Showing Posts For Insanity.5174:
ArenaNet … no offense but please don’t smoke too much pot at work because this is unbelievably … well … man this is not enough. It won’t change anything. Your PvP balancing team should actually start playing some PvP.
they do pvp…but only with warriors.
anyway,nerf smoke pot and buff ele.
Don’t forget about the other side of ele changes that are needed as well. There needs to be an AOE circle for meteor shower and it needs to do less damage.
I agree eles need buffs, but they also need the two changes above as well.
They can do what they want with aoe staff and staff damage.
I want only play my elementalist with S/D- S/F – D/D – D/F without being melted every kittening day against a spirit ranger,minion master,hambow,s/d thief and others kittenty builds.
these changes are so f** stupids and wtf,3 months for every balance patch.
what is a balance patch that doesn’t balance,simply,is a kittenty patch like always.
Again the proof that you don’t want to hear a kitten about this class.
Thousands of topics about :
Revert the Ride The Lightning nerf.
Revert Cleansing water trait nerf.
Revert Cleansing wave trait nerf.
Revert Elemental Attunement trait nerf.
Buff Focus skills.
Buff Arcane shield,3 blocks every 75 seconds,wow.
Buff Glyphs.
Buff Signets.
Changing lingering elements trait because is useless.
Conjurer weapons like engi’s kits.
Buff Arcane Precision.grandmaster trait,wow.
You have NEVER talked about buffing any of this things,ty,really.
8% healing signet nerf,seriously?
how is possibile playing against a warrior that heals 1k every second.
how is possibile playing against a thief s/d that makes to you 3k-4k of autoattack,perma evades.
After 1 year of this stupid meta and after this “balance” notes i understand that there are no hopes for this game about pvp,do what you want with your broken game,i’m out like others already did it.
warrior isn’t the problem,the real problem is the balance team.
1) new game .
The root problem is that the devs don’t care about the pvp at all. You think we’d have chain immobilize if they cared? Hambows? Condi spam? Chain stealth? PU mesmers? Skyhammer? 3-4 months between patches? Asuras in pvp? Completely overblown graphical effects? Hundreds of bugs which have been ignored since release or earlier?
The list of problems this game has could go on for pages, and what are the devs doing about it? Nothing. They’re sitting around waiting for another 3-4 months to go by so they can release a small patch with a few number changes that doesn’t change anything.
Anet puts profits ahead of the game and the players 100% of the time. Every time keeping their word has ended up being financially inconvenient, they’ve gone back on it and told people to deal with it. Any time a mode has been deemed unprofitable, it has been abandoned.
There’s no point telling the devs what they need to do to fix pvp because it isn’t hard to figure out. The hard part is getting devs that actually care about pvp, and unfortunately the anet devs do not.
sir,you forgot “all is vain”, +1 anyway.
i don’t know why they made the profession balance section in the forum if they don’t ask/tell/answer/take ideas from the topics made.
healing signet will still be always op with the omfg nerf of 8% and are you increasing the active of the signet?are you mad?
why nerf necro’s dhuumfire and not nerf incendiary powder from engies?
balance or remove the ai? can’t be done for mysterious causes?
perma-evade thiefs?
combowarriorccopstun,why a decent nerf to the damage/sustain/allyouwant?
silly immobilize stacking?
and so on.
why don’t you hire helseth?i think he could simply balance the game in a week when a “balance team” couldn’t have done it for 16 long months.
come on balance team,wake up please,the whole pvp community is hoping for the rights things from you and you are doing kitten like every pvp balance patchs?please come on.
ps : all is vain.
i hoped in “shard of ice” reworked as “drop geyser when health drops to 50%(30sec cd)”—> blast it —> sustain, hey but now we have 3s of regen on water trident,we can carry the game,ele now is fixed,ty pvp balance team.
armor of earth,hey now we are absolutely fixed,really,ty pvp balance team.
arcane shield 3 blocks every 75sec,come on anet buff this,why are you afraid of this?
