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Attack does not go up with kits as was mentioned in the patch notes. HOWEVER precision and condition damage stats do carry over from the weapon. So you can increase your damage by having a precision/condition stat weapon in the mean time. I noticed a small bump in damage because I’m a condition FT engy and my crit chance increased 10% and a little bit in condition damage. The fact that the weapon also has power made no difference however. The increased damage was from the FT critting slightly more often. Elementalist reports though that I’ve heard are that they’re loving fiery greatsword now.
I’m an engineer. It was difficult to get groups as it is and this change pretty much ensures that I won’t be getting any more. Thanks anet. The definition of fun is having half the group sit dead for 20 minutes while everyone else gets to do stuff.
My flamethrower damage is definitely up
We’l get nerfed and they’l give d/d eles and thieves the buffs they so desperately need. Anet logic. Why would they possibly want to make the least popular class more popular.
I feel it as a fine tradeoff for the medpacks and all the other utility that the 6 gives us. Independent condition removal and heals as well as swiftness/fury. Thieves are a bad comparison because they’re horribly broken and anet refuses to realize it.
What I really like for small fights is the elixir gun. With rifled barrels it gives 3s of weakness with the #1 per shot. You stack that on somebody for a bit and they’l really be off their game.
I’m the only engineer not part of the engi guild that I’ve had in my dungeon parties. In wvw maybe 1/20 players is an engineer from what I see. They’re just plain weak when it comes to pvp. Some people can make it work but you have to be really good unlike some classes like warriors where anyone can win with one. The fact that our versatility and being able to do a bunch of things is a joke. Just look at an ele. they’ve got the equivalent of 4 kits equipped at the same time in addition to utilities. Engineers need buffs all across the board in order for them to stop being 2nd class characters. Only the truly dedicated are still playing the class.
Guess CD decided to get in the way tonight with attacking at jumping puzzles. Since NAGA decided to be jerks i’l be killing any CD I find in a JP for the rest of the night.
I haven’t seen CD causing any trouble this week. Typically for me bow or not I ignore other servers and let them do their thing unless they start something with me. There was a group of about 7 DB ones yesterday camping various parts and killing FA players. As a result pretty much everyone from DB in the jp got killed with the exception of ASIA who were playing nice. Personally I feel the jps should be off limits unless you’re being a jerk. The DB in question were waiting at the end of the 2nd dark room attacking and knocking people off until we finally killed them after awhile.
Mods moved 2 CD recruiting threads to a guilds subforum.
The Death Star level achieved, Anet trying to curb it’s rise!
No, you guys are just spamming every forum with it
This was the thing that made daoc really great. You couldn’t go from 1 end to the other in 2 minutes. You actually had to hike out if you wanted to hit something.
Flamethrower is the last thing I enjoy about engi. If that gets nerfed I may abandon the class altogether.
I can’t speak for the larger guilds and their decisions to leave. I’m a long time vet of Daoc and RvR (WvW) is the thing that I love. I went to IoJ after taking a few months off because my friends started there and I went to join them. The feeling I’ve gotten over the last few weeks of fighting with them was that they were dedicated but getting a little tired of losing. I was planning to continue to fight in T4 and I think many of the other guilds were as well before the announcement came. At that point everyone realized that we were not going to get any new transfers in for wvw and that our heavy pve oriented population could not care less. Some of the guilds made their decisions independently and some did it collectively. My friends and I made the decision by talking it over and deciding that we liked Fort Aspenwood as opponents and would not mind having them as friends. Some of the guilds from IoJ influenced our decision as well, as we have a respect for AVTR. Unfortunately the end of free transfers announcement was poorly timed and conceived by anet. It did irreparable damage to IoJ’s wvw community and I can only imagine the havoc and chaos it caused upon the lower population servers. Nobody is going to want to pay to transfer to a losing server, even if it is cheaper for them to do so.
Condition builds for wvw work when you’re combining FT with elixir gun. If you’re not using them and are using a tool kit, don’t bother with condition.
kitten all of IoJ’s oceanic except for ND. ND was skilled and capable but there was a big language barrier there. It’s impossible to tell with FA/Mag now because both are not the same servers they were.
Being from Isle of Janthir I really enjoyed FA as opponents. Now that I am part of Isle of Aspenwood I’ve really liked how all inclusive the community is. AVTR and PRO were working flawlessly yesterday together as we went and took hills in one of the BLs. These are all people that want to work together and like doing it. On a side note i’ve only been fighting DB for a few days and I’ve also enjoyed the fights against them. You guys are well organized for the number of players you’ve got and you’re always showing up with quick reaction times.
