HoD is gross……….
most fun in WvW in weeks. i missed u SF =) so many fights! had a blast. keep it up!!!!!
Incase we have different match ups i just wanted to say thanks for the amazing few weeks. i know it has been rough for both of you. a lot of pvdooring and an unfair matchup. it has been so much fun for LK and myself! with HoD being personally totally bulldozed with superior numbers this was the perfect time for LK to practice its techniques, and get our tactics down for how we play.
and both FC and ET have given solid zerg fights throughout the last couple weeks. to deth given us our first GvG experience. to fighting outnumbered against ET in their bl. to learning more about the best builds for us to play and learn our synergy. and although it isnt perfect we have taken this few weeks to strength ourselves and be ready for the higher tiers.
so thank you guys for the solid fights. i hope your next matchup is much more fair as far as numbers. and next time we fight LK will be storming ur bl :p
hello! since its almost reset time i just wanted to wish u guys luck in your final few days and i hope HoD faces one of you this reset =D
nice video as always wulf. hopefully GoM will face HoD one day. i am curious to see how you guys have improved as far as WvW is concerned
today was the most fun ive had this week =D FC brought like..the WHOLE server to FC bl. it was an unstoppable mass but LK did what we could :P. also ET you prolly gave us the best fights out of this week. we had about 15 guys and you were just big enough to be a challenge, but not to huge that it was to big that it was an insane blob of people. those pushes we had to do at bay to keep you out took a lot of effort :P and we had a lot of fun. so thank you for the tough fights there! and at garrison as well. although u all seemed to have vanished after that :’(
also thank you FC for the insane push on your keep, there were atleast..50 of u and it took me and sinester (EB commander) doing double flank to beat u in the end. it was a pleasure
these are the fights that we are looking for! im sorry you guys are both getting pvdoored, but keep it up!! =D
I, for one, am looking forward to being done with HoD…at least for a few weeks. While I have only been on FC for about a month now I have come to dislike HoD more than any other server I have faced in WvW. I have never faced a server that mistakes their coverage and numbers for skill and superiority so much like HoD does. I have never seen a server run so much from even or fair fights out in the open like HoD does. I have never seen a server go out of there way so much to chase down a smaller force (even 1 to 2 people) like HoD does. I have never seen a server emote so much like HoD does…of course this is normally after they have ran from a fair fight to the safety of guards/tower/etc or after they have ran down a group they outnumbered 4 to 1.
Prior to moving to FC I had been on SoR since the headstart. When ANet announced free transfers to lower population servers several weeks ago HoD was actually my top choice to transfer to. This was based on reading over the forums and the respect HoD was given there by their opponents. I am so glad I didn’t though. I don’t know if the make up of HoD changed because of the free transfers or because of their fall to Tier 8 or if this is how it has always been on there.
Anyway good luck versus your new opponents on Friday HoD, please don’t be in a hurry to return to Tier 8.
it disheartens me to read such posts like this. and the ones that have been deleted from these forums for “HoD bashing”
if a group of 5 people throw emotes..its consider the “servers fault” those 5 people laughed or sat or whatever. you cannot judge a whole server by a few actions. HoD, while having its egos, actually works very hard at trying to compete in WvW.
now do some people fall back from a fair fight? sure but in what way is it fair? because of numbers? maybe they are not confidant in there fighting ability. i have met many a player from multiple servers (ususally pugs or in a PvE guild) who are nervous to go against even numbers because they are not confidant in their PvP skills. that doesnt make them horrible players. that makes them inexperienced.
i also have rarely seen HoD truly “trash talk” yes there is some chest thumping here and there. but thats natural. FC does it, ET does it. we all do it. the forums are always filled with the “omg were in first place you kittening blow” or “zergs=no skill” show some respect.
also to counter your claim, i have never seen a server talk as much kitten as FC. so much bashing on threads for “pvwalling” or “hiding behind arrow carts” or whatever. its unnatural how much disrespect i have recieved in whispers or seen on multiple forums from FC when i personally have shown nothing but respect for FC/ET. .
regardless i rarely ever see positivity from FC. so i will also be glad to be rid of FC for a few weeks and face servers who do not whine as much and atleast can lose honourably
theres still a ton left in the week. LK is doing a lot of training this week for the new matchups so i hope to see FC/ET out there and gives us some good fights
(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)
Bringing this back from page 2 depths
Hello! great night for WvW. was glad to see ET/FC back in the game a bit more =D
also this short clip is a small piece of our GvG with deth, which LK won an incredibly close 5-4. thank you to deth for the sportsmanship. and looking foward to the final duel :P (well..maybe final one XD)
if anyone else wants to GvG LK please contact me
(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)
One thing I noticed when I was on HoD Bllade, is there are alot more people on HoD, reset night it gets really crazy. I could not walk 10 feet on reset and weekends without 20 HoD jumping into 1v1s.
