Showing Posts For Insanity.5174:

Season 3 worst season so far

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


I must say the current season is the worst season so far. Instead of long loss and win streak it is like W W L L W L W L W L WW L L etc. You never get any streaks because it is always 50/50 win rate.
It also doesnt make sense that L L L W W W is worth more than W L W L W L. Completly arbritary.
It seems other people have the same problem, because I keep meeting other people who were legendary in s1 and/or s2 and now stuck in W/L cycle in saphire, too. Several people from friendlist also have the same problem.
If you make us 50/50 win rate again like in season 1 at least give us the -3 to +3 pip system back, because this is utter garbage.

alt+f4 for 3 pips and unistall for 5 pips.

Actual honest question

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


unbind your dodge

hahaha +1.

Nerf Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


condi warrior is perfectly balanced and if you aren’t able to fight them,is because you are just bad and need to improve your skills

Discussion: the trait system

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


-8 days .

Amulets by Class

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174




mesmer is PERFECTLY fine right now.

Sounds good!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Insanity.5174



Most Difficult Base Class to Play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Insanity.5174


I think genji is the hardest.

Reaper - GS should be invulnerable

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


It should be invincible,not invulnerable.

Season 3 - News on Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


When fractal dungeons will be reworked?

New Progression Titles

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


I have 1kk wins, which title for me?

RIP moa on core mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Should be 40 sec cooldown imo.

infinite dodges?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Yes it has infinite dodges.

Direction of PvP Team & Balance Team?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


I think Anet did an exellent job for pvp balancing in these years. So many builds,so many people playing it,so many maps and pvp modes. Exellent job anet, as always !!!!

Did anyone lose respect for Argi?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


do you know when Jormag’s loot will be increased?

Can we change back to the old leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


they won’t change it because anet always sucked ducks.

Future of SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


100% underwater esport map coming soon.


Why can't we have Spirit Watch in teamq?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


why not skyhammer in teamq?

Because unlike the other maps Sky hammer does not promote build/team diversity but instead promotes pure knock back bunker builds.

oh ty i’d never get that.

Why can't we have Spirit Watch in teamq?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


why not skyhammer in teamq?

Future of SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Dude,they don’t give a duck,really…let your hopes go away,they have never cared pvp lol and they won’t.
2 years that ppl say the same things,no new game modes,the class balance is a duck in the @$$ and bla bla,nothing changed because they don’t care
Just play the game how it is and enjoy.

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


2 months,well job.
Sure,so in this 2 months you can gather player feedbacks and throw them away like always,i like it.

Future of SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


I really hope they will put a new game mode like a conquest mode,i’m so tired of the same 1v1,2v2,3v3 and 5v5 arenas,guild vs guild and so on.

Fractals - You Finally Broke Me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Insanity.5174


ppl still doing fractals?

Perplexity Runes in PvP, PLEASE NO

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


gj anet .


in Elementalist

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Wait, isn’t the big PvP patch coming the 18th anymore?

nope,because 18th is too early to release something and they don’t want to fix the meta after ONLY 9 months of kitten.

Lines of CC / warding no limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Insanity.5174


line of warding so kitten ed op.
line of warding new meta incoming.

OP? Put stability on then see how OP it is.



in Elementalist

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Apocalypse = global destruction
Elepocalypse = ele destruction

I see it in another way,again with unbalanced things,again with the op specs for another 4-5 months then again another big update with unbalanced things,op specs and bla bla bla.

Glory booster circular logic

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


The Anet logic is horrible. “We told you we’d be getting rid of glory, so you should have used those boosters.” So, what, I should quit my job to use up the 50-some hours worth of boosters I have left? I don’t pvp enough to use the amount of boosters I have. Throw a dog a bone and give people something for the boosters. Why does Anet have to be so lame about compensating us? It’s not like it would kill them or the game balance to throw a little glory on our stack for each unused booster.

mods,could i +1 this guy or i get infraction poins?

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


For a second I thought we went back in time pre-PAX where everything was:


But it never did. And it never will because if you want to balance a game like GW2, you need constant updates that make small changes which are then adapted to and if found broken/OP, fixing them.

