Showing Posts For JGBarbarian.3579:

Lord Faren/Lady Kasmeer

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


Lord Faren is one of my favourites, too bad none of my human noble toon survived this far
Still I think Faren should remember a player character who is already past his chapter, a small line at least like “Hey friend”, and something more Faren like if the toon is female

1 last item: feeling demoralized

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


3/6 objects, since finding those were not fun I left those for last and thought they would be there until the next event

Braham the Norn

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


Anet you had to put that comercial and politically correct detail dont you? I saw that coming from the first time I saw an image og Eir. Meh…

Braham the Norn

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


I’m very upset w/ their decision to make him Braham Eirsson… I just finished the current living story quests involving him; but I feel like they should have never existed. It made it seem like his “legendary” father (which there’s 0 lore about ANYWHERE) took him from Eir when he was a baby or at least very young. What has me confused about this, is the fact that Eir acknowledges him as her son. So his father took him to the village in Wayfarer, died, and Braham was raised by villagers/shaman. So Eir KNEW he was there, but chose to not raise him. This seems rather ridiculous; as w/ the lore we have of Eir, she could NOT just leave her child. Look how hard Snaff’s death hit her; she just doesn’t seem capable of that. Which genuinely makes me very very upset as she’s my favorite NPC character; but this makes her seem like an unfit mother, and in general just an overall bad parent.

Agreed, Eir has a grown up son she never even mentioned before, and don’t seem to care about. She was also one of my favourites but now she has fallen pretty low on my list.
Oh and to me Brahan looks ok and unique (which is good) but I would not use his hair or weapons on my characters (too big and decorated), his armor maybe, but the medium norn T2 look way better in my eyes.

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


I could write a book on why I dislike the new AC, like helping lvl 80 elitists or forcing players to play a specific role etc and why. But if any of you Anet guys are reading this all I want you to know is that AC was fun to me and now it is not. It is content you are taking away from me, not because I could not manage to succeed in it, because I did, but because it is not fun. FUN (do you guys remeber when you cared about doing fun content?)

Filled my screenshot folder...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


I currently have 24 folders of nearly 1k screenshots each, moving them everytime is not fun but at least I am forced to have them somewhat in order

Norn Ranger?

in Norn

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


A lot of responses thanks.
Basically I just wondered if a Norn is very keen on hunting, which means killing animals would he or she fit being a ranger who uses animals instead of killing them

Carter, a lot of hunting in real life was and still is done using animal companions like the dog. In medieval times for example the nobles used hawks, so dont feel bad about using animal companions to hunt other animals.
Also as a sidenote, all norn characters you create of every profession will be hunters. Warriors, engineers, elementalists, all of them hunt, but in different ways.

Norn Shape shift Problem

in Norn

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


Racial elites are only to be cool on open world pve, Anet made them inefficient on purpose so that people dont choose races based on skills. My source are various interviews but im not going to search them xd.

Dungeons are great, Anet - Don't nerf them!!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


Agreed, people needs to change their way of thinking that 5 player dungeons are easy prerequisite for the “elite content” (raids). Here in GW 2 “raids” happen all over the game in every lvl and 5 man dungeons are the actual “elite content”.
Go to them when you know what you are doing.

Mesmer's condition damage

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


The staff causes burning and bleed, and bounces too. It is also kinda tanky because of the boons and defensive abilities.