Showing Posts For Hyrai.8720:

Please Put Map Links In The Daily Prop Sheet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


I’ve never seen a daily “ore from map x”
Those dailies always include a whide part of the map, say “ore from ascalon”, “vista from orr” etc.
so what you want is basically a UI that tells you “vista from orr – orr includes the following maps: … – here’s where to find them: …”?

Why have Mantras 6% impact of a shout?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


i like the idea of the firebrand being a frontline support, which explains the short range of his mantras, but the way mantras work is kind of contrary to a frontliner.

close range/ frontline: you have to stay close to your allies. next to, or even in front of them
mantras only directed forward: you have to stand behind your allies.

see the problem?

so ANet has to either change the firebrand so he works as a backline support, or change mantras AoE to a 300 range circle. i’d prefer the latter.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


It’s pretty clear you only read the main points and none of the explanations, as I mentioned to lack of WP’s in new areas being a forced necessity for the mounts.
So how about reading the whole thing before you reply next time?

Are forced necessities for masteries through map design a new thing for you?
Did you play HoT?

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Crafting the newer Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


Read the OP’s posts so that you understand what my post was about. You’re taking what I said out of context. Thanks.

Okay, then let’s go back to the time consuming collection’s.

You say, they can be completed in 60hrs.
Also you said, you completed four of them in one weekend.
So even if completing four collections at once takes the same amount of time as completing only one (which I highly doubt, even if there are some overlaps), that means for you one weekend = 60hrs of gameplay?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely not judging you for that. I’m just saying maybe you’re not really the same type of player as the OP, so telling us how many legendaries you already crafted doesn’t change the fact that players who are actually comparable to the OP might need several hundred h of gameplay within >1year.

Another thesis by me:
you are the one exaggerating ^^

but since I haven’t crafted a legendary myself yet, I’m gonna show myself the way out now.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Crafting the newer Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


An entire legendary can be completed within 60 hours if you have the gold for everything and/or completed the time-gated crafting.

That’s exactly what I was talking about.
Not the time-gated crafting (since the crafting itself takes probably just a few minutes – the 24hrs of waiting shouldn’t be taken into account) but the gold farming for e.g.
If you spend lets say 300hrs (just a random number for now) in farming gold to buy a bunch of stuff for the legendary, I do count those 300hrs as invested in the legendary.
So overall it didn’t take you 60hrs, but 360.

exaggeration incoming!
By your logic I can “complete” an entire legendary within 2min
1. buy xxx €/$/£/… worth of gems
2. exchange gems for gold
3. buy legendary from TP

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Crafting the newer Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


A few days meaning it took an entire weekend when I did all four of them. Please don’t do exaggerations like the OP.

That’s why i started the 2nd part of my post with “okay seriously now” ^^

You can probably do it within a month at less than two hours a day. Progress made isn’t lost.

It’ll be much faster than that for just a single legendary. I only did all four because of how much overlap there is with the collections.

And an FYI, there are plenty of people who play a lot that can get their legendaries wihile having a full time job, having a family, and maintaining a social life. You only lose all of that if you’re trying to get it all immediately but fortunately that time is minimal as far as the collections go.

I doubt that a whole legendary could be finished within 60hrs.
a month may be realistic if you play 3+ hours every day, and unknowingly finished a bunch of stuff before while doing something else. but a casual gamer that plays <2hrs every other day, so probably <8hrs/week, basically starting at 0… nope.

I can’t really tell what people with families do, since there can be huge differences. All I can tell from my personal experience with “gaming parents” is, that most of them lied about their online times (meaning they played a lot more than they admitted) and did not spend nearly as much time with their families as they should imo. But who am I to judge.
Since I don’t even have kids yet but still feel like not really having the time to craft a legendary, I can’t imagine parents with full time jobs having any more time. But again – I’m neither entitled to judge them, nor do I know their whole story. Maybe I’m just doing something wrong ^^

Overall I understand the concept of legendary gear being.. legendary.
But as I said before I would really like to get the opportunity of crafting some kind of “lower tier legendary”

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Crafting the newer Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


“a few days” = a month, playing 16h a day?

Okay seriously now – I’d like to build a legendary, too, but since i got a job, a girlfriend and other hobbies like sports, i can only play like <2 hours every other day, so I don’t think i will ever be able to. And I’m sure there are people with families who play even less than me.
So for people like me or them it’s almost impossible to craft a legendary while still feeling a little bit of progression in other parts of the game.

