it actually blue screened me when i was waiting for tequatl :X
Too bad for us, european players… Was a time we got updates just after dinner. Now midnight is coming
It’s a shame indeed. I’ve spend all day at work and figured I could get some patch in before bed. But its simply an issue you cant fix by moving it. Push it up a few hours and other people might be in the same boat. All we can do is sit and wait. Then buy a literal ton of candy corn to get fat off.
are we talkin metric or imperial here
An Imperial metric truckloadgrams. AKA valve time triangulated.
Too bad for us, european players… Was a time we got updates just after dinner. Now midnight is coming
It’s a shame indeed. I’ve spend all day at work and figured I could get some patch in before bed. But its simply an issue you cant fix by moving it. Push it up a few hours and other people might be in the same boat. All we can do is sit and wait. Then buy a literal ton of candy corn to get fat off.
I see your list and agree heavily with it. Introduce it into the NPE around lvl 30 and make all mobs higher than 30 use the enhanced AI.
Seeing elder dragon champions on their side while “stunned” wouldn’t be a bad addition either.
If you want some more things to add to the list I’d be happy to write some down :p
That argument also doesnt have much weight. The towers and keeps have champions in them aswell. And there is a worm boss and a harpy boss to the west and east of each borderland. Not to mention the bosses that spawn in EB. If anything you could say it stopped the actual active karma trains in WvW, opening those up for competitive WvW. Which would also be the reason they separated Obsidian Sanctum from EB.
Just because PvE players use EotM doesnt mean its not a WvW map. Im pretty sure when they implemented it they didnt intend on the karma train. It’s in its own right a very interesting map that would be fun to play WvW on.
Speaking of karma trains. How is that different from WvW atm. All i see people doing is following the zerg from map to map and the occasional roaming team.
EotM, bloodlust shrines and new traps. Give it time, they are working on it.
You can also have somebody “taxi” you into the living story instances. No rewards for completing them though.
I really like the sandstorm from dry top and it made me wonder if we will be seeing more of that in newer areas when they become available.
Stuff like lower gravity during brand storms, pitch black nights in underworld or something similar would spice up the area variety a bit.
Aren’t you ALWAYS red in WvW? I was under the impression that it changed your UI to reflect that, no matter which server you were on. So, your server is always first on the list, under Red. Then your first opponent is in the Green, and your second opponent is in the Blue.
Is this incorrect? Because I can’t remember a single instance of being in WvW where I wasn’t red.
Nope. Desolation is blue atm. Which is where i am stationed. Colour changes randomly when the rounds do. You might just be having a red period.
Open world dragon would be pretty nice to have in between seasons. A whole area dedicated to “weakening” the dragon who would once every so often “wake up” to fight the masses. I’d still like to have the dragon there AFTER we kill it though.
first thing i did when the patch came through was use my tomes to get a lvl 80 and see what the rewards are. Its all stuff like that. The only plus is that you can put the gear into the forge. There is 1 soulbound exotic weapon and 3 armor pieces. Just have to keep the level of those in mind though.
It is amazingly stupidly annoying to sift through these items if you are doing it in one go though.
I personally think the patch would be solid if not for one thing. I know I am beating a dead horse here but I cannot stress enough how awkward this level gating is for alts. I know alts are completely optional but the only thing that is keeping me interested in between living story releases.
As somebody who has leveled characters to level 80 over 15 times now. Please dont make it harder than it needs to be. The weapon slots were fine as was and i still think utility slots should be unlocked from the get go.
But those are my two cents.
Thanks for all the stuff you added but I think a break from the game is best for me atm.
You are right, they are a company. Because of this we are also not their friends but paying customers. As paying customers some people might feel jaded by the changes that deminish their fun in the game.
This patch did some things right but also ruined most of the leveling experience.
I dont get annoyed quickly but these equipment pieces you get are getting on my nerves.
Granted i used tomes and scrolls to get to lvl 80 in one go but it baffles me that i cannot merch or salvage these items. A minor complaint maybe but why make it so we can only forge or delete these items?
For those interested that dont already know.
The rewards include boosters, dyes, crafting mats, runes and various pieces of armor (including exotic). and a single ecto at 69. Nothing really worth going through leveling up again but nice for newbies either way.
Morning lads.
I was wondering if there will ever be a rework of arah story mode. The thought crossed my mind that in order to fix the Zhaitan fight they wouldn’t really need to change anything other than adding a final phase to the fight on the “lair of the dragon” or something similar.
I imagined a fight where you would fight each of the heads individually until only the main head remained at which point you could deliver the killing blow.
Seeing as it has been my main disappointment with the personal story I’d be very excited to see changes to the final boss of the personal story.
Remove the +5 stats and the ability to use any mini from the wardrobe and it would be an alright suggestion. It would be nice to upgrade minipets to have a bit more customization to them.
While they are at it add the permanent contracts. These things would be worth getting for us with a good amount of alts. Specially considering the price attached to all of these tools.
I think there is a good chance underwater combat will be revamped eventually. Possibly adding more underwater weapons or adjusting the skills to do so. Looking back at before launch the underwater combat was one of its biggest features.