It kept getting worst every week with more people flooding WvW, my guess was the pve population came out in force when they seen HoD was winning WvW. I have a feeling if HoD is matched up against a T7 and gets even a little behind the PvE folks will leave and quickly.
Its easy to be happy and motivated when you are winning. Its how you act when you are down that says who you are as a server.
unfortunately HoD is known to have a low tolerance when it comes to losing. a lot of drama is a result. its unfortunate but it just comes from some people in our population.
regardless this week will prolly continue to be a high point for HoD. we will see how next week with new enemies goes.
Sigh it starts already
One of LK did the math and the highest HoD can reach is borlis pass. So I’m guessing ET/FC would be one rank below that
A lot of people and guilds actually showed up on reset night. We had CH who I have never seen leave PVe before. Phaze brought huge numbers to EB. fail was out on force with mend. And others who I’m sure have not mentioned
It really was a server effort last night. Although I think LK did the most roaming. It was nice to see so many ppl playing WvW. If it continues during the week will be what to watch for.
On another note. Since this is our last match together before the match ups, if anyone would like to GvG LK please pm me in game or on the forums. I would love to see more of what FC/ET can bring
slow reset night.. a couple good fights here and there but was overall slow. i hope you guys come back tommorrow swinging ET/FC =)
thank you for the zerg battles that did occur. Longview was just…impenetrable for awhile. couldnt get through all the ac’s. and their was a could large pug zergs who we clashed with.
anyways see you all on the field tomm
i have to disagree on having 15plus not requiring a lot of skill. yeah u can get a big blob of people and smash head first into something..but to do it WELL. takes a lot more work than u think. and this is coming from someone whos still building his guild together. getting the right builds that have great synergy and survivability, keeping people together. managing 20+ players so they all hit at the same time and smash through aware/unaware groups maybe twice their size?
you do not know until you are part of it
although this hate on PAXA has gone way out of control, thank you for the compliment. we had a lot of fun in ET bl, you really sieged gari up tight :P took two pushes to take it.
LK also wanted to wish FC great fights in EB, we really had to focus on the HUGE zerg u guys brought to SM. keep it up :P also thanks for the tough fights in fc bl!
we hope to see you all in the field and good luck at reset night
I play WvW. If I wanted to PvP I would go play in that sandbox. This is large scale war fare, World vs. World with objectives and strategy. I don’t go take troops to go kill stragglers. I try to stop them from doing it, not that many of them bother to listen. It’s a waste of resources and takes away from our goal at hand. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about the fights. I fight with with an actual purpose in mind. Not to just jack some random kid for lunch money because he happened to be in my way. I don’t play this game like a punk kitten.
Well there is multiple ways to look at WvW. since WvW is technically still PvP (since it is players killing players) but with a more strategic twist to it.
you can find victory in either your server having the most PTP (potential points) and ending up first place in your tier.
or you can find victory in finding the best fights and being the best in the server/tier as far as combat is concerned, being unkillable as it were.
usually both come hand in hand. unless your facing an empty borderland and can just pvdoor away your going to need to be somewhat efficent in combat. also a lot of larger groups use keeps as staging areas for farming/warm ups for when they go roaming (camps for small groups)
so its really how u find pleasure in WvW. personally i find being better at combat much more enjoyable and fun then just hitting a door with a ram. but that’s my taste
there is a lot of work that goes into making synergy like PAXA work. i know because im trying to make it work with 20-30 man zergs.
making synergy like PAXA’s group is not easy, nor is it really for everyone to fully understand. it takes a lot of time to find the correct builds, get to know your groups strength and weaknesses etc etc etc. its why they can kill 20-25 with their 5 man group. does it mean its a cake walk for them? no im sure they pick those outmanned fights with a lot of scrutiny, BUT its what i aspire my guild to be synergy wise but on a larger scale (not a PAXA copycat. since small man/large man tactics are different, but you get my point).
last night LK killed a 30-40 pug man zerg with 10 people after they wiped about 6 of us. why? because we are building that survivability and synergy. are we the best? no way not even close, but we are working on it. so i have the fullest respect for PAXA and what they have achieved
yeah they troll a lot. but honestly all of you are very easy troll bait, and i find it tempting to do it myself. so drop it and just enjoy the match.
unless you all want to just complain about arrowcarts again?
was a pleasure playing in fc bl tonight =). from beginning to end. LK had a lot of fun and enjoy the fights. keep it up FC.
