“Thursday Morning” kinda vague but a bit before HoT launches, probably so they can get them up and running for the expansion. Also there is no conformation that WvW will be open on HoT launch it’s just kinda assumed.
This is the only official information:
“On the morning of Thursday, October 22nd, WvW will be terminating without completing or updating Glicko ratings as normal. This will be the end of the classic (“Alpine”) Borderlands maps for the foreseeable future.”
“At the moment Heart of Thorns content becomes available, WvW will prepare its maps. Including the new Desert Borderlands map. There’s no guarantee the matchups from earlier in the week will be the same as the new ones (or that they’ll be different).”
“The new round will run until the new reset times on Saturday, then end and update Glicko ratings. After it comes up again, WvW will be running as “normal” except for the changed reset times and the new Desert Borderlands.”
Clears things up ^^
Thanks o7
Hearing different things about when WvW shuts down pre HoT.
Some are saying it should have went down this morning and some are saying it goes down tonight. Does anyone know the right answer?
Also am i correct in assuming it wont be back up until reset on Saturday?
Recruitment open for all classes as the HoT launch is approaching.
Seriously though if your looking for good fights and a steady core group get in touch. We have some really good players in the guild and are looking to improve a lot once HoT hits.
We will be looking to get involved with the Arena GvG scene a little later as well.
Even if you are new to the WvW scene and want to get involved for HoT we have a trial period of 2 weeks.
Give me a shout in game or apply directly on our website ^^
p.s We are considering applications from people not on Ring of Fire, however if you do join we would ask that you transfer. RoF is a great server with a nice community. Its currently only 500 gems to transfer which is about 100g.
Welcomed 2 new guilds the the server recently! Looking for a couple more ^^
Still only 500 gems to transfer!
who the hell raids at 11am? Seriously.
The thing that always made reset good was that it happened at primetime and pretty much every guild on the server would raid.
WvW is dead on most International servers until around 5pm/6pm (primetime).
Resets will now just be barren wastelands and karma trains for the german morning crews.
For my server atleast we dont have a very strong morning crew so i imagine every reset we will go from around 11am-5pm with a 0 tick every reset. How is this fair?
Typical anet though. “oh the wvw players are complaining about something. Lets make some changes. Lets remove the best day of wvw because it doesnt match the devs schedule”.
We just celebrated our community 2 year anniversary!
Still looking for another couple guilds to join during primetime!
Some EU morning coverage would be helpful as well!
Welcoming another new guild this week! #hypeee
Make sure you get in before population rises currently 500 gems to transfer still
Bump for RoF ^^
We are also home to a few national guilds and would love some more^^ We have Polish, Italian, French and Czech/Slovak guilds!
Guild Info -
Raid Size: 15-20
Server: Ring of Fire EU
About us:
We are WvW guild based on Ring of Fire. Our core is made up of experienced commanders and players. We raid 4 times per week starting around 7pm UK time.
What we can offer:
Regular raids with good fights.
Potential for GvG’s
An experienced core and plenty training opportunities
Class Leaders
What we expect:
Must have TS (no mic needed)
Must be able to attend atleast 2-3 raids per week
No drama
Must be willing to learn and develop as a team
Current Recruitment
1x Mesmer
2x Necro
1x Guardian
1x Warrior
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply on our website http://eternalriot.shivtr.com/
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader/Raid Leader
Cyn.2489 – Guild Leader/Raid Leader
(edited by Hushy.9530)
Really keen to boost our numbers to help compete better in Silver league! If your interested in moving server check us out!
Still 500 gems to transfer ^^
Bump for RoF ^^
Still looking to boost our numbers! Couple more primetime guilds would be amazing but we really need some morning/afternoon coverage ^^
Still looking for some new guilds.
If you are a fight guild there is plenty to fight! If play PPT there is plenty to cap!
Check out our community website – http://www.rof-community.com/
Bump for RoF! Could really use another guild or two ^^
Best advice would be to shadow another commander for a bit then tag up yourself during quiet hours.
Tagging during quiet hours will help you build up some confidence and also benefit your server.
Every commander has a different style so there is no point copying IMO. Its best to let yourself develop in your own way.
