Is this normal for the mystic forge to just eat items?
I was under the impression you put 4 items in and get 1 out.
I have recorded 5 attempts where the items are consumed and nothing is returned.
Is this normal or a bug?
What drinkmore said, like with 4 core proccessors only 1 does a calculation at a time.
in WvW
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
Why are you complaining about the other side owning 95% of the map ANET balances this out by giving you the undermanned buff!
20% magic find really helps in PvP.
I am a cynic here. To me this whole reduced player visibility and rendering distances smacks of trying to save costs on servers and bandwidth, in fact most of the changes being implemented in the game appear to be about saving money or making us buy/use the gem shop. When you look at everything going on from that perspective it makes a lot more sense.
in WvW
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
I have a very high end system running raided SSD’s and I get the same issue. It was fine before some changes they made have totally ruined WvW.
Last night I was in a battle defending stonemist, where I couldnt see ANY enemy players for OVER 45 minutes which is a kittening joke. I managed to tag random people by throwing down AOE once or twice. Then I gave up and spent the rest of the hour just occasionally reviving allies as those were all I could see and being hit by kitten I couldnt see. First time playing guild wars I thought – hmm this game is kitten I need to find something else to play.
Im surprised they are not frankly embarrassed by this.
Yeah no realm pride… nothing, this is why I think you should be able to see names and gear dye. Otherwise your just an anonymous player loosing on a kitteny server. Also why bother sticking around, when you can transfer to somewhere were you win all the time.
This looks like one of many Learn the mechanics/Learn to play posts that appear on all the forums.
A skill is not “OP” when it’s effectiveness changes depending on your skill and knowledge in a game, in this case guild wars 2. It is only an issue when you know what it is, how it works and still cannot work out any counter for it.
The only guaranteed way to get it to land properly, is combining it with other cooldowns involving stealth. If it is a 1v1 situation and a mesmer uses it when your at full health they are not going to burst you down so it’s simply a control method they can use once during a fight.
If it’s 2v1 then it doesnt matter, unless your expecting to win vs 2 players of equal skill level you are sorely mistaken.
The classes are well balanced so far with minor tweaks being needed, learn the mechanics of them all before posting comments like this.
The only issues Ive come across are in relation to the thief, the class itself is not OMG OP but there is an issue … and it does apply to other classes just less, and that is the latency and rendering issues that occur in WvW meaning sometimes you can be destroyed before they are visable, class isnt broken just the game mechanics are fudged a bit at the moment. I bring that up as an issue as you are playing a class were moa morph removes your pets, which is a simple bug and does not make it “OP” and if you fail to avoid it then it is 9 times out of ten a learning issue. Using 2 ability resources in order to increase the chance to actually successfully cast it, for what it does is more than acceptable for an ultimate. Timewarp is far superior anyway.
(edited by Cub Discus Gig.2176)
in Warrior
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
Thats an interesting link feels similar to that, it’s deffinately accentuated when your morphed at the boss for god armour in cursed shores if you other peeps want to test that will give you a good example, having to mash the key to get it to cast. Moa Bird and Croc Morph were the worst.
It’s alot less on warrior but it’s similar. One thing that is interesting to note is the animations for those morphed states ARE buggy, maybe a connection?
in Warrior
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
Ive noticed this on a warrior as well, compared to say a thief. Ive also noticed it on certain abilities when your polymorphed into the the animals at the God Armour DE in cursed shore.
Similar to the Mesmer Greatsword 2 button animation that was fixed.
I also understand what the OP means by being able tell the difference between latency/lag/game issues. Mind you most of us are gamers here so it’s pretty much an equal playing field for the nonkitten among us.
The problem isnt the undercutting it’s the fact you cannot compete with it without relisting your items and incurring a large penalty.
Just give people thekittenoption to change the price of listed items DOWN only so they can compete, which will nullify undercutting. Currently the Trading Post works on a last in first out system, even if they keep saying it doesnt. Who ever posts their item last gets first sale for no real price difference.
Simple fix tbh.