LK did its first GvG today. after a month of starting hardcore WvW we felt confidant that we were ready for GvG :P.
needless to say..we got owned. i am not embaressed to admit it. from a guild who rarely wipes in even numbers combat (or even if we have less numbers). the GvG experience was very humbling. so this shout out goes out to DETH for there fair play in the GvG. and sportsmenship even after they kicked our kitten LK is now going to work its kitten off and perpare for future GvG’s so it wont be so one sided :P
thank you to everyone who participated and for the good matchup this week. we hope to see you on the field soon
(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)
Server police Xx from the guild zombie land (WvW) used to set up double teams like that one when he was in HoD. Hed usually contact a commander from a server and make it a one night double team. Usually he’d make the other server do the sieging at inner until they busted it down. And he would then to and flank the two servers with a big ole pug Zerg and try to take the keep.
WvW has sense moved from HoD to GoM. So I have no evidence to wether that is what happenned, but from what you are describing that is something server police would have planned.
I suggest u nag him if ur frustrated.
we just want a good fight, none of this drama kitten.
You can’t possibly think you can come into a thread and call out an entire BL as not having any honor (save 1), then state you don’t want any drama and expect that you don’t look like a complete hypocrit?
Your antics are the true judge of your character and by extension I think it’s appropriate to judge a guild by it’s leader. Once upon a time, I used to defend you Flappy. Even after you left, there were a few people that would express their frustration over you doing thingss like taking everyone to a jumping puzzle while the rest of the server struggled to defend our BL. I often stated, publicly, that you were doing the smart thing: Getting ready for the reset. Besides, the match was really already decided by Thursday night anyway, right? Sadly, I never knew you were selling all of that donated siege, that we gave you, back to us so you would have gold to fund your T3 stuff, Commander tags, etc. I thought the siege was going back to actually help the server and not to line the pockets of [Mend]. Had you needed gold for things such as a Commander icon, etc I would have gladly donated. You didn’t need to be underhanded about it. Did you really even get “hacked” like you claimed you did?
Fortunately, several of your guild members saw your true colors, and the direction that [Mend] was going, and attempted to right your wrongs. When that didn’t prove as successful as they had hoped, they did the next best thing and went their own way. Having been able to spend a lot more time with those people has shown me that they were the more honorable of your bunch and now I really enjoy spending time with them.
Truthfully, there were only two people that tied me to [Mend] and sadly they chose the company of 40 over 4 when they departed for “greener pastures” with you. Sadder still is that I now think of them as just “another Mendie” that have been drinking your Kool-Aid. There were a significant bunch of good people that didn’t compromise their integrity by sticking with [Mend], and in hindsight, I really wish they had left too.
that was alot to read.
anyways from my personal experience working with flappy, he has been a very solid guy and its been a blast working with Mend, its obvious that the rest of ET has issues with him, and vice versa, but could u just..drop it and play? hes not in your server who cares.
also can u even sell siege? idk how doing the jummping puzzle helps to fund anything of that kind of value. idk why the “evil corporate tyrant” stigma is being pushed on people helping get siege for reset.
either way Mend has been a pleasure to work with in HoD and im glad Flappy and his fellow guildies are here :P
hello. commander from HoD. reading this curious how the new t7 match up is going. i miss NSP and GoM. and im glad to see there is alot more respect in the new t7 thread then there was in the old one.
@diviniorum a good commander has to be both. a good leader and a good strategist. if you are not good at strategy you will just get people killed. hence why Golem rushes do not always work. because its poor on strategy
after 3 weeks of an unbalanced tier, its nice to be in a tier that is this close. its any servers game
i totally forgot about FoE and that they were in ET..ran circles around me :/. haha but it was fun all the less. good to learn from u guys as we are still a pretty new guild :P fun fights in the Bl. much respect to ET/FC
Hey ET/FC i just wanted to say it was an incredibly fun reset =). you kept myself and LK on our toes the whole night. it was good to see our new opponents =) and i hope the fights stay fun!! the best tier is t8
great fights in SF bl and in HoD bl =D was alot of fun! keep it up
this forum is very painful to read at times.
Ok, question. Why in the kitten is [WvW] sitting in GoM LA all tagged up and pretty?
to answer ur question Zombieland (WvW) is transfering to GoM…enjoy
to the SF who died against 6 people in lake…this shame ram is for you <3
why u golum rush our bl :’(
man this forum page got juicy.
Call out to Os. im very impressed. i have never faced u ZvZ before. and you are just beating us. much respect to the Mass cc you guys can pull off :P. the forum warriors are going to eat this alive but your much harder to understand than most WvW guilds in t7. you guys are LK’s main target now. dont take us lightly
lets have an awesome week!!! keep it clean =D
i love you to…
also tell obsession that her trolls are funny
haha ahh okay that makes sense.
dont laugh at my group :P. i told LK to not chase u guys cuz i deeply love XOXO…and your stealth mes build are full of crap :P. but yeah it was alot of fun. i was hoping you would just let us like..borrow your hills for awhile?
wheres the love? </3
(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)
dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,
on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.
on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!
