Showing Posts For Ice Furl.4982:

Necromancer staff #1 skill "necrotic grasp"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

heh it does not actually need a dmg boost imo

Necromancer staff #1 skill "necrotic grasp"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I agree, slight speed adjustment, projectile finisher 100% of the time and maybe reduce the LF gain a bit

WTB condtition damage/vitality/toughness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

power can be quite effective without criting, stacking might can also give a massive power boost and many eles build around high power and might with defensive gear. To lengthen condition durnation you need to go high in a certin traitline. They are just discriminating against cond dmg.

Might provides condition damage as well as power.

Ofcourse I know that, that was not the point. You said that power needs crit chance and damage to be viable but I was pointing out that there is no need to invest in other stats to put out hevy dmg with a power build, they can just as easaly go for more defense just like those who deal condition damgae.

WTB condtition damage/vitality/toughness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

power can be quite effective without criting, stacking might can also give a massive power boost and many eles build around high power and might with defensive gear. To lengthen condition durnation you need to go high in a certin traitline. They are just discriminating against cond dmg.

(edited by Ice Furl.4982)

WTB condtition damage/vitality/toughness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

….Do people have no idea about balance?

like I said there already is a power/vitiality/toughness so there should also be one with condition damage

Largos must be a new race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I actually belive that they will be playable at some point because of the way the ware interduced. They also seem to have cities, culture and their body type fits armors currently in the game.

WTB condtition damage/vitality/toughness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I would kill for gear with condition damage(main)/vitality/toughness stats for my necro. I really don’t see why it is not avalible yet since there is power/vitality/toughness gear in the game already (even though there is no craftable jewlery with those stats).
Anyway it is just a thought I wanted to get out there.

(edited by Ice Furl.4982)

BLTC item sale to help Sandy victims?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Anet does do things like this (Pink Day in Lions Arch in GW1) but yes, I would support(even buy gems with real money) if they did this.

Well actually Arenanet was not behind Pink Day in LA, that was comunity effort

BLTC item sale to help Sandy victims?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I think they could raise alot of money for charity by maybe having a cash only buyable minipet in the gemstore and the charity they support would get alot more attention from people all around the world.
And hey getting something nice in game does not hurt either.

Aegis Graphic in Combat Only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I support this +1

So I dyed my underwear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Heh, in GW1 all the professions and genders had different underwear and I have always thought danceing or just playing around in your underwear was kind of funny to do and like I said it is a very minor thing but would still be a neat touch.

BLTC item sale to help Sandy victims?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I shouldnt say this, and first I want to say that I understand that hurricane Sandy was devastating, but there are earthquakes everyday (one yesterday in Mexico and Guatemala) among other natural disasters. I just dont get why the world should support one state of the “most powerful country in the world” when we have entire countries devastated by war, poverty and hunger.

I have to say that I agree with you, helping Sandy victims is not a very worthy cause, but I would still love to see them do charity sales to help with other issues.

Dung grouping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Something I would very much like to see and it could prevent these awful downtimes when it is impossible to get into a dungeon

Are Bug Fixes Coming in the November 16th Patch?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

don’t get your hopes up

So I dyed my underwear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

well almost.
If you are armorless and preview a dye it will show the dye on your underwear which raises the question why can’t we dye our underwear yet? It seems like the only thing missing to allow us to dye it is the UI for it. A very minor thing I know but could still help make characters feel a little more distinct.


Moa destroys all minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I am pretty sure it is working as indended because when you transform you lose your equipped utility skills and when you unequip minion skills the minions die, that is the same reason why you loose your minions when you use Lich Form, Plague or a tonic.
I can’t say that it is a mechanic I like though.

"Underflow" Shards - for Underpopulated Zones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I like this ++1

i dont know wich armor is this but .....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

it is currently not avalibe in pve

Life Siphon too weak

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

just one of way to many things that are way to weak for the necro

Could we get an attribute swap for Curses and Spite

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

The final solution to every Necro problems.

Curses: + power + Condition Damage
Spite: + precision + critical damage
Death Magic: + toughness + condition duration
Blood Magic: + vitality + healing power
Soul Reaping: + LF pool + boon duration

Let all traits work and we’ll finally see a viable Necro.

I like that attribute setup, would love to see it happen

Could we get an attribute swap for Curses and Spite

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

it doesnt fit with each traitline having one of the primary attributes (power, precision, vita, toughness, class attribute) and a secondary one (crit damage, cond. duration, cond. damage, healing, boon duration).

i’d rather like to see condition duration swapped with soul mastery’s critical damage, because unlike critical damage, every necro-spec benefits of longer condition duration

and as lcpdragonslayer stated, it would give condition mancers too much benefits in a single trait line.

Good point, a traitline can only have one secondary and primary atribute but the attributes must be reorderd somehow because precision does not belong at all with condition damage and neither does power with condition durnation (even though I like power a bit more than I like precision).