Some things you might want to try that I’ve found helps a lot is using backpack regenerator and mango pies. Thats 200 natural health regen per second right there. The 30 inventions trait for bomb explosions heal allies also helps a lot but you’re not always in the radius for it. My spec is different but the results are much the same for when I use it in spvp. Engineers are rare in themselves for wvw and those not entirely dependent on toolkit are rarer still so nobody has any idea how to deal with you. Toughness bomb builds really do that one thing of tying up a bunch of people dealing with you that everyone else gets a chance to push. If I had an set of tough gear I’d use it for bombing runs but i’m all rampagers so i’m stuck with a flamethrower. Not the same survivability but nothing scares zerglings more than fire in the face.
Dear FA and CD,
Please quit double teaming us at our Bay. This pact of yours is getting ridiculous.
All of DragonbrandStop whining in e forum about 2v1. 2v1 is a valid warfare strategy whether it is intentional or not. We fight as we also fight. Even if we get knock down to t4. Then we fight to get back up again. Your frustration make DB looks bad. Cheer up. We can hold our head high knowing 2servers need to cooperate to beat us.
I don’t know where you got the idea that we’re cooperating to beat DB because we’re not. It may seem that way since you’re in T3 now and theres a lot more players around. Much of the FA wvw pop now is from IoJ like myself. We moved to FA in order to kill CD. I for one will when possible ignore DB players and attack CD ones. Theres been plenty of times i’ve jumped in on a db/cd fight, killed the CD and left. There is no way players would agree to not attack CD because they are the ones we want to see dead the most.
So can we expect CD to crash and burn at the end of the week like IoJ did?
Score update for those few of us having to work this weekend
There you go!
Woo! Go Isle of Aspenwood
It was a mistake for it to last more than a few weeks after release. The announcement 100% killed isle of janthir. Many of us were happy to continue fighting then the announcement hit guilds had a snowball effect of leaving the server. I don’t expect it to ever recover.
use both mouse buttons and strafe while using a FT and you can hit just fine unless it’s an inanimate object. The only real viable build for FT is condition. You get burn/bleed traits and heavily stack condition. My current condition damage with a rampagers build is 1100 with the 6 juggernaught might stacks. I’m using elixir S, elixir gun and supply drop along with FT and I’m very difficult to kill. Nothing and I mean NOTHING scares off zerglings more than fire from a FT in their face. You can single handedly push them back and create the opening for your forces to slaughter them. I’ve done it many times. If you’re feeling on edging the side of death more, you can charge in, pop elixir s on the way in and start flaming them all from the middle, working your way back towards your line. If you’re not immobilized by about 4 things at once you can get away and break their lines. And I will say one thing, there isn’t anything that can keep on a ram when you’re firing a heavy condition flamethrower through it. With the exception of a catapult possibly, nothing is better at keeping things away from your door in wvw.
Just because we might not get nerfed through AoE doesn’t mean anet still won’t find a way to nerf us anyway. I still cry over the nerf of underwater rocket boots.
Yep, this is the type of ferocity you will expect if you are considering CD. Your 250-300 awesome presence is enough to raise concerns among our contenders, that’s how good CD can be. Come join us & move upwards together
Raise concerns? hardly. You guys can’t zerg us above cap so we have nothing to worry about if you get 300 more people in your queue.
Seems when it comes down to it pretty much the entire engineer community collectively has no faith in anet to actually do something right with our class anymore. Grenades I won’t use anymore, if they nerf my flamethrower at all I may have to just hang up not only my engi but the game as well.
I sure hope there is a corresponding nerf/balance for thieves because the only way anet thinks people should be able to kill them is through Aoe. Oh wait… aoe is being nerfed so thieves are even more invincible.
As one of the ones from IoJ who chose to transfer to FA I do have to say their recruitment had 0 impact on my guild’s decision to move over. We enjoyed fighting against FA and CD’s forum warriors made us dislike their server greatly. It’s evidenced by the fact that not a single IoJ guild moved to CD as to how much people outside their server like them. Since I’ve been on FA i’ve seen some incredible teamwork and a great friendly community. Certainly an improvement over IoJ but also a lot of IoJ moved over as well. It really reminds me of the community back in DAoC where people really pushed to help each other in pvp.
CD is going to be feeling the wrath of IoJ+FA as well as their new opponents. I can assure you those who transfered to FA are looking for CD blood. It’s not going to just be next week either. CD will never make it to tier 2 because the best they’l get is 2nd place in tier 3 from now on until FA moves up and frankly they deserve it. CD may very well end up like IoJ is now before the week is over and free transfers are locked.
Well seems pretty much every single major guild on IoJ has ditched and is leaving. So my small group of guys will also likely be leaving to come join you guys on FA. IoJ will never recover from this now that transfers won’t be free anymore.
