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Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


This one made me giggle, a teef that died to a single lb2 cast when he came to my homepoint and was put in a wolf fear without using any cd’s whatsoever.


Best Class for me? Reccomendations please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I dont find it very diffucult as well, its just something you have to do, while on my ele, thief and warrior i dindt need to deal with such a mechanic, so it did took a while for me to get into it properly.

Best Class for me? Reccomendations please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Rangers have a higher skill cap later down the road and if you “couldn’t kill crap” with a thief only up to level 7 you may find a ranger is far too difficult to play.

wut? o.O Ranger is second only to warrior in it’s simplicity

Ranger skills are simple in design yes, but its the way you are going to play in PvE in you want to run the cookiecutter PvE build. Basicly you need to get good with sword and half of the time it roots you etc, so you need to turn autoattacks off and truly master its attack chain if you still want to be able to dodge a big hit. Bow is only used to put #5 down and #2 on CD, the rest is all melee. You dont have to do this on other classes, since none of the autoattacks root you.

[Personal Story]Gate Under Construction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Level 60 Personal Story where you need to recruit a Norn fighter or Charr Engineers

Picked the Norn because you can never have too much Norn in your life.

However the route goes via an Asura Gate that is under construction, resulting in a very long travel time.


2 slots, 3 traits

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I use EE for single target and PA for multiple targets, depends on what im doing.

How will the expansion affect PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I dont think the new specializations will be a upgrade over the profession it used to be, more like a sidegrade/alternative way to play. So i dont think its like buying your way into power.

Even if several new specializations found their way into the new meta, people will still play ‘oldskool’ ele/engy/thief/guard if they are just too good to give up/provide an excellent team role.

My guess is that for spvp everything the new expansion will offer, like the new profession and the specializations will be available in spvp, just like how everything was made available at the launch of gw2 for spvp. perhaps we will need to buy it with skillpoints/gold just like the latest GM traits/Ammies

ranger daily day: 24 hours of pure crap

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


just log your engy. warr or dps guard

Thief stealth mechanics flawed.

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Because its dumb to use, why nerf yourself in damage AND put a Utility skill on CD, just to get a BS off?

Do Arenanet read these?

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Imho for an MMO this is one of the most balanced games i played and i think anet nailed it spot on.

Sure some classes might have a little extra here and there, but how fun would this game be if you could just walk from point to point without a care in the world, knowing that there perhaps might be a fight, but youre not in real danger anyway.

Thief stealth mechanics flawed.

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


so please educate me, im a mainly a ele player now, but i have over 600 tournament wins and over 80 QP from paids, wich are 80% won by my thief.

it just sounds incredibly dumb to first stealth yourself, precast BS, steal, risk getting revealed while the cloak and dagger, steal, BS combo has like a failrate 0% if your target isent dodging around AND will do more damage, because of CnD.

but yeah, giving up your stealth heal or refuge right away sounds like a pro tactic to me to. /looool

but by all means, nerf it. It will not affect how thieves function or play right now.


in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


If youre a Casual and youre getting destroyed because your have a reactiontime of 1+ second, then im sorry, but you just need to step up your game or get farmed. its really that easy.

Balance Chill for Thieves Too!

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Chill a thief whos spamming heartseeker into you and lol your behind off..

Thief stealth mechanics flawed.

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Legit mechanic, all classes can do this who have a teleport ability. on my Ele i always port my 10k churning earth on top of unsuspecting players with lightning flash. on my mesmer if sometimes port myself on top of my target for a unsuspected quad shatter.

trebuchet still not fixed

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


ya im having treb issues too, i always have to circle around it before my damage actually starts connecting, sometimes i cant even select the treb as a target

Combo fields: why aren't we using them?

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


There is no real teamplay or necessary team composition. There is no need to use combo fields, it’s yet another fail from Anet. Combo fields are just ignored.

Speak for yourself bro

Anti-fun gameplay

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I’m ______So______ glad this game doesnt have any dedicated healers. Tol Barad with legendary Rogues on a killing streak while getting spamhealed by 4 Healers comes to mind.

Issues with Rangers UW downed Pet Heal

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Its not just underwater, i had a 1vs1 with an Engineer on my Ranger on Temple of the silent storm, both running condition specs and we both ended up downed on the point. I went down first and then him a split second later, then a few moments later a random enemy thief comes running in and begins to autoattack my toon, only to realize my pet is doing a pretty good job of rezzing me en then quickly proceeds to stomp, yet i do manage to get revived just in time while the engineer was still dpsing me lol. I still lost because thieves have that ‘Press 2 for 10k dmg’ button, but oh well, as long as they dont kill ur pet, ranger downed state is actually pretty damn strong atm.