Could we get an attribute swap for Curses and Spite

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I like the idea beacuse conditions are meant to be a necromancers main thing but I can also easaly see how it could be op and traits would need to be adjusted to it ofcourse. But if they did not bring condition durnation to curses atleast bring something useful for condition builds like toughness, vitality, boon durnation, healing power or life force pool, precision is compleatly usless.

Could we get an attribute swap for Curses and Spite

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I think that one of the best things that could be done for necromancers would be to swap the passive attribute bonuses for the traitlines Curses and Spite, bring condition durnation to curses and precision to Spite. That would make necromancers better as masters of conditions because you would only need to max out one traitline to get the most out of your conditions and precision goes well with power so it could also make power builds more viable and versetile.
I know that currently all the professions have power paired together but this could be a part of what makes necromancers more unique and like I said before, make both condition and power builds more viable.

Best emote thread that ever lived.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I just wanted to point out that if you type an emote that we had in GW1 even though it is not yet in GW2 you will not get the unknown command message so I am sure we will get them at some point when they have been animated.
That being said more emotes is ofcourse a good thing.

Bring back some GW1 armor skins.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Bringing back old content is not good for that games future even though how good it is

I have to say that I disagree with you abougt this, birnging back the old skins would make alot of GW1 players very happy but I think the reason we dont have many GW1 skins is infact becasue they are affraid that it will just seem lazy of them to bring them back instead of designing new ones and that is why I belive it is important to let them hear that we want to see the old skins again.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I was really pissed when he just pulled 6 flesh golem out of nowhere and my necro look incredably weak, it has always frustrated me alot when NPC’s have powers that make my characters look like amateures.
But I am just glad I am not playing a mesmer becasue I have found so many mesmers in this game that just makes playable mesmers look like nothing.

Bring back some GW1 armor skins.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I despretly want more GW1 armors, I think adding them would be the best thing they could do for long time GW1 fans like me and many others.
Imagine how cool it would be to go to the Granite Citadel in GW2 and find a merchant selling the armors that ware sold there 250 years ago (maybe as something well preserved that the Durmand Priory recoverd from the ruins or something that someone made either as a replica of tattered old armors that they found there or after old sketches and clothing cuts or even just sell the recipies to make the armors), it would make my heart mealt.

(edited by Ice Furl.4982)

Remove bleeds entirely from Necro and give us Necrosis stacks instead.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I really like the idea of giving necros a new condition although bleeds would not need to be entirely from the class, just toned down.
Often when I group with people for dungeons I ask if anyone is speced for lots of bleeds and if more than one other person in the group is than I ask if either of them could bring less bleeds because necros dont have many other choises than bleeds to do damage and always stacking bleeds on a 25 bleed stack obviously useless.
Like op said it could work just like bleeding but would just stack differently. One of the best ideas I have ever seen about how to make necros more viable. I really hope this thread catches the eyes of a developer even though it is an unlikely change to happen it should atleast give them some ideas.

Who does Eir's voice?

in Audio

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Revive in deathshroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Interesting although it is proboably not intended

Revive in deathshroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Could we please get the ability to revive allies and pick up pve items (such as the flaming scepters in AC path 1 but not enviormental weapons) while in deathshroud, lich form or plague. I dont see why we can’t do it since it is possible for thiefs and mesmers to revive in steath. It would also be nice to get the ability to finish off enimies in pvp while in deathshroud or a form.

Please Bring This Shield Back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I agree it is pretty sick and I would just also like to see more GW1 skins come back in general

Best GW1 armors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I thought I would share my thoughts on what armors from GW1 I really liked and would like to see carried over to GW2. I made a rather long list of armors I like and I would also like to see others post what armors from GW1 they want to have in GW2.

Mesmer Elite Rogue (female although male is also good)
Probably my favorite armor out of them all, I just love how slick and tight it looks and that is the armor I made my GW1 mesmer ware most often (and she is my favorite character). I really want to see this one make a comeback and not go through much if any redesign at all.

Mesmer Elite Enchanter (female)
Very nice for a mesmer and I think GW2 could use more armors styled similarly to that one.

Mesmer Elite Kurzick (female)
I really like this one and it is really fitting for a mesmer (and currently mesmer styled armors are a bit lacking in GW2), would be cool to add when we get to go back to Cantha (as with all other Kurzick and Luxon armors on this list).

Mesmer Norn (another female mesmer armor I like)
It looks nice and I think we need some coats for scholars in GW2.

Necromancer Krytan (male and female)
No armor is more fitting for a necromancer than this vampy looking one

Necromancer Kurzick (male and female)

Necromancer Elite Kurzick (male and female)

Dervish Elite Sunspear (male and female)
I love this one but it maybe does not fit very well for the medium armor wearing professions we currently have.

Dervish Vabbian (female)
Same point as with Dervish Elite Sunspear but this one might work as a light armor.

Dervish Monument (male)
I love the samurai look.

Elementalist Kurzick (female)
I think this one is overall pretty good but I dont like how the glove part gets wider then the sleeves.