Underwater combat simply isnt good enough with only 2 weapons to choose from. Your skills are limited to the class you play and even then there is little to no variety in them. I think the guardian has the best balance in terms of skill variety but Thief’s 3 on spear is very satisfying to use.
I hope there will be some attention paid to that when we are finished with maguuma.
That would be great. Use the small green dots for allies in wvw.
44 toons here, 18ish lvl 80’s. and let me tell you that the problem isnt moving rings around. eventually you will have enough sets for each toon if you keep doing fractals and guild missions. The problem is the abundance of stuff you dont use.
PS: I only just realised you were talking about the actual ascended armor sets.
They are kind of meant to be a gold sink, giving you free copies of the one you have might be a welcomed convenience but its also one people would be able to pay for.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Add appropriate rewards first to Tequatl, then buff the other bosses. If I have to endure huge zerging, lag spikes, low FPS and DCs I don’t want to be rewarded with few greens and occasional gold.
I think Tequatl has pretty good rewards. You get 1g guaranteed for 10-15 mins of actual gameplay (not counting AFKing), and normal world bosses require the same amount of time from your side. You get pretty much karma, usually 2-4 rare items, maybe an exotic on every second week and still have a chance for ascended chest. When I do Tequatl, there is always a guy on the map who gets a pink container, so theoreticaly you can be the lucky one one day.
Yes, I would be happy for more loots too, who wouldn’t be, but let’s be fair, Tequatl is already in another league concernin the rewards than other world bosses (Karka Queen included).
I agree. We should be getting the others onto Tequatl’s level instead of just putting all the loot in one event.
Well, if Shatterer was to be made into another Teq/Wurm, that would be another boss off my list. It needs to be a scary monster by itself, not a set of complicated mechanics demanding a VOIP organisation.
Some of us want the world bosses to actually feel like something the world has to come together to do.
Where as others want a nice epic experience that doesn’t stress them out too much.
Maybe we could do both? First i thought 2 out of 7 days a week we would have the strongest version, then I thought about guild mission exclusive versions bad ideas. But what if we just use the current version with a slight buff as a pre-event for the reworked shatterer?
We kill the shatterer (same rewards?) and follow it up with a post event which leads up to the reworked version. Im just throwing stuff out there atm.
Do you guys think that there’s a middle ground between ultra hard and easy?
For example, I think we could clean up some of the issues with the Shatterer and just make it a more engaging experience. So rather than spending the entire fight hiding under his right paw he could, say, turn his head and attack that area? :] It doesn’t have to be hard, just a little more involved.
We tried to put in a few changes here and there when we added the new world boss timers. Reactions varied.
No offense but the new boss timers that came with the feature patch (april) were pretty bad. 3 spawns per day wasnt the best idea. The current timers are working fine however and i really hope you dont change them too much.
As for Shatterer, Crystal Prison AoE attacks maybe? Standing in one spot for too long should be risky. And as there are no “cleansing turrets” like there are with teq people might actually get out of the way of those.
Other than that i dont really want to suggest any more since the ideas arent really well worked out.
1000 keys? 20 minutes each key with no breaks would be 334 hours which would be 3 key runs per day for just under a year, spread over 2 years would be a key run or 2 a day. Possible certainly but I personally would shoot myself before I did it.
I believe the guy did 500 in the period the style kit dropped from the BLC. Which was about a month.
As much as I want harder content, I do not want it at the expense of other content. If I had a say, id say for a new hard boss and leave this one as is.
This. We do not want Shatterer to become a ghost town like what happened with Tequatl.
Tequatl’s only a ghost town if you arrive five minutes before the show. Show up around 40 minutes to an hour before and you’ll land in a map that’s organizing.
Yep—hanging around for 40 minutes or so is just soooooooooooooo much fun.
A new boss fine/ but sick of a few ruining the fun for the many with suggestions like buffing bosses.
I’ve gotten in with 15 minutes to spare before so I dont see the problem. At the moment these bosses are just punching bags without any depth to them. Might aswell smack the golems in the PvP Lobby.
You have to remember we have been punching that bag since launch and just want it to feel like we aren’t just doing the daily grind punching them. This doesn’t mean the bosses wont be fun, it just means you have to put in just a little more effort than before to get that loot.
As much as I want harder content, I do not want it at the expense of other content. If I had a say, id say for a new hard boss and leave this one as is.
This. We do not want Shatterer to become a ghost town like what happened with Tequatl.
Have you been to Tequatl lately? I wouldn’t ever use the term Ghost Town for sparkfly when Tequatl arrives.
Shatterer definitely needs some kind of buff to both difficulty and rewards. I feel like the Shatterer also needs to use the crystal prison attack more often and on more people.
While we are at it. Claw of Jormag.
So I’ve been playing gw2 with rather poor fps since launch, certain updates increased my fps slightly but I am looking to get around 60fps in just PvE. Atm im stuck around 10-25 fps depending on area and its just getting old now.
Unsure of what to actually upgrade for guild wars 2 I decided to ask here.
I bought the current rig before launch specifically for guildwars 2 so I’d rather not make the same mistake again.
