The viewpoint drop is imo one of the better changes to the black lion keys. Mind you myself and several people i know have gotten one to drop within the first 5 keys. (2 for me)
This combined with the outfit dropping from keys pretty easily aswell makes the black lion keys worth buying for the first time since launch. Wardrobe unlocks are a welcome common drop and the other utility drops now actually have a use.
If you have trouble with this change please fully realise that to get black lion keys you can map complete the new maps with ease. Keys are no longer as rare as they were. And to buy 5 keys is still cheaper than buying the outfit which you have a very good chance to drop from those keys.
I hope for future releases that more of this kind of content is added but not exclusively so seeing as these teleports and scrolls are slowly adding up to half a bank tab.
Blade Shards.
Mystic forge crafting materials (stones, crystals)
Gifts for legendaries and the materials used to craft them:
- gift of exploration
- gift of Battle
- Algamated Gemstones
guild weapon specific ores
Reclaimed Metal Plate
Agony Infusions
Edit: And could we please get another tab for stuff that is being suggested but obviously doesn’t fall under crafting materials. A tonic tab/consumables tab would be greatly appreciated.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
I’m glad these issues are getting fixed. I’ve gotten 1 free contract and spend 5 on nothing thanks to these bugs. A really annoying thing to keep in mind when opening stashes.
I love the DBL but I havent been able to enjoy it much because of population issues. Id much rather see a rotation than flat out removing the DBL. Alternatively keep the DBL as an optional map like Edge of the mists.
Defending needs to be more rewarding. Atm reward is tied to if you have an arrow cart or not. player loot.
Proof of heroics needs a change. Soulbound “currency” like that just takes up space on too many characters.
Edge of the Mists should be looked at again, objectives like the statuary are hardly if ever used. These objectives should function as an advantage rather than another “node” to flip.
WvW could also do with a reliable way of getting ascended armour. A bunch of Proof of Heroics and some gold for example. Seeing as armor rarity does affect performance in WvW I dont see why its still gated behind rng and crafting when WvW provides those materials so scarcely.
And if you have room for a 6th “minor” thing: Have the WvW rank bonuses converted to the mastery system.
definitly feeling the same. I got not a single shard this week (havent bothered to do any kills because of it)
It has indeed been removed without any official notice. I think it has to do with changing the gifts this year.
I was confused about this aswell. It seems kind of wierd to remove such a big sink for snowflakes when the supply is at an all time high.
Silverwastes. Try the upside down boat
This is horrible for more than one reason. It sucks twice as bad for people who actually went out of their way to donate for these boosts.
Ontop of that; why make it a consumable in the first place, instead of a passive buff? This whole enhancement system needs a rework!
So it has come to the point where I just feel really bad for players in our guild. They can donate whatever they want but cant reap the benefits of it. As far as I am aware there is no warning of this ingame.
The Arena cannot be entered by Core Players. Something that really bummed out some of the players that went out of their way to donate. We just kind of accepted it because it was a new feature.
The real problem are the Guild enhancements. Stuff that used to just be passive boosts for the entire guild have now been turned into consumables. This is really annoying for alt’o’holics but the worst part is that if you dont own the expansion, you are locked out of those boosts.
EDIT: just saw this thread.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Just putting my grievance here with the rest of you. Crashing specially during larger events. I havent been back to teq since the third crash.
The elite spec only goes in the bottoms slot. the one with the golden rim.
This book discribes the 6 gods but claims dhuum was the god of secrets on the last page.
It has gotten to the point where it made me think the druid auto attack was actually OP until i read the posts. I was doing way too much damage on celestial than i should. I really hope the maguuma goes back to being a hostile land rather than a mild inconvenience.
its not live just yet. give it a bit.
How did you account for the guild missions in pvp/wvw when it comes to match quality. The current explanation sounds like the dailies which draw focus away from the matches, granted in the dailies it is a minor objective quickly obtained but the weekly guild missions sound alot more invasive.
Not sure what happened but atm EU ip is bugged. Slashclaw and shadowstalker wont advance and there is a line of human characters to their side.
Wasnt this supposed to be fixed or is this a whole new bug?
I started to wonder today on how the devs actually complete this content. What strategy did they have in mind when they created the content. Stuff like the claw of jormag seems to be cleared reliably by stacking. Shatterer is so easy I would like to see what they wanted it to be like.
what do you guys think?
I forgot about the WvW exp bonus. Its a shame they dont stack with the other boosters. As for what tommy said, Thats exactly the problem im having. I just dont want to sit there afk pressing a timegated item just for some boosts. I really hope somebody with a means to change it had a look at this.