On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.
Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?
Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.
I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic
About 3-4 hours of this:
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c34/UnknownOffender/gw052_zpsb98f306e.jpgAnd no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P
Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c34/UnknownOffender/gw054_zpsc203afeb.jpgYou wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.
lol i was commanding that and we never portal bombed you 0_o. maybe your both thinking of another time? cuz those pics are of when i was there. and there was like..2 mend with us
Also, I do own XOXO. Ask Obsession and Andros I think it is? They asked me to come to NSP, and when I did and loved it, they asked me to be co-owner of XOXO. Wherever your information comes from, it’s faulty.
News to me…
Hi andro
Hello. Wait, why you say hi in forum? O.o
Omg. Jellybean too?? Who is behind this madness of forum spam?
amazing fights in HoD Bl today! and in SF borderlands as well :p i hope this continues for the rest of the week!
Groovy man. Let’s hang out together again some time.
This must be photoshopped, this many people from opposing servers in T7 cant possibly be getting along
NSP and HOD get along just fine.
I had to put it together as a video, we had a pretty good time.
literally the whole guild vent was crying from laughter.
keep it classy MoB
Groovy man. Let’s hang out together again some time.
so groovy it hurts
duck duck goose anyone?
I am currently a member of the [PvP] guild from SF.
Contrary to what many believe, we had given up the “zerg” mentality right before we moved up a tier. I can tell you that after a number of tier 1 guilds transferred over to the opposing servers and face rolling us countless times, we had to step back and rethink on how we were doing things. We do not simply win by running head first into our opposing team and “swing” “swing” away, AoE anything and everything in sight. We learned from our mistakes going up against these tier 1 guilds and got stronger as a guild. We redid our builds, we held tactical practices, we even got stronger as a server. It’s not just a bunch of portal bombs as many of you think. We had major drama against other guilds on SF but when we moved up a tier, we put it all behind us and began working together. We do not bash other players on forums, we take all name calling and bashings with a grain of salt. We learn from our mistakes and continue to grow as a guild, as a server. We look foward to seeing you all in the battle field, friend or foe alike and hope you have as much fun in WvW as we do.
this again. increases my respect of your guild. and LK is going through the same thing.
i love GoM i really do. i have some good friends on that server that, unfortunately, i will probably never play against in WvW again. but a positive from having SF move up a tier is…HoD gets a wake up call.
to be honest we were very spoiled in the old t7. we were in a little dream world that we would roflstomp you with just throwing money at the problem by building 30 golems, and not perparing and learning new tactics for a new enemy. we enjoyed having the advantage in numbers a little “too” much. and now its biting us in the kitten
let the forum warriors rage about numbers and being " better". The truth is (and i can only speak for HoD) is that we have ALOT of work to do. and so much to Learn from SF. from effectivly defending portal bombs. to defending keeps. LK has trippled its effectiveness since you guys have shown up, just because you make us work for our keeps! i can tell the difference when we are there and we are not. that is not kittenyness. its just fact. and it would not have been so if great guilds like PvP and KING had not slapped me awake on reset day :p
so thank you to those two guilds in particular. im sure there are other great guilds out there in SF that i have not had the pleasure of facing yet, a couple others that come to mind are Seed (with your annoying engi commander) and LH. i hope to give you guys a run for your money in time :P. so enjoy the comfy lead while you have it! cuz ill be in your bl one day
the forum warriors are OUT IN FORCE TONIGHT
Lots of fun in HoD bl so far tonight :P that fight on the middle island was crazy. so much intensity in LK voice chat :P. an endless wave of SF that died to our ranks. again another showing of the PvP portal bomb catching me out of position :P i will have my vengeance!
i might be the one and only to say this from HoD…but i totally respect all of SF after just a few short hours
to the KING guild:
total respect for you guys. i attacked hills wall, already covered by an ac…..okay try the north gate with rams….already covered…..okay try catas….already covered by pre built catas…..okay lets try trebs on pride rock….pre built 2 trebs and a cata….i just had to bow and pull the guild out. you guys obviously know what you are doing. hats off for making me waste supply and blueprints :P
to the PvP guild:
you obviously have had practice with the portal bomb. i watched you portal bomb 3 separate times on the same zerg. absolute decimation. Not to mention your numbers. hats off to the offensive part of SF.
i have a feeling there is going to be alot of kitten talking, taunting, gloating, and other kitten in this thread. but i definitly underestimated SF at first :p especially since the first hour i was just farming you guys at Hills. LK and myself will definitly be more perpared next time your in our bl :P and wherever we meet you all.
i hope this will prove to be an amazing match up!
In Short HoD, even with its new transfers, still has alot of work to do before we come a valid T6 contender