If you must land it the proper way, then the answer is yes. with steal its pretty much the same thing as pressing Bulls Charge (CnD) – Frenzy (Steal) – 100 Blades (backstab), wich requires the skills that a monkey would be able to learn. sure you can see the warr coming if you wanna use that as an argument, that why you blind side people. when i see a thief in the far distance coming and popping venoms, over wich button do you think i will start hoovering my finger? it begins with S and it ends with Tunbreak
Cool, actually a reason to buy The Hunter for my Warrior. Runes of the Ogre and i can call myself a ranger when it procs haha
The balance thing is pretty simple, new players get crushed by 100B and everyone else has the easiest time in their life killin a glass GS War. Therefore a GS War is never balanced, hes either OP or UP.
Also, 19k HP and 1166 armor is ridiculosuly squishy.
Not Really, 19k hp and 1166 is well above avarage for a thief, dont forget thieves have the lowest base stats in the game and are in the same boat as ele and guard excep they cant roll in their water fields to top them selfs off again or play a block spamming spec.
My elementalist has 15k hp…
I know how it feels, my thief was already in full PvP Vigil Garb before i even joined the order in ‘PVE’
It took me some time to get used ot the idea that PvP and PvE are completely seperated and when i enter the mists it now feels like im sending my character into another dimension, wich i now think is really cool btw haha. Atleast i could show off my pvp titles while levelling to show that mny character was a seasoned vet dispite being low level :p
As far as i know, only the necro is lackluster in the stomping /reviving department, the rest of the professions has one way or more. But youre not completely useless as a necro atm, ive been feared away from teammates that i tried to revive quite a few times.
Also if you think that burst reigns supreme, youre dead wrong. I play both thief and warrior in a bursty spec, yup. thats what they are good at. The Thief is actually my least favorite class due to not being able to mitigate any damage whatsoever and needing to exclude myselfs from the battle if things go wrong, wich basicly turns the fight into a 4vs5 for atleast 20 seconds or even worse and a sure death for my teammate if we where already outnumbered. Also, my warrior doesnt use a rifle. i’ma super squishy Dps Warrior that has the role of doing the damage in a tPvP, landing my 100blades and whirl wind attack on people after i hit em with a stage 3 earthshaker and my hammer CC is my only means of defense besides a free endure pain at 25% hp (doesnt help against condi’s, so i still die vs condi specs) and i actually have balanced stance my #9 slot (stability) its pretty much a must and part of my survivability. Quickness is a part of the build, but guess what, its not used for dps or stomping.
My main is an Elementalist actually, if you wanted to know. This character feels about 3x as strong in terms of defense and i just tear though all those squishy burst specs with my condition damage. Mistform and Earth Armor are my bread and butter spells for stomping and has bagged me many 1vs2 and 1vs3, i really wish my warr or thief where this good. My Elementalist also doesnt use a Rifle by the way.
(edited by Kousetsu.1627)
What? im still having a blast on my Ele.. and 80% of my time is spend in pvp between the thieves and the mesmers..
Looks like you just need to spend some more time with your characters instead of being blind.
i play thief / mesmer/ warr / ele / engineer
Warrior is my favorite one, though im not even traited for vengeance. ofc im not gonna prolong a pointless fight where i cant kill my enemy but when i do see that i can pull it off i charge at and em pop all remaining cd’s, often killing them when they are already downed with a frenzied 100 blades and go like ‘Yeah, Ef you buddy’ as i drop dead next to them lol
Ele is my second in line since the downed state boost, its litterly from zero to hero and when im on the raid on the capricorn i always try to die near the water when mid is ours, fun to jump in the water and try to get a revive or rally when the sharks omnomnom them.
Thief is my 3rd favorite, the teleport in combination with the stealth has saved my life in both pve and pvp but those moments i can actually count on one hand. versus the avarage pvp player that has done pvp for more then a few hours, you do nothing but waste time / annoy them. stomp is often ineviteble, unless you get a lucky rally so u can pop your Hide in shadows and flee or jump back into the fight. (often its just flee)
Least favorite is actually my mesmer, basicly its kind of the same story as the thief. sure you might fool a new player with a clone but sooner or later (ussualy sooner) they will get to know that the mesmer you must stomp is the one with the big honking red arrow above is soon-to-be-corpse. the rogue does nice damage but when it comes of c’d for use, i ussualy get stomped 1 second later. wich is fine and balanced i suppose, but mesmer really feels like the most inable class to escape in both pvp and pve, but i must admit it has also teleported me to some spots/ledges where the enemy coundt stomp me. (Bushes in front of the keep on Forest)
(edited by Kousetsu.1627)
Well on the warrior its not that hard. frenzy, shield charge, enemy gets stunned, switch wep, 100 blades and whirlwind attack in the direction he’s now fleeing.
