This confusion is exactly what Zommoros wants.
All tournaments are already in-game. :P
When I said select tournaments, I mean our community events.
To those who are asking for ways to attain Mini Llama’s via PvE, Arena-Net have provided good quantities of them in the past for large established community events, I see no reason for them not to carry this on at some point, especially with the new mystic forge recipes.
I could pick so many things.
If I could bring back only one thing though, it would have to be my Snowman Helm.
Here is my Jack Skellington, he comes with an Alpine Wolf called Zero and a Black Widow Spider called Oogie(due to the pattern on it).
I also have footage of Master Chief saving Lion’s Arch from certain destruction!
It was The Xunlai, they specialize in cornering any and all markets regarding magical chests.
Although they are primarily known for being responsible for the currency and storage of items.
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
Hey, those two Asura look familiar!
Absolutely brilliant! ^
Tequatil’s Roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoi!
Tally ho!
Sky Asura and the Tyria of tomorrow!
Wouldn’t expect anything less of Arena-Net, GG guys!
Neeeeeeeeeeow! /flies away
Dwayna’s snowmen soldiers might explain Grenth’s ties to Ice.
My* Snowmen.
I am sad that we got no Cantha district.
I am however more sad, that they just covered the whole thing up.
The hole was a great mystery, as no one knew how it happened.It would have been so cool to go down there and find out it`s cause.
It was called “The Great Collapse”, basically the foundations gave way.
Why did they give way?
Well, because the A.R.E.N.A Commando’s stored a nuke there in-case the Elder Dragons of the fabled land of Encee-Sohft got to unruly.
Do you think the appearance of the Mursaat has to do with Divine Fire? You could only see them if you had ascended, and Turia’s ritual lead to that eventuality.
Sohothin is a Sword of the God’s and from what I can gather, it is infused with Divine Fire which we now know is an anathema to Mordremoth.
When Rytlock kills an Ascalonian ghost with Sohothin(Duke Barradin), aka Divine Fire it doesn’t return…What if Rytlock went to the Fissure of Woe (by accident or fate w/e) to collect more Divine Fire to cleanse Ascalon, and picked up Obsidian Armour. ….Oh and just so you know…there is a Balthazar Temple hidden in The Falls, a fitting place to return to Tyria from.
Have the raffle winners, the art contest winners, and the winning carol been announced somewhere?
Hello Sapphirine,
You are in fact the winner of the Carol Contest and one of the “pending” Llama winners!
All the winners have been announced in-game at the event with the exception of the Carol Contest and the Forum Raffle.
Due to a mis-communication, the Forum Raffle is still pending.
I shall list all winners of the various activities here for the sake of clarity:
The Ocelelot
Zanfire Armorsmith
Lumi Albindottir
(Raffle is still pending)
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
All Llama’s have been dispatched!
(Two are pending, however this will be resolved shortly.)
I’ve designed a Daniel Frozenwind snowflake for the art contest. I’ve also included a template in case anyone would like to make their own.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Hah! That is wonderful! I love your idea and I commend you for including the template!
Happy Wintersday to you!
That is adorable Roseberry! I know we said no bunnies…but…ANYWAY great submission!
The first trailer is up!
reserved 12 chars
Event Trailer:
Malafide’s Film:
Event Twitter:
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
Konig, I found the eagle statues before you… remember? :p
I also noticed that in each Living Story installment we have the option to attain an ascended trinket that (could be) tied to the plot, such as the “Forgotten Band” for completing Gates of Maguuma.
On the subject of Eagles we have the “Quetzel Crest” In Entanglement with the snippet "Eteched on the back are the words, “We are not so easily fooled.”
I also had a thought about the Rainbow Phoenix that resided in the Hall of Monuments as to why we had an avian theme, but that is baseless other then the idea of rising from the ashes – But as Konig pointed out it isn’t the typical “fiery” version.
In Echoes of the Past, we have an unusual reward in Caithe’s Blossom, just look what happened in Tangled Paths with her…curious….most curious.
I’m not going to write a wall of text but may I just say, this was flawless.
The dialogue, the level design, the mechanics, the lore, the characters, the nostalgia, the music, the numerous Easter eggs and I could go on, congratulations Arena-Net you are onto something special now, really well done.
Make sure you talk to ALL the NPC’s in every instance, also talk to Ogden after you receive the reward for a whole heap of spoken dialogue!
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
The Minipet Llama’s have been delivered to the winners!
All except “Sota” from the raffle, if this name could be clarified, I can then send the Llama.
EDIT: It’s been clarified!
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
We will get a picture with them to, thank you to all my staff!
A big thank you and a Happy Horrorween from all of the event staff!
Wonderful submissions! Simply glorious!
How long do you require?
We are looking at, then judging the entries tonight at midnight, whether we announce the winners there and then or at a slightly later time is up for discussion with the event staff.
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
What is that UFO in the first picture? Spooky!
That’s a Mad King door. (When Thorn is playing his usual tricks on the poor folk of Lion’s Arch.
The pictures may take a little while to update, but it’s worth it!
As I have been preparing for the Horrorween community event, I have had time to take in the sights and delights of Lion’s Arch at Halloween, and upon investigation I have found that the city itself is coming alive!