buff signets anet?
signet of water passive healing increase by 25% and active heals for 3k allies and chills foes?
signet of earth passive conditions on you decreased by 20% ,active immune to condition for 5s?
signet of fire passive conditions duration increase by 20% active aoe burning?
signet of air reduced to 25sec?
signet mastery reduce signet recharge by 20 and now all signet are blast finisher?
make conjure weapons like engi kits anet?
buff focus anet?
flame wall is still ridiculous.
rework fire aura?like gain 2 stack of might and burn foes every time you have been hitted 30sec cd?
ty for the un-nerfing 5 sec cooldown on cleansing water.
ty for the “nerf” to healing signet for the warrior lol,now we can “try” to counter them.
ty for all the nerfs eles received.
imho this patch won’t fix/change nothing as always,when they can’t fix some stupid things they introduce kitten like double sigils on 2h.
ah,last thing,ty for restoring ride the lightning.
steal 2500+ hp from warriors and give them to ele.
renewing stamina at the place of zephyr’s speed.
elemental attunement should be installed in the class and shoudn’t be a trait.
rework lingering elements into something more useful or change it with evasive arcana.
revert rtl nerf or nerf warrior mobility.
diamond skin rework like,conditions cannot be applied above the 80% of hp or when you have got stability you are immune to conditions.
make lightning flash again a stunbreaker.
armor of earth 90 sec cd,why? decrease some cooldowns.
arcane shield 75 sec cd,why? decrease the cooldown or put a “reflect projectiles” or block 5 attacks.
make conjurer like engi kits?
signet of air blind for foes and aoe stability 3-4sec for allies?
one with air 3-4 secs of superspeed?
blasting staff 60 radius increase + tough,vitality and healing power increase.
and so on.
i saw the streaming,it was a shame and a waste of time.
when ele will be viable in pvp?
when warriors will be balanced?(i’m not saying nerfed)
when do you decide to nerf ai damage?
when new modes?
when skyhammer will be removed from soloq?
Except, warrior isn’t overpowered. That is simply YOUR opinion. Warriors have proved over and over that healing signer is fine, its just that all the nerd mongers cover their ears and keep screaming for nerds. They won’t be satisfied until warrior is a free kill. They have the same hate for thief, it will be back whenever warriors are rendered useless.
I’m not saying that warrior should be a free kill,i’m saying that warrior should be balanced.
MY OPINION is that healing signet should be nerfed a bit and be like the signet of restoration for elementalist, when you attack the signet heals you(risk vs reward).
400hp/s for doing NOTHING with berserker stats is simply OP,do you understand?
Warriors are made for the ppl that can’t play other classes.
pvp balance team have had 7+ months to “balance”(i’m not saying nerf) the warriors and they haven’t done nothing about it.
The issue with warriors is ONLY healing signet and i’m talking as an elementalist/thief/mesmer/engi/guardian.
healing signet should scale with healing power and should be like the signet of restoration for the elementalist,when “you attack you gain hp”(risk vs reward),
and shouldn’t be" you don’t do a kittening nothing and you gain 400 hp gratis once per second"(no risk op reward).
imo we have got some penalties given us from useless traits.
for example lingering elements,is an useless trait and should be changed into something better,it’s really bad for 15 points trait .
soothing mist seems ok.
stone flesh seems ok.
zephyr’s speed and flame barrier are simply useless,this 2 traits should be changed.
zephyr’s speed should be changed with renewing stamina,remember that mesmer and guardian can put only 5 points to have perma-vigor and we have to put 10 points into arcana to have it,and both mesmer and guardian don’t need to dodge like ele to mitigate the damage.
flame barrier should be changed into something like,when you are attuned in fire and you got critically hitted,you burn your foe or gain 1xmight(2sec cd) it would be more useful.
elemental attunement shouldn’t be a trait but it should be installed into the profession rotation of the attunements or should be again an arcana adept trait because it’s the trait that gives to the ele a part of sustain it needs(protection-regen).