On the one hand, I’d like legendaries to be a little easier to craft. On the other hand, I know MMORPG’s need a lot of dedication and players with “too much time” who play like 5h+ everyday need an occupation.
It’s a double edged sword.
I’d really appreciate if ANet decided to publish some kind of “light version” of legendaries, easier to craft and with a little less “bling bling”

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Guild wars 3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


the thing is:
while there are maybe a few , probably even <1, percent of “hardcore” players with several thousand hours played, the average gw2 player has probably a few hundred hours played and is still busy fully equipping their main character.
so while those “hardcore” players are starting to get bored, there’s still plenty to do for the huge amount of average gamers.
and now ask yourself which group is more important for ANet.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


i mean, i understand the principle of creating parallel routes that require HoT masteries next to routes that require PoF masteries.
..1 this thread literally is called “mounts are useless”. by making such parallel routes available, wouldnt that make mounts even “more useless”?
..2 players who don’t own HoT will feel like they’re missing out on something. even if thats not the case overall.. the feeling will be there.
..3 i can already see HoT owners complaining about lack of progression because the mount mastery doesn’t have a purpose if you can easily travel around Elona by just using HoT masteries.

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


tell me if I’m some sort of alien (because my procedure seems to not be the norm), but:
when i started playing dungeons/fractals, first thing i did was search for a group that clearly advertised as learning/training group.
If there was none i started my own LFG advertised as “newbie group” or something similar.
If I then didn’t find anyone to join me, I joined some neutral group like “T4 Dailies” and before we started I told the others that I’m new and if it’s ok to join them.

This way everybody involved has the chance to find a group of people with the same mindset.

I can totally understand that people get frustraded when they’re kicked because of “bad player”, “low dps” or something similar when the group wasn’t advertised as “speed run” etc.
But I think the amount of frustration (on both sides) in raids,fractals etc. could be lowered by a significant amount if people started communicating their requirements/expectations better in the first place.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


1) by progression i did not mean the mounts themselves, but the path to them: the masteries.
+ you can still see the characters and their weapons + dyed armor, sitting on their dyed mounts, probably even with special mount skins.
since you can’t fight sitting on mounts, you will still see players walking around using their skills.

2) do you have a choice in HoT?

3) for minmaxing veterans there is – and will always be – “forced” gameplay everywhere around gw2. what’s the difference now?

4) missed my point again. it’s not about you seeing mounts as “degradation”. it was about people not wanting to grind masteries (which are progression by their nature, no matter what you say). also mounts will most likely be banned from towns.

5) for you gliding is “cooler”. for me mounts are cooler. but this thread is not about our personal perspective on mounts, it’s about whether mounts have a purpose (and why?) or not.

6) looking at other maps with very few waypoints, which are often contested in addition, I don’t see where having a mount to get around faster than by walking is negative… also i haven’t seen a single PoF map with “only sand – no trees, water, or buildings” so far.

about your 2nd post:
mounts are not necessary for exploration, that’s right. but they make it a lot more comfortable for a lot of people. just like smartphone make a lot of people’s lifes more comfortable.

anyways, considering your perspective on mounts as “degradation” in combination with your signatures logic and all your arguments basically being based on “i don’t like mounts”, we will never be able to convince you of mounts being an enrichment for the game.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Why didn't you buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


probably not an answer you want or that matters to you, but i’ll tell you anyways:

I bought GW2 about 2 months before HoT was announced.
I started by playing my personal story and completing map exploration.
When HoT was announced I had just found a little guild with really nice people, even tho they all had maxed out gear + legendarys etc. already. They were always willing to teach me the game, but i still felt like they had to carry me.

So when i heard about the expansion, i was like:
hmm, i barely know anything about the core game, and now i’m supposed to buy HoT, just so i can be an even bigger burden for them while they’re trying to figure out the expansion for themselves.
so i stopped playing gw2.

until about one month ago, just before PoF was announced so I’m basically at the same point as when i first started playing.
And this time i figured:
If there’s any time to start again and learn the game, it’s now, when everyone else has to learn and explore the new expansion, too.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


yea by standing in a corner pressing 1 for 15minutes, you simply abuse the system and rely on others to finish the events for you. thats not an argument against HoT being anti-casual…

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


I find your arguments highly debatable.

I do not know if there are many people that want to have mostly hard content.
You do neither.

Considering the amount of players and guilds who run raids on a daily basis (which I doubt is possible for “casuals” by literal definition), I do know for sure, that there are a lot of people who like to play challenging content.
I’m sure this playerbase is not as big as the “casual” one, but definitely big enough to put resources into developing specific content for them.