@Lordrosicky ^this.
they are doing only this big update with all unbalanced things,if they don’t try to do how this guy above says they won’t fix NOTHING,NOTHING OF NOTHING.
imo they don’t want to balance,they want some classes to be used…
warrior is useless?perfect overbuff warrior.
necro is useless,perfect overbuff necro.
ele is now in an awful spot? perfect,overbuff ele and so on and on and on and on.
if their philosophy of balancing classes won’t change we will have always the same 2 classes overbuffed, 4 class in medium spot and 2 classes in an awful spot. they have taken 4 months for fixing the sigil of paralyzation,hey but wtf? it’s bugged fix it immediately not after 4 MONTHS.
ppl don’t trust devs anymore,you can see in every thread every day,skyhammer stupid kittenty map won’t be removed,spirit watch the same, 4vs5 won’t be fixed, they don’t care dude,the $ are in pve not pvp,just remove pvp from the game and update your lovely living story that won’t add NOTHING to the game.
got also an infraction points for saying “when balance notes?” but wtf,we only want to know when this patch will land and what it contains,are we asking to land on mars in the next week?come on.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


This feature patch may or may not be awesome but that doesn’t matter if you continue this trend of months long pauses between balance updates. Balance in PVP is everything. You’ll never get true balance but you can try to balance it often with small adjustments. Waiting months and months for ANY balance changes is infuriating.

try to understand them,they need like 1 year to change a cast time on the pin down or changing a number in the healing signet or switching some traits is too kitten ed hard

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Oh look a bunch of useless PR answers. What a surprise.

as always i would add.

Lines of CC / warding no limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Insanity.5174


line of warding so kitten ed op.
line of warding new meta incoming.

dis is a stik up

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


Gief us da feacha patch or we gon tie texbi to tree.

ai quot iu .

Where Did Everyone Go ?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


mostly quitted because pvp sucks really really really really…

…really hard…

Anet please fix Warriors....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Insanity.5174


why nerf warrior? they are perfectly balanced. cough for a skilled player that can use only 1 button cough

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


It’s not really going to be like that. Everythings getting new crazy stuff, I am just personally overly hyped about the Ele changes. Honestly I see every class being in a pretty good spot. It’s hard to tell what is going to come out of the build. Hence why we’ve kept the balance changes to a minimum amount.

No offense but or this patch will be a complete revolution (No IA builds, no spam dodge thief or #3PW ftw, No God War, noproccondrandombuilds, ecc.) or your sentence “very class being in a pretty good spot” is based on a balance perpection that is vary far to be real and that caused the desert spvp status we have now.

Probably you missed a lot of builds/variables for the simple reason you can’t test alone everything (=this game needs a server test) and there will be always, for this patch too, “the OP build for 4 months min”

Want to bet?

just see what they will do to the war and necro : only 8% nerf healing signet, 5% damage taken from minions,etc.
i don’t understand why people are continuing to trust them…
imo the balance patch will be after the END of the second WvW season,i bet 200golds that we will have this patch in june.

Ah,last thing,from what they are saying,the patch seems completed but they don’t want us to give them feedbacks about it lol,like always.

(edited by Insanity.5174)

Opening Chests after March 18th

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


glory booster, naturally

oh god,i’m crying.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


no one believe devs anymore,they are only hyping for NOTHING like always.

hey we have some crazy stuff :

ele perma immune to conditions,perma regen.

warrior perma immune to damage and conditions.

thief can damage while in perma stealth(no revealed debuff).

engi perma knockback/knockdown/pull foes.

guardian perma unkillable also in a 5vs1,20vs1 etc scenario.

necro,no matter what you do, it just spams all the conditions in the game with infinite duration(you can’t clean it).

ranger 1 1 1 1 1 1 like always.

mesmer no clones limit.

Next RU: questions for Allie

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


balance patch,when?

Diamond Skin, Too Powerful

in Elementalist

Posted by: Insanity.5174


diamond skin is surely op…“omfg i can’t hit an ele for 1,5k,omfg,ele so broken op” yeah guys,l2p pl3x.

Again: rewarding newbies, punishing veterans.

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


They simply don’t give a duck about pr0 or old players,they only want to push ppl to play spvp…but the only thing they’re are doing atm is to upset people with balance problems,skyhammer,spirit watch,blablabla, the same bla bla bla since 9 months…
relax,they won’t fix a duck as always…relax and enjoy the meta builds.
warrior is op? perfect,play warrior.
thief is op? perfect,play thief and so on…
why should i be upset about being permanent-oneshotted by a pistol whip thief when i play my ducking ele?np,i’ll play a wp thief too.

imho opinion they could remove glory points,ranks,and so on,the pvp is dead and they could simply delete the heart of the mist from the game,why should we play a game without rewards,skins,and so on for a 1,5 year with the same game mode,with the silly balance lol? just remove pvp from the game and gj,we will have only pve contents every 2 weeks with bugged boss,bugged events, all ducking bugged cause every thing they are doing isn’t tested at 100%…but HEYYYYwe will have a beautiful living story,YEAHHH!!!!


