Showing Posts For Bluee.1425:
Where ya live? One more month until December lol
I’m aware that there is a Live Team working rigorously for the upcoming months. Though I can’t pretend to know what they’re up to or have planned. I’d like to share some suggestions that might be of use or be a reminder of possible potential.
Events & Gameplay
A cursed book that sucks in adventurers and warps them inside a snowglobe where they’re forced to escape ! Moving platforms, icy geysers, timed jumps, all that jazz !
*refer to Metrica Province Puzzle (except the moving plat).
Hunt and Seek
Similar to hide and seek, it’s like a paintball style gameplay, where you can camouflage into the environment and attack when needed. Your disguise lasts about 5 seconds before it dissapears. Sort of a brief thought about it. Maybe incorporate some WvW style into it, add and upgrade a snow fort that can take 40 snowball hits. This concept can be made through into domination of points or objective-based points.
Objects & Items
Hidden closet in houses that serves as an entrance to a new zone dimension.
*inspiration of Chronicle of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Mini Dolyak Pet, Mini Asura elves, Mini Polar Bear
Holiday ghosts, returning heroes or just the dead. Maybe foreshadow the future of other upcoming stuff.
I’ll add, change, and fix more on this. If you have suggestions on this matter or opinions please comment
I think this will be added in the future, along with a confirm button when buying from the vendors. I hear talks about this somewhere here.
This would defeat the purpose of playing through the game ‘again’ despite how redundant it is. Also it would destroy the longevity of the game, which is kind of ironic.
On the technical aspect, what button would we press for sprint that would separate dodge? Wouldn’t it be already too much binds?Also why limit that option. If it breaks WvW then it’s not needed in PvE. We already have waypoints. If that was the case, then sPvP and PvE would have separate skill scaling in damage and ability already.
But I don’t want to shut you down. Your idea is great for maybe leveling to 80 perhaps.
(edited by Bluee.1425)
I’m sure Karma will not sit for too long. In the future, they could possibly add more use for them. It’s an untapped currency that ArenaNet could potentially use. As of now, karma is used to get the obsidian shard and recipes or crafting materials. Everything else is secondary.
Every class has some sort of unique ability that gives them haste. I could be wrong, but I have yet seen any class say they don’t have haste ability or some sort of shortcut movement across plane A to plane B. The gameplay is already complex as it is. Adding a stamina bar will only ruin that purpose and hinder gameplay.
That makes a lot of sense. However, I don’t think ArenaNet wants to make the jug concept that easy. It’ll ruin the longevity of the game. The reason why the jugs are account bound is probably for that reason. To easy it up instead of worrying about it.
Put existing Karma into a jug. Interesting. What’s the purpose of that ? Can you elaborate.
The problem with karma before, as I believe was it became mundane to do. Continuous effort which felt like a long process of grinding became tiresome. Their solution to fix this was to add Karma Jugs as a part of our daily ritual through dungeons, dailies, and monthly. I think you guys are already asking for more, when the apparently problem was solved with a solution.
(edited by Bluee.1425)
I see what you’re saying. It doesn’t feel rewarding in the end, and for those that haven’t sought on the journey are skeptical about it, which hinders the longevity of personal gameplay. So many have I heard, “if the stats give out more, then i’d care.” line.
When I read this topic, I smiled
My guildmate is literally waiting for the monk class to appear in GW2. I told him it won’t until another year. Even so, it might not even come out at all. But nope…he’s been saving up dungeon tokens, filling his bank all-ready for a monk class. He really wants to play a monk class.
I remember when I was leveling my asura, I stumbled across Karma vendors during my journey to 80. I found that some of the items (that people don’t really buy) have cool descriptions or quotes to them. Which made them unique to their own. Now that I have a legendary, it doesn’t feel legendary enough without something a bit more. Yeah, you notice the item as purple and you don’t really see the text ‘legendary’ but a nice unique quote would be nice. What do you guys think? It couldn’t hurt.
(edited by Bluee.1425)
I did the clock tower 5 hours straight non-stop since the patch of Act 2…no rest, just persistence. Was it really challenging? yes. Was it fun? yes. Problem? making new mistakes every time while learning the path on the way.
aren’t they pages that make up the book lol
The only thing I would suggest from this is a shortcut weapon swap, so I don’t have to do it manually by clicking the staff from my backpack inventory. Meaning after I’m done using D/D, I’m out of combat, I can press that weapon swap button, and then it becomes locked in until I’m out of combat again.
No disrepect, but you need to pay attention if you need more things to remind you.
There are two notifications that appear as you’re about to drop. 1. Your health bar goes red and I believe there’s also something else. That’s visual. 2. Your specific character race will notify you with his or her voice. That’s audio. What more do you need?
1. I can sugguest a shift+click feature on the character’s name to display their name, class, level. That would be lovely.
2. This could draw a few internal problems with players. It could potentially alienate other players for having low health. I think the philosophy of this game is to ’ just have fun’. They don’t want players to get too technical and i’m sure they like people to learn it the hard way. Though I can’t pretend to know what Arenanet is thinking.
3. I think simply by typing ’i’m not ready yet, wait’ is simplier. Interacting with players consistently should be the norm already.
4-6. I would personally disagree. Inspecting gear however couldn’t hurt though.
7. I’d like this feature to work globally not within the area as it only lists people in that zone. Also add which dungeon you want in LFG.
8. I agree, I really hate to leave a guildmate out simply because ‘party is full :\’
9. I don’t have a concern with this.
10. A greyed out feature would be nice, or something that stands out.
11. Umm…I can’t say anything on this matter. I’m fine with it.
The monthly survivor has been ‘bugged’ since the beginning of the month. My guess is that it’s related to the upcoming Halloween Event that might reward us something nice. It’s only a speculation, but I’m sure it’ll be fixed soon. Don’t worry.
someone on my server got a dusk drop doing plinx event, he sold it for 279G lol
Your idea is great and plausible and can create harmony within each realm of PvE and PvP. However, for the timing being, this would create more intuitive thinking into balancing it. From their point of view, they designed it as it is. From our point of view, we’re still taking it in despite how long we’ve been playing thus far. These skill changes that affect both side is easier to manage and control. Perhaps in the future as this game continues to take age, we’ll see some of the philosophy concept change.