Wrong. It’s FIFO and unless you have data to back up your claim there is no reason to accept your conclusion as valid. Recant your statement or admit you don’t know how it truly works.
Before you come back stating that you can undercut by 1c and therefore be “first” in line… when you undercut by 1c and 5 people come in behind you at the same price, yours will get sold first at that price assuming you are not undercut by another 1c. It’s still FIFO.
Also, your solution will not nullify undercutting. It will make it easier for you to make profit because then you only have to take the 5% listing fee into account once.
If you undercut by 1c your item will get sold first, you were the last one to list an item. I really hope that isnt too difficult to follow. Yes on SINGLE items if everyone sold at the same level then you would be first in first out, but what happens is the next person undercuts by 1c again so jumps to the head of the queue..
The intention of the TP is First in First Out but the reality of it in practice is Last in First out.
It’s even worse for Mass resale items like crafting materials, as FIFO is completely broken if you sell in the smallest denomination of those listing at that price your order gets filled first even if someone has had the same price listed, this is how you can make margin money flipping ore even if the highest buyer and lowest seller coefficient is close to break even because your items get sold first for rapid turn around. Yes this is thoroughly tested, dont believe me – try selling 1 copper ore at the lowest current value it will get sold before the other 200k.
My solution is simple and will improve the situation, because you dont seem to understand or have misread the concept. The option of allowing price changing down of LISTED items, that means they stay listed but you can switch the price to those of the current lowest, WITHOUT taking them off the TP.
No where do I say remove the 5% listing fee – something which is essential to the TP in my opinion. All im suggesting is allowing people to only lower the price of listed items – never increase btw because you can abuse the charge of listing low then resetting price to higher.
IF a person takes the item off the TP then they would still loose the listing fee, but it reduces the effect of queue jumping which is what is happening at the moment, because people can simply change their listing price without being penalised for being the first person to sell the item. Hope that is a bit more clear for you.
The OP is simply suggesting to switch the two options around not remove anything. /sigh
You need to think about this relatively, the auction house is not place to make money on trash items. What it is to alot of clued up people is a portable shop vendor following you around all over the map.
It’s by far a better option sometimes to just sell at cost and loose a couple of copper than spend time running to a vendor when you could be earning cash. And it’s definitely cheaper than spending several silver on going to a waypoint rather than loosing 1 or 2 copper an item.
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
The way undercutting works is the person wants to have their item sold quickly with minimum effect on price. I know full well that by selling an item for 1c less it makes zero fianancial effect on me but effectively blocks everyone selling before me from selling thiers and putting my item to the front of the queue. The only thing I have to balance up is my item getting sold before the next undercutter comes along. Otherwise I join the list of people getting screwed over who cant relist it as this will incur a cost.
As an undercutter I am catering to the people looking to buy, I sell my item first with the knowledge that no one listing before me can do anything about it without loosing cash to do so and I do this by 1copper which is really good value for money lol.
As an under cutter I find it unacceptable so…..
…. add an option to change the listing price of your item (DOWN only) without loosing the listing fee. Problem solved simples….
The problem isnt the undercutting it’s the fact you cannot compete with it without relisting your items and incurring a large penalty.
Just give people thekittenoption to change the price of listed items DOWN only so they can compete, which will nullify undercutting. Currently the Trading Post works on a last in first out system, even if they keep saying it doesnt. Who ever posts their item last gets first sale for no real price difference.
Simple fix tbh.
I am missing massive amounts of gold from sales, which is stopping me from playing without a huge inconvenience. I literally cant teleport to higher level zones to grind cash, and I cant sell anything to get cash because the money doesnt arrive from a sales.
Weird thing was it was working for me at 4am this morning (while everyone was having problems) but I logged off and checked this morning when I woke up and Im now officially broke, with lots of assests that cannot be sold…humph.
I always assumed that the system was designed to minimise the number of orders being tracked so automatically cleared out smaller orders first to improve performance.