(edited by Insanity.5174)

Balance Patch - Changed Your Mind about 8%?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Insanity.5174


we have nerfed the passive by 8% but at the same time we have buffed the active,when you’ll push it:
- you will go in stealth for 5 seconds at the end of the stealth you fear(6secs) foes and if you break the stealth you don’t get revealed.
- steal 5 enemy boons and grants them to allies and you.
- transfer 5 condis to enemy foes.
- 125% bonus damage for 6 seconds.(maybe we will increase to 150%)
- torment,confusion,burning,chill,cripple and fear for 8 secs to foes in a 750 radius.(unblockable ofc)
- 99,8% chanche to trigger lyssa rune when you heal.
- active heal : heal you and your allies for every warrior in party :
1 war heal 7k
2 war heal 10k
3 war heal 15k
4 war heal 20k
5 war heal full life.
- if you get interrupt while healing you will moa enemy foe and steal them their gold(5 sec cd,unblockable ofc).

fear will be no more breakable by a condicleans or stunbreaker.
signet cooldown reduced to 10 secs.

lose the gold stealing part and you got a pretty legit possible patch note…..which is just sad….

oh, for thieves lets give Backstab a 2x damage coefficient, make it hit max damage regardless of where it is hit, have it have a 3% extra damage per each 1% of hp missing on the enemy, and have 150% extra damage on targets above 90% hp.

Hmm, im still not happy, what if blinding/evading/dodging an attack from thief didnt reveal them, also, lets give them an ability that applies a blind every second so that nobody ever have a chance to do everything, negate 5/8 downstates oooh and maybe all ranged autoattacks should also apply blind through this field. Also lets give them plenty of condition cleansing and health on stealth, and give stealth an almost 100% uptime so that it is fair. Lastly, lets make stealth not be broken by anything, and by anything we I mean nothing at all, not even skilful AoE or skilfully aimed CC. Hmm, am I missing something? Yah, lets give them plenty of teleports which break stuns and give them unparalleled damage vs other glass cannons. We should combine it all in a weapon specc, yah, that should be balanced

maybe the gold stealing is a bit op so when you get interrupt you will moa your foe and reboot enemy computer.(cd 5 sec)

Balance Patch - Changed Your Mind about 8%?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Insanity.5174


we have nerfed the passive by 8% but at the same time we have buffed the active,when you’ll push it:
- you will go in stealth for 5 seconds at the end of the stealth you fear(6secs) foes and if you break the stealth you don’t get revealed.
- steal 5 enemy boons and grants them to allies and you.
- transfer 5 condis to enemy foes.
- 125% bonus damage for 6 seconds.(maybe we will increase to 150%)
- torment,confusion,burning,chill,cripple and fear for 8 secs to foes in a 750 radius.(unblockable ofc)
- 99,8% chanche to trigger lyssa rune when you heal.
- active heal : heal you and your allies for every warrior in party :
1 war heal 7k
2 war heal 10k
3 war heal 15k
4 war heal 20k
5 war heal full life.
- if you get interrupt while healing you will moa enemy foe and steal them their gold(5 sec cd,unblockable ofc).

fear will be no more breakable by a condicleans or stunbreaker.
signet cooldown reduced to 10 secs.

Re: Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


How’s about you just play an Elemantalist in soloq`s for 4 hours. I am sure you will get a feel for the issue.

Bingo !

  • Do you main Thief?
    I main a thief now,rerolled from ele,ty anet.
  • When do you feel that Pistol Whip is unbalanced? (scenarios would be great)
    Is unbalanced because it stuns,evade,huge ammount of damage,low initative cost all in one easy skill that can be spammed.

scenario :

ele : what a beautiful day,i’m capping this point after i have killed a war.

“hide in stealth” thief : this poor ele is going to die.

thief : azaratrat —> pistol whip--> steal—> quickness—> immobilize. spam = win.

ele : duck you,motherducker,hax,thief op,low skilled,brainless,3 3 3. “this ele will reroll thief or quit the game”

thief : quack quack i’m superpr0skilledthebest.