At each player hub a horrific creature can be seen if you are to simply look hard enough!
Here are my findings!
Excellent submission Doktor Genya, you really captured how Malafide’s ego is much larger than Thorns, and I was always the beta-bug height.
Well done!
Also @Tuomir feel free to get involved however you like! If that’s what you plan to do to fill time at the event go right ahead!
Event Crew bringing the funds to LA!
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
And here it is, crafted by the Snowman himself…The Event Schedule!
Pre-Event Schedule
17.30 -18.30: Holofide pre-event & meet and greets
Event Schedule
19.00: Grand Opening
19.30: [Insert name] Town / McKryta Food set’s up shop
20.00: Hulk Musters / Tonic rush / Graveyard Quiz
20.30: Belcher’s Bluff Challenge / Riddles / Last is First / Mime
21.00: The Summoning of the Ghostly Quartet – The Trick-Or-Treat Adventure!
21.30: The Attire of Autumnal Awesome / Graveyard Quiz
22.00: Wack-A-Golem / Graveyard Quiz
22.30: Dolyak Derby / Graveyard Quiz
23.00: Bridge Brawl / Trivia
23.30: Pumpkin Bob /Graveyard Quiz
00.00: The Amazing Swan-dive / Frozenwind Says / Graveyard Quiz
00.30: Mad King Thorn (Art Contest / International Raffle / Lottery / Community Spirit Awards!)
1.00: Tonic Sync / Wickerwind Bonfire!
Shaman Filo, that is brilliant! :O
I did indeed, It seems our presence was sorely missed in the past!
It would seem we are not forgotten.
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
Oh goodness, first post to these forums so I hope this is right! Submission for the art contesto!
Loving this, great job Tandy!!
Artist’s if you would prefer, you can draw my old snowman in his true guise.
Well this took off more than I was expecting, good luck Queen Malafide and Daniel Frozenwind I hope the event is a stonker
Come now, really… One does not create such events with the intention of a poor turn out, when The King of the Snowmen and the Queen of Halloween do an event, that event must be GRAND.
Speaking of which, BIG NEWS tomorrow when I arise from my frozen slumber.
Also Master Taylor, SHE is the loyal one, not I.
Chill winds are starting to blow indeed, I hope to see all of you soon!
All of this event talk makes me smile…..I wonder what happened to my character in the past 250 years…
H’okai so, here is how I debunk the myth!
- Get 50 Hall of Monuments points.
- Play as a Human in Guild Wars 2.
- Select “God Walking Among Mere Mortals” title.
- Seriously, you crazy.
You may find one or two human gods within Guild Wars 2.
i’d like to think trahearne would accidentally catch on fire from clinking both swords together.
That’s for the next season, what are you? A Seer?!
H’okai so, this is how it will go down…
- Rytlock: “I free you from this curse!”.
- Zombie Rurik’s ghost appears on the Ring of Fire Islands (the Lich’s curse finally wears off).
- Rurik floats back to Ascalon and proceeds to /facepalm.
- King Adelbern and Prince Rurik duke it out.
- Duke Barradin finally loses it.
- They destroy each other.
- Player characters zerg against Ascalonian Ghosts like crazy to reach Sohothin.
- Kormir arrives to grant them peace and take all the credit.
- Eir arrives carrying Magdaer.
- Trahearne appears just before the end of season cut scene, clinks the swords together and becomes a god-like being imbued with the power of the swords.
- Players get a few silver and some Bloodstone Dust.
- -fin-
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
Hahahahahahahhaahhaahahahahahaha. I’m so going to do this with a Snowman Tonic.
Grenth has more on his plate than a mad spirit lord who’s own minions (as Konig rightfully said) sealed him up even better than he had ever been sealed before.
Grenth could visit the Mad Realm, but he has no need.
Especially as we don’t know how the Battle of the Underworld has fared in the past 250 years.
Dhuum is a more pressing concern, and Mad King Thorn knows it.
The Mad Realm maybe in the Underworld, but it’s just that, mad.
The fundamental physics and laws of Tyria don’t really apply there, so the palace could be anybodies.
When the question was posed on twitch to Anet, they became very tight lipped.
(edited by Daniel Frozenwind.2946)
If anything Mad King Thorn is tolerated in the Underworld by Grenth as his “guest”.
I theorize it’s only because Mad King Thorn keeps the wild invisible ponies in check.
You make an excellent point, Shiren.
So…….. What additions will appear in the next Halloweens?
Grenth?…… King Frozenwind?….. Bruce the Herald?….. Vale Wraiths?………. A Jester?…… The Teller of Tales?………. Lunatic Courtiers with flaming pumpkin heads(unlike the ones with normal heads that appeared during GW2’s first 2 Halloweens)????
All of the above is very unlikely, Grenth and his forces have left Tyria much like the other god’s have, although remnants of them remain. Like me.
The Teller of Tales was elusive even in GW1, did you spot him?
Lunatic Courtiers could possibly appear, although my bets are on Mad King Thorn’s many wives appearing, as well as The Bloody Prince.
I also hope to find out more about Thorn’s Palace. (The one me and Malafide stumbled across last Halloween.)