evasive arcana it’s another trait that all eles love and we can’t change it because it’s another trait that gives as a part of our sustain but it’s 30 points trait.
couldn’t be possible to split this trait into 15 points traits for every tree trait?
sunspot =>when you dodge in fire you use flame burst(10sec cd).
lightning strike should remain the same to not nerf the burst build.
earthen blast => when you dodge in earth churning earth counts as blast finisher(10sec cd)
healing ripple => when you dodge in water cleansing Wave (10sec cd)
off hands skill of every skill set like d/d-s/f-d/f-s/d should be reduced, updraft,cleasing wave,etc.
cleansing water shouldn’t have a 5 sec cd.
persisting flame => when you blast a field you gain fury but :
if you blast a flame field you burn enemy foes that is near the field and rip 1 boon every time you blast that field.
if you blast a water field you steal life from an enemy near to that field and gain also 5sec regeneration for each blast.
if you blast a light field you daze him.
and so on.
/cry mode on
i should l2p to hit an ele for 1500 and then nuke them with conditions.
/cry mode off
diamond skin isn’t op,conditions are and will be.
adapt your build to the new meta and at the same time l2p.
i’m really disgusted about some changes.
why the hell won’t they replace lingering elements with elemental attunement,zephyr’s speed with renewing stamina, why don’t they reverse the rtl nerf, why don’t split evasive arcana into the 5/15 points trait,why?
why always other classes need some boons?
you can’t do nothing against skyhammer’s farmer and the best option is to delete the entire rank points system,nice job arenanet,really nice job.
Balance the conditions : when i cure a condition i’m immune to the condition cured for X seconds.
This should be the 10 dec patch,but maybe is too hard to understand.
devs don’t care about our lowest armor and life so stop spamming it in every post,they won’t buff us for being the squishest class they ever made.
/disappointed with the new patch for various things.
why ele is not working properly and it won’t work properly? because we have a lot of traits/skills that are USELESS,intentionally maybe?
lingering attunement,zephyr’s speed and one with air are still USELESS.
I really don’t understand why put an USELESS 1,5s superspeed why the hell don’t you buff a bit this trait,it’ could be VIABLE if buffed to 3/4s.
zephyr’s speed with 10% speed please,please,please revamp it,it’s USELESS.
arcane precision is a grandmaster trait,why?
signets are still USELESS AND NOT VIABLES,add to them/stability,ecc.
why earthen blast can’t be a BLAST FINISHER?THERE IS BLAST AT THE END of the name.
why don’t you split evasive arcana into every 5/15/25 points water/earth/fire/air?
why you want us to use conjurer weapons?not all are masochists.
why don’t we have aegis to mitigate the damage? why can’t we spam blind to mitigate the damage?
why retaliation don’t deserve a nerf?400+ for hitting a guardian,come on guys it’s so RIDICULOUS.
diamond skin WILL BE AN EPIC FAILURE if they don’t put an 80-85% and all we know why.
could i deserve an answer from a dev?
Diamond Skin : conditions taken below the 20% the health threshold are converted into boons?could be?ele survability?
vigor in earth maybe?
Again, please no.
Listen … Jon wants to help out fire and this is how I suggest he does it.
1. Move Renewing Stamina to 5 points in Air.
2. Move Conjurer to Adept in Arcane (there is nothing to that ability that makes me think fire anyway).
3. Move Persisting Flames to Fire Master.Ta-Da … room for a brand new Fire Grandmaster without any decisions that don’t make sense.
dude…this is what i wrote to them in the other topic,other ppl are saying the same about 5 points trait in air from months,no devs answered us for this change and they will not,because they like ele in downed form.
In the past 12+ months Elemental Attunement and Renewing Stamina supported all of ele builds,if this 2 traits would go in Master Traits you will kill again Elementalists.
Zephyr’s Speed should be replaced with Renewing Stamina(Guardians and Mesmers have got vigor putting ONLY 5 points, and Guardians don’t need to dodge to evade the damage like Elementalists).