It’s a good way for lowbies to make money on margin trading high volume traffic items like ore, were even if you buy and sell at current prices you will make 1 copper a sale, and by putting through multiple orders at lower stacks your items are turned over first, so no wait or slow turn around to make it unviable – just a steady stream of profit from margin trading thousands of ore or leather.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
Lancezh you are not alone:
Of course there are people being keylogged and whatnot, but there are inconsistencies when people take care of username/password security.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
It seems gaming news websites are also picking up on this now, glad it’s not just me:
Having methods and systems in place to reduce remove this issue from my end, some people think im paranoid, it’s a simple safety measure which is also a by product of my work. It just doesnt add up:
Statement: Your account details were taken from a fansite.
Statement: You have a virus
Statement: Your keylogged
Statement: Your password was brute forced.
The only 2 places that have my login details are ANET and the computer I login with.
I have a separate laptop I use in conjuction with a desktop for all activities that have any risk involved were system security can be comprimised – picking up a virus/looking at naughty pictures and videos etc etc
Everything that has an account for games, websites and importantly work etc has a unique long username/password.
Again I will repeat im not complaining about it happening, I am just whistle blowing as there are serious inconsistencies going on here. And im not gonna be spood fed kitten just because im being told it’s puppys. Im just making you aware of it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
They mail out your cash to other accounts you can see the last mailed person in your mail system in game, so I added them as a friend and reported them – they are still playing now.
As for some of the replies, brute forcing a minimum 11 digit password is unlikely.
I will repeat the pc that uses those usernames and passwords is only used for those applications, no web browsing nothing. I have a separate laptop(which I am on nowkittenderp!) which has NO connection with the computer and has and never will have those usernames on them.
It’s unlikely that someone with access to super computers specifically targeted me to get into my GW2 (and only my GW2 account). I dont mind the loss of the gold, but what I do mind is being bullkittened by anet.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
It’s all about the email. If you use the same email account for Guild Wars and anything else, your chances of getting hacked greatly improve.
This is in relation to the news article about “11000” accounts being hacked from data taken from fansites. Please bare in mind I did not have my details registered anywhere apart from with anet.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176
I believe these details were from an internal source and Anet are just trying to cover it up.
I use a different password for every account for websites and games I use, there is zero interchangeability. Further more I was never registered with any fansites or any sites relating to guild wars 2! Which kinda narrows down where they could have gotten login details from…
I have a “Clean” computer which I only use for gaming and work, so no key logging or any other malicious activities can occur. I have a laptop I use for everything else which I can access next to my computer, so even if something were to happen there would be no byplay between them (and yes my home network is set as public for other really unlikely issues that can still be possible).
I was also online when I was hacked, I spent 30 minutes in a “mini game” of logout the other person wars. While trying to change my password in the my account settings page which would not work until I was finally defeated and cleaned out – amusingly probably the most intense and challanging thing ive done in GW2 so far … other than pressing button 2 for 5 minutes while fighting zhaitan
All evidence from my perspective is pointing to it clearly being an internal breach – be it hack or someone selling the details on, which Anet are covering up. Moral is you are never safe, Anet cant guarantee your account security and they wont replace lost items, so just bare that in mind.
Anyone else find their situation similar? Fansites … yeah right.
You know you might be right, but to be honest with all the addition movement from abilities, Ive never actually noticed it!
Even when going balls deep into reds (unless everything is on cooldown) – Ive not noticed cripple effecting the speed of those abilties so your are probably right but since your using those abilities it doesnt effect you or at least when it will effect you it’s worn off .. if that makes any sense!
You actually get cripple cleanse from: Healing, Rush, Bullscharge, Whirlwind, and then whatever utilities you choose which are normally used for CC and cleanses.
RoadRunner …kittenshould have thought of that, think I was too paranoid about the fact it’s dual GS, because as all warriors know what we need to fix the HB ‘problem’ is moar HB!!!!11oneone
Okay ive been …. very hesitant to post this spec given how people are raging in debate over great swords and probably the decrying I will receive from it. I like testing strange and weird builds and combo’s to see if I can push up performance.
