Showing Posts For DieQuex.4096:

CnD > Steal no longer work?

in Thief

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


The combo still works just fine.

The Backstab-combo is broken, not Backstab itself

in PvP

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


Quick fix:

You can’t cast Steal when channeling an ability.


This would totally screw over S/D and P/D, which use CnD -Steal as a way to close the gap and go into stealth, not to instagib you. I’m not sure how it would affect PvE Thieves. Or, you could just make it to where Steal doesn’t apply venoms. That seems like it could work.

Not really. There’s a trait that makes using Steal stealth you. Granted it’s buggy and doesn’t work 100%.

Tank, Healer, DPS roles coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


It’s one back item and a couple of rings to add a little item to strive for after releasing a major new content update.


No need to be dogmatic and fundamentalist about the whole thing.

Simply put, it will barely have any impact at all. If anything, it’s just a little boost for the new event and dungeon.

It’s the principle of their former claims man. I’m relaxed, but the blog post clearly indicates that this “Ascended” and “Infusion” gear concept is going to be expanded in the future. Not a concept I like, no matter how “little” of an impact it has atm.

Tank, Healer, DPS roles coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


They might as well with this new “Ascended” gear giving the impression of them implementing a gear treadmill in future content. Can’t say I’m a fan of either concept, but I don’t see any reason for them not to at this point.

[MOVIE] Power Necro vs Thief (balance discussion)

in Thief

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


Loved the video, very skillful Necro play (which is a class I’ve come to really enjoy playing ). But what’s the issue with P/D condition Thieves? I run a condition P/D build with my Thief and I am only dangerous if my opponents don’t bring a decent amount of condition removal.

Against anyone with a decent condition removal (bunker Guardians and Eles especially) there isn’t much I can do but go on my way, since neither of us will be able to kill each other. It’s definitely a strong 1v1+ class for sure, but I only win fights against more than an individual player (or more) if they aren’t as skilled as I (or because of culling).

I personally feel Backstab Thief is far cheesier since the initial spike is so easy to pull off, and even if you fail the Basilisk + CnD + Steal + Backstab combo your damage output is so high it’s extremely easy to retreat with Shortbow or continue the engagement. I find the Thief class cheesy in general though, after experiencing how broken stealth is atm from the perspective of different classes. Hopefully with the culling issue potentially gone after the patch on the 15th certain issues are resolved with regard to Thieves.

I would agree that stealth stomping needs to go if things such Stability stomping/Mist Form stomping and the like weren’t far better. I kind of agree that P/D Thieves are broken, but that’s moreover because they don’t have much use for the majority of their weapon set. They CnD and autoattack because they apply conditions. Using anything else (save for Dancing Dagger for kiting melee/fleeing opponents) is a waste of initiative).

sPvP: Where is the structure?

in PvP

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


The maps are balanced around 5v5, so why is there even an option for 8v8 “objective” based gameplay? Most people do not even play the objective and moreover play it as a psuedo-zerg TDM (not to mention how obnoxious of an experience it is with people running around with instagib/bunker pub stomping builds).

I don’t want to to turn this post into a rant but I would like to voice concern to Arena Net from the perspective of a fairly casual PvPer. sPvP lobby was fun at first, when getting used to my class/build/learning how others functioned..but the balance just isn’t there for a broad amount of people to enjoy. 5v5 free tournament matches sound fun, but it’s also filled with premade teams that will typically stomp the opposing side, especially if they’re pugging.

I like that you guys are working on class balance, as there are very few legitimate options given the high burst capabilities a handful of classes have.

I personally feel the priority of structured PvP should be providing more options and a refinement of the matchmaking process. It feels like sPvP was intended for a way to wean people in to Free tournaments, but without proper matchmaking that really isn’t possible,

Feel free to ignore my post if you guys are simultaneously working on these issues alongside class balance. I enjoy other aspects of the game so setting sPvP aside while the issues are resolved is not much of an issue. I just wish I didn’t have to do that, and for most people it’s very easy to put the game down altogether and never come back.

(Discussion) Condi Thief P/D or D/D in WvWvW

in Thief

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


Siege Defense? Stealth into the zerg and drop caltrops and pick off a few folks here and there. Shortbow 4 and the bleeds from Cluster Bomb are pretty nice as well.

I prefer Condi P/D Thief too.

Thief in wvw can stop the war

in WvW

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


Rendering is a flaw in WvW, stop blaming the Thief. If you don’t like the mechanic, then learn to counter it, like everyone else who knows what they are doing. I’m so tired of these threads. L2P skilled players can counter thieves easily.

It’s not skill. I play a Thief quite often in WvW and used to do the same thing thinking “well they’re dumb, if they coordinated their attacks I would be dead.” Yesterday I experienced a Thief doing it to a good 10+ of us in camp. He was visible not even a second before going for another CnD. We catch him? Alright, he uses another stealth skill, then proceeds to CnD…ect. ect.

What is happening is a Thief abusing the culling issues in WvW and the cap mechanic in camps. Borderline exploiting imho, but of course it’s moreover Anet’s fault. No idea why stealth can prevent caps in WvW while that isn’t the case for sPvP tbh. I personally won’t be cheesing players like that any longer, and hope the culling issue is legitimately fixed sooner rather than later.

just wanna ask is backstab really all everyone uses ?

in Thief

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


Why does Arenanet insist on not rewarding more complex and skilled rotations?

Because if something that’s not easy to do is more powerful than something that is easy to do, the people who can only figure out the easy thing call for nerfs of the harder thing.

CnD + Steal + Devourer/Basilisk Venom + Backstab isn’t difficult. It’s actually incredibly easy, and happens so fast many people are unable to react quickly enough to counter it. I mean, why do so many thieves utilize the build if it’s apparently difficult? Come on now.

Hoping that the incoming nerf/compensations brings more viable/skillful builds to the PvP environments in the game.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


You can’t speak for everyone on your server. I’ve seen a handful of speedhackers this match-up on SBI, which I can’t say I’ve ever experienced prior to this match-up. Not saying everyone on your server does it, but I’ve definitely experienced it.

Lorthos’ post has been derailed enough though, so whatever. Completely off-topic.

Combat Rezzing Needs to Change

in WvW

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


I agree, when I kill someone I shouldn’t have to kill them again 2x-3×. And when you’re going up against a zerg and manage to kill someone, only to see them get immediately rezzed – its deflating.

I agree. I do not have an issue with combat resurrection, but rather how easy it is to chain res someone.

Perhaps there could be a limit to how many times someone can be res’d while in WvW/sPVP before they’re flat-out dead? Or maybe the more someone gets downed it takes more time to resurrect them while in combat?