In the past months you nerfed our mobility,our survability but PLEASE don’t nerf also our dodge capacity,the class is not made to TAKE all the damage in the face.
Let Elementalist DODGE,PLEASE.Lingering Elements should be replaced by Elemental Attunement(maybe with a lower boon duration).
Lingering Elements is bugged since beta,if something doesn’t work correctly,PLEASE replace/delete/change it.In the Arcana Traits line there are 2 traits that should be merged :
Arcane Mastery and Arcane Energy OR Arcane Mastery and Arcane Retribution,if you merge them these traits will be more usefull and viables.One With Air #4 Air : 1,5 sec of superspeed is not so helpfully to escape from certain circumstances,PLEASE buff 1,5 sec to 3/4 secs to be really helpfully and viable.
Arcane Shield should reflect projectiles.
Tornado #Elite should destroy projectiles as Swirling Winds Focus #4 Air.Please don’t put Elemental Attunement and Renewing stamina to master trait,never.
vigor in earth maybe?
Guys, what do you think about this proposal? It will increase build diversity a lot by allowing people to have 0 points in Arcana. I think it’s an idea that’s worth considering.
- Arcane VI – Renewing Stamina. Moved to Master tier.
Please swap Air II – Zephyr’s Focus and Arcane VI – Renewing Stamina instead.
Renewing Stamina depends on Crit, and is out of place in the Arcana line, while Zephyr’s Focus belongs to the Arcana line (although it’s nearly useless since only Meteor Shower counts as a channelling spell). Swap it, put Renewing Stamina in Adept tier for Air, and put Zephyr’s Focus in Master tier for Arcana, and maybe buff it a little bit.
Arcana has too many good traits, swap it to other line like Air will help builds diversity.
dude,they don’t want renewing stamina in air or fire or earth or water, they want renewing stamina in arcana trait line,50 ppl wrote to them that mesmer and guardian have got 5 minor trait vigor and it should be the same with ele but devs haven’t said nothing about it(they are ignoring us) and don’t understand that renewing stamina is the trait that will help a lot ele for build diversity and to escape from the sea of mud where is atm.
And yes they are trying to find a way to nerf again the d/d build,they could do it with putting renewing stamina in air adept trait(instead zephyr’s focus or other),so d/d should decide to put the new renewing stamina or zephyr’s boon.
imho i think that atm lingering attunement is useless and it should be revamped as the others 5 minor traits,anyway i thought something about lingering attunements :
I think that lingering attunement should give the chance to COME BACK to the previous attunement,here some expamples :
I’m an ele s/f and i’m in earth and i want to switch in fire, now i’m in fire but i see a thief is coming to me and makes a backstab, 2 seconds passed and i came back to earth to gain the 5# invulnerability so i’m able to reposition myself for a burst and have a chance against this thief… and boom,burst done and then gg,ele op,needs nerf. (i had the possibility to came back and choose a skill that saves me my life instead of waiting 16/13/10 secs cooldown)
I’m an ele s/d and i’m in air and i switch into fire,i see a warrior gs/sword-shield coming to us and (we will scream against him for sure),but,wait we can switch again in air and escape with RTL that is nerfed and the warrior come to us with 3#+5# gs and 2# sword,he will reach us and kill us,but hey,WE GOT +5 SECS SURVABILITY,gg ele,needs nerf.
Obviously the 15 traits won’t trigger. so i won’t be able to switch to air-fire-air or water-earth-water,etc etc.
This new trait will be triggered only 1 time, i’m in air i switch to fire and then after 2sec i switch to air again, if now i switch again to fire i won’t be able to switch again in air that is in cooldown.
2-3 seconds to come back to the previously attunement.
OR Change/Modify 5 points that are nearly useless:
Zephyr’s speed is so USELESS,better if you put 25% chance to blind someone 5 secs cd.
Flame Barrier : burning area for 2 secs chance to trigger 50% and 1 sec cooldown.