Guildwars 2 pvp vs dragon nest pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I dont think DN will be a game for me. GW2 Warrior’s who chain the cc from their hammer on me are already driving me crazy as the loss of control feels like an eternity, never mind what you see in that video lol

Stealth Stomps

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Its fine by me. Every class has abilities to leverage the downed state mechanic in their advantage, mostly through stability or invulnerability. Thief doesnt have this, that why they have a alternative mechanic. What you say might be true for hot join, however good players will always recognize a stealth stomp on a teammate. Guardian for exampel is impossible to stealth stomp right away due to their knockback and on my Ranger i have on demand quickness every 15 second with petswap wich allows me to get the stomp 100% of the time before the downed person can use their interrupt on me.

How exactly do you stop a mistform stomp? garantueed stomp for the other team if you dindt start rezzing the downed played right away, but im cool with it. Mistform has a long cd and if he chooses to blow it on a stomp, then he will miss out on it in the next fight.

(edited by Kousetsu.1627)

Thiefs are totally balanced in WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


thief was probably wearing lvl 68 blues as a 80, backstab does 30k damage according to the ppl here on the forums.

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


P/P is probably the worst thief weaponset out there and can only do so much before you run out of initiative, sure its nice and bursty when you have initiative, but compare pistol autoattack to ranger autoattack and i think the ranger would be the winner in this.

Just a normal day in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Well lets say you have 12k hp like my Ele (though i have 3300 armor with Rb up), that still leaves you with 6k remaining and enough time to pop your heal and make his heartseekers ineffective and then the tables ussualy turn, in my favor.

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


on the melee i can agree, but thief arrows hit for like half the damage a ranger longbow can do at max range. condition damage is only high when they play a condition spec, otherwise just base condition damage.

Yet another Underpowered class

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I’m playing this build now on my Ele and its pretty lulzy in Spvp i must say, sure you die sometimes when you get focussed but for ez kills and glory farming its pretty good haha

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


But you have a pet!

Just a normal day in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Glass Cannon’s complaining about getting two shot by another Glass Cannon’s.

the fact that you took a 9k+ heart seeker shows you had zero defense.


It's Hard To Believe But...

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Agree, getting my thief to 80 was one of the most fun levelling expriences i had so far

Map-Stuck is back

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


What’s a Furtif attak?

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


To my own observation yes, ive met more condition thiefs in spvp and tpvp since the november pvp update then backstab thiefs, if there where any thiefs at all in the tourny.

Right now the ranger seems to me like a Ranged / Support Dps character, wich isent really needed in tpvp and spvp as you stated.

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Lots of thiefs play without stealth, most of the condition ones use shaman’s amulets and signet of malice, including me.

Also, the Ranger seems more like a Wilderness Traveler/Druid then the stereotypical WoW Hunter to me.

Dont get me wrong though, i woundt mind if it they gave Rangers things like flares to reveal stealthers or improved stealth detection, it just doesnt seem to fit with the ranger.

Map-Stuck is back

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Yep, ive been dueling a Guardian friend on me Mesmer last night and it happened about 3 times where i got the loading bug. (just the two of us on the server) We both think its caused by pressing keys while youre in the loading screen.

Devs' I understand this is not a priority

in Charr

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Same thing for shields when you are wearing t1 charr heavy armor gloves. weird thing is this never happened to my charr guardian when i was wearing t1, but he has obviously transmuted the cultural pieces because he’s 80

Yet another Underpowered class

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


because thieves have two viable tournament builds and not all teams want a condition thief, that leaves them with one build.

ele has a staff, S/D and D/D builds that are viable in tpvp

Educate yourselfs please.

They all play support or babysitted glass cannon, one which is always in company of an engy or guardian.
Condition thief are well sought after, so don’t come telling people that thiefs are cornered to backstab build

Please tell me what server you are on, because on FS its pretty much burst thief or GTFO

Yet another Underpowered class

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


because thieves have two viable tournament builds and not all teams want a condition thief, that leaves them with one build.

ele has a staff, S/D and D/D builds that are viable in tpvp

Educate yourselfs please.

Thieves evading indefinitely under water

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Yep seemed broken when i first encountered this, however the answer has already been givin in the thread.