I’d say if anything it’s because of widely public videos like the ele group on CD that kill a zerg of 30+ with just 4 guys because of AEs.
IoJ player just saying that I enjoy fighting against FA.
Can’t cover 24 hours with full power my kitten You guys outzerg both IoJ and FA at all times of the day. I guess no skilled players who can’t win without outnumbering their enemy at least 2:1 should join CD because they’d certainly enjoy it there. I’ve not seen CD actually win an even numbered fight over the weeks we’ve been fighting them.
Wow, it’s kind of funny and sad to see all the thieves coming here to rush in and say they’re not overpowered it’s just everyone elses lack of skill. I sure wish I could hit backstab and heartseeker 1-2x and instantly incap people.
What kind of armor/runes do you use in this build? The editor you linked to only shows traits and skills. I’ve been wanting to use a FT-using Engineer build and figure the traits listed in this will be nice, but armor (and stat priority) and runes will go a long way too.
For armor I’ve got the 400 badge invader’s vest, and the rest are all rare/exotic rampager set. All the trinkets are also rampagers and everything has condition gems slotted in. For the weapon I use a rune of air. The invader vest is a little more tanky with power/tough/vit so that increases my survivability.
Been running my own flamethrower engi build, it is a bit different from this one. I will say if done right it is a great build for pve and WvW. Only draw back I find is in smaller fights where you can get focused it gets a lot harder, of course this is a learn to play issue that I am working on.
The biggest issue is control. The elixir gun which i’ve use now instead of the toolkit is much better paired with the FT. With the trait setup it puts a 3s weakness on the target and you can spam some cripples and use lots of control abilities. Airblast on FT, and the rifle has 2 good controls. In smaller fights the elixir gun weakness debuff is absolutely vital. It will turn that mean hulking warrior into a kitten for you. Using supply drop defensively and as a decoy I find works best and elixir S and toss elixir S are great to use to help keep you alive.
It’s an interesting take on a kit-based FT build, rather than the standard HGH might stacking builds.
My concern is that this build would seriously lack damage output. Seems almost a waste to sit in the FT kit, when you could be hopping between the Toolkit and Rifle, probably dealing more damage while opening up that utility slot.
I use the rifle for harass and control. The toolkit has good burst damage sure, but the flamethrower is great. Throw some weakness on the guy before the range closes with an elixir gun and then pull out the flamethrower. I typically do about 1400-1800 with a burst on the #1 on FT. The strength of the flamethrower is also when you stack condition damage. Bleeding does 100/tick and will go off in multiple stacks because of the FT mechanics hitting many times for small damage. Each one of the little hits has a chance to proc the on critical chance stuff. Sigil of air will almost always go off right when it’s off cooldown and you can keep a 100% uptime burn that I do 600/tick with. So say on average you’ve got burn up and 2 stacks of bleed. It’s 2 seconds per #1 cycle it’l put you roughly about 1500-1800 per second per target.
You will not see huge burst damage numbers with this build like you might with a toolkit. However, this is hard sustained dps and will hit multiple targets over a wide area doing the same damage. Every target in your area of effect boosts your dps. If you’re confident in escaping you can ambush people during larger fights from a side and really start burning them. It’s also not intended to be a straight use only flamethrower. A good engineer uses every tool and skill available to them. Wearing somebody down by putting 20s of weakness on them while you keep them at range then going in will make it easy. Believe it or not as well, the #1 on the elixir gun when you stack condition high does more damage than the rifle #1 with bleeds and applies weakness to boot. This build is for debuffing, some healing and dealing area damage. Single target damage will be a bit lower than a full single target toolkit build but if theres more than 1 enemy to hit then it shines. Particularly if you’re defending a door and people think they can put a ram up. As for might stacking, with juggernaught and boon duration with FT out I sit at a consistent 6 stacks of might.
As soon as engineers get passives as well.
Why on earth would we want to waste a utility slot on a 10% run speed signet? With 10 points in tools you have permanent self induced swiftness.
7 year daoc vet here and I’d love to see realm ranks make an appearance. However it also goes largely against anet’s like of making everything casual friendly. Sub 80s already are cannon fodder in wvw. Increasing the gap further will not help unless it’s different kinds of abilities. Speeding up dolyaks, increased supply carry and things like those would be nice.
As for stats not being grandfathered in, they’re already keeping track of them. Mythic wasn’t keeping track on stats which is why when titles when in everyone started at the same spot.
FA always has the best fights for me as IoJ. You know that what you see is what you’re fighting and there aren’t 10 more just around the corner like CD. Fights are actually fun and hard earned against them unlike CD who just zergs you with 3x your numbers and steamrolls through shear numbers.
