorta playstyle..but as he seems more versatile than ranger so..

Engi or Ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


hmm…if i go engi,any tips on where to set my f1- 4 skills?

Engi or Ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


So..i recently decided to make a new character but i am between the two!So..what should i choose(keep in mind i want them mostly for wvw/pve content)?

Final Rest bug fixed?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hi!I saw some topics a while ago saying that there was a bug with final rest(google for images) on the necromancer class(dual scypher bug)!Someone knows if this has been fixed?Does anyone got the weapon to test it on necromancer?

A question about Hall of monuments!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Mortifer@ oh…then this means i must buy…:/ f@ck

(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

A question about Hall of monuments!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


hmm…1 month is plenty i guess..i dont have a friend there but i think with some guides i can make it..thing is,i want the fire sword and the walking stuff.. one is 10 and the other is 8 Hom points!Think i can manage that?
The other one is 20,the chimeric prism focus(which looks totally awesome) but i guess i will never achieve this far..

A question about Hall of monuments!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Would i be able to get enough hall of monuments points from trying guild wars 1 for free?(the option to download client and play for i dont know how much in the gw page!)

Best WvW zerging build??

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hi.I started playing necromancer a while ago and i would like to know if there is a good sustain/dps build!Mostly power build(condi build is hard to master)!I was gonna go with 0 2 0 4 6 for more sustain and ds +50 crit but i am not sure how good it will work!

New to necro,Want me some guidance!

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I saw this build…is it viable?

Character conspet art requestRequest!

in Community Creations

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hi…would it be possible for any of you skilled artists to make me a character consept art with the character i provide below?(he is a thief btw)
Could it be made based on one of the arts shown in the last of the attachments?


(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

Can someone do consept art for Characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Can someone do a concept art for my character in gw2?I’ve seen a lot of members posting their characters consept art along with in-game pic when they showcase their toon!

New to necro,Want me some guidance!

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


i actually want the build mainly for pve/wvw

New to necro,Want me some guidance!

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


So…my necro is still 26 but i am leveling her pretty fast so i want to know some tricks,tips,builds for my necro!
First comes first!I would like to know this:POWER OR CONDI!?
I am using power axe/warhorn and d/d atm and i can say it is pretty neat,but as i am not very fond with the class i might be wrong!What would be the right build my necro?

Which is the best wvw build right now?

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Check this thread if you can buy strength runes!:
Also,does Shortbow get 2 sigils?(you mentioned bloddlust and fire!)

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I went with Ogre runes, because I hardly ever trait into DA since i hate the traits there, so power was very important to me, and the 4% damage boost is nice. not as good as 7% but better than 0%. Scholar got expensive too and that rune set is mainly for ganking people with backstab.

I was however wondering if anyone has any experience with Superior Rune of the Warrior? It has nice stats but I dont fully understand how the 6th rune power works. It says on weapon swap 20% reduction in recharge. Does that mean if i have Shadow refuge (60 sec cooldown) and use it , and while its counting down i weapon swap does it turn into 48 sec cooldown? what happens if I weapon swap again 9 seconds later, does it stack and turn into a 36 sec cooldown etc.. ??? Anyone know?

Yea..i was thinking ogre too..although i have already got 2 pieces of scholar in my armor for months now and i am afraid to change them if not for my final choice as they both cost up to 11 gold!Which it isnt something i would risk!(being a casual player 10 gold is more than 1 week!)

All that you have said are nice choices, before though practically any rune set would work as long as they offered critical damage but that has been replaced so the DPS of DD balanced got hurt, back to the point do not over look wurm runes as they are nice as well, in fact they are rising in price too, I wonder why…. But yeah any of the above work nice, it’s just that strength will let you benefit from the perma might DD balanced so naturally gives you, another note, your guild mates do say scholars 10% above 90%health makes sense since as a thief you avoid damage, but they are not taking into consideration that you WILL get hit, you cannot avoid everything and as a thief those hits won’t be light a nice chunk of the time to keep you still at 90% health, take this into consideration as that 10% may usually only be good for the opening attack.

Wurm is good!Thing is i have only 65 crit chance(with food buffs i guess higher) but i dont think they will execute well with the chance being so low(is my current 198 crit dmg good or not?just wandering)..Scholar maybeill do the job as it will also help in pve(dungeons and stuff which i hardly get focused or drop below 90) except from the opening strike in wvw..i am really woried though i wont be able to keep the dmg if for a 1v1(not because of skill for dodging and class mechaniqs but more for low pc and low fps) so yea..i dont know.[/quote]

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hi,i am a D/D-SB thief and i am wondering,what should be the best choice of runes for this situation!I am running 0/6/5/3/0 as i dont want to be glass cannon!I have checked the “balanced d/d” thread but the price of strength runes is too hight atm!I heard a lot of people from the guild telling me to go scholar because of the bonus dmg above 90%(as a thief it is logical to not get hit much to make it work but i am not really convinced)!So..should prvateer,ogre or pack,eagle (yea,a lot of people are running eagle for some reason..) would be a better option for the damage loss?(wont be able to might stack efficiently without the strength runes to make balanced d/d build thread work i think!\)

(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

balanced d/d build

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


This build seems good!I would like to know though,being one of many that didnt buy runes of strength early and dont have money to afford now,what would be an alternative rune set for this build?
Air?Wurm?Ogre?Something else?

D/D thief!Where i stand now..

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


So,with the new patch i had a pretty noticable drop in dps on my thief!
I am currently running 3valk with 2zerker armor pieces and zerker weaps with zerker trinkets and 0/6/6/0/3!Fact is,before the patch,this setup was more than fine,but now i feel i am not that strong even if i wasnt glasscannon to begin with,i really feel low now!So,should i run the glass cannon trait setup or,what runes should i equip to make up for the loss in dps but still have a bit of survival??

No tournament match win chest?

in PvP

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


So…today i won a match in tournament pvp and not a single chest was was my first win of the day too!Whats up with that?!

Will there be an exodus with the update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I think stopping a game for unsignifical matters is stupid..

Help plz!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


i know that legs and gloves are arah and chest order of whisper,but what are the shoulder pads?

Help plz!

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Can anyone tell me the parts of this armor?


How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


This is what I’ve done for my guardian. I took her from level 2 to 80 in the span of 4 days, although i used crafting to get her 15-20 levels so she could get better weapons more quickly. Once she was at about level 40-45, every LA run would net 3 levels, one (and if lucky, two) from event and kill xp, and two (if unlucky, one) from found belongings (I averaged 200-250 bags since I did the LOOTSTICKS approach).

As far as events, I believe the majority of them give 7% from the event itself. So if you tag one mob at each of the miasma and rally point events, you’re looking at 21% from a single miasma cycle and another 21% from rally points. Throw in the fact that there’s 3 cycles in an hour, you’re looking at nearly two and a half levels. Hit the dolyaks the 4-5 times they pop, along with the children and ogres as well, you could probably level a character from 1 to 80 in a day if you were sufficiently hardcore.

Lootsticks approach????
Also,how can i do this with an ele or a necro?Skillz aoe e.t.c

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


You can confirm it yourself by doing 2 full LA events. On my level 30 character I got 1000 exp per event and after I hit DR I got 10 exp per event. Only way to get rid of it is by doing something else. Mobs still give about the same exp though, it’s just events that you get DR on.

I have actually done LA events over 3 times each every cyrcle…all give same ammount of xp