Soothing mist is fine.
earth is fine.
20%chance to gain an Aura when triggered an attunement
i switch to fire and i have a 20% chance to gain fire shield.
i switch to water and i have a 20% chance to gain frost aura and so on.
or nothing(i think this will be the final answer).
other questions :
With Weak Spot(25 air) should be 80% to inflict vulnerability and 20% to inflict blind on target 1 sec cooldown,i think that blind will help ele’s survability.
(Acidic Coating that is an engi trait helps them very well,and i think a similar trait should be on ele)
Why won’t revert nerf on RTL? or why don’t nerf warrior greatsword #3 and #5 and sword #2 (double the cd if they don’t hit someone)?
Elemental Attunement moved to Master tier.
Most eles use this trait. You said you wanted to discourage putting points into arcane, but every ele who only had 10 points will now have to jump up to 20.
imho,They should take “Renewing Stamina” and put it where is Zephyr’s Speed.
Renewing Stamina/Vigorous Protection(guardian)/Critical Infusion(Mesmer) will grant 5 secs of Vigor on crit with 10 sec cd.
5 secs of vigor every 10secs cd,easy and not perma-vigor up time.
Elementalist used/uses/will use “Elemental Attunement” FOREVER because it’s the best trait we have to move(swiftness) and survive(regen and protection).
They want to move it in master tier,so 20 points wasted into arcana only to get elemental attunement and then we should only spend another 10 points for Evasive Arcana, ALWAYS 30 points into arcana.
The Solution For “Elemental Attunement” should be :
Examples :
-The Boon Protection will trigger only if we have got 10 points in the Earth Trait Line.
-The Boon Regen Will trigger only if we have 10 points in Water
-The Boon Swiftness will trigger only if we have 10 points into Air
-The Boon Might will trigger only if we have 10 points in Fire(it should be 3 might stacks and not 1,i know that ele could stack till 25 mightblabla)
Doing so,they will put us in a position to spend points in every trait line to have got the boons we want for focusing on our builds :
Examples :
- I’m a staff bunker 0-0-10-30-30 so i will use my points in Arcana 30, Water 30,Earth 10:
In according of what i said this build has got no points in fire and air so when my ele will switch to air it will not get Swiftness(no escape mode) and when i switch to fire i will not get might. but When i switch to earth and water i’ll get regen and protection.
other example:
i’m a full dps so my build would be 30-30-0-0-10 (30 fire-30 air-10 arcana)
when i switch to fire i should get “3” might stack,when in air i’ll get swiftness for escaping but when i go into water and earth i DON’T get regen and protection.
other example:
i’m an hybrid so my build would be 10-20-10-20-10(10 fire-20 air-10earth-20water-10 arcana)
in this case i’ll got ALL of THE BOONS from ELEMENTAL ATTUNEMENT.
and so on with builds….
I think it should be a great idea.
And yes,Elemental Attunement “MUST HAVE TO BE” IN ADEPT TRAIT LINE BECAUSE IT’S NECESSARY FOR EVERY BUILD WE WILL MAKE ON OUR ELE from tpvp to wvw to pve. (i know “must have to be” is wrong)
The new Trait “One With Air” will be REALLY USEFULL if it gets a buff to superspeed,increasing it from 1,5 to 3,5/4secs.
ps: 2k hours spent on my ele,i know what i’m talking about.
Swapping Soothing Disruption with Cantrip Mastery i think that it should be a great idea.
i could have a build S/D : 10/30/0/15/15 – 0/30/10/15/15 – 0/20/10/20/20 -etc running with lightning flash(32 s),Arcane Blast and Mist form(60s) for stomp/repositioning or i could also switch mist form with armor of earth(72s) putting only 10 points in water against a stun warrior or necro with chain fear.
Anyway,good idea with Soothing Disruption and Cantrip Mastery.
ps: diamond skin should be : Diamond Skin. This trait has been redesigned. Conditions cannot be applied to you when your health is above the threshold. 80-85%
Ele has got a weak armor and really poor life,it needs 2 hits to go below the 90% of his life.