It doesn’t seem like much but it does help considerably because it starts working the second you take damage. So all those little hits get fixed up and you don’t have to waste your heal on it.
Just came back about a week or 2 ago after a few month break and found that my old grenade spec was now worthless. I always used the flamethrower before and set out to make a new build centered on it. It’s intended to survive as part of the group while maintaining consistent control, condition damage and escape abilities against multiple enemies. I’ve been testing it out for a few days in wvw and with solo farming and explorable dungeons.
The toolkit gets subbed out occasionally(blasphemy) for something else like elixir U, elixir gun etc. I’ve found with kit refinement you can double down on super elixir every 20 seconds really helping to heal yourself and your allies. I also switch around some of the traits depending on the situation. Kit refinement going to Speedy Kits or a few others going to fit needs. With this build I work precision/condition gear with others mixed in and have a 100% burning uptime on anything i’m using #1 on. With 1000 condition damage and the might stacks up I do 100/tick on the bleeds on a little over 600/tick on burning. With a sigil of air the damage really starts of add up.
One of the things I really love about this build is that it terrifies thieves. You pop elixir S right as they start and you can blow all their points and they can’t hide from a randomly spraying flamethrower. Thieves that rush in trying to abuse the stealth and culling issues find themselves downed by the consistent damage the FT puts out.
I also like to play this somewhat like a tf2 pyro, so it’s more of a honey badger build. You can single handedly keep people off the door of a keep/tower with the sustainability and self-healing. Zergs and large groups will always scatter as well when you start charging and put the fear of god into them with fire spraying everywhere, even if you’re not actually hitting them. I use the rifle as a harass and control because I really hate the letting people get away thing, particularly thieves. Another thing I like to do is save toss elixir S as an extra escape. Nothing baffles pursuers more when you throw down junk to cripple people from toolkit then stealth for 4 seconds.
This also works very well with the elixir gun which personally I’ve liked better using than the tool kit most of the time. You can get the #1 shot on people for awhile and build up that weakness and bleed on them. It makes you win a good number of fights as well when the enemy can’t dodge and often hits for half. Without the big damage shots either they don’t always see it’s coming till they’ve got a lot of bleeding and have no endurance left to get away. In dungeons the double down on the healing circle is invaluable to keeping yourself and your group alive.
While not being focused in one area of having any kind of burst damage I’ve found that I can constantly find a niche or role to work with and still do respectable and steady damage over time. The sheer number of escape abilities and survivability with the elixir gun equipped is pretty staggering as well. I suggest this for the engineer who thinks that there is always something that they could be doing to help and effect the battle.
They just need to block being able to put trebs inside of stonemist.
Just watched a thief abuse it for nearly 5 minutes while about 8 people tried to kill him the entire time and failed. Naw, not a problem at all in the eyes of thieves. Being able to nearly instant kill people and get away 90% of the time is balanced because of that 10%.
A normal zerg can kill people on the lord =o
Ioj and FA aren’t getting worse, we’re just not bothering to go out anymore. Any time we go anywhere with our groups on IOJ we get met by a CD zerg 2-3x as big, every single time. Thats only one of the CD zergs too. The number of players participating in wvw is dropping daily because what’s the point? Numbers are what wins fights for CD, nothing else. CD has the numbers to defend SM and zerg both FA and IOJ at the same time, nearly pushing them back to their portal keeps all at once. There is no skill involved just pure overwhelming numbers.
I love my engineer but the number of nerfs has lead me to starting and playing a warrior now. I honestly feel like a god playing a war because my engi could never do the things he does. In wvw as an engi I basically find it now that 1v1 we can’t really win against anything. Either they’re weak and we’re even or they roflstomp me. Granted I spec’d into grenades and just only returned a few weeks ago. I’m going to need to figure out a new spec because nades are worthless now.
Too bad FA is like ioj and doesn’t have the population to actually fight CD. Just like the point values, they’ve got more population than fa+ioj combined.
For those saying CD’s numbers aren’t the cause of it winning. IOJ has outmanned buff in every single border right now. Including EB. Of course aspenwood is too afraid to fight CD, so they’re double teaming the outmanned janthir lol.
Is it me or did the spread on grenades underwater also get increased? Instead of 2-3 grenades hitting something I’m right next to, only 1-2 hit it. Feels like a big damage nerf as well as the casting time.
Please, if you’re under 80 come to play in wvw. As long as you’re not on my server, i love free kills. You can still contribute sub 80, but you’re still no substitute for one no matter how much you want to kid yourself into thinking you are.
People need to stop crying about this seriously. It’s part of the game that you can do as well. Didn’t once ever see somebody in daoc complain about it, and it happened all the time.