So as the title suggests im looking for a semi or hardcore WvW guild that ideally raids 3-4+ days per week.
I have been in a few hardcore guilds as well as ran/commanded for my own guild in the past. Some guilds i have been in include Rising Above [RA], Shellfish [So], Violent Intent [Vi] and The Civil Rebels [RiOT].
I mostly play guardian however can play most other classes if required. I am also willing to command if needed.
Feel free to contact me in game – Hushy.9530
p.s i wont move to an NA server.
And dont get me wrong im not saying that AM dont deserve to be linked with another server. Im simply saying that Anet should manage the linking/matchups better when they relink people.
If you are going to reset the glicko or raise the population of one server then consider the effect that will have on the upcoming matchups.
Personally i feel that if you are going to relink people every 2 months then perhaps you should be making changes to the match making to reflect the increase in population for certain servers.
Honestly our “blobs” are never more than 20ish people, Unless maybe its a day off for guilds and they join then sure we can get 40ish on the open commander.
Most of our guilds raid a few days a week though.
For example if we do a drunken raid on a friday/sat we can muster up a blob but thats because all the guilds join it so in reality yes we get more people but we have less guilds running around because of it.
WSR and RoF dont have a lot of pugs. Most of our population is made up of just guilds.
And around 90% of our population comes on for primetime and thats it. thing about AM is that being a german server they start much earlier than then international servers. So before we even have people our full border and most of EB is already downgraded which means we cant defend kitten during primetime.
(edited by Hushy.9530)
We really could use another couple guilds, would really help with coverage
Still recruiting! Could really use an ele and a couple heralds! Also open to other classes to feel free to get in touch!
We havent given up Cabbage, this is what we have lol Our border is constantly camped by 50+ AM most of the day so we cant affort to fight anywhere else as we simply dont have the numbers.
Yeah it just seems like anet is trying to hard to populate the higher tier servers at the expense of some lower tier. For example FSP, gandara etc getting linked when they are already comfortable in the tier they are in.
Sure these servers will move up but it will take 3-4 weeks for everything to settle down with ratings. Then we get reset a few weeks later and it happens all over again.
Its really demotivating to be ktrained week in week out.
If this is how its going to be then i would rather anet just merged the servers or scrapped them completely in favour of a new WvW server list.
(edited by Hushy.9530)
I made a post on another thread but maybe adding it to this one will be more constructive.
“How can Anet justify merging 2 servers like MS and Abaddons in the bottom tier? Seriously i have nothing against either server but MS alone have pretty high population and Abaddons is very high population.
Both GH/UW and RoF/WSR are either high or medium population.
AM/MS have 50+ men groups on EB all night and day its ridiculous to have them in this tier.
You can sit there and say “Its only for one week” blah blah but this happens all the time to the lowest servers. There is always one server that has much higher population than the rest.
MS could have quite easily been merged with Dzagnour, Riverside or Drakkar lake to make those tiers more competitive.
I guarantee by the time the next relink happens DL will have fallen to bottom tier again and be linked with MS. And the ktrain in bottom tiers will happen all over again.
You can see from the screenshots before at 5.30pm AM had 60+ people in our corner on EB and we only had maybe 15 people following our commander. Im sure the same could be said for GH.
The last few weeks the MU had been fairly balanced with then all of a sudden AM get linked with another server giving them population that will rival most higher tier servers. Its stupid.
Consider the effect on the lower servers when you make these links otherwise you are just creating a karma train tier.
(edited by Hushy.9530)
How can Anet justify merging 2 servers like MS and Abaddons in the bottom tier? Seriously i have nothing against either server but MS alone have pretty high population and Abaddons is very high population.
Both GH/UW and RoF/WSR are either high or medium population.
AM/MS have 50+ men groups on EB all night and day its ridiculous to have them in this tier.
You can sit there and say “Its only for one week” blah blah but this happens all the time to the lowest servers. There is always one server that has much higher population than the rest.
MS could have quite easily been merged with Dzagnour, Riverside or Drakkar lake to make those tiers more competitive.
I guarantee by the time the next relink happens DL will have fallen to bottom tier again and be linked with MS. And the ktrain in bottom tiers will happen all over again.
We are still recruiting! We are open to most classed however need the ones listed above the most.
If you want more info please feel free to contact me in game ^^
Guild Info -
Raid Size: 10-20
Server: Ring of Fire
About us:
We are an experienced WvW guild based on the Ring of Fire server. Our core is mainly made up of experienced players. We raid 3 times per week starting around 7.30pm UK time. While we like to be focused during fights we do offer a very friendly, fun and welcoming environment to all members.
What we can offer:
Regular raids with good fights.
People in WvW everyday. Either raiding or roaming.
An experienced core and plenty training opportunities.
Players always on TS with a warm enviroment.
Experienced commanders.