Guys, this item isn’t meant as a way for you obtain perma boosts whenever you want while bypassing the gem store. It’s not designed to be convenient. It’s just a fun item that gives you something to do with your candy corn and happens to occasionally reward you with a boost.
The amount of candy corn required to get a boost at all is quite high. No way is a permanent boost viable even if it wasnt capped to a few hours. Besides whats the point of getting a boost if you cant use it. by the time the queue finishes your boost will expire and then there is still a match to win.
Remember this was a gemstore item. Its not like we got this for free on a whim. I have never used it past the first day and todays patch. Just because its a complete inconvenience to even do so. We arent asking for the world. Keep the RNG. But atleast fix the way it consumes candy corn.
I have a few requests about this item.
With the new boosts 50% reward track has been added to The gobbler but it is not useable in pvp lobby. This feels rather bitter considering the pvp track booster is the only reason i started using it.
Secondly, the item has too much of a timegate in between uses. By the time i get the booster i want half of the time on the previous instance has already expired. Can we get a 1s delay or less please?
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Personally I wanted 1 of each class in each race for the racial skills and flavour. But now I’m thinking at 46, i might aswell keep going.
And I didnt know they raised the cap to 67, that pretty much seals it for me. Im grabbing the slots
I’ve been going through the motions and basically running dry of enjoyment of the game. So I decided to see if I can surround myself with people still fresh to the game.
Preferably I’d like to play with new players willing to use skype, however TS will work as well.
I can run anything you want anywhere you want.
I am active mostly during the weekends because I do work during the week days.
I will not 100% rep considering I have a guild i do guild missions with. you are free to join me on those
Wisper me “ixillius” if you are interested.
Will we ever see a raise in the cap of bank and character slots? Specifically the character slots. I am thinking about capping my character slots but I feel like doing so would just shoot myself in the foot later. Seeing how we got free slots with HoT I dont want to be in the situation where I miss out because I chose to buy them at an earlier time.
(edited by Moderator)
Its still possible. just hug the left a bit more.
It’s really time to add the ability to throw exotic stuff in the forge for other exotic things. The exotic minies from the jewel boxes are worthless atm, it’d be fine even if the results were account bound aswell.
During the first instance of chapter 1 in season 2 you fight off the inquest and the path into dry top opens up for you. going through this portal takes you to the silverwastes however. I tried this on a human engineer who had unlocked the wp near the silverwastes entrance but had never entered yet. Nor had he entered dry top yet.
No idea how to make thumbnails here so have this link instead! Hope you enjoy.
edit thanks I didnt realise i needed to keep editing to add more pictures.
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Oh god I forgot about that. the first toon i tried it with had a grenade pack. I didnt spend long on it! XD
The only downside is that Aegis and Retaliation along with the swiftness lines ruin the experience a bit. Having to sheathe my weapons after each shout on my guardian.
aside from that. I love the changes!
I think its great they will give me tomes every month just for logging in. I love me some tomes. Its basically a rework of the dailies and wont really impact that much. Yes its obvious they want us to stay but at the end of the day it doesnt really affect ME aside from some more loot.
Ontop of that we dont HAVE to log in each day, i mean the 1g isnt really worth logging in daily for. Its nice for us that do. But if i was tired of the game i wouldnt care about losing those rewards any more than missing out on laurels and AP from dailies.
Heres the list
Exotic account bound armor from Personal Story for alt leveling.
Tonics and potions for dungeons.
Food items for dungeons.
Black lion chests, keys, boosters and mystic stones.
Gemstore armor skin pieces and living world skin pieces.
Mystic forge materials.
Black lion Salvage kits.
WvW bleuprints.
Geodes, Crests and foxfire.
The accountbound stuff to make Mawdrey. Including the time gates mats im crafting for it.
Recipes I havent decided a character for yet.
lvl 20 scrolls
lvl 20 scrolls These need to stack
Tomes of knowledge and mentor books.
Ascended rings
Ascended armor boxes
Ascended weapon boxes
Account bound exotics
Adventurers goggles and masks. to be crafted together later
Pristine fractal relics.
Black lion Scraps and tickets.
Ascended mats that wont go in the material tabs.
Food craft items that wont go in the material tabs.
Agony Infusions.
Unidentified insect fossils.
Blade shards. Oh so many shards.
Toys that came with black lion store outfits.
Instruments bought from the black lion store.