  • How does it feel unbalanced compared to other class mechanics?
    How does it feel balanced compared to other class mechanics for anet?
  • What would you do to change Pistol Whip to better fit the class/game?

When pistol whip is attacking someone the thief will evade,if the thief is spamming the skill and isn’t hitting someone it can be hitted. In this case spam = death.

Or Each time you evade an attack in pistol whip you consume 1 initative.

but anyway no one of our feedbacks will never be implemented in this game,so you can close the thread.

Buff ele sustain, and nerf their burst damage

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


ele is fine, high damage = low survability.

nerf thief’s evade.
nerf warriors.
nerf ai build,spirit ranger,mm.
nerf condispam.
lower some stupid long cooldown like arcane shield,mist form and armor of earth.

puff,ele in meta.

The positive thread

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


91. please stop introducing some new stuff in pvp every week,i’m so tired of these frequently updates and please stop adding new skills and traits.

92. best balance team ever, ty for doing so much for us <3.

Questions about Glory Removal go here

in PvP

Posted by: Insanity.5174


why can’t i trade my 500 glory boosters into dyes,too hard?

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Insanity.5174



I don’t care about other classes.

(what if) Anet said: What would you change?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Insanity.5174


1) reduce the long cooldowns on skills :
- arcane shield 45 seconds.
- armor of earth 60 seconds.
- Ride The Lightning revert immediately the nerf.
- improve focus skills.
- glyph of storms 40 seconds :
earth,bleed and blind foes and give stability to allies.
water,chill foes and heals allies.
air stun foes and give them weakness, retaliation to allies.
fire, good damage + burning to foes,fire shield to allies.
- glyph of renewal break stuns 120 seconds cooldown.
- arcane power 30 secs cooldown.
- lightning flash break stun again.

2)rework traits :

fire :
- flame barrier.
- burning precision,each time you give burning to foes you and your allies gain 1 might stack,no icd.
- sunspot more damage + burning.
- fire’s embrace, when you use a signet/glyph/arcana you rip enemy boons and burn foes for the duration of the buff ripped.
- one with fire when you give burning to foes you remove his boons 1 sec icd
- rework fire shield in general.

air :
- Zephyr’s speed increase speed in and out of combat or replace this trait"when you attuned to air blind nearby foes".
- One with Air,it’s not a bad trait,need only a longer superspeed duration 3/4secs.
- Inscription when you use a glyph you heals for x and gain boons bla bla.

earth :
-elemental shielding reduce aura recharge by 20%,each aura you active it gives 3sec protection.
-earthen blast , blast finisher + 3 stack of bleeding or torment.
-geomancer’s freedom decrease the condi duration and should give regeneration or protection.
-diamond skin 70%-80% of life immune to conditions,or conditions duration on you decreased by 50% or more,or you are immune to condition when attuned to earth.

water :
- shard of ice is useless no one use it. create a water field when you drop below 50% can be blasted only 2 times and last for 3 secs. icd 30 secs.
- stop drop and roll 5 sec icd.
- powerful aura master trait.
- healing ripple should be part of the class and shouldn’t be a trait.

arcana :
- merge arcane mastery + arcane energy. adept trait.
- lingering element reworked or replaced with elemental attunement.
- arcane precision 50% of chance.
- arcane retribution useless.
- elemental surge increase the immobilize to 2sec from 1sec.

3) do something to conjurer weapons and signets.

conjurer -> engi’s kit,easy.

signet better passive and better active.

signet of water passive cure a condition every 5/10 secs.
signet of water active immune to conditions for 5 secs or remove 3+ conditions from you and your allies.

signet of fire passive increase condition duration by X%.
signet of fire active damage and burn foes for every boons they have, for example 1 boon = 500 damage etc, 2 boons 1k damage,etc

signet of air passive movement speed 25% or more.(break stun)
signet of air active create a blind field like black powder.

signet of earth passive decrease condition duration to you or convert X% of precision/tought/vitality/etc to condition damage
torment,bleeds and immobilize your foe.

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Insanity.5174


anyway i think these changes will affect ele in the best way….ele will never die in a fight because no one will play an ele.

anyway,imho warrior is not balanced because it hasn’t got the stealth.

omg,so win.

Thank You Kindly ANET

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Insanity.5174


20 x Pristine Fractal Relic = Token for the Skin you want,so easy,problem solved.
But Hey!!! they haven’t done it for 1 year and more and they won’t do it,ty anet <3.