Can remember a screenshot of a warrior doing 28k damage with this combo in sPvP
D/D took me forever to kill stuff at lower levels and when approaching levels such as 35 and the push to 60, switched to S/D and that was alot better, or well, maybe it just fits my playstyle better. when farming events its pretty much always the staff.
Spvp screenshot’s are not really a proper gauge imho, sure ive played 500+ hours by now, but ive seen all combinations. Team Mesmer, Team Guardian, Team Thief, Team Ele, Team Ranger. I was really dissapointed in Team Mesmer btw, here i thought i could relax one game and let them carry me but we got our kitten handed to us with 39 – 500 lol
Thief is pretty mediocre in that area, most stuff is 30 to 60 sec. the elites are abit longer ofcourse, daggerstorm is 90 sec and thieves guild 180 if im not mistaking.
My Mesmer had decoy and blink on a really short cd, around 30 seconds. my feed back is 45ish or so. depending on what map i play i switch feedback out for nullfield (also around 45ish) and/or blink for portal (60 sec)
Backstab thieves ussually take two signets and two venoms for might stacking, allowing them to do their most lethal backstab every 45 seconds, then they have nothing left so abuse that.
(edited by Kousetsu.1627)
Pretty much that, the signet fires a blind at your enemy, wich counts as an attack. use the signet on a neutral mob and see what happens
wound’t be suprised it if was bunker engy, bunker guard and bunker necro lol
I just have a level 10 Thief, but half of the OP’s complaints are whining plain and simple.
1. Improper rendering leaving a character in stealth who should not be.
2. Being able to stay stealthed for longer than say, 20-30 seconds, on general principle and in regards to controlling points in particular.
1. Stealth rez/stomp. Elementalists have mist form, a couple of bubbles, sustained blinds, and invulnerability, all of which can be used for a rez/stomp. Other classes have stability/stealth/invulnerability equivalents. Heck, if I’m willing to spend a utility slot on it (my main is an Elementalist), I can rez a player from a distance and teleport him to me, or rez him at full health, or rez three at once.
2. Backstab complaints. Unless it falls into culling/rendering issues, working as intended. The Thief class is about ambush, burst, and stealth. The entire class is built around the burst mechanic, and has a boatload of stealths and teleports specifically for this.
I’m not sure I’ll ever have to speed and control setup to play a Thief well, but I’m very intrigued by the class and having fun (at level 10).
You’re getting nerfed in several days. I hope the nerf will be hard enough so you can see what it actually means to be balanced and “working as intended”.
Thief is ridiculously overpowered. It’s not even fun to play, no challenge at all.
Too much personal QQ, its becoming quite clear that you just want to see the class ruined and dont really care about game balance. at all.
Next time just count to 10 when you get outplayed instead of showing how butthurt you are about the thief
CnD Stomp doesnt work with spirit weapons as far as i know, if the spirit weapon has already targetted and damaged you, it will find you in stealth and knock you away.
they dont last very long though, if i can afford it i just switch to my shortbow and do some trickshots to prevent him from healing or pop daggerstorm, then cancel it with my weaponswitch button and stomp the guardian, this way his aoe knockback wont affect you aswell and you can stomp right away, but 90 sec cd and no daggerstorm is quite a high price for stability. but yah, if its the difference between a win and a loss, then its more then worth it
Downed state love it, dont want it removed
OP +1
Classes dont need to be rebalanced and possibly ruined, just change the cap mechanic.
ive had ppl doing then when i was about to stomp, i even play an ele lol i have to work hard for my kills XD
yeah its funny because backstab isent even the most op thief build. those guys give up everything for damage.
the future will hold thiefs that are comparable in toughness and vitality to guardians, rival necro’s in terms of condition damage, pretty much cover half the map with caltrops whenever they dodge roll, keeping everyone on your team crippled 24/7 and they most likely will gain a swiftness on dodgeroll, so they will still be uncatchable. daggerstorm will make its return into pvp and thiefs will run multiple stunbreakers.
