Server – Ring of Fire EU
Guild Type – Small scale roaming/havoc
About Fury Inc -
[Fi] Was created to bring together our non primetime players and offer them a way to play together on a regular basis. The guild will function mostly as a roaming/havoc guild.
The guild is not 100% rep so members will still be able to be part of other WvW guilds during prime time. We only ask that you rep [Fi] if you are running with us.
The primary goal is for the guild to be active between the hours of 11pm and 4am UK Time (Currently GMT+1). You do not need to be online for the full duration of this!
Our secondary goal is to create a morning/afternoon group for the guild however we will need someone to lead this and help drive the recruitment. (If you are interested you can select your own times for leading the group)
How to join -
There is no application process or requirements to join the guild. Simply send me a message either on here or in game (Hushy.9530) with the following information for an invite -
Account Name:
What time can you play:
Are you a member of another guild:
Which server are you currently on:
We accept members from other server provided you are willing to transfer to Ring of Fire EU.
If your looking to move away from the locked gold league servers or if your looking for a new home in general feel free to get in touch with me! We have no queues at the moment except for a saturday during our drunken raid!
Remember its only 500 Gems to transfer to RoF!
I am around for reset tonight so feel free to give me a shout if you want to chat either in game or on ts!
bump for rof \o/
We welcomed our first new guild today!
Still plenty space on RoF for guilds looking to help the server push up and get those good fights!
Message me in game for more details @ hushy.9530
As well as the server looking for guilds during all time’s personally i am looking for some people that are interested in playing together during the night (11pm-4am UK).
Feel free to contact me in game ^^
With the new server changes its only 500 gems to transfer to rof! A great opportunity for guilds to join our awesome community!
Check out our recruitment page for our current requirements or speak to one of the people below –
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Sketchymonkey.7389 – Guild Officer
Still recruiting as normal however i will be on holiday for the next week so please contact one of the people below
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Sketchymonkey.7389 – Guild Officer
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Mesmer
2x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Recruitment still open, check here for details
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Guild Info –
Raid Size: 15-20
Server: Piken Square
About us:
We are an experienced WvW raiding guild based on Piken. Our core is mainly made up of experienced players however we offer an entry route into WvW for newer players. We raid 3-4 times per week starting around 7pm UK time. While we like to be serious during fight we do offer a very friendly, fun and welcoming enviroment to all members.
What we can offer:
Regular raids with good fights.
Regular GvG’s
An experienced core and plenty training opportunities
Players always on TS with a warm environment
What we expect:
100% rep in WvW
Must have TS (no mic needed)
Must be able to attend atleast 2-3 raids per week
No drama
Must be willing to learn and develop as a team
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve. We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
1x Warrior
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Fed up of queues or looking for a new challenge?
Now is the perfect time to be considering a move to RoF. We are back in silver and there is plenty of enemy guilds to fight on AG, MS, Viz etc.
We very rarely have any queues so feel free to contact me in game
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
1x Warrior
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
We have welcomed some new members to our guild the last few days but we still have room for some more.
Feel free to contact one of us ingame or apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
We are still looking for more players. We wish to bump our raid numbers up to a steady 15-20 players and as such all classes are open again. No experience is required as we can provide full training and builds.
Feel free to contact one of us ingame or apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
We still have positions open, visit our website for more details or contact us in game
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Still looking for more guilds to join us and help stay in silver! Contact one of the people named above
Back in silver !
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Guild Info -
Raid Size: 10-20
Server: Ring of Fire
Type: WvW
About us:
We are an experienced WvW raiding guild based on the Ring of Fire server. Our core is mainly made up of experienced players however we offer an entry route into WvW for newer players. We raid 3-4 times per week starting around 7pm UK time. While we like to be serious during fight we do offer a very friendly, fun and welcoming enviroment to all members.
What we can offer:
Regular raids with good fights.
Regular GvG’s
An experienced core and plenty training opportunities
Players always on TS with a warm enviroment
What we expect:
100% rep in WvW
Must have TS (no mic needed)
Must be able to attend atleast 3 raids per week
No drama
Must be willing to learn and develop as a team
Current Recruitment
2x Guardian
2x Warrior
1x Elementalist
1x Mesmer
1x Necro
1x Thief
Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Currently looking for the following -
2x Guardians
2x Warriors
1x Thief
1x Necro
1x Ele
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Recruitment is currently open to all classes on an app by app basis.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
Once again recruitment is open! We are looking for active and dedicated members!
2x Guardians
2x Warriors
1x Ele
1x Necro
1x Mesmer
Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve(Only applies to classes listed above)
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader
With the huge influx of guilds to the top tiers now is a great time to consider RoF! We have no queues and offer a nice community for your guild to settle on!