Candy corn gobbler ofcourse.
Custom arena tokens.
Then we have ascended mats that drop like water during a hurricane.
Overflowing mithril, wood and leather.
And all sorts of other stuff I like to keep just incase I need it someday.
@SKATE: Actually, they put back the guild bank access from the guild registrar.
While the pack rat in me agrees with you all, there’s a reason why game design restricts the amount of stuff players can store. Put simply, the more players are allowed to store, the more they will hoard. This can then lead on to flow-on effects where instead of selling their loot (especially things like raw materials), players will simply hoard the stuff instead of putting it on the market. This increases scarcity and prices, and while it’s good for TP flippers, you can probably imagine the rage it would create for the average player when there’s simply no supply of the particular skin or material they want on the TP, because someone always buys it up the moment it goes on sale and then hoards it for a future time.
If thats the case then why do we still have 64 character slots. Each character with 100 slots gives you 6400 slots to play with in total. The bank tabs only provide us with 30 slots. It’s useless to account for TP players since they theoretically have infinite space to hold their wares. Ontop of that most tp players dont hold onto items for longer than a day.
All I need is more tabs to keep everything organised. ATM im having to push everything together. I prefer to keep a tab for my Mawdrey pieces. Unused skins. Ascended loot I not yet have a purpose for. Specially with living world now tossing all these crests at me which I am saving for later patches. Space is limited. But the loot they throw at us gets more numerous in in type and volume.
Ascended mats and alternative currencies, stuff you want to keep a hold of but are as common as dirt.
If not more tabs to store it in why not put the currencies in the wallet. That would at the very least solve half my problem.
I’d be willing to pay 200 more gems for bank tabs beyond 12 tabs. Just saying.
From what i’ve heard. yes.
Taxi’ing over my post from the discussion forum.
Please give us more tabs to buy in the gem store. The current rate of new loots and stuff i want to keep is too high for me to keep up with.
“So with the addition of more loot types I am personally running out of space to dump my stuff without disorganizing other tabs. 44 characters strong and capped on bank tabs, I cannot possibly hoard anymore loot. Even though I desire to do so.”
You dont have to call me OP. Just call me Ix
And will do thanks for the advice.
I have 1 of each in each race. It was simply something I wanted to have. Since I didnt care much for the legendary I was free to pursue that goal. I also have 4 mules with random professions. It is also fun just to see how certain traits work with the racial skills.
Left. It simply looks better.
I completely agree on the permanent services. Its supposed to be an item of convenience but to us alt’o’holics its just a hassle.
Definitely when i do decide to do so. but untill then its easier to just double click to put them in the bank. (auto stacking ftw)
Because with 44 toons i might wanna use em that and its a bother forging em every time i do teq for instance. so im gonne just sit on em untill i reach a stack of 1 and then forge them all in a big ball of forgy glory.
I could. But id rather just have more bank tabs. i love bank tabs. Bank tabs are awesome. You can put stuff in them and use a search bar. One of my tabs has all my major sigils in them. Another one has black lion stuff in it. Yet another has living world stuff in it. Its all neatly packaged but i need more. MORE!
I dont want to switch between accounts and i already have a guild bank :p
So with the addition of more loot types I am personally running out of space to dump my stuff without disorganizing other tabs. 44 characters strong and capped on bank tabs, I cannot possibly hoard anymore loot.
Cmon. Increase the bank tab limit baby. I buy your gems! scratches fanatically
(edited by Ixillius.5768)
Superior Rune of Hard Mode (6/6)
(1): – 100 Vitality
(2): – Apply 6 second of Poison to Self when struck (cooldown 6 seconds)
(3): – 200 Vitality
(4): – 5 levels (scales to area)
(5): You cannot see clearly (drunk’o’vision)
(6): No endurance gain.
Can only be applied to Level 75 Armor.
I think these would be alot more immersive if the dragons didnt just stand there like they have just given up on life.
Having them fall over with a few different dps spots would be a big improvement.
They are meant to be dangerous yet it feels like you are hitting a puppy that just got scolded.
Imagine seeing Teq trying desperately to get back on its legs on the last dps stage. Now that’s a kill i can get behind.
So me and a friend finished the content and decided to go for a second try. but the moment “fix” patch happened our loot chest keys vanished.
Anyone else missing keys?
It’s a shame the Gramophone is so silent though. I was thinking about using it while telling SPOOKY STORIES FROM BEYOND THE MISTS!© OOOoooOOoOOOooooo~ waterphone