and that just the most “fair” build for your oponents, cant wait till the dazelock QQ begins ‘OMG Theif killed me i could do nothing back pls fix anet’ =(
(edited by Kousetsu.1627)
2vs1 impossible because of downed state? you play a class/build/weaponcombo that has no cc whatsoever or stability? lol
same goes for stunbreakers, i see so many ppl die in cc when you can have 3 stunbreakers in total in GW2 lol. thief can have like 5 if he wants
I play Thief and Elementalist
On my Thief I (ussualy) have no problems dealing with Ele’s
On My Ele i never have a problem when dealing with Thiefs (unless im already tanking 2-3 ppl, then 2 more thieves jump in when im at 50% hp or lower in full power/crit builds while my cantrips are on cd and just go 222222222 spam for those massive heartseekers and still so 2 – 3k damage per hit even though i have 2269 toughness lol)
So i guess its true half of the time
yay shark nerfs
Edit: Ps Mr Peters, i never found Raid on the capricorn an atrocious map, i actually liked it but not having sharkbites as topping damage in my death log would be a welcome change indeed haha
Grats, so now you have the build and the rotation. Good luck trying to pull it off vs a team that doesn’t have their heads up their kitten and focus you as soon as you appear in the fight. We need big damage and to be as slippery as a rat without any means of mitigating damage or excessive control like you saw with wow rogues
Hardly a instagib at all thus… If thiefs really instagibbed, all they needed to do is steal to you and you’re down. Since the meaning of instagib is literally one hit and you’re dead.
The steal, c&d, backstab combo doesn’t instagib anymore unless your enemy is a glass mesmer. A warrior does the dmg as our combo with 1 skill, 100 blades.
Also, phaeris, who are you talking too?
Well, if you think that thief is a two button class, by all means, create one and jump into tpvp. It took me a few good weeks to get on the level I’m at now and still people can outplay me quite easily if they know the thief class a little. The problem with thieves is they are just too predictable atm cause you either go backstab or condi/caltrop.
My guess would be because a mesmer needs time to setup wich can be tricky with burst classes
I understand where you are coming from Eon. But I just wanted to say about Initiative, that its a double edged blade. While other classes can blow 3 – 4 cooldowns, switch weapons and blow another 3 – 4, thief is the only class that has to manage a resource wich incurs a ‘cooldown’ on every single weapon skill you have, no mather what weapon you switch too.
You know that its pretty much a fluke to take a thief into tPvP, right? And it takes alot more kitten skill to pull off a decent thief then be a ‘skilled’ mesmer or warrior :l
Yeah and heals for the same amount as 1 engineer healthpack lol
Nope, it was there allright in the patchnotes, the changes to shadow refuge. it was bugged before and fixed so its now working as intended and now its blatantly overpowered?
And? No leveling or gear barrier in sPvP = all scrubs trying the supposed fotm. When they realize it’s not what it’s made out to be they go back to failing on their mains.
i only said nerf because when you see that the signet went down in power maybe people’s reaction will be negative at first, but it a fix yes. needed? not really, it wasent the instagib fest people made it out to be but still, me likey this ‘fix’ =)
Oh the times i thought i had a free stomp on my thief, only to be knocked away or killed while i was in stealth.
Good thing i almost never PvP without my brother nowdays, i do the destroying and he stability stomps anything i leave behind, gotta love guardians haha and their low cd stability, wich lasts like 9,5 seconds the way hes traited and runed. i believe its called ‘Stand your Ground’ or something
(edited by Kousetsu.1627)
quick copy pasta from the pvp forum but i wanted to give my feedback here aswell
Just had my first few games of Spvp after the patch and i just wanted to give my feedback on the new version of Assassins signet. i’m loving it, not only will it be viable to use for a pistol whip or heartseeker build, but for people who ran fairly balanced backstab builds this is a great change too.
With my build i never go over 10k anyway, but now its alot easier to keep the pressure going since i got my signet for 2 more cloak and daggers and two more backstabs or just some nice extra damage for the next 4 heartseekers im going to spam.
a nerf? i would even go so far as calling this a slight buff! thank you Anet<3
Just had my first few games of Spvp after the patch and i just wanted to give my feedback on the new version of Assassins signet. i’m loving it, not only will it be viable to use for a pistol whip or heartseeker build, but for people who ran fairly balanced backstab builds this is a great change too.
With my build i never go over 10k anyway, but now its alot easier to keep the pressure going since i got my signet for 2 more cloak and daggers and two more backstabs or just some nice extra damage for the next 4 heartseekers im going to spam.
a nerf? i would even go so far as calling this a slight buff! thank you Anet<3