Best to figure out what kind of style you want early on. Do you want to PPT or fight?
If you want to fight then learn your basic rotations, when to push when not to push. Keep your calls clear and make sure people know what you want. (If you run in a guild its best to have some support from them when you command.) Get a vocal ele and mesmer on TS when you can. It helps a lot.
If you want to PPT then you need to learn basic siege placement. Whats in the tower your attacking and where you should be placing your siege. Learn defensive siege placement so you can hold for the tick!
If your going to be a home border commander then my best advice would be, get to know your scouts. They are the people that will feed you information and will most likely keep your towers secure until you arrive. Most scouts will refresh your siege and even place it for you.
(edited by Hushy.9530)
Looking to boost our NA coverage!
Still looking for guilds at various times of the day! Give me a shout for more info!
Huge drunken raid event happening this weekend so dont miss out!
We are in desperate need of some reinforcements! The numbers on Drakkar are pretty crazy compared to other servers in T6.
There is always groups to fight pretty much 24 hours a day!
Still looking to speak with all commanders/guilds/people interested in moving!
I will be around tonight so feel free to send me a mail in game and we can arrange to chat ^^
Still looking for 2-3 guilds to join us in primetime!
We also have a more desperate need for guilds that raid offpeak.
Like i said there isnt much of a problem for larger WvW guilds. I sure most of them will stomach it so they can get the arena anyway.
The problem for me is the smaller WvW guilds. The ones who currently run all our upgrades and scout our borders for enemys just now. Most of these guilds have 2-3 people in them.
It just seems stupid that these guilds will have to invite more people just to be able to claim stuff on our border.
So i just watched the point of interest and seen that they said to claim objectives in WvW you will need to have a guild hall.
Am i correct in saying to unlock the guild hall you need to go through some PvE content?
Personally i only play WvW and i know quite a lot of WvW players are the same so i find it strange that they will basically be forcing our WvW guilds to go farm PvE.
I mean, this probably wont be a huge problem for big wvw guilds but many servers have scouting guilds or border hoppers that only have 2-3 people in them but these are the people that make sure we have upgrades on our border.
Bump for RoF!
We could use some reinforcements to help fight against Drakkar Lake >.<!
Visit our community site to learn more about us – http://rof-community.com/
We could really use some NA guilds to help boost our night crew!
Still only 500 gems to transfer! We have a few guilds recruiting just now as well!
Message me on here or in game for details!
(edited by Hushy.9530)
I will be around on TS for the next couple hours if anyone wants to chat about a move to RoF! Guilds or individuals welcome ^^
Still looking for the above! I check this daily so message me on here or in game
Feel free to give me a shout in game if you want to know more about RoF!
Feel free to contact be in game or through the website for more info
Our server is really starting to take shape again! We have some amazing co-op work going on with our guilds and everyone is really pulling together!
We still have plenty space for individuals or guilds of all sizes to join us!
Our primetime is looking for -
3 medium-large guilds
2-3 roaming/havoc guilds
Our offpeak is looking for -
1-2 medum-large guilds
2-3 roaming/havoc guilds
We are also looking for other players and commanders during all times of the day!
We potentially have a couple guilds joining us soon which is very exciting!
Come join them and be part of our amazing community!
Still looking for 3-4 new primetime guilds!
We also have plenty space for smaller roaming/havoc based guilds!
Our offprime coverage could use some reinforcement as well
Currently winning our second MU in silver! come be part of this amazing community for only 500 gems!
We would love to try and balance out T6. At the moment there is 4 servers that fit into T5 mean one of these servers is constantly in T6.
With some reinforcements RoF could make a push and help make this tier more competitive. If nothing else there is no shortage of fights no matter what time you play.
Looking to speak with people regardless of what time zone you are from! We have space in our community for all that want to join!
Feel free to message me in game and we can arrange to chat on TS before hand if you wish!
Getting this as well and its starting to become unplayable.
Every time i load a new map my graphic settings change, sometimes in WvW they will just randomly change in the middle of a fight which means my FPS drops a fair bit.