Welcomed 2 new members today which takes us to a roster of 25 xD We are still looking for a couple more experienced players
Really looking forward to the asura ball tourny
Welcomed a new Ele to the guild today Still looking for the above ^
We are a new guild based on the Ring of Fire server. We formed the guild around 2-3 weeks ago and have been growing fairly steadily.
We currently have a roster of around 20+ members, all are active however we lack some professions and a little experience.
We are mainly looking to add some experienced WvW players to our ranks so we can better prepare for scrims and GvG’s. We also currently have an opening for an experienced commander or someone who is interested in becoming a commander (Someone with a gvg/scrim background prefered).
We are open to people that are commited to helping us grow and improve. If you are willing to learn then we are happy to help you.
Give me a shout in game if you are interested and we can talk more Hushy.9530
P.s check our website –
Pretty good feedback from our visitors so far
We have a couple new guilds currently testing out our community don’t be left behind! Come join us today!
Lots and lots of cake..
We are testing out our setup for the Asuraball tourny this week with a view of hosting it on the 7th of March.
Now is the perfect time to join our community and take part
Can you message me ingame please and i will get it sorted for you?
While our server might be lower standing in wvw than you are looking for i feel we can provide everything else you are looking for
Feel free to have a look at the server recruitment post for Ring of Fire
If you wanna know a little bit a bout Ring of Fire. Here it comes.
Ring of Fire is a great community Server.
We have lots of events that run most weeks.
We have a lot of great players.When we play, we are playing still small-scale. Although We team up sometimes we mainly run as smaller guilds. (I’m talking 15-20) This tends to be our sweet spot.
We work amazingly together so when you see those “Big Zergs” from RoF, Actually what you are facing is the combined might of an amazing community banding together at that moment to face any problem.We have always been a strong server, What we lack in numbers we definitely make up for with in skill, class and all-round Awesomeness.
We are looking for Guilds and individuals to join our amazing community. Everyone is Welcome here. Guilds have ventured to other servers only to come back. That is a sign of our great community.
When it comes to Events we have many in the works and will be informing you of them as soon as they are available to watch or enter.
We have Drunken raids, Pizza raids, PvP, Asuraball WILL be returning (Just trying to fine tune everything to make it better.) As well as guild events, We run open guild missions through many of our guilds.When you join Ring of Fire you become part of the community. Guilds are not so Important here, We are Individuals that form Guilds and Guilds that Form a community. Making the largest and greatest group of people you will ever have the pleasure of spending time with.
If you are interested in joining the server, Let anyone of these Fine people know.
Visit our Community Site:
or just jump in and find out what we are all about.Thanks for reading
Zipp Tinker
Pretty much spot on
Someone was asking me in game what the queues are like if any so ill put the answer here as well:
RoF is basically queue free at all times so there is space for almost all sizes of guilds.
We do sometimes get queues on EB if we are running events though. We have had guilds in the past that run with 20+ people and they havent had any problems with queues.
Bump for RoF xD
Are you an experienced commander? Or perhaps someone thats interested in becoming a commander? RoF would love to hear from you!
Contact me or one of the people listed above for more details!
We have our second Italian Pizza Raid coming up hosted by one of our very own Italian guilds [ARMA]
“Open mic in Italienglish! – Music bot with italian classic songs! – All possible stereotypes – Beer – Italian Golems with Tortellini and Lasagne – Me, you and more speaking in italian!!”
Be sure to join us in time for the next one!
2 new members today
We are moving forward and are starting to push our way back into silver league! We are looking for guilds to help us stay in silver though.
Contact me in game to find out more or visit our community website –
Dear community,
It has been a long time coming and i can finally say that plans are in full swing to revive AoF! Some of you might remember the guild from when i first started it up but we are looking to come back stronger than before!
We are looking to create a guild that has a strong focus in WvW however we want to provide PvE events to our members as well. Our current goals are listed below:
WvW Goals -
WvW core of around 10 members.
Daily WvW raids/roaming.
Weekly open mic.
Class training and builds provided.
PvE Goals -
Guild Missions.
World Boss Runs.
Dungeon Runs.
Map completion.
Recruitment is currently open however i am specifically recruiting for the roles below:
1x PvE Guild Manager – Will be in charge of all PvE activity in the guild. This will include but not limited to the PvE goals listed above. Will also be responsibly for recruiting new members.
1x PvE Officer – Will work with the guild manager’s to ensure the smooth running of events and recruitment.
1x WvW Officer – Will work with the guild manager’s to ensure the smooth running of events and recruitment.
Generally recruitment is also open and we would like to welcome all players from RoF!
For more information please contact me either through the website or in game Hushy.9530.
We have an action packed few months ahead with tons of events planned! Feel free to contact me for info :P