Those ware the ones I most want to see but here are some more I also think are pretty cool:

Assassin Kurzick (male)

Assassin Elite Luxon (male)

Elementalist Ascalon (male)

Ranger Elite Druid (female)
I just like it, don’t judge

Ritualist Shing Jea (female)
Simple but I like it

Ritualist Elite Luxon (female)

Ritualist Asuran (female)

Ritualist Vabbian (female)

Necromancer Monument (male and female)

Necromancer Vabbian (female)
A good one for the Elona expansion

Mesmer Shing Jea (female)

Gwen’s default set

Gwen’s Deldrimor set

Master of Whisper’s default set

Any of Razah’s sets

Livia’s default set

Miku’s set
(I know its pieced together of other sets but I also like the bodystocking she has under it)

Eve’s set

Cynn’s set

There are many more good armors in GW1 and it is clear that the designers will not need to look far for new sets to add to the game and I hope that they will not be shy about recycling GW1 armors into gw2. And for those not familliar with the GW1 wiki you can press the link for Male or Female gallery under the pictures of the armorsets on the wiki page if you want to see more pictures of them.
Can’t wait to hear what armors you guys want in GW2

Sister appearance

in Human

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I picked canthan and she was rather pale with long black hair, I dont have a picture though


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

In LA I found this NPC with a rather racist but funny texture bug that I thought I would let you know of.


Do title's show up?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Hmm.. I wish they would upgrade some of the UI. I like a lot of it, but I dunno, I think they could learn a lot from Blizzard

Or just gw1, I am not gonna write an essay about things in the gw1 UI that is better than the gw2 UI even though I could. But for titles, in gw1 they ware visable by just hovering the mouse over a character, no need to click it. I am kind of dissapointed that I need to be clicked so others can see the titles i worked really hard for in both gw1 and gw2.

giganticus and reanimator

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

YES YES YES! This trait has given me hell in Arah explorable with that boss! It MUST be made a minor traot that we can slot if we want! I really hope this threat will catch the attention of a dev and something will be done about it.

This is what i call a mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I really really hate it when NPC’s have skills that just put my characters to shame, it SUCKS!

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

The Mad Memories back item you get for compleating act 2 has no level requirement even though it has the same stats as the level 80 green Rampagers Spineguard back item you can get from your personal story, but because it has no level requirement it can only be upgraded with upgrade components that also have no level requirement and they all just suck when you are at level 80.
Please check this out and it would be great if you would make it a level 80 item, make it be able to take upgrades from items of every level or change things so that items of any level can take upgrades of any level but putting an upgrade that is a higher level than the item it self will raise the level requirement of the item.

I miss Gaile and the Frog

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

It would be awesome, she is loved by the comunity

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I remember in the first days the game was out I was doing for the first time AC with a group and we got a message that the game would restart in 3 hours but then it restarted in just a few minuets an destroyed our run

Hoping for love on today's patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

what a dissapointment

I don't get Wail of Doom

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

its actually not so bad, the only problem I have with that spell is the long cast time that makes it alot harder to use as an interrupt

Can we get to turn off the glow on ghastly weapons?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Why exactly did you buy the Ascalonian weapons if you hate the blue hue look in the evening? That’s kind of the entire reason they are there – normal during the day, ghostly at night.

FYI I got the weapon because I think they are possibly the best designed set in the game (along with krytan) and they look like real weapons, I knew all along that I would not like the glow but I did not realise how much of an eyesore it would be and how cartoonish it would make them look

Staff sound. is too loud/long?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I agree it is to loud and I also think it needs some randomness to it to make it less annoying

Can we get to turn off the glow on ghastly weapons?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Are you serious? You want everyone to change because of this one gripe you have?
Sorry but no. This won’t work.

I was very clearly not saying to change all weapons but to give us the ability to togle if they glow or not, it could be as simple as the small checkbox in the corner of the mask and shoulderpads icons when equipped

(edited by Ice Furl.4982)

Can we get to turn off the glow on ghastly weapons?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I have a ghastly staff on my necromancer and i really like the look of it during the day but during the night it gets the blue glow that I just looks awful with my black and green armor. It would be very nice if we could set our weapons not to glow during the night or atleast get to change the color of the glow so that we dont have to dye our armor all in black or blue if we dont want to look silly. I think it are some of the best skins in the game and they look like real weapons but that blue glow might force me to replace my ghastly staff and it has already prevented me from getting more stuf from that set

Alittle upset not having Heros...Cant mulibox to play alone either..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I loved the hero system in gw1 and I loved making builds and team builds so it was very dissapointing for me when I found out that heros, secondary professions and emphasis on build making would not be in the sequal. Not a bad game though but I miss the things that made me fall in love with gw1

Does critical damage stack with power?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Critical hits do 150% damage (assuming no increased critical damage stats). When you up the power, the damage of attacks go up. Then when you crit you do 150% of that damage.

Not sure if my point is clear.

Yup that pretty much awnsers this for me, I guess they do stack

Does critical damage stack with power?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Stack how? Its a separate stat that stacks with itself.

I mean would a character with high critical damage and a low power do the same damage on a critical hit as a character with the same critical daage but higher power. It is unclear to me if critical damage is just based of a skills base damage or is also effected by the power stat.