Something else thats bugging me is the fact i get the 3-5second screen freeze everytime i go underwater. As a WvW player you are required to go under water a fair bit in the borderlands especially in bay.
I think its pretty kitten that the dev team havent even acknowledged this bug yet. Surely it doesnt take long for them to make a post saying they are looking into it.
We could really use some reinforcements during the night and mornings.
If your looking to move and play between 1-7am GMT give me a shout
We are looking for some reinforcements to help balance out t6. Plenty of fights to be had here and no queues ^^
Looking for anyone that has interest in WvW ^^
Guild Name – Eternal Riot [ER]
Server – Ring of Fire EU
Guild Leader – Hushy.9530
Raid Leader – Hushy.9530
So after taking a break from raid/guild leading i have decided that its time to return with a brand new guild. The guild will be a complete new start which will allow me to structure things the way i want.
The guild will be based on Ring of Fire EU which has just pushed back into silver league.
What I’m looking for -
Firstly I’m looking for experienced WvW players to help form the core of the guild. (You do not have to be on RoF aslong as you are willing to transfer i would like to hear from you)
Secondly I’m looking for players new to WvW or players that are interested in learning and becoming part of our main group. I’m also looking for potential new commanders to train up! ( Again no need to be on RoF aslong as you are willing to transfer)
About the guild –
The guild will essentially be created as a semi hardcore guild with a focus on training and developing new players. I want to keep a fairly professional environment during raids however i want the guild to be open to everyone.
I would like to have 10-15 players attending the initial raids of the guild so that we can bond and get some initial training done. After this i would like to grow the guild to have a steady roster of around 30 with raids of 15-20 each night.
Anyways i think thats enough information for now.
If you are interested at all feel free to drop me a message in game @ hushy.9530 and we can arrange to chat further.
When you coming to RoF Iksaar? haha
Looking for members of all experiences! Training can be provided
Even if your not on RoF but are looking for a wvw guild give me a shout!
Thanks for the responses so far, keep them coming!
Guild Name – Eternal Riot [ER]
Server – Ring of Fire EU
Guild Leader – Hushy.9530
Raid Leader – Hushy.9530
Proposed raid size – 10-15 (with option to expand to 20 in the future)
So after taking a break from raid/guild leading i have decided that its time to return with a brand new guild. The guild will be a complete new start which will allow me to structure things the way i want.
The guild will be based on Ring of Fire EU which currently holds the top spot in bronze and is pushing towards silver.
What I’m looking for -
Firstly I’m looking for experienced WvW players to help form the core of the guild. (You do not have to be on RoF aslong as you are willing to transfer i would like to hear from you).
Secondly I would like to speak with someone who is interested in becoming a second/backup commander for the guild. (You do not have to be the most experienced commander, just have the drive to learn and become better).
And finally anyone else that is interested in helping the guild grow or is interested in joining please feel free to contact me.
About the guild –
The guild will essentially be created as a semi hardcore guild. This means that it will have some aspects of a casual guild such as no 100% rep outside raids however the guild will have dedicated raid builds that all members must use.
I would like to have 10-15 players attending the initial raids of the guild so that we can bond and get some initial training done. After this i would like to grow the guild to have a steady roster of around 30 with raids of 15-20 each night.
Anyways i think thats enough information for now. If you are interested at all feel free to drop me a message in game @ hushy.9530 and we can arrange to chat further.
**You can now apply on our website @ http://eternalriot.shivtr.com/ (Please note the website is still under construction but can support applications)
(edited by Hushy.9530)
Now is a great time to consider moving to RoF. Our community is working together harder than ever to ensure we reech our goals. We are looking to retake our place at top bronze before making our push upwards!
We have an amazing community full of fighters! If you want to learn more feel free to message me in game !
Thanks to all the people that have been in touch recently!
As always we are still looking for new players and guilds so feel free to message me in game!
We still have room during primetime for guilds!
I would love to hear from some guilds/players/commanders that play off primetime as well. Would be awesome to strengthen our morning or night crew!
Our community is continuing to grow and we are moving up the rankings once more!
Come be part of something awesome for the low price of 500 gems!
Still looking for some guilds/players to improve our primetime! Plenty space for off primetime guilds as well!