(edited by Insanity.5174)
Elementalist :
One With Air give 3/4s of superspeed + 5 seconds of vigor when triggered air attunement.
Sometimes,some guys said : “anet balance team should be fired”… i never told this to devs,BUT IF Anet after months and months of feedbacks will do some GREAT errors(as renewing stamina,elemental attunement,etc) i’ll join these guys.
Anyway,i hope what i read are only their wrong ideas and i hope they won’t implement some changes in the game,if they do…they should be fired all because they are not doing their job.
In the past 12+ months Elemental Attunement and Renewing Stamina supported all of ele builds,if this 2 traits would go in Master Traits you will kill again Elementalists.
Zephyr’s Speed should be replaced with Renewing Stamina(Guardians and Mesmers have got vigor putting ONLY 5 points, and Guardians don’t need to dodge to evade the damage like Elementalists).
In the past months you nerfed our mobility,our survability but PLEASE don’t nerf also our dodge capacity,the class is not made to TAKE all the damage in the face.
Let Elementalist DODGE,PLEASE.
Lingering Elements should be replaced by Elemental Attunement(maybe with a lower boon duration).
Lingering Elements is bugged since beta,if something doesn’t work correctly,PLEASE replace/delete/change it.
In the Arcana Traits line there are 2 traits that should be merged :
Arcane Mastery and Arcane Energy OR Arcane Mastery and Arcane Retribution,if you merge them these traits will be more usefull and viables.
One With Air #4 Air : 1,5 sec of superspeed is not so helpfully to escape from certain circumstances,PLEASE buff 1,5 sec to 3/4 secs to be really helpfully and viable.
Arcane Shield should reflect projectiles.
Tornado #Elite should destroy projectiles as Swirling Winds Focus #4 Air.
Please don’t put Elemental Attunement and Renewing stamina to master trait,never.
1. Classes Balance.
2. Game Modes.
3. Rewards.
necrofearcondimancer,i hate who gives in their hands the burning,really i hate him/her/them.
fear damage(1k per tick) is too much.
conditions damage should be increased for PVE and should be nerfed a bit for PVP.
when i’m in pvp,why when i cleanse 3 conditions,for example i cure cripple-chill-confusion, why i can’t be IMMUNE for theese conditions for 5 sec when i cleanse them,why?
WE can’t play against a necro that nukes US with a tons of conditions,WE tried to cleanse them and then again all the tons of conditions came back,it’s so unfair.
Why don’t you put a sort of conditions immunity for X seconds in this game?(ye,i know that the only one that has this is the warrior)
Why there are no way to put a Conditions Remove Priority,for expample i hate immobilize+chill and i want to cleanse them for first and not at the last when i’m died.
Warrlockstunningcomboopdmgopregensuperpr0skilledthebestonebuttontowin ,i know that warrior is the most class played bla bla bla…but really atm is too strong….
when a warrior trys to land a stun(ye i know that sigil of parablabla is fixed) should lose all of his adrenaline and can’t be regenered until 15-20secs so it will stop the stuns train and cc train.
Signet of healing is too strong,all in this forum said that over the 4 months where weren’t no balancing patchs.
Why don’t you put hundred blade to the F1 skill?
evadethiefs i know that the thiefs is one the weakest class(defense) and should evade the damage instead of take it,but guys,this is too much.
why don’t you nerf a bit Feline Grace?
Signet of Agility should give(when i click on it) to the user only 1 bar of endurance and should cure 3 conditions to him and his allies in radius X.
Put a limit on skill spam,for example when someone uses 3 times heartseeker,increase the initiative cost from 3 to 5/6 so it will be less spamming.
Same with the setup S/D with Flanking Strike and Larcenous Strike.
Ele,weakest classblabla
There are some trait that should be revamped:
Strength of Stone why i should do 10%more damage when i’m in earth?earth is defense not damage.
why won’t you put instead of this trait a new trait that should reduce the damage taken from 20-30% when attuned into earth(as a protection)?
