I’m Lv80 and still play it, though looking at all the bugs it does feel very disheartening. I enjoy it and will continue to play it even with all the crap it has, of course I do expect it to get some fixes eventually; it’s in dire need of them.
Hate to sound like a kitten, but maybe you need to learn the mechanics of the game first? I’ve had no issues running explore mode dungeons on mine; you just have to know when you can mix in some melee and when you need to pull back and fight from afar.
It’s not about learning the mechanics of the game, I’ve never had any issues doing explorable mode either, but that’s because I had a party of other players with me. When it comes to holding its own, the necro fails miserably.
Of course if you play really well and time everything perfectly and do everything right you’re in decent shape, but for you to have to do all that hard work (mixed with luck), when another class manages to get equal or greater results just by walking up to you and pressing a few buttons, then there’s something wrong with the necro.
As it is it’s too riddled with bugs and that’s the worst part, but bugs aside most classes can easily do what we’re meant to do best without half the effort and dedication.
So our guild was just a guild between some RL friends, very laid back and casual. We’ve been small as we didn’t feel a need to grow but we’ve decided we wanna expand.
There’s maybe only half a dozen members currently but we do everything, PvE, PvP, and WvW. Me being the guild leader am Lv80 and will gladly tag along and help players, whether you be new or experienced. Low level or high level.
We’re mainly from Henge of Denravi but there are a couple members in other servers, and as soon as guesting is available I plan on travelling around between servers a lot to help out some friends and possible other guild members from different servers.
Wanna be part of a new guild hoping to grow, just mail me.