Showing Posts For Desterion.6407:
If you’re going to a pvp zone to do pve, don’t cry when you actually have to pvp to accomplish it.
Daoc had a community, something which gw2 distinctly lacks. You run around every night and see maybe a couple of people you know and that’s it. Everyone is just doing their own thing and the maps make it so nobody has to talk to each other.
Decreased cost for siege equipment could never work. People would transfer to somewhere like kaineg, buy a crapton of discounted siege then transfer back home.
Rocket Boots: This skill is no longer usable underwater. This is a temporary change until we can figure out why players can launch themselves into the sky using this skill.
All we need is a nice good 1 minute AoE mez.
so… this is a recruiting thread?
I can repair, buy plenty of siege and still make a profit in wvw. You’re doing it wrong.
Anvil rock needs to stop specifically going after darkhaven supply camps. Thats what makes us mad at you
6-8k is reasonable for something like that requiring high adrenaline, but I’ve been hit for over 15k myself by it with medium armor more than once
You can’t expect these things to be civil beyond the first few hours of the match. After that people are going to be hating each other.
Our night players on darkhaven all got recruited off and left to other servers. I played the hell out of it and lead DH for about 9 hours that first night and helped keep it even. Then I come in the afternoon of the next day and yak has 2x our score and the whole map because of their night crew. I tried half heartedly the next few days and then it just became why bother. Darkhaven’s average players don’t read chat and can’t recognize danger if it’s hitting them in the face.
We treb down a wall 50 feet from a door, and 20+ players still keep whacking at the door while being screamed at to take the hole inside. 75% of people now fall under the mindless zerg category. They go wherever theres swords, and keep flowing with the zerg and following until they get wiped. Then rinse and repeat. Honestly I don’t think theres much hope at all for DH as lots of guilds and players have already left the server. I haven’t seen UK for awhile, pretty sure they’re all gone. Putting down siege is pointless because nobody will help build it. Plenty of times I’ve put rams down and waited minutes for 2 people to go complete it, and it never happens. 20 people will keep auto-attacking the door instead until defenders come and wipe them. Having some guild organization can help, but darkhaven will never be anything more than a bottom tier server unless your average joe can wake up and read chat much less grow some common sense.
This was a common tactic back with dark age of camelot 10 years ago. It’s nothing new or innovative.
/checks outside spawn
Seems at least 30 seem like it’s a lot of fun
It’s not nearly that bad yet, but ever since the wvw rankings got published, we lost a lot of people and guilds. Queue times used to be 40min to 2 1/2 hours are now no queues and up to 5-10 minutes. Major guilds have just up and left, and the chat is starting to be nothing but talk of people talking of transfers and how pointless it is to bother trying.
We’re #2 right now, and have 1/3 the score of the #1 server in our matchup. Another 2-3 matchups like this and we really are going to be a ghost town like kaineg
Transfer to one of the servers you’re dominating. Theres your challenge
Because greatsword warriors, thats why. Everyone else has to go range to counter these noobs
I used healing turret for awhile and the bugs with it make med kit a better choice. Regen will bug at 5/tick often and the condition cleansing often doesn’t work. Theres always the times you forget to blow it up right after and you find you need the heal and it’s not available. It may work well for turtling up and zerging, but it certainly does not offer the mobility and utility for skirmishing and added escape potential. I want to like healing turret more, but it’s current bugs and the chance you forgetting to blow it up downgrade it. If you’re wanting to zerg support than switching with mortar heal round and elixir gun provides more stable healing without the chance of somebody getting 60s of 5 tick regen.
Don’t compare yourself to a warrior, nothing else can do that damage either. I’m surprised that greatsword hasn’t seen a damage nerf yet actually, but it’l be coming. Rifles do chip away yes, but it also takes them awhile to take notice of it. With a high crit rate you’re usually hitting for 800-1000 a shot, then tack conditions on. In wvw they can die pretty quickly to this if you also use your control abilities. It may not be warrior damage, but it’s also at range. Engineers are a hybrid power/condition class and a lot of people don’t see this. Adding in a condition damage on gear helps a ton.
I keep seeing all these people using healing turret of all things in wvw or even battlegrounds. The medkit is a far better choice. Shortest cooldown of the heals and allows you to also lay down extra heals in front of you as you’re running as well as swiftness. The #4 with a medkit is an antidote that heals conditions. It’s placed in front of you so it won’t get you out of a stun/root but anything else it’s a massive help to. During those times your heal skill is down as well you can still heal with medpacks for a few thousand. This coupled with the elixir S trait from 10 alchemy makes it very hard for people to catch and actually kill you. The #5 is also great for helping speed up travel with 10s swiftness on a 20s timer
Hit detection needs a slight boost. People think the damage is low, but they don’t factor in condition damage on it. You take the traits for bleeding damage on crits and extra burning chance and it increases a lot. The burning duration on the last hit of #1 needs to be increased slightly, maybe to 1.5s instead of just 1. However if you put condition on it, you can really hurt. My burning on it does 512/tick, and does it twice a second. Flamethrower works very well when coupled with the rifle and neither should be used entirely on their own. However the #2 skills is worthless, and air blast iskittennear close to it. #4 is situational, mostly just a pve skill. 5 is an amazing pve skill even if on a longer than needed cooldown. 5 needs a big larger of a radius though.
Engineers are just fine, you just need to learn that your role isn’t straight dps in wvw. Your spec is also likely a very big issue. Your survivablity massively increases when you go 10 into alchemy and take the elixir S trait. I’m 20/20/20/10 and it’s been working great. You’re not a burst dps so don’t try to be. Rifle is much better than pistol for pvp. Root people and knock them down, you pretty much always get a kill. Underwater with grenades and turrets you’re pretty much unstoppable as well.
Playing an engineer requires a lot more skill and the ability to read the wind so to speak. Know when to run and when to push and take some risks. The best way to get kills is rooting people that slightly overextend. Mortar also works well. It’s a different type of class because it falls under more of a control kind of role and people can’t seem to understand that. If you’re not using every ability available to you, you’re obviously going to have a bad time
The biggest issue with the queues is because of dolyak escorts. In your home borderlands you’l have 30-50 people all running back and forth escorting the yaks down a set path, then running back to the camp and doing it again. Gives them free+easy exp with no work involved. So instead of people who come and go, you have a large group of dedicated people leveling using that instead of doing wvw.
When using the healing turret it will often bug regeneration. So instead of getting the full regen it will bug and only regen 5 hp a tick, making it more harm than good.
The backpack regenerator trait does not work
The elite supplies trait does not increase mortar range
The pick up a turret option makes it extremely difficult to loot. You often destroy/pickup your turret while attempting to loot and have to wait the full timer for it to be available again.