Shadow assault is melee so just back up a little bit and keep pelting at them with your ranged weapon (speargun/trident) the thief will have no choice but to stop evading and close the gap or use all initiative while doing no damage to evade your attack. the aoe damage shadow assault does will not be wide or big enough to cover the whole point so just skim around the edges.

also, if you have a sink or float effect, they cant evade through this and just lay it on the thief when he’s cc’d

I think Charr need more head options

in Charr

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Plus face number 2 still has this issue, at least for me. It’s not a huge problem but I notice it every time I log on. It’s like a different part of his body that has a mind of its own.

Yep, leaves a gaping hole in his throat too when the character moves his head. Reason why i deleted my lvl 44 guard and made a new one

Mesmer Los, my 2 cents

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


I Assume this is a bug, though i havent seen a 60% decrease on my Izerker, it seemed definetly weaker.

sPvP "gear" - Soulbound?

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


i certainly hope so, atleast for dual wield weapons that would be great.

Mesmer Los, my 2 cents

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


As someone who has played his Mesmer extensively, i can tell you that this change was kinda needed as it made the class pretty easymode to play, not even having to play attention at all to what your enemy is doing or what buffs he has up and if he doesnt react swift & accordingly to you while you ride them, then they will die.

Also dont understand why other mesmer players seem to think its fine to completly ignore game mechanics such as block, blind or los. all other classes have to deal with it, what would the mesmer make an exception? hell, ive even seen some threads about how phantasm cooldowns should be refunded if the attack fails. Should a warrior get his bull’s charge CD back too when its gets dodged? should a thief get his initiative back too when he heartseeker’s into distortion/block/whatever?

The Thief build we love to hate

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Ah well, i thought it was ok, since you took WvW as example too in your post. But you dont think the guy in the video has a point? a rightly build Warrior doesnt have to die to anyone, certainly not a Thief.

How can one counter a Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Thieves dont kill other thieves ingame. We give eachother a friendly nod and then go about our business of destroying the 7 other professions.

I feel like I've accomplished nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


You will be able too in a december update!

Wish i could do this on my Thief!

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Not too long ago i played another game where i could build my rogue exactly the way i wanted, my rogue was extremely tanky and hard to kill aswell as being nearly uncatchable with a blink +/- every 10 seconds. And i was abit disappointed when i tried to do the same on my thief, i practicly lose all my damage (not the end of the world, my rogue had mediocre damage too but that was not the point of the build) while i feel that the survivability i gain is minimalistic at best, now watch this video. Wound’t it be cool if thiefs could do similar with but with eavise attacks instead of blocks?

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Downed state Is kind of silly, imho. Specially If you are doing 1v1 fights. I mean, there’s no way a downed player can fight back and get back on his feet by yourself against one or two players… unless I’m missing something.
Now, since GW2 Is based towards teamwork and E-Sports… It adds strategy and makes you “think” between using a knockdown/interrupt skill on that guy who’s attacking you, or on the guy trying to finish that downed player a bit far away from you, etc.

Warrior, Traited Vengeance

Deleting Toon: What should I spend it's Karma on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


i bought salvage kits with a earlier toon i deleted, they are the blue ones though, that was the only ones i could findwith my low level toon

Am I Wrong? (I hope I Am!)

in Warrior

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Watch this video and see the true power of using different weapon sets, its abit melodramatic in the beginning but well worth the watch

Is this not broken?

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


No there is just simply far too much variables in WvW. Food, Gear, in the pasts the orbs (and they will come back in the future, they are being reworked i believe) where all the gear in S and Tpvp is actually normalized for everybody and you fight on even grounds, provided a better platform to work with. somestimes im at 20+ stacks of might in WvW and am hitting ppl for 5k – 6k clusterbombs because everyone is spamming their stuff like mad. the other day i was hit by an 8k blunderbus from an engineer in a jumping puzzle while i was afk. if thief damage is balanced or not, ill leave to that Anet.

Is this not broken?

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


If you dont understand why WvV is the worst example you can pick to balance on then there is no need to discuss any further.

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Ive seen that video too, thats why i main an ele now and managed to win a few 1vs2 – 1 vs3’s but no 1vs4 yet haha

Is this not broken?

in Thief

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


WvW is the worst example you can pick, the other day in the Eternal battleground jumping puzzle i accidentally hit an uplevelled mesmer from another server with my autoattack and that took like pretty much 1/3 of his health, two hits.