Showing Posts For Disturbed.4685:

8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


and yet you still dodge all the questions….

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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


also, since you have screenshots of the whole night, post the one where you agree to go at the 8 min mark

Post the screenshot where it says we agreed to fight [GH],[GF],[pk], and random Ebay pugs at once in a rated GvG?

you never agreed to a rated gvg, and as of the time of the fight, you were walking away from the gvg.. you have no screenshots to support your comment but apparently plenty about nothing…

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


at 10 sec you hear the GF GM say ok i’m back in channel, on me…. we had like 6 ppl afk and 2 ppl had already logged out cuz you wouldnt agree to fight…. but apparently we agreed to fight at 8min.. ok

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


you didnt answer my question lol

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


also, since you have screenshots of the whole night, post the one where you agree to go at the 8 min mark

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Guild leader of [GH] messaging me that using Spectators and Non-Guildies in a GvG isn’t a violation of GvG. Lmfao……

Whoops I figured you’d try some kitten like this (again). Good thing I saved some screenshots.

Exactly. Shows you claim using non guildies, spectators, and pugs in a GvG is acceptable practice. Thank you for posting the full photo!

thats not at all what he said, he said that u cancel that round, no matter the result and play it again. do you not agree with this?

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


do you have nothing before that? because you just posted a vid of you jumping us and starting a bench clearing brawl

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23: EB, Kain, SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


ya sorry that happened nortask…. some collateral damage happens when theres a bench clearing brawl

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685



| [GF] Good Fights | |
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8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


So..uhm what is up with the Borlis players randomly inviting people who kill them to parties then not saying anything? It’s really kind of weird. :/

Just imagine them breathing heavily into their microphones. Everything will be alright.

Hey – I don’t breathe heavily into my microphone!

Prove it

You’ve already given them a pic to look at, don’t do it! Think of all the chaos that would ensue.

Er, pretty sure I have never done that, lol, unless it’s one of them there FB groups I’m a part of or something. I think you have me confused with someone else :P

But no, I’m not a heavy breather, though I am soft spoken. I do sometimes yell though on TS if I’m commanderizing.

FB groups, you say…

Yeah – a couple of my old guilds had FB groups. NBD

Get back on topic, and cool your jets.

I’m just trying to creep back on BP people for creeping on poor Calu…but you keep deleting your posts so now it looks like I’m making them up!!

Dat BP NA presence.

We are all still at work. It’s that other thing mommy and daddy do that you don’t understand yet.

Oh, is BP the new mature, adult server now instead of YB?

We have people of all ages playing, but I get the impression that BP does have a higher percentage of older people playing. Part of that comes simply from every conversation not being 14 year boy trash talk, but for other reasons as well.

I have been defending the BL on more than one evening when the topics of conversation have been the kids high school (or even college) graduations, second marriages, vacation properties, bad backs, bad knees and the general annoyance of not being able to punish one’s body like you can in your twenties without paying for it.

I for one would love to see a debate between YB and BP on who is the more mature server! Please commence!

Which would you love to see more, the above or Mags beating a server with a higher ranking? Been what, 4 months now since that has happened?

I couldn’t give two craps about beating a server with higher ranking. I am still playing this game for one reason: fights. The PPT game is old and worn out. It’s you guys that actually care about PPT, not me. Beating a server with higher ranking doesn’t even mean anything except that the other server’s coverage is in flux. So the former. I would love to see the former.

So you will beat your chest all night about beating a server that is a full tier and a combined 9 ranks below its opponents, but you don’t care about PPT.

I think the fact that you can’t actually beat ANYONE who is ranked higher than you leads to your disdain of PPT far more than any love of a good fight. I mean, how good a fight can the doors put up anyway?

Please link to any posts of mine where I’ve chest thumped in this match. I don’t care that we’re beating BP, that is expected to any rational person. It was certain BP people that expected otherwise. The rest of your talk about ranking just indicates that you have little to no understanding about the ranking system. I’m guessing you’re one of the people who thinks you beat Ehmry based on your own merits and not just numbers and coverage. I don’t even like Ehmry, but they are a far, far better server than you are skill-wise.

Ehmry has skill? That’s news to me. Maybe the old Ehmry does but this current one has a bunch of fairweathers and people who complain about tower hugging.

i honestly do not know how to respond to this. A completely ignorant comment made by someone that some ebayers respected. It is the most incorrect statement you could make in regards to the topic. borlis has huge coverage during all time slots and they refuse to leave thier towers w/o outnumbering you 4:1. Do you not realize how many people have transferred to your server? All of our fair weather rally bots left our server about a month ago leaving us out-manned consistently during prime hours.

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


ya but we ran at the Yak zerg camping us the whole time, just a differnet perspective…BTW the yak’s bend is bad was cookies and he’s perma banned from here so… i guess we can say thats cookies being cookies… i’m trying to watch Jim Gaffigan and this is seriously cutting into my funny bone

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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(edited by Disturbed.4685)

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


some people got pulled into the spawn defenders if whats what ya mean, it was 8v7 for about an hour and w/ a pug or 2 on both sides, no1 said OMG ur so bad. just sayin you had no problem zerging our spawn down and /laugh then wouldnt come out of your own even if the fight was semi fair. i enjoy fighting [BV] i just prefer to fight them and not stand around waiting. i wasnt trying to start a forum war….

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


How many Yak’s does [BV] need to come out of spawn?

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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6/7 Fort Aspenwood/Maguuma/Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


[GF] you should control your nerd raging members lol

If you lose 5 fights in a row at a fight club, don’t get mad and just start attacking for no reason.

that was started by 1 1v1 gone wrong, and ended with VR learning who daddy is

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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6/7 Fort Aspenwood/Maguuma/Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Tzenjin didnt quit he was on yesterday

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Score Update…


| [GF] Good Fights | |
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in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Well I figured we may as well get this matchup started on the forums. GLHF!!

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


1730 actually ;-D


| [GF] Good Fights | |
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2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Ebay looking for a Fight Club tongiht, any1 wanna join… /w me

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


and they think its a fair fight…..


| [GF] Good Fights | |
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2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


i would like to inform people that Ebay’s GF guild and yak’s WAR and scRn and other misc. yak’s just had a 2 hour staring contest. I think i now know what it was like to live during the Cold War.

| [GF] Good Fights | |
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2/8/13 EB v IoJ v DR

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685




| [GF] Good Fights | |
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28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Score Update at 3:30pm CST


| [GF] Good Fights | |
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12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Disturbed.4685


Awesome fight club tonight guys, hope we do it friday night too. I think my favorite part was AoN, OG, and FTF pwning the yak zerg that tried to ruin the fun.. ha ha

see ya friday,
That Mesmer Guy :P

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