The both of us only know for sure that HoT underperformed in certain areas on the income front for Anet, so I am leaning heavily on the assumption that the hardcore playerbase is not as big as you think.
Mind you that I did not say bombed entirely, but it did not fullfil the exceptions.

How do you know for sure that HoT failed? Serious question, I was absent from gw2 for quite a long time, so if there’s an official statement or anything that confirms HoTs/ANets failure, I would be happy to see it.
Also: How do you know that HoT “failed” because it was too “hardcore”, and not because the players simply didn’t like it?

I also find it disturbing that you ask people to step up their game.
Maybe you should relax a little bit instead?

I’m not “asking” people to step up. All I’m saying is: If you can’t play specific content because it’s too hard for you, you have three choices. 1. step up 2. accept it 3. ask ANet to release a slightly easier mode, but if they don’t want to (for whatever reasons): see 2.

The Mount Everest of one guy is the Ant Hill of another.

And yet I have never seen an ant complaining about the Mount Everst being too big

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


To everyone claiming that we “Don’t need another movement gimmick which requires grinding masteries”:
Just stay in core tyria and chill around lion’s arch. You won’t have to grind anything.

But don’t try to take away what makes up RPG’s: personal progression.

About the porpuse of mounts:
Yes, the mounts only get their use by designing the maps in a way that requires mounts.
Q: where’s the difference to HoT?

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


I’m just gonna step in and name 3 things that make it kinda difficult for ANet to “remember” casuals while developing new expansions.

1. there is a definition for casual. BUT: it can be interpreted very widely

2. casuals want to stay casuals, but also be able to play all the content, otherwise they feel like ANet doesn’t “remember” them. but where do we have to draw the line? in hindsight of #1 – it is possible for one “casual” to play T4-Fractals, while another “casual” already considers them as too hard.

3. if ANet balances all their content to fit into the “casual needs”, they will lose a very big part of the community that wants more challenging content.

so maybe it’s time for you “casuals” to step up and dedicate yourself a little more to the game, or accept that there is a huuuge playerbase that wants challenging content, and you won’t be able to play it unless you step up and “git gud”.

I feel like this game lacks something...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


Id also like to add to OP that there should be an icon with text next to player hp bar indicating if said player want to duel or not, lowering the chances for people even asking, and in the process respecting that.

oooor (known from several other MMORPGs with open-world-pvp):
a menu setting to toggle, which instantly declines duel-invites automatically.
so someone who doesn’t want to duel doesn’t even get bothered with an invite.

also i think that’s pretty much what the OP meant by:

For those scared of being spammed: By default everyone should have “Allow duel invites” on decline. Nothing will change for those that don’t want to duel. Everything will be the same for them.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


the literal definition of “casual” is actually kind of similar to relaxed/unconcerned/irregular.

soo by definition people who don’t play the game on a regular basis, don’t give a kitten about meta, and play the way they want, can be considered casual.

on the other hand, someone who plays lets say 2 or more hours a day, informs himself about current builds/the overall meta and adapts his playstyle to this is not “casual” anymore.

just my two cents.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

I feel like this game lacks something...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


The core of my argument is that just as pure PvE added to WvW would be unwanted and harmful to that gameplay, adding PvP to PvE is unwanted by PvEers and is harmful to PvE. The two don’t mix. One is competitive and the other is cooperative. By “asking” for PvE in WvW as a rhetorical device to get a negative response I was showing how the flip side of asking for PvP in PvE is also an unreasonable request

The reason, I think, that you can’t see that adding PvP to PvE is unreasonable is because you’re a PvP person, so you don’t see that mixing the two is harmful to PvE (even though I bet you can see that adding pure PvE to WvW would be harmful to that gameplay).

Nope, I’m not a PvP person at all.
My WvW-lvl is something around 25, and I played maybe 5 rounds of sPvP.

The thing is:
I don’t see how a few “duel areas” (or large “no-pvp-areas” around important parts) on each PvE map would be harmful to anyones PvE experience, and you’re yet to deliver a concrete argument against such areas.

Meanwhile “PvP-Persons” wouldn’t have to port between several maps just for a little random duel + they could kill some time waiting for an event-timer to finish or something similar.

Also, what you seem to not understand:
You can’t just say “PvE doesn’t fit into PvP(WvW), so the flipside – PvP in PvE – doesn’t fit either.”
Because WvW is highly competetive, and people running around doing PvE are taking spots for real WvWers who would earn points for their server. So PvE does harm WvW indeed. On the other hand, as stated above, I don’t see how a duel would harm PvE in any way.)
If you do, you’re back to “Fairness” and “If they get this I want that (childish)”

That said I’m gonna stop arguing here, since you have ANet behind your back anyways, so arguing doesn’t make sense overall :P

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

World Completion for experienced players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


you can basically run across every WP in.. i don’t know.. two hours? and even less once we can use our mounts.
considering the hundreds, if not thousands, of hours you probably played already, that’s really a very small part to do.