What we expect:
100% rep in WvW
Must have TS3
Must be willing to learn and develop as a team
Current Recruitment
1x Guardian
2x Herald
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
We will consider applications from other classes.
Apply on our website
Contacts -
Dopamine.7502 – Guild/Raid Leader
Gideon.6742 – Officer
Hushy.9530 – Commander
As Vova points out correctly, this link has been on for quite some time.
Friendships have been established.
Recruitment might not have been standing still either and we are now at a point where unlinking us now is going break more then it could have fixed initially.I understand that you apharma, I don’t want you to lose your server or community, I want to expand it actually.
I would actually opt for a clear merger where our names co-exist:
Ring of Fire & Whiteside Ridge.I don’t think you do understand, RoF has never been bottom, they have never been in a situation where at prime time there might be 7-8 people in the whole of EB. Where people have had time to take a camp, make 3 trips to build a super cata, take down both hills outer and inner, then had to solo the Lord with no-one coming to defend.
Where you could go a full hour without seeing anyone at all, where you have lost everything because it just happens that at that time the enemy server has 10 people and thus can take almost everything (before disablers) and you had to hope you could build enough super ACs in the keep to stop them PVDing it.
These are the bad times I talk of, these are the times that people on WSR, UW, FoW, RoS, Fort Ranik and a few others know of and have clawed themselves out of nothingness to make a difference. Where you have been bottom of bottom, there is no point in doing WvW as you actually get nothing from it and certainly when there was the whole hacker fiasco it was pointless doing anything.
That’s without mentioning that some people do not like how blobby these linkings have made WvW. A lot of people would welcome a good old RoF, WSR, Arbor type match up where there’s a lot less blobs and small roaming guilds like AoC, OTAN, CURE and TasH can actually do stuff without having 30 people respond by WPing in and training over them.
Actually RoF has been bottom and has spent most of its time around rank 19-21. I remember the days when we fought blacktide etc and were rank 22.
RoFs history has been pretty volatile through bronze/silver over the years with many guilds building up on our server then transferring up to higher ranks (im sure this can be said about most servers). We have never had a huge population, just a dedicated community who have work hard to try and push us forward and keep us as high as possible.
We have always had stints were our community pushes really hard and gets into silver league and starts to look competitive then we burn out and fall down the ranks again.
We have experienced the pain of losing 5-6 main guilds all at once a basically droping tiers while being unable to do anything about it.
I do feel strongly however that regardless of what happens Anet needs to unlink some of the more popular servers like Deso, Gandara, Drakkar.
Due to the way that server linking has worked servers like the ones i mentioned above that already had high population have received links where as servers like RoF and WSR which have pretty low populations have been left at the bottom of the pile merged together.
Currently from a RoF/WSR pov we have several days during the week where we have barely anyone that plays. While DL/MS & Viz/arbor still have 1-2 60+man blobs running round with several guilds as well.
(edited by Hushy.9530)
I also suggest permanently merging Ring of Fire and Whiteside Ridge. Both our servers seem to have a lot less people than the other links.
Our communities are cooperating really well and we have developed a good bond between us.
Merging the 2 servers permanently would not effect the current match up structure and would potentially allow for more equal links in future.
This seems to be the general opinion on our community forums.
We are still looking for guilds to help us push up the ranks a bit! We are linked with WSR at the moment and both of us being fairly low pop servers means there is only ever a queue on EB at primetime.
We are still looking for some guilds to join us!
We are not looking for guilds that will join and then leave when things get tough. We are looking for guilds that will become part of our community and push with us together.
Bump still looking ^^
Im looking for a new WvW guild. I mostly play Guardian however i can play Ele and Necro if needed.
I have played in a few WvW guilds such as Rising Above [RA], Shellfish[So], Violent Intent [Vi], The Civil Rebels [RiOT] and Eternal Riot [ER].
I was guild leader and commander for both Vi and ER.
Im looking to join a guild who has regular raids with decent numbers. Im not too bothered which server just now aslong as its on EU.
Feel free to message me on here on in game @ hushy.9530
(edited by Hushy.9530)
We still have room for reinforcements. Be it scouts, guilds, commanders etc we welcome all!
No queues but plenty to fight from blobs to guilds running 15-25 man setups.
Hi o/
You should check out the server community website –
We have a few guilds that are active in our community you might be interested in.
Feel free to give me a shout if you need more info ^^
Our enemys have grown! We need reinforcements to help stay competitive.
We have a decent player base on RoF and 7-8 solid WvW guilds. We have plenty space for new people/guilds at all times.
Havent seen a queue on EB for a while now ^^
Heyy o/
Im looking for a non rep PvP guild. I spend most of my time in WvW however i would like to play more PvP at nights/during the day.
Ideally what im looking for is a PvP guild that doesnt require 100% rep but has regular people on to party with.