Motherboard: Rampage II Extreme
CPU: I7 940
Graphics card: Radeon 5970 HD 2g
3x 2g of corsair ram (not sure of other details)
I’ve tried all the options provided by support and the community. CCC, Core unparking, etc. So upgrading specific parts is the only real option left to me.
I know some cards will work better than others but i am looking for an upgrade, not an alternative.
Any advice and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Purple Zenith Weapons incoming!
You guys were right, I logged in this morning to the sale and was able to spend my gems just fine.
Currently on 44 slots. Thanks anet for that sale. And hope you all bought a ton of slots.
No idea how to lock
I was checking the Gemstore and noticed that I couldnt buy any more character slots. I am currently sitting on 26 as the cap was 64.
So far mordemoth has destroyed atleast 2 waypoints. Imagine having to run everywhere if he gets them all. It’s the most effective way to threaten me personally. Walking, right when the waypoint price is cheap enough to not care due to inflation.
Thats quite intresting actually Edmo. Thanks for pointing that out
The preformance issues with GW2 go back all the way to launch.
In the first year I’ve send support a ticket which basically ended up not really helping much. Half thinking about sending them another one.
After all the suggestions to disable crossfire X and to unpark cores, I didnt notice any increase in FPS from them.
Some setups just dont work well with gw2 for whatever reason.
I really hope they are still working on this problem.
Proc: i7 940
Vcard: radeon HD 5970 2g
Mb: Rampage II extreme
Ram: 3x 2g Corsair
FPS: between 10 and 20 regular game (It used to be below that but a patch a few months ago did something to increase it) 14fps or lower in dry top.
I am looking for a guild who’s main focus is to do large organised events.
Some examples would be the Boss Blitz meta event and Tequatl.
I will only represent during these events since my social contacts are in another guild.
Anyone know if this had always been personal story lvl74’s loading screen?
Regardless does anyone know what is supposed to be shown here? I’m not sure if thats supposed to be a risen krait or toxic.
If you have any other pretty cool loading screens/concept art i’d like to see them.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
i dont even have them. I would like to buy some but cant seem to from TP.
Mystic forge, Aetherblades and the Aetherblade jumping puzzle chest give them.
They could have told players to hang onto them in game through story dialog/mail instead of getting people’s hopes up. How hard can it be to just add a vendor though?
I completely understand them not adding the merchant yet. IF they have plans for a specific thing later that’s fine. But for the love of god say something instead of leaving us to dry without any word on what we are even waiting on or how long it will take.
I love it. Another suggestion I could give since we already have achievement tabs for most bosses. Put their timers/activation in there with the option to add it to our watchlist.
All they really need to do is just tell us what they are intending to do and/or when.
“Dev will be announcing more on that later.”
Nothing is required but anything would be appreciated.
This update basically forces me to wait in sparkfly untill a guild spawns tequatl. The advertised hours fall on 11:30am, 5pm and 3 am for me. Which means im either at work or sleeping. This mixed in with the fact I tend to have to wait a hour in advance to even be in sparkfly main practically takes the content away from me completely.
I’ve seen posts about joining big guilds who will have the resources to spawn these events. But there are a few problems with that for me aswell. Most guilds have zero tolerance policy on not representing. Which basically means id have to leave my guildmates behind. Ontop of that i’d also have to find one thats willing to do it in the timeframe im able to even play.
Relying on early days and days off isnt exactly optimal either.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Working as intended. I dont really know what else to say to that.
It would be nice to finally have that long promised word on what and when they can be used. I think most of us were expecting at least that much from this patch.
Renown Hearts, Jumping Puzzles, Mini Dungeons, Event Chains and more.
Does anyone else feel like these activities are fairly under rewarding? Especially considering how rewarding events like Tequatl and dungeons are. I’m curious to see how you guys think about this and what you would change if anything.
I personally feel like Jumping puzzles and Mini dungeons could use a unique skin drop much like the champion bags do. With perhaps an ascended version with a particle effect much like tequatl does, although im not sure if the grind would be a good thing.
But i’m bored so lets talk about it and maybe find a way to populate these events.
Each pair of wings is an owl. I found that out while trying to kill it.
Not sure how it happened but if i had to guess its that they got stuck on the event that’s in the screenshot.
(wasnt sure where to post this. Just an amusing thing)
I am quite confused at the moment aswell. Maybe we could get a more detailed recap of what is actually happening to the town clothes specifically and why?
Has anyone ever touched on the topic of the exposed leyline in this area? The part where random creatures spawn into existence much like they do at the reactor.
Further more I’ve noticed that magus falls appears more detailed now.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Opening stacks are mouse killers… What we should ask is why there is no “Open ALL” option on these…
It’s definitely something that would help me as well. I cant click a whole stack due to health reasons so I’ve bound the mouse key to multiple keys on my left hand. It’s however very awkward and I’d really appreciate an option like this.
Id just like to put it out there that i actually like the Skyhammer map. I’ve only been able to play it a few times sofar since it rarely ever comes up in tournament rotation for me. I might not be a heavy pvp player but I also feel that if you dont like the map rotations why not join a player made server that doesn’t have Skyhammer in it?
I dont understand why people want content removed simply because they dont like it.