Piercing Shards for water is the same(heal trait should not deal damage).why don’t u put a new trait that “IF you cure a condition on your allies you got healed/or you got protection by X”?
Lingering attunements, you know what i’m talking about(bug),if you are not able to fix a trait,please…change it or put another trait.
Zephyr’s Speed is useless,why won’t you replace it with Renewing Stamina?(mesmer and guardian have got the same with 5 points(Critical Infusion-Vigorous Precision))
Blasting Staff should increase the radius and the durations of the staff’s skills for example unsteady ground should increase from 3 secs to 5 secs same for static fieldlava tomb,ecc.and increases the toughtness of 150-200.
Mist Form 75 secs,why? the engi(Elixir S) has got the invulnerability for 60 secs,please explain it to me.
Arcane shield recharge should be reduced to 60sec,it should reflect all projectiles,
Armor of earth 60-70secs.
lightning flash stunbreakers again,maybe with a less damage.
Rtl should break immobilize or daze for 1 sec when hits someone.
One with Air the new air trait should be 3-4secs and should blinds nearby foes,you know that 1,5s is SO useless….
When i have in the tree line of arcana Arcane Mastery and Final Shielding,the Arcana Mastery should reduce the cooldown of Final shielding(75—>60).
Same thing with Cantrips Mastery and Earth’s Embrace(90—>75).
Mesmer,I think it’s fine atm after theese buffs to mantra and stability.
Mesmer QQ a lot because they had no stability,no condiremoval and now someone is starting to complains about phantasmal build because they don’t oneshoot ppl.
Anyway now it’s a nice class to play and doing tpvp but i also think that the condition build is really strong,sometime is impossible to deal with it in 1vs1,i think that it should be nerfed a bit.
Ranger i don’t play this class very much because i really don’t like so i can’t comment.
Engi,i started play engi 5 months ago,i think dps build/condition/support/bunker are really fine,ye i think it’s a fine class atm.
Guardian is fine but i think that the retaliation is strong enough to kill a burst ele or a thief with S/P,i think it should be nerfed a bit,maybe 70-100 points.
Maybe i lost my time writing here but i always hope to help some devs to balancing the classes.
Anyway,i played all the classes(not the ranger atm) i liked ALL of them and my favourite are the ele,mesm,thief and engi,but i really hate the warrior and the necro(too easy to play),i really HOPE anet will do something about war and necro. cross fingers
(edited by Insanity.5174)
after 4 months of waiting,after all the feedbacks that the community give to the devs,it’s a shame.
today i gave up this game till we’ll get a new balance team.I’m leaving for ESO as soon as it comes out lol.
i’m waiting for bf4,gta5 and i’ll try out also tera and neverwinter.
after 4 months of waiting,after all the feedbacks that the community give to the devs,it’s a shame.
today i gave up this game till we’ll get a new balance team.
/dream mode on
I would Reduce armor of earth to 60s.
Lightning flash should be again a stunbreakers.
Rtl should be 1500 range and 20sec cd in combat and out combat but ONLY in PVE to travel in the maps.
Rtl in pvp should removes cripple and immobilize from you and should daze/cripple when it hits a foe.
Reduce arcane shield to 40-50s.
reduce mist form to 60 and at the end of the mist form you should regenerate all of your endurance or when the mist form finishs it will burn enemy if i’m in fire,chill or heal if i’m in water,blind in air and cripple in earth.
When an arcane skill is used it should apply a condition to a foe,for example if i use arcane wave/blast and i’m in fire it should apply burning for 2-3 secs to foes,in air it should gives blind/vulnerability/daze,in water it should heals allies or chill enemy foes and in earth should cripple/bleed enemy foes.
I would replace Zephir’s Speed with Renewing stamina.
I would improve Arcane Precision, 7,5% chance is too low,just increase to 20-25%.