I feel this does that and I have been using this in WvW ONLY, I cant attest to it in PvE or SPvP so feel to try it yourselves or simply ignore the whole idea as zomg noob for those of you willing to experiment or embrace the GS and HB fixed channeling and allowing my HB’s to land.
However I dont see why it shouldnt work the synergy is brilliant I find imo and you can simply switch out different major’s to output more dps. It is very very important to note that this build works with Sigils and Runes and they are very important to how it works and impart further synergy, so dont just look at the talents look at EVERYTHING.
I would also suggest – although I assume everyone carry’s around extra weapons for swapping out in certain situations, although im dual wielding the SAME weapon, I carry around a rifle and longbow and warhorn, infact a fair few weapons.
This is the build:
While you loose a weapon selection and it’s abilities in combat you gain an additional ability while using the greatsword – aoe root on a 9 sec cool down while retaining access to Great sword skills.
What this works around is pure mobility, being immune to much CC via your heals and weapon and utility movement abilities, While sneakily getting hold of an extra AOE immobilize CC with a 9 second cooldown which compliments your HB skill (geomancy sigils on both great swords), this actually frees up utilities for other options allowing you to not only dps but also if you choose give a more supportive roll if you want.
You also now have to no longer rely on bulls charge/bolas for 100B pew pew, although I still use it as it becomes another snare breaker.
After much consideration I chose the centaur runes they just seem perfect, both increasing bleeds duration (so higher damage) and increasing run speed -another side effect of this build is you will have a very very high uptime of increased run speed and allows you to use healing ability offensively – speed boost.
Something which is a side effect when running about the maps is to switch in the Healing signet, and the reduced cool downs on signets in dicsipline tree which gives you almost 100% uptime run speed increase allowing to get everywhere very fast, there is a 2-3 sec window of no run speed if you dont switch in a warhorn from the rune set and talent spec, but I find randomly hitting stuff as I run past for run speed on crit works too
Possible tweaks Ive been considering:
Running with healing signet and reduced signet cooldowns in discipline to give you higher mobility uptime and quicker CC break from a faster cooldowns.
Dropping down to 25 points in arms and removing opportunist as it doesnt proc off the geomancy sigil for some reason which means we have one skill the pops it up, and putting the 5 points into Discipline to up it to 25, giving you 10secs of might on weapon switch. Usually this is lacklustre, but since your weapon switch is 5 secs and is suddenly part of your playstyle (weapon swap key becomes an aoe root) your are automatically buffing yourself without realising it.
If they fix weapon cool downs to be unique to that sigil on swapping that has been discussed this build becomes even better – who knows but Im having alot of fun while using this whacky and im sure as alot of comments will say noobie build
- please comment and critique!
Must have just been a bad time for you, I actively revive people and I see people doing it all the time, reviving is the new raid healing.
We do have a limited uptime for RvR most people do seem to logoff early, last night for example there were 4 of us defending SH in gunnars hold borderlands vs a full zerg that you would expect at prime time, still managed to kill a few so thats something.
We are actively playing in WvW if you want to make a difference and run with an organised group gimme a shout ingame, we are always looking for more team players.
PvE farming for cash to become top PvP commander? bloody joke! Ranks like this shouldnt be bought – have it based on peers, or at least require a person to be elected a commander if they can get for example 40 votes from guild members or random players (1 vote per account) then you at least know someone running around with that marker has the backing of a large number of players and is more likely to know what they are doing, and they probably have some communication skills.
Whats everyone’s feelings on the over anonymity of world vs world?
I was disappointed to see names are blanked out earning a rep and seeing arch rivals is half the fun of WvW.
Now we are in set colours, so you cant even show off your snazzy pink plate set of doom!
I would like to see the names of people who im fighting.
People in their own dyed gear – wtf is the point of dyeing your gear if hardly anyone can see it? Redname plates are more than sufficient to know hostiles, at a minimum allow guilds to display a colour scheme to compliment their heraldry.
Or am I alone in these opinions?
Warriors Sprint appears to stop working when entering combat or it feels like it actually slows you down.
Opportunist doesnt work with the geomancy sigil.
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