80 tomes of knowledge = 1 lvl 80 boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


yea, as said before, theres quite a big difference between 80 (78 actually) tomes of knowledge and a lvl-80-boost. since you get a full set of exotic gear from the lvl-80-boost.

but an instant-lvl-80-tome would be nice.
just like theres already the possibility to sell 20 writs of experience for 1 tome of knowledge

the german "translation" of the "scourge"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


i always start games with german translation, so i can make sure i understand everything properly.
once i get used to the game and have a basic knowledge about everything, i change to english. not only because it sounds better, it also makes ingame-communication in general a lot easier.

the german "translation" of the "scourge"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


Geißel would be a more appropriate translation like Attila , die Geißel Gottes (Flagellum Dei /God’s scourge). But maybe Arenanet fears that Geißel can be easily confused with Geisel (hostage) and wanted to avoid this.

The “B” as a double “s” does not translate unless you know German.

I had a doctor named “Grobmann” (literally translated into “big man”) and I asked if his family used to be part of the German town leaders, like a mayor.

wait… are you talking about ß (=ss/sz) or b now?

Großmann = big man
Grobmann = rough man

about the scourge:
correct translation from english to german and chosing a fitting name in the first place are two different things.
overall “Pestbringer” might not be a literal translation, but comes very near to what it means and sounds better than “Geißel” imo.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

The Issue With PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


I should be able to explore the map anyway I want, and use the “Joy of Movement” I prefer.

and yet you like the vertical map movement in HoT, which requires you to use gliding, shrooms, etc.
what about the players who don’t like this?
they have as many alternatives to gliding and shrooms in HoT as you will have to using the mounts in PoF.
so what’s the difference? oh right:
you like gliding but hate mounts. so gliding is fine but mounts should be banned from guildwars. seems legit ^.^

seriously, i keep asking for arguments against mounts in all those “mount hate threads”
but these arguments keep getting more and more ridiculous and seem reaaally desperate…
not to mention that those double standards make me cringe!

oh and btw; there’s at least one way to get basically everywhere without using any mastery at all:
mesmer portals

what if i told you, that you can cry as much as you want; at the current stage ANet won’t change anything about mounts/masteries that effects the gameplay in PoF.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


And I find it a real lack of creativity that all 4 mounts will have separate masteries.
Why couldnt we instead have a mastery that is focused on the magic portals from GW1?
I mean even one of the mastery points requires solving one of these nostalgia puzzles. These portals however would work in a way that they have many different exit points and our mastery rank would decide which exits we can and cannot use and be required to solve higher tier puzzles for the portals.

wait! so… not having played gw1 myself, all i understand is:
instead of working for the mastery points, gaining xp and then use both to unlock several different mounts with different skills, hell even different mastery stages, granting you more and more possibilities the deeper you dive into the mastery thread, you find it more creative to just solve a few puzzles which will give you progression immediatly?
yea… sooo much more creative.

all i see here is yet another “mimimi mounts suck because WoW has mounts too and we hate new stuff in gw2” post that won’t affect ANets direction in any way…

Warning: Don't buy PoF from

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


as far as i understand, aeschines is upset about not getting “pre-order bonuses” by buying PoF from
there’s only one problem:
you don’t get pre-ORDER-boni – only pre-PURCHASE-boni.
after reading ANet’s statement from HoT release about third-party sellers (link posted earlier) there’s a significant difference between pre-PURCHASE and pre-ORDER.

The only way to officially Pre-Purchase right now is through the official GW2 website, or in-game. This does not cover Pre-Ordering, which may exist on a number of reputable resellers. Pre-Purchase and Pre-Order are different.

Since english is not my first-language and I’m afraid you won’t understand it if i try to explain the difference, you’ll have to figure it out yourselves.

Since seems to advertise their product of PoF as “pre-order”, technically you can’t expect to get any boni.

(edited by Hyrai.8720)

Path of Fire Preparation Pack...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyrai.8720


according to another thread, the new lvl 80 booster (“Black Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket”) doesn’t come with a shared inventory slot, yet requires one, because that’s where you will find it after purchasing it.
so if the “instant lvl 80 ticket” contained in the PoF preparation pack also requires such a slot, but the pack doesn’t include one, that could be the reason why you can’t buy it. → you don’t need HoT or PoF, just a shared inventory slot