Lol it wasn’t a Valentine thing, we were just dancing :p got tired of trolling SF XD
I saw a Anet player on wvw Saturday, maybe a sign that they are looking into our problem. Hope i don’t jinx it.
What server? Eredon?
Nope, she was on Ferguson :p she was a low level Necro, too bad she was running with Krak. Made our server look like idiots. Who trys taking tower opposite side of you way point, before taking the first one?
I saw a Anet player on wvw Saturday, maybe a sign that they are looking into our problem. Hope i don’t jinx it.
Your not the only one with the problem, doesn’t matter if i’m with a 30v30 zerge or roaming, the lag is unbearable.
Too the people replying “No matter what you’ll still remain in Tier 8” I think most of us in our servers would be fine with that. As long as the matches are fair, and ALL 3 of us deserve to be there, as it stands SF DOESN’T belong here. They’re a Tier 6 population at least, all we want is for Anet to make some adjustment to the math that’s keeping them here for so long, they’ve clearly demonstrated they’re superior in numbers, so why do they have to remain here so long?
I love you SF so don’t get the wrong idea.
P.S If your going to leave troll comments, don’t comment at all.
(edited by Jesse.4631)
Funny enough i had the same problem with the same guild, it was a Necro though, i killed him while experiencing major lag, then i was killed after his 5 team group revived him :p then he danced on me. Funny how they think its adequate to dance on an enemy, when i was outnumbered.
Update 2/7/2013:
We’ve been keeping a very close watch on this week’s matchups and, despite our concerns regarding the recent population shifts, it seems that many of the games are quite competitive. At the same time we’ve been evaluating some possible changes to the math we use to calculate ratings. After examining a number of new methodologies for weighting the outcomes of matches we have found that our existing formulas already do pretty much what we want them to do. Certainly none of the candidates that we tried yielded better results.
In light of the strong community response to the idea of a WvW ratings reset, the results of our ratings formula investigations, and our data on the current matchups we have decided not to reset the WvW ratings at this time. All existing WvW ratings will be preserved and the rating calculation methodology will remain unchanged. Any existing mismatches should be corrected by the system in relatively short order. Now that there is less volatility in the player base for each world we expect the quality of matches to improve more quickly. This is both because the rating system is operating in a less unpredictable environment and because more stable teams tend to produce better results.
Thank you all for your feedback on this matter, and for your patience while we explored the various options. The community response was a key element in our decision making process.
This update has also been added to the OP.
So basically the games that aren’t competitive can go screw them selves thank you Anet, always screwing the smaller populated servers.
(edited by Jesse.4631)
Ignoring all the JP comments since i don’t do them. SmilingKnight can we duel I’m a thief from Ferg, i just want a friendly competition.
Nope, i think we can hold our own with a tire 7. Fergusons has great players, we’ve just had the bad luck of being outnumbered 1v10 every match up
Yeah i have done these fixes too, i used to get the same problem when the game first launched then it stopped, now its back again. Don’t know how many times its gotten me killed. The game is unplayable for me.
Wow Ferg’s what happened to you? Did you guys suddenly choose to be dbags? I’m visiting ET for a week and was doing EB JP and you guys love ganging up on ppl there even when they respectfully bow. Especially that Charr from the guild SIKE. I’m so dissapointed, respect has been lost for some of you.
What are you talking about, we have the same problem with people from SF and ET camping ever JP and ganking our players. Don’t make it seem like our server is the only one that does it.