I’m not looking to hardcore grind Div 6. Just looking for a regular group of people to party with.
Feel free to message me in game o/
Virtually no queues and plenty to fight! Lots of space for primetime guilds.
We are also looking to boost our pre primetime. Going against the national servers is never easy as they have more coverage during the day.
Specifically we need people to help cover the 1pm-6pm GMT time zone.
Our nightcrew is fairly strong and can hold its own but we are always looking for commanders/players at this time.
Trials are still open! No class restrictions at the moment so feel free to apply on our website
Still only 500 gems to transfer.
We are looking for a couple more primetime guilds however we are desperate for some pug commanders. No matter your experience its a good place to learn to command as well as help people improve!
We also have lots of space for smaller roaming/havoc guilds.
No queues and a transfer cost of less than 80g!
Still plenty space for new guilds/players. Pretty cheap to transfer at 500 gems.
Feel free to mail me ingame if you want to chat before considering it ^^
Still a few spots open. Needing most classes so feel free to apply on our website ^^
Currently looking for –
2x Guard
2x Warrior
1x DPS rev
1x Necro
2x Staff Ele
Transfer is only 500 gems if you are not on Ring of Fire. Potential for GvG spots.
We are still looking to recruit some additions to the team. If you are looking for a dedicated WvW guild who raid regularly then give us a try!
RiOT has a good record in GvG’s and has been around for over 5 years.
Looking to recruit another 5 or so people to help cover some spots. Regular GvG spots available as well.
1x Guard
2x Warrior
1x DPS rev
1x Staff Ele
Will consider applications from other classes.
Urgently looking for 1x Warrior and 1x Guard. Preferably with GvG/Raid experience.
We also have spots for other classes so get in touch.
Transfer is only 500 gems if you are not on Ring of Fire. Potential for GvG spots.
Still only 500 gems to transfer.
We are looking for a couple more primetime guilds however we are desperate for some pug commanders. No matter your experience its a good place to learn to command as well as help people improve!
We also have lots of space for smaller roaming/havoc guilds.
No queues and a transfer cost of less than 80g!
Raids start back monday! We have nice core in place ready to go but still a few spots for new members!
Still some spots open! Mainly looking for 2 DPS revenant’s.
One week until our raids start back up. Make sure to get intouch if you are looking for a guild!
Still recruiting new members! All classes welcome. Raids start on January 4th!
Willing to accept application from members who are willing to transfer to RoF! Currently costs 500 gems!
Still plenty room for new guilds/players ^^ check out our community site or get in touch!
Still looking for some reinforcements ^^ feel free to get in touch for more details
I am currently without a guild so thought i would post here ^^
Im looking for a pretty stable guild. One that raids regularly and has a good attitude towards WvW. I can raid pretty much every night from 7pm.
I have been playing WvW for quite a while and have always mained guard/warrior. My preferred class is Guardian.
Please do not contact me if you are on the NA servers. I wish to play on EU only ^^
Feel free to contact me through here or link me to your website.
Bump for RoF ^^
We have gained a few primetime guilds over the past few weeks and still have space for more. Currently no queues.
We would really love some players/guilds that can help our morning/night coverage ^^ Plenty to fight at these times or cap if you want to PPT ^^
If you are looking for a new home give me a shout and we can arrange to speak on TS3.
Ring of Fire is looking for guilds/players to help boost our coverage.
Our prime time is pretty strong considering we are a medium population server. We are in the bottom tier of silver league and facing off against servers of high population.
We can match and beat these servers during prime time however we lack during other hours.
There is plenty to fight off prime time. The other server have some NA guilds and plenty people around to fight. So i can guarantee you wont get bored. If you like PPT then there is plenty to cap as well.
If you are interested or want more information please feel free to contact me in game ^^
p.s you can see our server recruitment post here
Still space for
1x Warrior
2x Necro
1x Mesmer
1x Guardian
1x Druid
Please note that experience is not essential for the above however we do require that you are willing to learn and adapt to our group play.
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply @
(edited by Hushy.9530)
Updated our recruitment ^^
Some fights from our last 2 raids –
Bump for rof!
Make sure to visit our community website –
Some fights from one of our raids -
I dont think its that bad tbh. I play in t6.
It started off slow with the launch and Halloween but things have picked up. Most of our guilds are back raiding. We normally have an open mic and a couple guilds on EB and everyone else is on the borders just like pre hot.
Having actually gone round the borders they arnt all that bad once people start playing there. Sure sometimes you can jump on a border and run into no enemys but thats just how it goes, it was like that pre hot as well.
Few guildies and myself have this as well.
It was mostly just turning or rotating the camera but it feels like its the mouse
Just wondering what happened with the squad UI we seen in the last test? It looked really useful for organising groups and ready checks etc ^^
Make sure to check out our community website if you are looking for a new home ^^