Scepter’s water skill 2 “shatterstone” is useless in pvp,it should be like a necro’s mark with a larger aoe with a little bit of longer cd.
Scepter’s fire skill 1 “Flamestrike” should have a lower casting time like ¾ and not 1¼ and unblockable skill factor.
In Earth i would put a trait that gives to me invulnerability(focus 5 earth) when i go below of 25%hp, 60sec cd.
Fire Grab and Churning Earth when hit foes will rip 2-3 boons on them.
I would reduce attunement recharge rate to 12/14s or less.
I would improve focus’s skills.
I would improve staff’s skills.
I would improve conjurer weapons.
I would improve signets.
Vote me.
/dream mode off
What kills an ele?
-warrior,i played one hammer/shotbow- gs/mace-shield- gs/mace-shield,is it a joke…?4k everywhere.
-necro : condispam,fear chain is too hard to deal if you have less than 1/2 of warrior’s life.
-thief s/d : too many evades.
-some kinds of conditions spammer engis.
-retaliation. i’m with a s/d build and it hurts a lot
eles need only a little bit of adjustements to became viable in tpvp.
ps : i play ele since i bought this game 1 year ago,and i’ll play this class because i love it.
31/5/13 patch :
Necromancer : all skills will give agony.(50+ fractal agony)
Warrior : though/vitality/power will be increased by 50%.(becouse they have got the best attack/thoug/vit of the game and couldn’t win against nothing)
Hundred Blades now will teleport your foes in front of you,will stone them and damage will increased by 50%.
Mesmer : clones won’t be more 3 only but 10.
Mind-wrack dmg will be increased by 45,67%.
Roll for clone(trait) won’t generate 1 clone anymore but “only” 3(no cooldown in this trait).
Every clone shattered will give you other 2 clones.
Shattered skills will have no cooldown.
Ranger : AI of the pets improved.
Thief : backstab now will have a chance(89,45%)of oneshoot on the foes.
Steal will also steal from foes the weapons/clothes and money.
Engineer : don’t know.
Guardian :
Duration of boons/vitality/tough/regen will increased by 43%.
All boons will be given for skills use(15 secs duration)(trait)
Other boons will be developed becouse without them he could do nothing.
Elementalist :
Players will no longer be able to use the keyboard.
Rtl modified : range brought from 1200 to 55. Cooldown increased to 1 hour 42 mins and 23secs.if it hits the target will be only 10hours 56mins 5secs.
Mist form will bluescreen your pc.
Signet of restoration’ passive will be removed and replaced to confusion passive(example : when ele do a skill will take 3 stacks of confusion condition).
Arenanet : balanced is now ok!
(edited by Insanity.5174)
@LightningBlaze.4913 ty
where did you read all this details about ele’s nerf?
1)erase ascended gears.
2)balance some classes.
3)pvp arena,1vs1,2vs2,ecc. also deathmatch mode.
5)New maps with keeps to conquer for guild houses.(a guild should have only ONE keep at time)
Keeps should be “little”,“medium”,heavy".
A guild can declare war to another one for the owner of the keep(siege),ecc.
Guildmates should protect the guild keep against other guilds or AI mob invasions(elite,champions,legendary,ecc).
6) legendary weapons more approachable.
7) others maps for wvw. underground keeps or flying keeps omg.
new siege weapons like siege stairs or siege towers,ecc.
8)new skins.
ps : also bug fixes lol.
so,could i use Bagh Nakh and Vine of the pale tree rings at the same time,right?
hello,i have dropped in fractal 2 rings,vine of the pale tree…
the problem is that i cannot equip all two rings at the same time,bug or i can’t equip 2 similar rings?
Hello,in your opinion which is better?
Rune of Divinity
12% dmg
60 power
60 tough
60 regen
60 prec
60 cond
60 vital
ruby orb
12% dmg
120 power
84 precision
I want only to see your opinions,nothing more,nothing less.
You shouldn’t take into consideration the amount of gold you need for the divinity.